I'm a firm believer that if you tell the defense what you are going to do and you block it right, there's not a damn thing they can do about it.

Jeremy Newberry

I was getting long all morning, because I can tell you the new houses on my street are not selling. A 10.5-percent drop reinforces what people are saying about the housing market slowing.

Frank Hsu

They feel that this is the start of being able to tell the public the true story of what happened the night that their son was killed.

Tommy Overton

Marty Dillinger and James Rucker -- the two of them knew they wanted to beat their personal-best times, and you could tell. They put everything they had into their races.

Julie Willis

Larry played extremely well. He has struggled and he'll be the first one to tell you that. But he's capable of stealing a game by himself.

Nick Iaciancio

Flowers have spoken to me more than I can tell in written words. They are the hieroglyphics of angels, loved by all men for the beauty of the character, though few can decypher even fragments of their meaning.

Lydia M. Child

If there is a slowdown in the optical-networking market, someone forgot to tell JDSU. JDSU pretty well hit on all cylinders even with a slowing from Lucent in the quarter.

Tom Astle

I had already told them what I wanted to tell them during the first timeout. After the second one I asked if anyone had a clean joke they wanted to tell.

David Heard

There's no telling what its gonna go for. That's what makes it exciting.

Doug Norwine

We wanted to keep the ball out of the hands of (Reyna) and force (Gonzalez) to make the plays. Let me tell you what, he did a great job.

Gary Durbon

I call it the bionic hand, ... I tell people I can zing it even better now. It feels great. I have no problems with it.

Bruce Gradkowski

It was a great quarter for them. They're doing a very good job of telling their story that even though they're losing access lines, they're gaining customer connections.

Thomas Watts

Casey has been kind of an up-and-down shooter, but the last couple of games, she's really shot it well. Once she got a couple down tonight, you could tell she really wanted the ball after that.

Dan Tietjen

I wasn't frustrated at all. Just keep doing the things the coaches tell me and come to practice to work.

Rashad Mccants

Seeing the kids perform will be very healing. After this show, we'd like to do something to let the kids tell their stories from their perspective. No one from New Orleans will ever be the same.

Julie Condy

It's certainly an honor. When I got the call I didn't sure how to react, to tell you the truth. It wasn't until my wife's gynecologist called and congratulated me that I figured we were onto something.

Herb Alpert

The polls this early are still being worked out. It's hard to tell who is actually faster than who, so they're not accurate. They will be in the next two or three weeks.

Corey Bosworth

It is an economic analysis, but the problem is that there's also an ego factor at many airlines. That's when a CEO says something like we need to have a presence in the Denver-to-London market even if it loses money because everyone else has it. I can't tell you how many times I've seen that. It's one of the biggest mistakes an airline can make.

Stuart Klaskin

No. Haven't done much of that lately. Now it's telling guys why they can't do things like that.

Scott Long

You've got individuality, stay with it. These are things that should be explored and developed. I've seen fossils of old tree stumps on the beach representing ancient forests -- that's a story worth telling.

Johnathan Tourtellot

The only place our best people should be is at a school center. Things aren't perfect, but I've got to tell you it's been an incredible experience being a board member with Dr. Johnson.

Sandra Richmond

They've been telling me to shoot threes for a long time. I finally spotted up and hit a couple.

Gianni Beer

He?s too nice sometimes. I have to tell him to get a mean streak.

Mike Zamarchi

They are trying to tell us they're not going to give us our pay.

Susan White

Tell him what you would like for him to do. Tell him what feels good.

Larry James

We could tell Greenland came out emotionally high. Sometimes that?s good and sometimes that?s bad, but they played and went with that emotion tonight. And boy, they really looked good.

Steve Moody

When you're around guys like that, you learn so much from the stories they tell and the way they handle hitters.

Jeromy Palki

That has changed. Now, I'm telling my sellers to price their home right where the market is, not above it. Some even price their homes a little below the market, to sell quickly.

Dolly Riegert Woodruff

I'd tell people to sit back and enjoy it. You're in for a treat watching him play.

Bob Leckie

We believe very strongly in the free flow of information and felt it was necessary to have access to tell the full story.

Jim Walton

You can tell it's good if you light it and a blue flame comes up; that means it's good moonshine and it won't make you go blind.

Johnny Knoxville

I tell our players all the time to be grateful for the support this community gives us. It's unbelievable. There are a lot of basketball players in this state that would love to play for these fans.

Keith Snoddy

I won't tell you where the scream came from, but I'll just tell you it came from the process (of rehearsing and experimenting). We've been working in a studio in the basement we call the dungeon. But it's been a very good place to work. We got the bad vibes out.

Anouk Van Dijk

She remembers so much and I have tapes of her telling stories about the old days. My family used to say I was an old young person because my cousin and I used to love to sit with my great aunt and listen to her stories. It was just fascinating the stuff she used to say.

Charlene Johnson

We have been good, complying with everything buyers have asked. It's extremely costly to keep high standards and these costs tell on our unit selling prices.

Tuly Cooray

I guess I'd rather have a smaller kennel with quality dogs. I like to get to know the dogs individually. Every one has a different personality. When I'm in the house or garage and I hear barking, I can usually tell which dog it is.

Sam Huber

The visitors tell me that there is an organic quality in our skulls that dampens telepathy, and that this is going to fade.

Whitley Strieber

Guilt is driven, in part, by the lack of access to information, especially during a crisis. It's brought on by trying to get through the morass of needs and decisions and not knowing what supports and services are available. Often there hasn't been anyone there to tell us what we might need until we actually need it, so there's tremendous guilt in feeling we haven't done enough.

Pat Coleman

Look at an infantryman's eyes and you can tell how much war he has seen.

William Henry Hudson

It was an amazing time. We were students. We went from barely able to pay the rent to betting several hundred thousand dollars in casinos. Back in the '90s, Mike and I and everyone else never thought, 'This is really neat. There should be a tell-all book.' But we look back now and wow, it was kind of neat.

David Irvine

If you wanted to tell stories, he could tell them into the night. I used to kid that every story he had ended in a near-death experience. He didn't brag, which was a big part of his charm. He was a man's man and an intellectual to boot.

Marlin Fitzwater

I cannot lie to you and tell you every single service in every single neighborhood is going to come back immediately.

Ron Forman

It's one of the new services we try to tell Marines and their families about before they're deployed.

Laurie Curtin

Socialism failed because it couldn't tell the economic truth; capitalism may fail because it couldn't tell the ecological truth.

Lester Brown

It's the insider's guide. Who better to tell you the tips to get into grad school than the person who used to do it?

Margot Lester

Say it to God and tell him what you intend to accomplish, say it with conviction and passion.

Denny Pattyn

Of course, they submitted a budget proposal, but no one personally from Murray State ever came to the budget office or to Gov. Fletcher's office. I don't know about being required, but I think it's an advantage to come and tell us about your requests.

Robbie Rudolph

Brittany (Foster) is really playing inspired basketball and using her athletic gifts to showcase her basketball talents. I'll tell you, when the league lights go on, she becomes a different player and she showed that tonight.

John Wicks

We're not asking anybody to boycott. We're asking them to communicate with the theater owners to tell them that it's not appreciated.

Melanie Morgan

Just tell my wife and kid I love them.

William Lewis

I don't see any reason why he would purposely do this to this child, ... I can tell you that when I last saw him at 5 a.m. [Sunday], the child was doing well. He was talking and had regained consciousness. Doctors described his recovery as miraculous.

Joseph Conti

Tim did a great job of competing and hitting his spots. He's one of those kids, you tell him what you need him to do and he comes through.

Vance Arnold

I tell them to pursue their passion, don't let anyone stop you and don't give in to peer pressure. I've seen a lot of amazing surfers who should have been here (at this contest), but never made it because of drugs. And it's a shame.

Alex Gray

I feel the pressure and I'm kind of nervous. I'm not the type of person to tell people what to do -- it's hard.

Heidi Smith

I would say it's a very typical Imperial Valley swarm. I would tell people, like any earthquake in California, to consider it as a reminder to get the battery and food and water and everything. But I don't think there's a big danger from it.

Kate Hutton

Not only can GPS devices tell you how to get there, they can tell you where to go.

Samir Bhavnani

I think the key in the market is technology, because what has been giving us this extraordinary earnings growth is spectacular earnings growth from a lot of tech companies. They are telling us the second half is going to be slower. So I think the broader market earnings trend is going to be not sharply down, but trending down.

Douglas Cliggott

But there won't be anymore incidents; I can tell you that. Let's just say lock and key.

Mike Huyghue

We can't tell victims what to do. But we can let them know that what's happening is not her imagination, that it's not her fault and that it's not right. We need them to know that other people care about them.

Laurie Fogelman

I'm telling you, my heart was beating in my throat over the last four holes.

Thomas Aiken

I think you really have to evaluate and see how things are going and be honest. That goes back to having people around you that are not going to tell you what you want to hear. Instead they give you true advice.

David Lee

I can tell you that reducing the work force by 11 percent, removing $4 billion of ongoing costs from the system and coming up with a new business model to me seems pretty competitive.

Richard Clark

It doesn't tell them specifics. It just provides guard rails on a broad road. I'm surprised this is controversial.

Brett Sciotto

We have a very simple but, I think, important contract with industry on this, and the contract is this: 'We'll deploy the tools, but industry needs to tell us what's working and what's not working.'

Jane Garvey

You let the consumer decide whether to buy a ticket or not. You tell them it's $300 million. You let the consumer decide whether to buy it or not.

Tom Shaheen

The administration demanded that soldiers extract information from detainees without telling them what was allowed and what was forbidden. Yet when abuses inevitably followed, the leadership blamed the soldiers in the field instead of taking responsibility.

Tom Malinowski

One of the things that was clearly a part of the president's decision was that all of his generals were telling him it was time to leave.

Lawrence Eagleburger

I have to tell you it's putting some pressure on us. We haven't done this for awhile.

Millie Hamner

You could tell he was fired up. We're all proud of him, we knew he could do the job.

Jeremiah Craft

(When) I go to the mall and out to eat, people still recognize me, ... Every Sunday, when I go to church, they recognize me and look at me like, 'Gosh what is he doing here? He doesn't play for us anymore.' People tell me, 'Why don't you get away from here, it's too cold. I say, 'No, it's the only place I know my way out and my way in.'

Julian Tavarez

It's hard to tell. It's a pretty bad feeling right now.

Ryan Herrs

We're very close, and when he steps up for me like that, it's hard to tell him no.

Gary Payton

As any policeman today will tell you, it's not the idea of getting the first shot off, it's hitting your target. Often the first guy that shoots misses.

James Arness

It's a great feeling. We've never been 4-0 since I've been here, and I can't tell you the last time we were 4-0. Our kids are playing a full four quarters.

Bob Schellinger

I tell our customers that their goal should be to get their wired networks as secure as their wireless ones.

Alex Thurber

One of the things that we stress is never talk to a stranger. We tell them, 'Run away and tell your teacher, tell your mother, somebody you can trust. Always trust a policeman.

Merv Adams

Nobody from Arkansas or Hollywood or Washington, D.C., is going to tell us who's going to represent us in the U.S. Senate.

Rick Lazio

Tony Blair was telling Murdoch what he wanted to hear because he needs Murdoch's support.

Martin Bell

The defense played absolutely fantastic. If they don't score, they don't win. That's what I tell (the kids).

Howie Decristofaro

But it's still hard to tell which Bill will win out.

Sue Carter

You're going to have to cover longer than you normally would, because when you get pressure on [Hagans] he can create and buy time for his receivers to get open, ... There's no telling how long you may have to cover a receiver. That's going to present a challenge in itself.

Milton Harris

I know that everyone was surprised. I can tell you I was even surprised. That was part of the reason I made a lot of mistakes in the race and lost position, especially in the pits.

Jorge Goeters

There are an awful lot of cost pressures in the system. While they may not be manifest in final goods prices just yet, the numbers tell you that, unless companies find new ways to cut their costs, profit margins are going to be squeezed.

Brian Fabbri

How dare you do a training exercise at night in a combat zone? And how dare you not tell the pilots?

David Beck

Why don't we get along, come together. Anything. People say they're sorry. They tell me they're sorry for what they did, but I don't think I can accept it right now.

Shandrika Marion

It's important to learn how to tell a story, ... It can be in a very direct way. It can be in a very poetic way. It can be very personal, and sometimes it can seem like it's very personal.

Lisa Loeb

I am going to accept the recommendation of both the government and the defense and impose a sentence on the low side of the range, ... But I will tell you that your offenses will no longer be tolerated. If you return (to court for a future offense), the sentence will be more severe.

William Sessions

I can tell you with absolute certainty, it's not true. The second issue of our magazine should be on newsstands in April.

Hao Fang

What can I tell you? I don't know yet (about goaltending).

Mark Hunter

For far too long, men have tried to tell women what work they can do.

Jean Godden

We have nearly 8km of exhibitions but even I can't tell you exactly how many pieces we have because even a small archway or a minor fresco is art.

Francesco Buranelli

She has consistently scored higher on the [USGA Rules] tests than me. I'll have friends call and tell me that they've had a ruling problem, and they'll ask if Carolyn is available.

Bob Hooper

Conscience is what makes a boy tell his mother before his sister does.

Evan Esar

If you're going to tell people the truth, be funny or they'll kill you.

Billy Wilder

The only point that I'm trying to make is that if they tell you to evacuate, you do it. That's the only reason I'm talking - if it will help one person, if it will save one life.

John Porter

If there's a morale problem at United Airlines, the employees aren't telling people about it. Their service is at the cutting edge of excellence.

Mike Boyd

I think the filmmakers and I were interested in telling stories that weren't well known.

James Tobin

When the kids tell me they can play, I expect 100 percent from them, but at this time of the year, everybody's banged up a little here and there. The kids are going to go because they know this is a one-shot deal.

Bob Saveikis

I'm telling you right now, there were five cars out here and most of them had two flat tires. It was nuts. These people were all coming in here and calling for wreckers and going back out in the rain to change their tires. And there were more people on the side of the road with flat tires.

Gary Hamilton

I want to tell you something, ... I'm Native American, and you calling me Chief, it turns my stomach. It'd be very similar to somebody calling you Nigger.

Billy Mills

We didn't have anyone telling us anything.

Rosemary Atkins

You don't talk to young children the way you talk to a 16-year-old. Little children learn by telling stories and playing games.

Virginia R. Corrigan

That's going to be fun to have all the best teams in the country playing at our place. Plus, we're going to a tournament in Hawaii this spring. I can't begin to tell you how happy I am at Wisconsin.

Audra Jeffers

I can't tell you why there's a delay, but stick your head out of the window and you'll know why.

Dizzy Dean

In the locker room, they would tell me, 'Go get me a jock strap in the back room' or something, ... So I would go over to the Cowboys complex. Bill Bates would say, 'Shawn, go get me a Gatorade.'

Shawn Springs

While there is perhaps a province in which the photograph can tell us nothing more than what we see with our own eyes, there is another in which it proves to us how little our eyes permit us to see.

Dorothea Lange

I don't think these cases tell us anything about whether he would vote to overturn Roe v. Wade or not. Nor do they tell us whether he supports pro-life as a value.

James Bopp

Some people will not have any kind of identification with them, because they've lost everything. And in a case like that, for the most part, we would be relying on them telling us who they are.

Brian James

Leaving a 10 percent tip is a huge insult. To me it shows more taste on your part to leave something acknowledging their effort, but telling them their service was poor.

Judith Bowman

It kind of (stinks). But hopefully when I get off the ice, I can ask somebody and they'll tell me that (the Badgers) won both nights. That's one thing I can look forward to.

Ryan Suter

I tell you, the kids are at this 24/7. There's just nothing like this competition. It's public relations, it's technical, it's brainstorming. It's like we're a corporation developing a product and there's all this adult stress. You've got a goal, you've got corporate investments behind you and being professional means staying until it's done.

Chuck Gosdzinski

There will be (blood testing). I'm not going to tell you how many, but there will be as well as normal urine.

Mike Hooper

The boast that the United States is now the world's only superpower has a grim undertow in the area of human rights; no one can tell Washington what to do or not do, no matter how egregious its cruelties.

Norman Solomon

He has great instincts, ball skills - you can tell he has been well coached - and he's just a good young player.

Gregg Brandon

They feel empowered, because they get a voice with the company. But more importantly for moms, they get to nurture their social networks by telling their friends and families about products that are relevant to their lives.

Robyn Schroeder

Intuition will tell the thinking mind where to look next.

Jonas Salk

He said he didn't have to, that he was just telling the truth. When I read the literature, I didn't feel that was what he was doing.

Madeline Schmidt

I want to believe these men care about women. (But) I have to question it. Too often it's men telling me the assistance I can have to be healthy. To have my children be healthy.

Karrie Galloway

After all my years, there are two things I've never got used to - haggling with a player over his contract and telling a boy he's got to go back.

Connie Mack

They know enough to understand what we're trying to tell them.

Antonio Corona

Let me tell you something, Johnson. I hope it's Dillon. I've been waiting a long time to put a bullet in his brain. And in yours.

Jack Fox

He's not stupid enough. And he's not the kind of person who says 'I got two, but I'm sending you one. People who work with him will tell you he's a good judge ... but he doesn't keep track of administrative details.

Robert Mcduff

Mark was always a very determined young man. He was one of those naturals that came into class and already had it like Craig Way and Dave Barnett. You could tell right away though that he certainly had potential.

Bill Mercer

Ah tell me not that memory / Sheds gladness o'er the past; / What is recalled by faded flowers / Save that they did not last?

Letitia Landon

I tried to tell them they should pick someone else. I know nothing about golf. I've never even hit a golf ball with a golf club.

Beth Mccall

The thing the SEC has to be concerned about is if it's fraud --they can't tell analysts how to run their models.

Louis Thompson

If you will tell me why the fen appears impassable, I then will tell you why I think that I can cross it if I try.

Marianne Moore

When we first got to know Coach this past summer, we could tell that he was a nice guy and that we would have fun playing for him.

Cassie Schrock

I just feel good for my kids. We've been on them. We've been telling them to believe. They've got to continue to believe. The definition of keeping the faith is 'belief without proof.' And we're starting to prove it. The work and effort is starting to pay off.

Marnie Dacko

They tell you, pick a school, don't pick a coach. But that's easier said than done.

Trey Hampton

I want the troops home, and I want the president to tell me why my husband had to go to Iraq, and why I had to become a widow at age 26, and why my son will never meet his daddy.

John House

I keep telling everyone, I've never been the type of guy who can take two shots and I'm going to hit them. I need to get some looks.

Clifford Robinson

I'm actually excited about the fact that it's a happier record, ... If it dispels those conceptions that I'm like, ultra mopey, that would be great, because anybody who's met me can tell you that that's (not all true). Everybody's like that sometimes.

Chris Carrabba

I haven't seen a Susan B. Anthony dollar in a long time. I couldn't tell if it was heads or tails.

Jess Askeroth

Not only do they strike quickly, a lot of the plays they run look just like ours. I could really tell that they are a great team.

Jason White

My team always plays with heart; that's all I ask from them. I tell them to always play with heart no matter what. Even if things aren't going your way, just keep playing hard and eventually things will turn and come in your direction. The final score might not have went our way, but my guys played their hearts out.

Dave Braet

He's got a terrible attitude. Zach's something we'd rather not have. But really, you can tell he's just happy to play. He's playing loose.

Jim Murphy

I'm the opposing coach, but I'll tell you what - that was a great goal.

Claude Julien

Love is a fire. But whether it is going to warm your hearth or burn down your house, you can never tell.

Joan Crawford

They're a great team, but you never can tell in this conference. There are a lot of great teams, and anything can happen.

Bobby Crockett

There's going to be a nastiness to this series, I'll tell you right now. These two teams don't like each other. There's a lot of different players, but there's still history between the organizations from two years ago.

Jeremy Mylymok

You could tell both teams had some wide eyes there going into overtime. There was a lot on the line. Both teams' ultimate goal was riding on every single possession.

Nate Altenhofen

We have lots of very exciting and wonderful programs. We have not been able to tell our story to the public the way we should.

Paul Roth

That's all he wants to do, to be part of something to help people. Yea, we worried (about the firefighting dangers) but you just don't think it's going to happen to you. And you can't tell him he can't do something. He's just a stubborn cowboy.

Megan Bowes

He's got everything else. He's got he momentum. He's got the talent to do it. And he wanted to do it. He wanted to get better. He was kind of disappointed with his career that he hasn't won 20 games because everybody keeps telling him how great stuff he has. He hasn't put it together. He feels this is the right time to do it.

Jose Rijo

How do you get around the language you are telling me to ignore?

Thomas Marten

You have to take care of the football first and foremost, but the effort was outstanding. I cannot tell you that I was disappointed with the kid's effort.

Brandon Jacobs

We'll count the rings and that will tell us the fish is 20 years old, but it was already 35 inches long when we captured it 20 years ago.

Ron Bruch

Grind out your left tackle and then put him in there and tell him he needs to play better.

Levi Jones

It will be strange to be without him. I can't believe he's gone, to tell you the truth.

Chuck Phillips

He'll probably go to (Class A) Myrtle Beach and he'll be evaluated accordingly. The next step would be Mississippi. It's possible he could get there this year. The competition (in A-ball) will tell us.

Dayton Moore

They were on the same page, and it happened so fast, ... I can't tell you how happy I am.

Kailee Wong

Well, I can tell you the first record I ever stole - I wasn't so well off in those days.

Jack Bruce

I can tell you scientists are willing to bet good money that nobody will ever be able to do that. I'm not one of them.

Thomas Jordan

Our third quarter typically reflects a post-holiday seasonal decline in revenues. Although bookings picked up in October and November, it is too early to tell whether that momentum will carry over enough to offset the normal seasonal pattern.

Brian L. Halla

(The numbers) tell us that manufacturing is in pretty good shape.

John Lonski

It's a big loophole. If a company doesn't know who took (the information) or why, they don't have to tell you about it.

Gail Hillebrand

He helped me understand where they were at in terms of the progression of the offense. If they had new plays, Charlie called me to tell me what plays they went over.

Braylon Edwards

This is really not a big deal, what we're doing here. I can already tell it's being made out to be a big deal. We're all Louisianans.

Jim Oakes

Basketball is a game of runs. I've heard that from all of my coaches and I tell the kids that now. We made a run and then they made a run. It's just a good hard-fought game when it's like that. I like games like that; those are the best.

Dave Braet

Children were selected to be persecuted or privileged, some not told the rule. Parents tell Local 6 they were not told prior to the school-wide experiment.

Gerald Reznick

Tell them that when someone leaves a PDA in a cab, the company might go out of business. Look, Dude, we might go out of business because the company has to admit that it lost customer data or corporate lists.

Richard Levine

Every time this happens, you get these questions. We don't really talk about the streak. I couldn't tell you what it is right now. We just take one game at a time.

Katasha Brown

We need to constantly challenge why we think the way we do. Plus, I just always tell people to never say never. When you do that, you set yourself up to break a promise.

Robin Bowen

Seven. That will tell them we are all alive.

Li Yong

I didn't know about the law ... I would tell myself that I had to put up with it. In that moment, I was shut off from the world.

Maria Garcia

As I've said all along, I just go where they tell me.

Brandon Mccarthy

I just liked the notion of a guy trying desperately to tell a sex story but having no knowledge of sex or no handle on the vernacular of sex talk, and trying to invent it with very adept guys who have told the sex story many, many times.

Steve Carell

Jack's a product visionary. He's got the ability to look over the horizon and see how it's going and tell you how to get there. That's an extraordinary talent.

Jim Sanfilippo

I think Brandon, given a few years, will be very busy. I can't even begin to tell you. Our schedule is already 100 percent full for speech. We already have a waiting list.

Connie Joy

Oh yeah, all the time. He communicates a lot, telling me how to do this, how to do that.

Reggie Brown

Ignorance of the law excuses no man: Not that all men know the law, but because 'tis an excuse every man will plead, and no man can tell how to refute him.

John Selden

I tell them to give me a tug of the shirt. Then we can get somebody in with fresh legs.

Shanna Olson

Obviously, they've got an incredibly compelling story to tell.

Towson Fraser

I struggle with keeping a paycheck. I work and then I don't get to bring much home. I always tell people it's a good thing I don't have kids yet, or that's where it would all go.

Hilary Anderson

I'm going to let the military give me all the information they can. If they do what they're supposed to do and they tell it like it is, I'll let it go.

John Johnson

I don't think that a judge in one state is going to be able to tell everybody in all other states what to do. So I don't get too excited about what he said.

Paul Brooks

I am just calling all my buddies around the league and equipment managers and telling them to send whatever they come up with. Instead of throwing stuff away, put it up for auction and people can use their money for a good cause.

Shane Matthews

I tell them all the time, you have to make plays first before we'll get any respect from a secondary.

Michael Robinson

This is the toughest program I have had the opportunity to administer, ... I can't tell you... there aren't problems with the program.

Jim Cook

This is an ongoing process. It's important for transportation officials not to look at things only from a technical standpoint. Only drivers can tell them when signs don't work.

Reyn Bowman

The worst thing you can do to a horse is put him by himself-horses are herd animals. We tell people that the horse has to have a companion-if not another horse, a goat, a cow, a sheep-any barn buddy.

John Roberson

We have not been out selling. Most of our customers come to us by other people telling them about us.

Jim Oxendine

I'm disappointed. I was hoping we would see something specific, something I could validate when I tell parents this is why your school does not have a full-time vice principal.

Diane Bell

He's a load, I'm telling you. When he gets set, you can't move him.

Dan Stephens

We are telling Medicaid individuals to wait and see which plan they are enrolled in. Most of the plans will match people's needs. There may be a situation where a specific drug is not being covered or a pharmacy is not on their list, but for those people changes can be made.

Mary Simpson

Product placement is simply putting a branded box of cereal on the kitchen table in a show. Product integration is having the characters talk about the crunchy deliciousness of the cereal or provoking them to go out and tell their neighbors to buy that cereal.

Patric M. Verrone

He's one of those nice stories that you tell kids at banquets and they don't believe. He's never been our scoring threat, but he's become what we try to preach: He's very defensive. He's dependable and he plays within his limits. He knows he's not the fastest or the tallest or the best shooter. He uses his head to guard people.

Mark Horvath

I want to tell people that there is a God and that he is there.

Johan Huibers

Most people don't know what a deficient diet looks like, but you can tell from their poop. This is like having a vet in your yard.

Darek Farmer

Evangelism is just one beggar telling another beggar where to find bread.

D. T. Niles

We are not aware of any incident like the one described in the letter. It's an urban legend, as far as we can tell.

Martin Gleeson

Those economic concerns have direct effects on acting. There were many scenes in Save the Last Dance when they said, "Well, that was good, but you're not likeable enough." There's a scene in the club, when [my ex-girlfriend] wants to dance, and I played the genuine indignation and hurt, and getting pleasure out of telling her to step off, with some venom.

Sean Patrick Thomas

But I can tell you that the building is supposed to be somewhere near Saddam's old palace, from where he ruled this country, and where he kept his gifts. And millions and millions of dollars have been spent fortifying the building for security.

Lara Logan

It's really hard to tell whether this will be a blip on the radar screen or whether it reflects a deep change in public opinion. A lot will depend to what extent Sheehan and her vigil link up with the disquiet we're seeing in public polls, especially with the people who haven't been opposed to the war in the past.

John Green

It has set a whole new standard. Never before were we able to tell our patients that you could actually see better after therapy. In the past, we were always telling our patients that the treatment just slowed down the progression of vision loss, but now we have a new standard. We no longer will accept vision loss.

Dr. Philip Rosenfeld

Hopefully everyone has the same mindset. Hopefully we can get this thing turned around. We're in the fourth year of this franchise, and we've got the best team we've had since we started. So I tell you, I feel good about our team and our season. And I feel good about playing this week and going up to Buffalo.

Gary Walker

We will rebuild because it is important to the community that we are here, ... People have not been able to talk to each other or see each other for days. But we are energized and we are telling the world that we will be all right.

Harold Roberts

[The National Weather Service is] mandated to warn about hazardous events. We personally at the weather service contact media outlets and tell them about the dangers.

Brian Mcinerney

If you're playing a poker game and you look around the table and and can't tell who the sucker is, it's you.

Paul Newman