Waiting is not an option for these people. Their lives are being wasted now.

James Mcgaughey

There are a number of families that are adopting technology just to run their lives.

Tony Perez

Textiles affect every part of our lives.

Blanton Godfrey

Clearly you shouldn't do things that are going to endanger people who are putting their lives on the line for your country - I think that is a reasonable demand.

Alan Rusbridger

For books are more than books, they are the life, the very heart and core of ages past, the reason why men lived and worked and died, the essence and quintessence of their lives.

Amy Lowell

We were promised a simpler life, and technology has only complicated our lives.

Freeman Thomas

Magic lives in curves, not angles.

Mason Cooley

Committed volunteers are the backbone of our organization. Lives are changed in this community because of their work ? what an amazing mark to leave on the place you live.

Kari Ridder

It has been a beautiful thing to see, the flags draped on balconies and cars, faces painted, the red and green of our cloth everywhere, ... I hope the Portuguese can keep the spirit up and lend it to their everyday lives.

Jorge Sampaio

In our faith, we attempt to live our lives as a prayer, always communing with God and looking at our activities and trying to determine how we could make improvements.

Jim Forbes

Collaborating together (with NATO) is the only way to save human lives and the peace in Kosovo.

Fatos Nano

Great men are little men expanded; great lives are ordinary lives intensified.

Wilfred A. Peterson

My concern is their health and their lives, ... These people have not been eating properly. I hope they are not drinking anything but bottled water. Disease, I'm afraid, is going to break out here.

Alfred Hughes

They have been so good to us, just like so many people. The firefighters were there when we needed them and they saved our lives.

Robin Sorrentino

You've got to lighten up because our lives are jokes, ... My whole idea is that we just have to accept the idea that stuff is going to happen. Life is humiliating and let's just have a good laugh about it.

Judy Carter

Weather makes a huge impact on people's daily lives, so it's important for us to provide Accuweather information around the clock.

Rebecca Campbell

All Officer Davis needed was a second and he lives.

Paul Walton

The potential for their personal lives entering in their professional lives is dynamic.

David Boreanaz

All the things you learn this week, try to take them and put them in your every day lives.

Chris Poulos

We celebrate people's memories here. We acknowledge death through the celebration of people's lives.

Ben Jaffe

Walking is important in our lives. You worry about such things as whether or not you can walk safely, or can you get your car to the driveway.

John Hatch

People's lives are freer and happier.

Liu Qi

We are really doing it to explore their lives and see if they are (harming) real kids.

Terry Jones

He lives for the challenge of conversation.

Lee Nelson

Each of these parents has felt a calling to help other families. It has become a driving point in their lives.

Brad Dennis

It really points out to government and hospital administrators that it's not all about financing. It's about people's lives, and it's the right thing to do.

Dr. Maurizio Miglietta

A light heart lives long.

Irish Proverb

They have known the military all their lives, ... This is what he wanted. He died doing what he wanted.

David Ford

Most women have men in their lives, and if those males are floundering in some way — if they are laid off at the factory or the son is acting out in school — it's upsetting.

Tom Mortenson

All of you here, and all of those who will see this movie, all of those who are out there trying to bring truth to all of us so that we can make better decisions about our lives.

David Strathairn

Western businesses have battened down the hatches -- I don't think their lives are going to be very easy.

James Cornish

They may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom.

Mel Gibson

Folks are trying to move on with their lives after a catastrophic disaster, and some are having more difficulty than others in doing that.

Libby Turner

It's saving a life. In fact, it's saving two lives in the name of love.

Paulette Chandler

It has a lace cap bloom that is not terribly impressive to me. I am waiting to see if the fall coloration lives up to its name.

Charles Parks

Teachers can change lives with just the right mix of chalk and challenges.

Joyce A. Myers

We center our lives around our faith, and we try to put God first in our lives.

Allyson Darnell

He was a good, good man, very involved in the lives of his two teenage daughters, ... He was a big soccer coach. His wife and family were number one.

Joseph Allen

There are just not that many things you do that so dramatically change peoples' lives. They recoup their lives, their families, their jobs, their self-esteem.

Lynn Sullivan

Our lives depend on it.

Ryan Carter

We're all concerned about it, and we're all sensitive to it, ... We do what we can to protect people's lives, but we protect their liberties at the same time.

Ted Olson

I truly hope that all the families involved can get their lives back on track.

Joseph P. Smith

If they can help find a way to stop these horrible diseases from taking lives early, then it's worth it.

Shar Henry

We're playing for our playoff lives, if you want to put it that way.

David Hobbs

He who gives while he lives, get to know where it goes.

Percy Ross

We talk to the kids for a few minutes about the piece and ask them what they see. Then we get them to compare the image in the piece with their own lives and ask them about symbols they see in it that correspond with symbols from their daily lives.

Ben Clark

People really should come because it's going to be the best experience of their lives.

Curtis Jackson

It was like we had known each other all our lives.

Chanita Olds

. . . men seldom risk their lives where an escape is without hope of recompense.

Fanny Burney

Some of us find our lives abridged even before the paperback comes out.

Berkeley Breathed

We hope a lot of people can join us in this collaborative effort to improve the lives of children in our community.

Carrie Zerafa

Sometimes we question things that we have done in our lives but how many times do we question what we haven't done in someone else's.

Ian Thorpe

Anyone who lives in the city has some kind of experience with that.

Brandon Phillips

Our goal is only to help them in their recovery effort, help them get their lives back, and yes it is political, because we should not have to do it. our tax dollars should be at work.

Malik Rahim

These locations are a legacy to my mother and my wife. They are great women and have done so much in their lives. They had it hard sometimes, so this is for them.

John Stacy

Learning disabilities cannot be cured, but they can be treated successfully and children with LD can go on to live happy, successful lives.

Anne Ford

A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on.

John F. Kennedy

Most of my friends between 21 and 31 are at different stages of figuring out what the hell they are going to do with their lives. It's a big part of our generation. What is the next step?

Orlando Jones

Because they're sponges, it's better to incorporate it into their lives now rather than change behavior (later).

Susan Ward

They're good doubles players. They've been playing their whole lives together.

Sarah Batty

We want to establish their behavioral patterns before they have Internet technology. Then we can see what happens after they get wired. We can see how their lives and household habits change.

Jeffrey Cole

Greeks use food for everyday gatherings. Cooking is a big part of our lives. We want to show people our hospitality.

Ioanna Hawkins

(From) the smiles on the kids' faces, you could really tell that you took them away from everything that's been going on in their lives these last couple of weeks.

Fred Hoiberg

He lives who dies to win a lasting name.

Henry Drummond

It was an excellent ceremony. I think it was very deserving of the people who gave their lives.

Jack Lynch

It is flattering to be mentioned in such company; However, it is more rewarding to know that so many lives are being changed for the better.

Joel Osteen

A lot of us have other things going on, ... but we put our lives on hold to help out a bigger cause, because we know this is more important right now.

Patrick Clark

Lives are changed so dramatically and so swiftly by violent death. It's a slow process to rebuild, and it's better when families feel that justice is done.

June Renfrow

They want to get back either home, or into a home, so their lives can continue on.

Ralph Johnson

I am convinced that it is not the fear of death, of our lives ending that haunts our sleep so much as the fear ... that as far as the world is concerned, we might as well never have lived.

Rabbi Harold Kushner

I have zero interest in how people decide how they want to spend their lives or in what they decide they want to champion.

Tony Domenech

My opinion is you want to save lives.

Alby Berman

We don't require it at the college level because not everyone is at high risk. Not everyone lives in dorms.

Dr. Marelle Yongue

It will have a devastating effect on values of homes and people's lives. You'll have semis going in front of million-dollar homes.

Penny Riccio

He basically lives and dies with (Wilkerson). He's on the computer every night checking his scores.

Greg Miller

Competition is no problem. We've been in competition all our lives.

Richard Adrian

We will teach those people a lesson in their lives, which they will never forget.

Hazem Sha'alan

We want to stress having balance in their lives and making good decisions off the field.

Dayton Moore

We've lost a daughter and we are really taking it day by day, ... Our lives will never be the same.

Victoria Snelgrove

This distribution, which saves some 12,000 lives a year, is the largest exercise in child survival in Nepal.

Suomi Sakai

A lot of girls were playing their last game, a lot are getting on with their lives.

Lyndsay Wall

Over time, our lives have changed so much and we have to respond with changes in our culture as well.

Kirsten Frandsen

Little kids know that food is made in the leaves. Do they forget that when they grow up? This is going to shorten the lives of these trees.

Vincent Cotrone

The university authority often conduct survey in the Hall, but that is all. We are forced to live in the Hall risking our lives.

Mahbubur Rahman

The energy of the students keeps me energized. I'm excited about what's going on in their lives and to be a part of their lives. My job is to help them along.

Tony Mormile

A man who lives right, and is right, has more power in his silence than another has by his words.

Phillip Brooks

Everything can be replaced. It's just stuff, but I am just really glad to have our lives.

Lorraine Pistocco

(I) really wouldn't refer it as hype because it actually lives up to everything that is being said about it.

Nancy Parrott

The government put the US-Japan alliance first, ignoring the most important issue: the lives and health of the people.

Seiji Maehara

It's quite rewarding to see the kids light up and really change their lives.

Robert Buchanan

Linda is very happy. She's gone for 2 1/2 years without having hardly any say in her children's lives.

Mathew Staver

Smoke detectors are something that can save lives and reduce damage to property and that's exactly what he had in this case.

Mike Erfert

Motown is the soundtrack of our lives. These are songs we have always wanted to do, and now, happily, we have had a chance to do them.

Otis Williams

These kids never knew what hit them. Everyone involved in this, ... their lives are changed forever.

Ann Murphy

Memories of our lives, of our works and our deeds will continue in others.

Rosa Parks

He who lives only to benefit himself confers on the world a benefit when he dies.

Quintus Septimius Tertullianus

The Newton kid lives for the roll. He just reached back and grabbed his head. Anthony was taking him down at will at the end.

Mike Husak

We need to make a change in as many people's lives as possible in their lifetime.

Chetan Ahya

Freedom, then, lies only in our innate human capacity to choose between different sorts of bondage, bondage to desire or self esteem, or bondage to the light that lightens all our lives.

Sri Madhava

The whole theme of my eulogy was to stress the positives in their lives.

Rabbi Shawn Zell

It's hard to get people to understand what the court means in their daily lives.

Debra L. Ness

It was a terrible accident that has changed the lives of numerous people, including his own.

Sgt. Gregory Wright

We must improve our lives and we will do it together -- all of our citizens and myself as president of Ukraine...,

Viktor Yanukovych

The company's goals are just that -- goals. No professional is going to risk lives and his career to meet goals arbitrarily set by the company.

Frank Larkin

We've lost a daughter and we are really taking it day by day. Our lives will never be the same.

Dianne Snelgrove

The tragedy of life is not that we die, but is rather, what dies inside a man while he lives.

Albert Schweitzer

Our team trusts Erin with their lives. She?s our general.

Casey Todd

The greatest revolution in our generation is that of human beings, who by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives.

Marilyn Ferguson

I bid him look into the lives of men as though into a mirror, and from others to take an example for himself.


These findings seem to support my intuitions about how cell phones affect our daily lives -- blurring boundaries between work and family life because of increased accessibility.

Tate Kubose

Since he is of no use anymore, there is no gain if he lives and no loss if he dies.

Pol Pot

I think it's a good idea. Anything they can do to save people lives is obviously a good idea.

Jack Moran

You don't have to worry about where it lives; it's available anywhere you are. If you've ever created a document but forgot whether it's on your laptop or desktop, then you can appreciate why we built this feature.

Kan Liu

This is a serious storm that's got the potential to do a lot of damage and put lives in jeopardy if we don't take it seriously.

Mark Sanford

The lives of infected children are completely dependent on social welfare and support.

Gu Yuan

Delays in getting aid to those who need it cost lives. That is why we need to ensure we have the means to deliver it straight away and why we need this emergency fund.

Hilary Benn

The situation in the field is extremely serious. The lives of our colleagues are in danger.

Michael Kleiner

It's a very emotional time for us all down here. He's been here since he was born and he's the sort of horse that touched all of our lives.

Dick Lee

All creatures must learn to coexist. That's why the brown bear and the field mouse can share their lives in harmony. Or course, they can't mate or the mice would explode.

Betty White

I've always questioned death and birth and life, ... Where do we go? Are we here now? Or is this just one of the lives that we live? ... It just happened, it wasn't really planned, I swear. Everything fell into place.

Shavo Odadjian

He lives to build, not boast, a generous race; No tenth transmitter of a foolish face.

Richard Savage

There is nothing in the world I wouldn't do for Hope, and there is nothing he wouldn't do for me . . . We spend our lives doing nothing for each other.

Bing Crosby

People may not have told the truth about some aspects of their lives, but they rarely lied about their primary asset, land!

Shirley Sloat

Drug use prevention is the best treatment and it cost less in lives and dollars.

Frank Kelly

We have to assume an expanded role in young people's lives for the common good of the community.

Tony Young

Single men and women who go home to an empty apartment or a dog or cat or child need adult conversation in their lives.

Dennis Franck

This is such a sad day, very sad ... we're all devastated, You can tell that they touched so many lives.

Richard Finkelstein

It's not OK to just measure disease control and survival. We need to know what children's lives will be like after therapies.

Paul Fisher

Every time you donate, you save three lives!

Kathy Quirk

The declining (church) attendance is really dramatic, but what is even more important is that the churches are losing the ability to dictate to people how to live their lives.

Ronald Inglehart

It's a highly sensitive little device, an accelerometer that can detect when a car's movement has suddenly stopped. And that's a very key safety device that affects all of our lives.

David Kirkpatrick

An indispensable third screen in customer's lives.

Gary Forsee

He is a cold-blooded, remorseless individual who could have contributed to society, but decided to take the lives of two people who were important to a lot of people just by being who they were - hardworking people who drove cabs and lived good lives in Houston.

Joe Owmby

I'm just trying to make sense of everything, ... You realize that football is just a game, it's what we do, but people's lives are more important.

Kevin Mawae

This is another chance of giving back. This is another chance for saving lives.

Tom Flores

We chronicled the events in our lives in photography.

Delilah Sue Brashear

If there's such a thing as somebody having nine lives, I guess I'm somewhat in that category.

Ron Rice

When people have conflict, it hurts them in relationships. We have the opportunity to make a difference in their [people's] lives.

Judy Reid

I think that he just impacted our lives so much that we wanted to let everyone else know.

Bre Jones

We wanted them to learn that when kids have MD, their lives are different but OK.

Violet Peters

One lives in the hope of becoming a memory.

Antonio Porchia

We are concerned if one life is lost. If people would just use their common sense, we will save lives every day.

Frank Penela

Second Chance should make the right, difficult decisions regarding this issue. Lives and our credibility are at stake.

Aaron Westrick

Children without fathers are five times more likely to grow up poor, twice as likely to drop out of high school and more likely to end up in foster care or juvenile justice facilities, ... There is no doubt that dads make a difference in children's lives.

Paul Cellucci

It's very important for self-esteem and for (gay youth) feeling their lives matter and are important.

Caitlin Ryan

We are very depressed. This is very intrusive into our lives. If we can't do anything, I don't know how much longer we can stay here.

Gene Petersen

There is definitely a difference between (large businesses) and a mom-and-pop business that lives, sleeps, eats the community where it is involved.

Julie Powers

I believe that all couples should have all the benefits to live wholesome lives.

Joyce Chen

'Tis nobler to lose honor to save the lives of men than it is to gain honor by taking them.

David Borenstein

It's sad to see all those firefighters out there the other morning, ya know, fighting, could have lost their lives.

Charlene Schultz

It's so frustrating to not know what the next day is going to bring, and sitting here wondering if we will have anything to go back to when that day finally comes, ... We are only college kids and basically left our lives in our apartment.

Mary Reynolds

It just brings a sense of normality to their lives to see their families.

Suzanne Fletcher

We're going to intensify our agitation until the government relents. It is the question of the lives of thousands of airport employees and their families.

Nitin Jadhav

The work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives and the dream shall never die.

Edward M. Kennedy

Her parents feel very good that her heart is going to someone and that she will save the lives of a few.

Joe Harper

The lessons of prudence have charms, And slighted, may lead to distress; But the man whom benevolence warms Is an angel who lives but to bless.

Robert Bloomfield

Doing what this department does best, and that is saving lives.

Nicholas Scoppetta

What does it matter how one comes by the truth so long as one pounces upon it and lives by it?

Henry Miller

He who lives in our mind is near though he may actually be far away; but he who is not in our heart is far though he may really be nearby.


I think at this time in our lives, the teachers are more aware of the things that you do. I don't think we realized what you go through.

Carol Corns

The important thing is the legacy lives and Tom lives with us.

Paul Slattery

A detective digs around in the garbage of people's lives. A novelist invents people and then digs around in their garbage.

Joe Gores

We were all glad when it was over, I think. I think we all enjoyed it, but it was a real challenge and we were all eager to get home and begin living our lives again.

Peggy Tambke

It is a record of how we live our lives.

Joann Urofsky

It ruined our lives. My golden years are tarnished.

Ann Palmer

This doesn't end today. We will be brothers and best friends for the rest of our lives.

Aaron Busack

The lives of Americans are counting on all of us.

Patrick Kennedy

[The dreamscape conversations on] Six Feet Under, ... with their own ideas about themselves and what that dead character represents in their lives.

Alan Ball

Let us make a demonstration on behalf of all those who have lost homes in our city, and in more than 1100 cases, lost their lives because the security we paid for was not there to begin with.

Russell Henderson

It [fire] endangers the lives not only of folks that live near the woods, it endangers the lives of our firefighters. That's the thing that firefighters will take very personally.

Roy Hall

They made the mistake of their lives.

William Cunningham

UL is very excited about our next generation. They've put us on the fast track because it saves lives.

Geoffrey Winters

My whole goal in coaching is that they learn to run and they enjoy it for the rest of their lives. Not to just run for a year to go out and do really good and then that's it. Make it so they do it the rest of their life.

Dan Satkoski

The order protects competition and consumers whose very lives may depend on their ability to obtain treatment with these devices.

Jeffrey Schmidt

It's not simply the learning, ... It's the stability. Stability is essential in the lives of children.

Pedro Noguera

Virtue extends our days: he live two lives who relives his past with pleasure.

Marcus Valerius Martialis

Even though they may work in college, they weren't making near the money they're making now. They've never seen this much money in their lives.

Ric Edelman

Delays in rebuilding international good will are costing Americans lives in Iraq, and billions of dollars to the American taxpayers.

Sheila Jackson Lee

I'm sad, upset, and pissed off. You don't destroy two buildings and take thousands of lives like that.

John Leitsey

All those who lost their lives.

Patricia Murphy

She lives, eats and breathes her research and she is dedicated to her students.

Kent Holsinger

Some of the characters in the story had a fortune in fantasy lives.

R. Z. Sheppard

He's probably pretty good at driving they drive four wheelers all their lives.

Gary Felty

The evil men do lives after them. The good is oft interred with their bones.

Julius Caesar

Everybody, my friend, everybody lives for something better to come. That's why we want to be considerate of every man--Who knows what's in him, why he was born and what he can do?

Maxim Gorky

Our mothers and fathers want change. They worked all of their lives, but today live in destitution.

Viktor Yushchenko

No more essential duty of government exists than the protection of the lives of its people. Fail in this, and we fail in everything.

Francis T. Murphy

We are on the verge of this situation all our lives.

Charlotte Rampling

And why did Tina do this. It bothers me very much because we're dealing with children's lives and not with a price of the children, money on their heads.

Richard Allen

People want to come and give the farewell kiss. It does make it difficult to work, but it's part of our daily lives. We have no choice.

Dr. Raed Arini

These girls all come from different backgrounds and many have never had a steady adult in their lives, so this will provide them with a consistent mentor.

Gwen Ferguson

They had lost their checkbook, credit cards- all their identification. We were able to make some leaps of faith and get them in and give them a place where they could start anew and rebuild their lives.

Scott Cameron

We are not going to ask you who you are or what you are because our priority is to save lives.

Joanna Gonzalez

Ian lives five minutes away from me, ... We always get together and have dinner. Ian is like a brother to me.

Brian Austin Green

The conditions at Oakley and Columbia are unconscionable, ... This is no way to set juvenile offenders on the course to law-abiding and productive lives.

Alex Acosta

These are people who've decided to risk their freedom and even their lives, in some cases, to end specific instances of animal abuse.

Dr. Jerry Vlasak

I cannot put in danger the lives of my two children, my musicians and my technicians, so I have decided to cancel this concert.

Sinead O'connor

They should have closed the garage. Lives would have been saved, and 1,000 people would not have been hurt.

David J. Dean

It's a big part of our lives.

Jerry Bonner

Why would we ever be assembled again after the 50th anniversary passes? ... We'll probably all go back to our lives in our homes or whatever. But to assemble us all again, it isn't likely to happen. We've had our last hurrah.

Carl Erskine