"Freeman Thomas", born , is an American automobile and industrial designer who has worked for Porsche, Volkswagen Group, DaimlerChrysler and Ford.

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That technology is going to give designers the ability to make it look however they want. It's also going to challenge designers to invent and create new forms.

We wear our cars. You can't just take a cookie-cutter approach.

It's always the little things. Timing is always an issue. We have to sell our ideas.

The computers get us started. Then we love it by hand.

Ford Reflex is a small car that doesn't feel small.

Ford Reflex is a small car that doesn't feel small. It is a gorgeous sporty car that delivers guilt free performance with a hybrid engine. And thanks to its innovative approach to the interior, it has space for growing families.

It's like looking at waves at the beach. You see them rolling in and you know it's a good day for surfing.

We were promised a simpler life, and technology has only complicated our lives.

We think there's a huge opportunity in smaller vehicles. Smaller vehicles done in an American way.