It is a very tough resolution that is difficult to accept, ... It goes beyond what is called for in terms of requiring the cooperation of Syria.

We want a solution but to refer it might complicate the issue. This is our concern.

Milestone that marks an end to the past and a beginning of the future.

I'm sure the co-sponsors will get our views and try to modify it. Otherwise, there will be a split in the council.

Conduct prior consultation with countries outside of Europe.

Our concern is that referring them might complicate the issue.

It's a regrettable event.

We are still studying the report so I don't want to make any comments now. ... It needs careful study.

The early accession of China to WTO benefits not only China but also WTO itself. My own personal view is that if China can become a member of WTO before the launch of a new round of WTO negotiations, this will play a positive role.