I don't think [the tax issue] will be a top-of-mind issue for investors. It won't be interpreted as a big issue.

Kevin Buttigieg

Because of that we cannot issue a building permit.

Connie Barron

I suspect the Senate will have the same or even stronger reaction than the Assembly. It's a failed issue.

Tim Rosales

Certainly there is a realization on both sides of the aisle that this issue needs some airing.

Jay Price

The central issue here is that Florida state law allows these arcades to exist.

Don Fiechter

It depends on the issue. If it's something people care about, then they come out to the meetings in droves. Traffic is one of those issues.

Charlotte Haines

The city will have no further comment on this issue. We're just going around and around with Mr. Jimenez.

Charlie Schaffer

It's a major issue that the community has been calling about, asking about, we felt the need to answer their questions.

Dan Hollar

For instance, identity theft, can be an issue with regard to this industry.

Ankit Fadia

This is an issue that is taking some energy and time in the Legislature, and it's one that we'll have to struggle through.

Michael Gronstal

That's the big issue. I don't know what happened next. I don't know where he is now. But I hope by the grace of God he will be found.

Norvil Certil

Our concern is that referring them might complicate the issue.

Wang Guangya

Whether Bush or Gore is elected makes very little difference on this issue. We have a 2-year Congress that is very committed to getting itself re-elected...Privacy legislation will happen.

Christine Varney

The issue is when we got on we were taking bases today and we weren't able to score. That's how we've won. We've hit the ball, and we didn't do it today. You can't win them all.

Matt Holm

We could not arbitrarily do this on our own. This is an issue that Congress will have to decide.

Mark Lassiter

She has left the company. It's a personnel issue, and I really can't get into any specifics.

Art Slusark

We will raise the issue in Parliament. We will take the issue to Parliament and also take to the streets.

Rajnath Singh

Nothing has changed with her; she's still explosive and she fits in perfectly here. She had a year at Hillsdale where she was able to see the difference in the college game and how much quicker it is, so that won't be an issue with her here.

Mike Watkins

I believe this housing issue has brought our community to a tipping point, ... We're compromising our health, safety and welfare.

Randy Hall

I am going to put the issue before my bosses, I hope they will listen to me.

Jackson Mayanja

It does not appear to be a Level 3 issue.

Kevin O'hara

This issue of territorial integrity is always foremost on the minds of Indonesian policy-makers.

Harold Crouch

The people of East Timor, whatever side of the issue they are on, are determined to have their say in this ballot.

Brian Martin

The main issue is to have APEC keep on course and get the best from globalization.

George Troup

Fat Is a Feminist Issue.

Susie Orbach

There is a huge amount of frustration and anger. More and more people are becoming vocal on the issue.

Alisdair Gray

This is an issue we think is fair game. We really think the general public is fed up with these predators being released back into their communities.

Kevin Carns

We can't afford any issue to hijack the relationship.

James Blanchard

If I had my druthers, they would exclude the operational people from that - the people that issue the warnings.

Dan Sobien

We're going to inquire tomorrow and perhaps make an issue out of it. I'm going to have to see where we stand .

Jim Auld

It's a financial issue--these guys are crying out for help. But if they don't see a viable career in cricket they will have to earn a living doing something else.

Clive Field

The issue was the coach had entered into a clear violation of NCAA bylaws, it was a considered to be a blatant violation, and an egregious violation, and one that had no remedy.

Karen Holbrook

It's really a safety issue, not anything else.

Maryann O'connor

Given the developments of the past few days, the president has decided to take direct control of this issue.

Jerome Bonnafont

When you talk to people on something like this, you can't expect consistency. It's a very emotional issue.

Barron Boyd

I can't believe the law is so rigid and inflexible not to take into account the needs of our children. It is a big issue, a hot issue, and this is probably the only district in this country willing to address it.

Rudy Rodriguez

The real issue will be how the money is going to be managed and how we are going to coordinate.

David Nabarro

The first and most salient issue is likely to be the war in Iraq.

Bert Rockman

The issue cannot be solved by imposing sanctions or similar measures.

Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani

We're real close to being ready, ... We will be taking up the issue immediately.

Mark Mclaughlin

That is Forrester's issue. If he can't win on that question, I don't see how he can win.

Peter Woolley

I think we will make it. We have had some issue with respect to the weather, but we are moving along.

Tony Johnson

I'd like to distribute (the pamphlets) to all those concerned so that their understanding on the abduction issue would be deepened.

Shigeru Yokota

I doubt that very much, I don't think that is what the issue is, and...

Peter Rodman

The real issue is digital rights management.

Jack Morgan

For newly infected people, their issue is not considering themselves at risk. If they're not a man who has sex with men, they do not consider themselves at risk.

Kathy Hall

We hope for a good turnout. Walking out the doors, I hope people feel there is an issue in our community and are willing to act on it.

Tom Volk

The perceived impact of the delay may be the real issue to contend with for (chip) stocks in the near-term.

Hans Mosesmann

We're looking into the issue. No final decision has been made on whether having hearings is an appropriate action.

Jeff Lungren

I think this issue, Katrina and our government's response to it, should be looked at by an independent commission.

Richard Falkenrath

It seems to be an issue that almost everybody has an opinion on, and I guess that's a good thing.

Bruce Woods

Parking is an issue that continues to come up.

Susan Mccathern

It may well be an issue the council wants to address tomorrow evening in the formal session. We do have, on Thursday evening, a budget work session to try and finalize as much as we can.

John Seymour

This is a pretty hot issue.

Darren Shaw

Someone on this campus is dealing with this issue. We can be assured of that.

Derick Virgil

This is an issue of fairness and doing what's morally right.

John Freeman

It's a big issue and we have stopped the project to re-evaluate; it is not an issue easily decided or resolved.

Wes Johnson

Our issue is local control, local government by local elected people.

John Wall

It is no longer the issue of whether one should focus on China, or India versus China, but of India and China.

Azim H. Premji

The more we have growth along our beaches and barrier islands, shelter is always going to be an issue.

Cathy Haynes

I don't care whether they hunt or not. It's a takings issue to me. These guys thought they were legal.

Rep. Dave Wolkins

Part of what's happening is you have a lot of different communities affected by the issue, who don't always agree on tactics, and don't agree on the message.

Pilar Weiss

This has been an issue for 30 years. We need to make sure behaviors are addressed with the students.

Jeanna Mastrodicasa

This is a very critical issue and it's disappointing that Oracle hasn't fixed it, especially since the workaround is rather simple.

David Litchfield

For most banks, it's a flat out non-issue.

Sean Ryan

It's a very serious issue, and we took action immediately.

Jacqueline Sharkey

It's a diversionary tactic. The administration has done everything it can ... to avoid dealing with the big issue in the Columbia (Basin), and that is the dams.

Glen Spain

If they [the observers] had any indication it is a safety issue they would have stepped in to address it.

Jill Greene

Yes, it has been stated in the signed agreement that the issue of merger of the two parties would be facilitated after the elections.

Veerappa Moily

Executives have always wanted to make better, faster decisions. But brutal, global competition makes this imperative even more acute. Oracle's database heritage gives credibility to their claim to being the best at helping companies with this issue.

William Band

It's everywhere, not just in Hawaii. But our feeling is that we're doing as good or better than other school districts in addressing the issue.

Gerald Okamoto

We will issue out a statement tomorrow (Wednesday) when we have concluded meetings with the technical committee.

Raymond Hack

It was an issue then; I don't see why it isn't an issue today.

Anthony Cobos

This board is fully committed to dealing with that pension. It's just an issue of timing.

Denis Turcotte

This issue has not been raised by anyone.

Theodoros Roussopoulos

It's a way to get this issue to the Supreme Court for a final decision to be made.

Jared Leland

This is a justice issue. You can't have 11 million vulnerable people being exploited and not have that addressed eventually.

Joshua Hoyt

History has shown that the Legislature has never done that. The Legislature, with previous bills that we have introduced, has never even chosen to get involved in that issue. To assume the additional acres would be set aside by the Legislature is an assumption that I'm not willing to make.

Steve Roman

It's a non-issue; it's behind us now. That was a long time ago.

Brian Urlacher

Because in recent quarters published estimates have regularly exceeded our guidance. This is increasingly becoming an industry-wide issue.

Dennis Powell

Helplessness induces hopelessness, and history attests that loss of hope and not loss of lives is what decides the issue of war.

B. H. Liddell Hart

I think that's a very kinky issue with the panties and bras. That's the thing that they will display: shoes, panties and bras.

Imelda Marcos

The evolution of the birth process is always an interesting issue.

Milford Wolpoff

The dog bite epidemic is a serious public health issue. They'll say, 'The child shouldn't have done this or that,' or the child should be taught more about how to deal with dogs.

John Katz

The new issue calendar had dried up for all kinds of issuers. But now, the corporate calendar is building again.

William Sullivan

The meeting was extremely positive, was issue-oriented, there were no polemics.

Albert Rohan

It's a pretty broad issue that he's bringing up.

Bill Stephens

They thought if they just formed a commission, the issue would go away.

Chuck Thomas

Our biggest issue, financially, is the tremendous amount of backlog maintenance we have.

Dave Gould

I'd think, with the C-5 issue already in litigation, the town would hold off on any changes until that case is resolved.

Dave Ertsgard

We were hoping it would be a bigger priority for our [Republican] caucus than it turned out to be. It's a winning issue, we believe.

Tom Petri

It's a life and death issue. We're losing six people a day from prescription drug abuse.

James Mcdonough

'Spam' is the number-one issue for ISP's. It's killing them, ... This is definitely going to change the Internet.

Greg Olson

We were dealing with the issue of, this thing is not really progressing the way we want.

Joe Rodriguez

The Supreme Court has not directly faced the issue of whether 'under God' in the Pledge of Allegiance violates the First Amendment.

Carl W. Tobias

The whole issue should be not how this is going to affect the horse business, and I think too often we've allowed it to become that.

Nick Nicholson

I have heard from thousands of Hoosiers on this issue and they almost unanimously feel this is the right thing to do for the families of our fallen heroes and the funerals of all Hoosiers.

Sen. Brent Steele

I've been racking my brain on this (issue).

Heather Janik

If they put in no-odor equipment to begin with, it's a moot issue.

Bill Walters

We are still discussing the accounting issue. We haven't decided when we will come up with the conclusion.

Takahiro Kawase

When you have a conversation with him he cannot separate sex and food. They're like one issue to him.

Barbara Lazaroff

We looked very closely at this issue. We can say that based on what we know, there isn't any evidence that there will be (hot spots).

Jason Burnett

Capital in Japan is not the issue. The issue is deal access -- and that's it. It's a knife-fight out there.

Fred Schmidt

The Susan Kennedy issue is over.

Duf Sundheim

It is a complicated issue.

Wang Xun

This is a confidence-boosting measure and comes as a pleasant surprise. We had expected the issue to be covered in the recent federal budget.

Bidisha Ganguly

It is difficult in this particular election for any of the candidates to establish an issue, call it their own and get credit for it.

Aubrey Jewett

This is not a free speech issue.

Tustin Amole

People have been focusing on the cost of subscriber acquisitions, especially in Germany in the first half, we think that will be less of an issue overall from now on.

John Tysoe

I am concerned and disappointed that Putnam officials do not believe the issue requires their attention.

Judy Allen

Many town fire wardens don't issue them if it's a Class 3 day or higher, and we've been at a Class 3 for the last four or five days in a row.

Kent Nelson

The call needs to be put out to all the people of Macomb County. This is not an issue only for African-Americans. If ... you care anything at all about your county, you have to speak out.

Linda Parker

The issue of concurrent time would be irrelevant then. It's not to his advantage to wait.

Donna Elder

The only thing that made a difference for me is the issue of the Trinity - I was not comfortable with the idea that God has a son.

Radwan Masmoudi

It was a third-quarter issue for us.

Tad Jacobson

The deals have been the de-icing on the cake. The more dominant issue is the Nasdaq bounce, which we remain distrustful of, as we feel the market is being too complacent about interest rates.

George Hodgson

This is the biggest issue in perhaps the last 72 years of this club and due process has got to be adhered to.

Richard Colless

The exposure to secondhand smoke is a particularly important health issue because it has a much broader impact on the public.

Larry Downs

The higher oil rises, the more attractive ethanol becomes. It's also an environmental issue. It's not as though there are other alternative fuels that are cheaper.

Christine Mccracken

We don't wait until there's a rash of injuries. We hit it before it becomes a bigger issue.

Jim Lord

The group that's blocking the entrance is totally illegal. We've ask the authorities to help end this issue.

Juan Rebolledo

I feel very comfortable about it. ... I don't think there's any issue at all.

Pete Carroll

Lewistown is not unique in having contamination problems, but what is unique is the way the community faced up to the issue. They got together and faced it head on.

Richard Opper

I believe that's just because they have not yet found the issue or issues that move them. That doesn't mean they won't find it though.

Veronica Watson

If you stay out of the water, the man o' war's not an issue.

Bob West

We have absolutely no pen-raised birds on the Armstrong Ranch. It goes to the issue of sportsmanship. These are completely wild birds.

Katharine Armstrong

The beach erosion is the big issue that's bigger than our budget can handle.

Dean Bossert

The settlement issue is important to address because without an effective process there could be an erosion of confidence in the product itself.

Robert Pickel

We are positive about this review, but we will be very quick to push the issue of governance to the top of the agenda.

Thomas Kurth

That is only one issue, and that's not enough.

Andy Hernandez

The key issue now is to get a police force that everyone accepts.

Alec Reid

What the city of Charlotte has done is sell their system as a quality of life issue.

Brett Wallace

We're sending our kids up the street into a parking lot with 150 cars. We haven't even addressed the issue that we have, (which is) those kids on foot.

Naomi Miller

They all realize that the Air National Guard is an issue and they're going to deal with it, ... What that will be, we'll just have to wait and see.

Jim Saxton

If we do come out to San Francisco, this (steroid) issue is going to come up. At the same time, to not come could be construed as not being gracious. But do we gloss over (the steroid issue), do we ignore it? I don't know what to do.

Tom Stevens

A high level inquiry committee has been set up to look into the issue. A thorough investigation will be carried out to find out who was behind this.

Alok Sinha

I must take issue with the term 'a mere child,' for it has been my invariable experience that the company of a mere child is infinitely preferable to that of a mere adult.

Fran Lebowitz

That's the last significant financial issue.

George Richards

Clearly, looking at the 2004 presidential election the issue of same-sex marriage resonated with African Americans.

Lamell Mcmorris

The issue becomes, how do you reach the numbers of people who saw the movies the creative community is not honoring?

Gilbert Cates

I'd have legislators, even some from Jefferson County, who would yell at us in the corridors and call us murderers. It's a very inflamed issue.

Ginny Copenhefer

I just don't see gender as an issue in our organization. I didn't see it when I was with Time Warner, either.

Karen Broach

Alcohol will be an issue. Methamphetamine ... is a big issue and had a big part in this case.

Dion Custis

A little bit of me will die when we put in a lift out there. But it is so necessary. It is a safety issue.

Kevin Mccarthy

We'll see what he (Rubio) wants to do with that issue next year.

Rep. Nancy Detert

Our issue is not about finances. The issue in this state has really been about public sentiment, whether or not the electorate of this state believes the conduct of this research is appropriate.

Myra Christopher

Safety is the biggest issue we have, ... Power is out in the downtown area, it's pitch dark, and we have downed power lines everywhere.

Margaret Murphy

The weather in Baton Rouge hasn't been an issue, ... It's just been the amount of evacuees we've had to adjust to.

Larry Hill

This might be the break that finally puts an end to this issue.

Russell Sciandra

He was in good shape. He was always able to run and do what he needed to do. I don't think that was as much of an issue. I'm interested to see what happened. I think it must have been genetic.

Jordan Gross

It would be a problem that would complicate the issue without changing the result.

Mark Carlson

There's no question that the issue of power and cooling is a growing concern. The assumptions used for building data centers have been blown away.

John Humphreys

One guy just hangs on the horn as he blows through the city. This is not only a quality of life but a health issue.

John Burton

The issue in this case is her criminal responsibility. We feel she is criminally responsible. That's what all the evidence shows us, and that's what the first jury believed.

Kaylynn Williford

We're pleased that the judge confirmed our belief that federal court was not the appropriate venue to address this issue.

Lynne Koreman

No one from the district ever called to say where we are (on the issue of the budget and stipends).

Janet Hansen

Many of our members were happy to see the spotlight shown on the issue that day.

Nancy Hernandez

Governor Bush has always been good on this issue.

Bill Powers

This issue is precedent-setting for every border region across Canada.

Bob Mills

They will exchange views on the nuclear issue. We will discuss how to resolve this issue ... properly through dialogue and consultation.

Liu Jianchao

It never was a big issue or a big debate. Nowadays, you can never be too sensitive, and we felt that it was the right direction to go.

Laura Mcelroy

The other side wants to make me the issue.

Jack Thompson

Cost does not come into play where safety is involved. I feel that this is a safety issue, not a cost issue.

Max Pirner

Food-borne illness is an issue that has been shoved to the back of the shelf for far too long.

Carol Tucker Foreman

We are a little numb, ... It's another issue we want to make sure doesn't happen again.

Glen Stewart

We were hoping at one point to sell the (old) elementary school and use that money, but that's a contentious issue now.

Andrew Mcpherson

After lengthy consideration, we have decided that this is an appropriate time to deal with the issue through a restructuring.

Van B. Honeycutt

The issue of drug treatment of attention deficit disorder in children has been a controversial one without this issue of cardiovascular risk too. It adds another concern to what will certainly be an interesting conversation.

Arthur Levin

It also has potential to cause problems to individuals who had nothing to do with the terrorism issue.

Marty Natalegawa

The Democrat party had asked me to consult with these two parties over the issue and this evening we decided that each party go back to consider it again before giving their answers tomorrow.

Abhisit Vejjajiva

It's an issue that I have been interested in writing about.

Nicholas Kristof

We're aware of it generally, but we haven't received any complaints yet. That's really the issue, though: How do you know your information has been hijacked?

Tom Kelley

A manure workshop. We'll always have this issue of getting rid of the waste.

Dean Turney

I addressed the tax issue straight up without any fluff. The questions were asked and I answered them.

Charles Parr

That'll be a major issue.

Todd Vande Berg

We all have some concerns about the future of attacks against applications and databases. The biggest issue is when you start laying your Web infrastructure over these back-end applications.

Howard Schmidt

I see this as a civil rights issue. People who are gay have a right to be treated equally.

Paul Ash

There's no cookie cutter approach that we found. This issue in general is something that really begs a larger question.

Kekoa Paulsen

How it is done becomes an issue for those interested in buying equity. The move is there and the willingness is there but the financial capacity is the big issue here. It can be a constraint when it comes to how much you can acquire.

David Murangari

Those worried about 2002 earnings aren't paying attention. The issue is what's going to happen going forward.

Chris Dixon

The big issue here is not the accuracy of the count. It is what the city is doing to address street homelessness.

Patrick Markee

It doesn't seem that it's an issue that would mobilize social conservatives nationally.

Tom Minnery

If the Republicans overplay their hands on the issue, the net effect could be more Latinos coming out and registering Democrat. That could bode well for the Democrats in California.

Roger Salazar

You can't make critical errors at critical points in the game and expect to win a game like this. That's one issue with this team.

Brock Spack

The real way to address the issue has always been there and that is the rate.

Lowell Kalapa

This is the crucial year for the eminent domain issue.

Larry Morandi

It's a positive sign that the governor has come forward publicly to look into this issue.

Ramon Alexander

That's an issue we have asked ourselves in hindsight - to what degree did we need to have more oversight and be involved in the governance and decision making.

Doug Nelson

It's a long-standing issue that needs attention.

Bruce Mcclure

They increasingly have the same aspirations and concerns as the middle class everywhere. The environment is a key issue for the middle class, and they are putting pressure on the government to act on improving it.

Andy Rothman

We believe it's an important health issue.

Bill Hayden

The Internet is going to be a legislative issue in every Congress from now on.

Jerry Berman

As far as the club is concerned, the issue is now a closed book, and nobody at the club will comment any further on the matter.

Stephen Vaughan

It's a global issue. We are living in a global world. People are moving from less developed countries to more developed countries.

Gail Golden

This is not an issue of just getting a fax out of the blue. That remains illegal under federal law.

David Remes

I think the crux of the issue hasn't been so much how much money I make. It's is the golf course really making its fair share.

John Vickers

We've already been working on this issue.

Justin Stoner

Seven's put together a reasonable case. They've definitely got an issue that they need to explore through the courts.

Angus Gluskie

For now this tight capacity remains an issue and we are monitoring the situation closely.

Melissa Mchenry

(A setback) could be a surprise on the conversion charge -- that's the largest issue tomorrow.

Selwyn Jones