It's physically impossible to shoot them all. If one animal hears something, they sound the alarm and they all disappear.

Almost all these classes are where the people teaching them love the program. We built them up ourselves, we know they're important and are committed to them. (The school district) has us in a bad position, you don't want to wreck what you helped make.

An important one that comes to mind is the California Scholarship Federation, which requires a lot of bookkeeping and also supervising, as the advisor calculates and administers academic honors and rewards for graduation. I know the work of this club was begun well before it was clear there would be no stipend.

No one from the district ever called to say where we are (on the issue of the budget and stipends).

I'm totally uncomfortable asking my students to fund-raise for my pay, we already fund-raise just for the activities. I can't do it. It's not professional.

It's an issue of how you treat your employees and make your plans. We're not going to skip any tournaments. It makes me mad, but I'm not going to have the kids suffer for it.