Gifts are like hooks.

[i]t is a defense to any offense that the accused was acting pursuant to orders unless the accused knew the orders to be unlawful or a person of ordinary sense and understanding would have known the orders to be unlawful.

Rarity gives a charm; so early fruits and winter roses are the most prized; and coyness sets off an extravagant mistress, while the door always open tempts no suitor.

Believe me, wise men don't say 'I shall live to do that', tomorrow's life's too late, live today.

I would not miss your face, your neck, your hands, your limbs, your bosom and certain other of your charms. Indeed, not to become boring by naming them all, I could do without you, Chloe, altogether.

Tomorrow's life is too late. Live today.

The country in town.

Why do strong arms fatigue themselves with frivolous dumbbells? To dig a vineyard is worthier exercise for men.

There is no glory in otustripping donkeys.

Life is not living, but being in health.

Conceal a flaw, and the world will imagine the worst.

That spot of earth has special charms for me, in which a limited income produces happiness, and moderate wealth abundance.

Fortune gives too much to many, enough to none.

Glory comes too late, after one as been reduced to ashes.

It is feeling and force of imagination that make us eloquent.

While you cannot resolve what your are, at last you will be nothing.

The virtuous man is never a novice in worldly things.

A man who lives everywhere lives nowhere.

To be able to look back upon one's past life with satisfaction is to live twice.

Virtue extends our days: he live two lives who relives his past with pleasure.

Those they praise, but they read the others.

You give me nothing during your life, but you promise to provide for me at your death. If you are not a fool, you know what I wish for!

You are looking at numbers and signals, but in the end what is most important here is the experience of the eyes of an expert.

If fame is to come only after death, I am in no hurry for it.