Neither have I said we have got to do this because of some pharmaceutical advantage there may or may not be. The moral issue is that we should not impoverish this world.

David Attenborough

An issue like this takes so much energy on both sides, and takes the focus off a lot of the great things the church is doing.

Thomas Hall

There are people who can talk sensibly about a controversial issue; they're called humorists.

Cullen Hightower

I would just hope Congress comes back from their break with renewed energy to do something about this issue. These concerns about immigration aren't going away. And they haven't been dealt with.

Lois Nelson

That issue is going to dog him, ... Where was he for a year? I don't know. Nobody else seems to know.

Jim Clyburn

There has been an agreement on the differences including the federalism issue, ... This will give guarantees for the Sunnis.

Humam Hammoudi

I think this specific issue is one that's been festering with him for some time.

Rep Dennis Baxley

I hope that this book will help the abduction issue in a small way, anyway.

Charles Jenkins

Subscription-based services do not call into play the issue of indecency.

Saul Levine

I think it's a very legitimate issue, but I think it's way down on the priority list.

Brandon Powell

When there are guys who are smaller trying to carry that much weight, there's a health issue going on.

Jeff Hogan

The filing fees are becoming an issue for bottom-end (small) companies.

Bruce Sheppard

It doesn't matter who you are, food selection is the issue.

David Nieman

It's clearly an issue. Performance fees will come and go, but the assets they manage have also grown so base management fees will increase.

Rob Patterson

This restriction will be subsequently lifted and will not discredit investors because they can place 70% of their issue in depositary receipts.

Oleg Vyugin

I know that this issue has already generated (letters to the editor) that in my opinion are unnecessary.

Mark Fraser

They said they thought there might be a mold issue. But we have not found mold.

Dennis Kuhlman

We don't want this issue hanging over our heads.

Laurie Arron

Flood insurance has always been an issue. We've been fighting for years to keep it affordable.

Bonnie Fitzgerald

To some degree, it's a gentrification issue. When home values go up, taxes go up.

Brian James

I am excited, and I applaud the city council for its creativity and bold decision to put the issue squarely before the courts in a way that is not reckless.

Allen Hopper

It was a survey we conducted before a bond issue in 2004. We paid the company $15,000 for that survey.

Tim Mcavoy

We'll be open first. There won't be any issue.

Terrell Falk

The issue is a stone in the show.

Carlos Mesa

This is unquestionably an issue of infringement upon civil liberties.

Barry Steinhardt

We have gained a foothold where we can seriously pursue a resolution of the abduction issue.

Akitaka Saiki

The issue of whether he admitted or didn't admit the crimes is not before the court. And we understand this is a tough decision for the judge. It's certainly not a comfortable one to make, but it is one that is bound by the law.

Joseph Gorman

It's not an issue of politics, it's not an issue of ownership, it's an issue of religion.

Lilikala Kameeleihiwa

Most businesses want fairly open access--you must make it easy for customers to do business with you. It becomes an issue of how much information and credentials a user must present.

Wayne Eckerson

We have at the doorsteps of the European Union positive proof that this business is not just an Asian issue anymore.

Richard Swain

I would hope this becomes an issue in the 2006 election and becomes a factor in voter conduct.

Larry Weber

It's not really an engineering or cost issue. It truly comes down to being a highway safety issue.

Kyle Johnson

We know about the expense issue.

Jim Campbell

I think that's a huge issue.

Jerry Bovee

Overdevelopment is the No. 1 issue in my district. It comes up more than education or police protection.

Tony Avella

Regardless how you feel about the (immigration) issue, there's a message to be sent.

Charlie Cyr

When our programs began succeeding, that's when he began complaining about us. I really do think it's a business competitive and a sibling competitive issue.

Jim Riley

Why did the issue only surface with an Arab country? Here is a perfect example of clear discrimination against Arabs and Muslims.

Osama Siblani

They can use the bombings to again push Tony Blair on the issue of Iraq.

Bob Ayers

We permit them in certain circumstances. The theory (behind the ordinance) is not their use, but abuse. It's an issue of aesthetics.

Ralph Maccarone

There was no discussion about health insurance and health care costs, which in my opinion is the number one economic development issue in place in this state.

Sen Vi Simpson

I am confident that (Monday) will bring the final chapter on the issue of IRA arms.

Martin Mcguinness

Biggest issue: resources are far exceeded by requirements. Getting less than 25 percent of what we have been requesting from HQ daily.

William Carwile

This is the biggest revolt Bush has faced and it comes on the issue that has been the core and heart of his presidency, namely security.

David Birdsell

The investigation is continuing with a sense of urgency as it should, but there is no indication that NHTSA is saying this is a huge issue.

Mike Aberlich

There is a fundamental difference even in the approach in addressing the issue.

Lodi Gyari

There's not a shortage of supply. It's a transitional issue.

John Eichberger

If they have an issue they want to focus on, they can gain experience from members of the group that deal with that issue, and they can participate in the progression of IFX in that area.

Robert Usner

If we practice hard, that will follow into the game. That's a big issue for us. If we practice hard the day before games we usually do well.

Justin Bocot

This is a 1,000 percent emotional issue. It is not based on science. We take tremendous care of our elephants. We don't abuse our animals.

Randy Wisthoff

Do I get dollar for dollar for what each student gives in tuition? No, but you find that at any of the other colleges. It's a non-issue.

William Strampel

This will shine a very bright light on an issue that has been camouflaged and buried for a long time.

Marti Forman

This is a really sensitive issue because these documents are confidential.

Shannon Hurst

We felt there was no better time to shine a light on this issue.

Nancy Buirski

That does constitute a serious issue. . . . We are working very diligently with keeping those airways open.

Dr. Richard Shannon

Traffic is probably the biggest issue, but obviously (the parking lot) will change the character of our neighborhood.

John Milazo

I can't do a film after having debated it. I am unable to do a film while discussing it with my team. I issue directives. I do not achieve it otherwise.

Hayao Miyazaki

The fast-breeder issue is potentially a deal-breaker; and unless differences are resolved on it, the entire agreement could collapse.

Achin Vanaik

We still have an outstanding issue, the biggest issue has been postponed to January.

Gilles Hallé

The soldiers were advised as to the issues they should expect to discuss, and decided among themselves who would speak to each issue as it may arise.

Lawrence Di Rita

It's still an issue of how our team interacts with the Leafs.

Chris Gibbs

It wasn't a difficult issue because we had an interest in demolishing, and they did, too.

Ghassan Khatib

We don't issue attorney general opinions to private citizens. And we're not the boss of the county commission. In terms of compelling the county commission to do something, we can't do that.

Lynn Solomon

The threat of a smoking ban is clouding the issue, and it is wise to remain cautious.

Greg Feehely

Security will not be an issue.

Marco Muller

There is no legal issue here.

Colin Mcclelland

We all consider it a very important issue. And one of the primary things that will have to be dealt with is whether companies can inadvertently add new genetic components to foods they produce.

Rebecca Goldburg

[It] is an ongoing issue -- it's not just a police issue, it's really a community issue.

Bill Bell

The issue with this one is that it is a size that is material to the company.

Peter Sullivan

We expect that the president will discuss the issue with the chief election commissioner and take a decision.

L.k. Advani

But that is an old issue.

David Rose

We're not always going to agree on every issue, that's for sure, but we certainly agree on what I believe are the most important issues facing our great state, and those are economic issues.

Bill Simon

The issue of race and class that has become the clear and convincing issue in this tragedy.

Hartford Courant

What is not appropriate is for the central bank to talk about the details of how the fiscal balance should be achieved. That's a political issue. It's something that the Federal Reserve should not be involved in talking about.

Frederic Mishkin

This is a very serious issue which concerns not only the seamen but the farmers whose produce … is being destroyed because of the delays created by the strike.

Theodoros Roussopoulos

We need the unions to step up, ... If we don't get to that deal in the next 14 to 20 days, we'll be back on the 21st day to address the issue, and it will be in further cuts.

Kwame Kilpatrick

I think the public is going to be open to the idea that there should be an independent, bipartisan investigation and I think the Democrats are going to fight hard and not let this issue die.

David Barrett

Moving forward, that will be an issue.

Siobhan Macdermott

This is an issue where one size does not fit all.

Robert Schenck

As far as the club is concerned, this issue is behind us and we're eagerly awaiting Sunday's game, ... He will train all week and we expect him to be available for Sunday.

Doug Hicks

This is a very big quality-of-life issue that we will be addressing.

Matt Nozzolio

I acknowledge there have been mistakes and things we could have done better, but we will get on top of this issue.

Chris Walton

It's a league issue. No comment.

Travis Henry

The issue of the program review board is not negotiable.

Gary Ratcliff

Without referring this issue to other organizations.

Sergey Lavrov

Maybe it's unfair but it's a separation of church and state issue.

Doug Jones

I'm fine. I guess this is a little bit of a stamina issue. It's a matter of my getting my stamina back.

Daryll Hill

I strongly believe (the issue) is overblown.

David Liu

Retention is such a hot issue. Families are so critical.

Meredith Leyva

The bottom-line mentality for government, unless something forces the issue, is to do things as cheaply as possible.

Paul O'brien

A handset that has this issue may disconnect calls, power down and then automatically restart.

Alan Buddendeck

The only serious issue for an economy as developed as the Irish economy is how to stay ahead. The dynamics of that debate have to centre on the 'race to the top'.

Pat Cox

There's a huge commitment on the part of the faith-based community to do something about this issue.

Jerry Rauckhorst

This was one of the few times where we actually had an issue with them and they were actually present to answer questions [for over an hour].

Christine Chen

The issue won't be then a policy matter that needs to be worked out.

Vic Toews

It's not even a cost issue. It just doesn't even look possible because of all the engineering obstacles.

Scott Harelson

It's really become a political issue -- it's on hold until you get a majority government.

Harry Ort

I don't see why the United States has to get involved in this issue, ... It is a decision involving the sovereignty of Venezuela.

Jose Vicente Rangel

The people here are following the issue carefully enough that they're aware of that detail.

Christopher Sands

This is a very, very serious issue.

Hugh Pennington

This is such a difficult issue that the government avoids touching it for as long as it can.

Demetrios Papademetriou

He continues to issue press releases claiming that the court has already ruled that Mr. Noe committed a fraud. That's false.

William Wilkinson

There is no such issue [of sanctions] for us. We are not discussing it.

Nikolai Spassky

It's actually going up about seven cents per gallon as far as usage is concerned. ...The big issue is the access charge, which isn't a doubling of the bill, it's more like a 25-26 percent increase. ...

Jerry Joerger

I think the videotape impeaches her on that issue. I think, in fact, the videotape shows that she's lying.

Patrick Campanelli

The issue of the presidency should be done with. It must be rescued from its current state.

Samir Geagea

This is a defining moment for UK. UK needs to make its mark with this issue.

Don Witt

I view it as a national issue for the rest of the country.

Don Smithey

Our government hopes that the safety of the crew will be ensured and the issue will be resolved smoothly and promptly.

Yasuo Fukuda

The new constitution is one issue that's most likely to be bound together either with the LY election of 2007 or even the presidential election.

Su Chi

The biggest issue will be getting good, warm weather to apply it.

Bruce Barrett

That's a big issue in our community.

Juan Saldana

We're back to the status quo. After all the discussion we've had about this issue, there's no reason to make any changes.

Scott Magruder

The big issue is what happens to the yen, as weakness in the yen can hurt the industry as a whole.

Domenico De Sole

We weren't sure when we would get a resolution to the lawsuit, and, also, competition is still an issue for us.

Michael Koskuba

The specific concern that we had was about the employee going postal. The workplace violence was the issue.

Mark Flynn

Its a district issue. For the most part, we had very little to do with the whole thing.

Greg Elliott

The issue is, can you make a law to restrict free speech? The First Amendment says that 'Congress shall make no law (abridging the freedom of speech).' No law, period.

Greg Allen

[HSBC insisted the bank is not to blame for the security breach.] This is not an issue with our card, ... It's an issue with the retailer.

Tom Nicholson

To me, if a performer is not demanding money, it's not an issue. But some of them do demand money, and if they do that, it's offensive to hide behind freedom of speech. In America, there is no freedom of commerce.

Roger Wilko

He's catching them across the middle, over the top and on the outside. That has not been an issue.

Rich Olson

Sooner or later, it becomes a property tax issue.

Fred Tilman

It's the principle of the thing. If there is an issue, why didn't the council ask us about it, so we could correct the issue or come to a mutually agreeable solution to the problem?

Denise Willms

If they can put the hurricane restoration issue behind them, that would be a huge positive for the company.

Gordon Howald

There is no issue.

Julie Payette

Investors have warmed to the idea that there is an inflation issue and are pricing in a greater degree of risk.

Michael Daley

Personally, I didn't think it was an issue.

Tony Granger

It´s not an issue for me. I still have a lot in mind with Werder and have had no contact with Munich.

Klaus Allofs

God willing we may be done with this issue before the (March 14) deadline.

Samir Geagea

It's an issue a lot of consumers are interested in.

Kathleen Quinn

Clearly women's health is a high priority for Wal-Mart. We are actively thinking through the issue.

Dan Fogleman

Massachusetts is the canary in the mine on this issue. If Massachusetts gets this right, others will follow.

John Palfrey

Those claims have not gone away. He should not duck the issue.

Hallye Jordan

It's a pressing issue in the African-American community and for the larger general public.

Anthony Clark

We addressed the issue with Keith and he apologized for his inappropriate comments. Now, we move on.

Andrew Fegyveresi

There's always been cheaters in every sport. The fans want to know. And it is illegal. I think it's a very important issue to deal with, and it has to be done.

Denis Potvin

This campaign is all about raising awareness on a critical issue. This is not a game, this is real.

Marty Seyer

I hope these results will make doctors and authorities think about this issue.

Dr Sulin Cheng

It would become an issue if the numbers of elderly taking out loans increased.

Bill English

That thing's going to need clean towels and champagne brought up, there's that logistics issue there.

Jim Baker

It is not the issue I want my own work solely remembered for.

Leon Kass

For most of our members, this is not an issue back home. We're doing this because we want a good bill.

John Feehery

With the Iran issue, it's difficult to create short positions.

Akifumi Uchida

Compared to those days, it just doesn't have any gravitas as an issue.

Stan Collender

This is the most dangerous legislation I've seen in a quarter-century of working on this issue.

Richard Charter

Flag desecration is not a constitutional issue for the courts. It is a political one that belongs to the people.

Larry Craig

Identification is an issue in this case.

Joe Shields

It's caused a consumer confidence issue, it's caused an issue that the card companies have, the way the merchants handle things. It can have a significant impact on the company.

Kerry Bailey

I can't see distance being an issue. To me, it's the same as not wanting to live next door to us.

Jeanita Eaves

There are quite a few people who actually don't pay attention to what we do up here. This is a very, very sensitive issue.

Sen. David Cappiello

I don't think we have to worry about that. It's a non-issue.

Matt Choman

There are two sides to the issue, now.

Terry Griffin

This whole issue of diversity is not a race thing. It's not about whether you're black, Asian or white. Its about what you really know.

Rafael Sanchez

We entered a denial of all the charges and special circumstances, which creates an issue of the prosecution having to prove (the charges and the special circumstances).

Stephen Munkelt

The billboard is a major purchase for the coalition. We hope it will really bring attention to the issue.

Kaye Thompson

But the question of what to do with Bennett now is a whole different issue.

Donna Kelly

There is an issue that needs to be addressed.

Kip Meek

He has three or four issue priorities that he wants to work on, and he focuses.

Ran Coble

I think the corruption issue is going to stick to them.

Bill Peaslee

Some people don't believe their vote counts when they vote for candidates. If you have people who are adamantly for an issue or adamantly against an issue, they will come out and vote.

Dane Waters

It's enough already. For me, personally, education is the most important issue.

Chris Ferguson

It's an issue of public importance that's pretty critical at this period.

Adria Harper

Hospital interest in combating and fighting infection has been going on for decades. It is a critical issue that hospitals devote enormous resources to, and long before the Partnership for Patient Care was created.

Andrew Wigglesworth

It looks insurmountable but I think we have a great team. I can't say that there's been any issue we've dropped because we've been understaffed.

Vicki Flotta

It is for this reason I have instructed lawyers to issue the petition on his behalf.

Terry Hicks

I really didn't have a decision. I know my body. Timing was the issue.

Scott Rolen

It's a perception issue, ... It's the way the public perceives our investigation of our own officers.

Ricky Boren

The issue will not be solved in a week. They will not find an agreement at the G8. But this does not mean the shield will not be done. On the contrary.

Antonio Martino

Rig availability is a bigger issue for them.

Duane Spencer

I'm pleased that we were able to move forward on this important health issue.

David A. Catania

Many of these countries do have certain laws in place. The issue is enforcement.

Ruben Rodriguez

We'll be addressing quite directly the succession issue at the appropriate time. Right now is not the time.

David Westin

Currency effects will definitely be an issue for BMW this year as well, especially in the first two quarters.

Michael Tyndall

We are tired of it. We are going to make this a front-burner issue until we see some results.

Henry Bonilla

It is important the Prime Minister understand this is an issue that is not going away.

Mike Watkins

Global warming is a key environmental issue and a bottom line issue for the $3bn ski industry and its employees.

Michael Berry

The issue is mainly an issue that has to be resolved in the conscience of Mr. Fazio.

Rocco Buttiglione

We back the EU's efforts and their proposal to exploit diplomatic ways to solve the issue.

Tom Casey

Josh would have a calendar up in his office, where he would, in consultation with everybody else, map out when the president would be briefed on an issue, then tie it to events on the Hill and major announcements.

Cesar Conda

There is an element of fear that I detect in people's voices when they talk about this issue. That is alarming.

Julia Patterson

With the rising costs of oil, the issue of energy efficiency has never been more important.

Marty Seyer

This issue is a big one, and central banks are divided.

Adam Posen

It's a social issue play.

Katie Keyser

There is also the issue of debt forgiveness for some construction companies by banks.

Richard Jerram

The whole issue has really taken on a momentum of its own.

Lenora Pate

This is the ultimate mommy party issue, if you believe that Democrats are the mommy party and Republicans are the daddy party.

Chuck Todd

What people have an issue with is in certain instances, there have been confrontations. We're fearful she's going to run into a situation where that's going to get out of control.

Joe Cardona

The regulatory issue is the big thing in the mix. I think these companies are back on track.

Kevin Calabrese

I will go over this with you. The issue of, did we ever explore the scenario of flying planes into buildings.

Carla Martin

Once we got down (to Florida), the $5 was a minor issue compared to other things.

Doug Bradley

This is our opportunity to revisit the issue to take what the cities have done and apply it statewide.

David Simmons

The trainer went and did research and found their CDLs had the same issue date and they all had the same birth date.

John Willard

It's something of a frustrating issue.

David Knoll

I think it's very fair and impartial, and I think it removes the confusion. I think it explains the issue at hand in very clear and concise language.

Robyn Bagley

Supply is going to be an issue that will be an overhang for the stock.

David Menlow

The consumer products that are out there are safe for consumer use. We believe this is an environmental issue, not a consumer safety issue.

David Boothe

I will approach each issue from the standpoint of the average tax-paying citizen.

Michael Brewer

The first [thing] is to take care of that issue first and not try to score political points.

Rob Bishop

When we're dealing with an issue that involves a school and violence, we're going to go in quickly because we're dealing with kids and their safety.

Dennis Gutierrez

Our voices will be heard in the future when we take up an advocacy issue.

Dawn Hudson