That was just her assumption, you can fault her for it. You're on your honeymoon, you're having fun, you're letting your hair down. It's downtime.

My mother was crushed by a World Enyclopedia.

I never knew a girl who was ruined by a book.

R.C. is amazing.

If you're there before it's over, you're on time.

They did nothing but put her in the same cabin that everyone had been complaining about and they closed the door and left her. They didn't make any effort to reunite her with her husband, who was either on the balcony or had just fallen off.

I've heard from vendors that the price is going up, but we don't want to raise prices during the holidays.

I think probation would have been a more appropriate sentence. I don't think the facts of this case call out for a period of incarceration.

Most anybody that came in contact with her has come to love her ways. They always give compliments to Miss Beasley.