When the characters are really alive before their author, the latter does nothing but follow them in their action, in their words, in the situations which they suggest to him.

Luigi Pirandello

You have to be confident. I suggest not looking around at the other teams. It is possible for us to beat them. Concentrate on yourself and be confident.

Lindsay Ward

Victims are often the best source of information and we would advise them to look out for their vehicles. We can suggest the sort of areas where there is a stronger likelihood of it being located.

Mark Jackson

The headline number was weaker than what people expected. But when you look down into the underlying details, it's not as weak as what that headline number would suggest.

Jay Bryson

Monster findings suggest that workplace relationships are commonplace these days. Some workplaces may discourage relationships, whilst others adopt a more relaxed approach. Whatever code of conduct you choose, the importance of ensuring an office romance doesn't cause conflict or have a negative impact on your career is paramount.

Alan Townsend

Suggest that most children can extend their sleep and gain demonstrable benefits from even modest sleep extension.

The Children

We have received very few calls from customers reporting this problem - we do not think this is a widespread issue. If customers are concerned about scratching we suggest they use one of the many iPod Nano cases to protect their iPod.

Phil Schiller

As you might imagine, he's got many friends that he'll see as he travels . . . and they'll suggest that this person be nominated to the federal bench.

Alberto R. Gonzales

They're certainly going to go up and go up dramatically, I'd suggest.

Tony Heidrich

I suggest an anti-monopoly law be enacted, to fully guarantee fair market competitions.

Ren Yuling

We don't want this argument to be obscured by those who would suggest that anyone who is for more and more government power is somehow on the side of the right, and those who are against it or are skeptical of such grants are on the side of the wrong. This is an important question of all Americans on the left, the right or in the middle.

David Keene

We suggest that if you find something you like, clear the shelf because we may not get it again for a while.

Pat Quillen

We would hope that good Christian leaders would distance themselves from Pat Robertson's remarks. It is pure arrogance for Robertson to suggest that he has divine knowledge of God's intent and purpose based on his interpretation of scripture.

Abraham H. Foxman

People only need to walk up to 12 miles per week or for about 125 to 200 minutes per week to improve their heart health. Our data suggest that if you walk briskly for 12 miles per week you will significantly increase your cardiovascular fitness levels compared to baseline. If you increase either your mileage or intensity, by going up an incline or jogging, you will achieve even greater gains.

Brian D. Duscha

Diesel is very hard to conserve because of our trucking industry. It's very hard to suggest that we can conserve diesel.

Bruce Bell

I do not want us to be starry-eyed about our normal way of doing legislative business. We should not suggest that the alternative to what is being proposed is some splendid mechanism of detailed scrutiny.

Tony Wright

What we suggest is that they look at ones already in place to see if they are necessary.

Don Brunell

These results suggest that body condition score plays a very important role in the performance of cooled cows after calving.

Alvaro Garcia

Certainly the stats so far suggest Carlton aren't going as long as what they did previously. We need to prepare for whether they go long or short.

Alastair Clarkson

As you might imagine, he's got many friends that he'll see as he travels ... and they'll suggest that this person be nominated to the federal bench.

Al Gonzales

We are suggesting the factory itself will support 1,527 direct and indirect jobs with an annual impact of $51.5 million.

James Richardson

I dare suggest that the composer would do himself and his music an immediate and eventual service by total, resolute and voluntary withdrawal from this public world to one of private performance and electronic media.

Milton Babbitt

I'm suggesting to you that the time has come tonight to say, 'We need to start saving,'.

Jerry Ryan

To suggest that chocolate is a health food is risky.

Bonnie Liebman

It would be foolhardy to suggest that we have selected the most important people, because these judgments are often subjective.

Jon Gelberg

There was nothing that we heard today to suggest that we are coming out of Iraq soon. There is no indication from the president or the leadership that they have a plan that will bring our troops home soon.

Richard Durbin

These credible sources, ... suggest the possibility of attacks against the homeland around the holiday season and beyond.

Tom Ridge

For the really controversial issues of non-trade items, like environment and labor, I would suggest we go around them very cautiously. I don't think we should have them in the negotiations.

Supachai Panitchpakdi

Note how good you feel after you have encouraged someone else. No other argument is necessary to suggest that never miss the opportunity to give encouragement.

George Adams

We have been advised of suspect transactions on a small number of Bank of New Zealand customer accounts which suggest that fraudulent transactions were conducted offshore.

Shona Bishop

These findings suggest that developing ways to avoid holiday weight gain may be extremely important for preventing obesity and the diseases associated with it.

Duane Alexander

Despite the rise in multiple starts in March, single starts decreased for a second consecutive month suggesting the pace of new home starts will begin to pull back.

Bob Dugan

People talk about stocks being relatively high in terms of the five-year averages, but it's not as rosy as those numbers suggest because the size of the economy, and therefore demand, has grown. There's still a perceived tightness in the market.

Andrew Harrington

I'm convinced that Agassi is committed and excited to challenge for the biggest titles in the tennis world for as long as his body enables him to, and I suggest we all embrace him along the way. He is the best ambassador this sport will ever have.

Justin Gimelstob

We suggest that a person run their credit report at least six months before making a major purchases, such as a house or car. That's because it gives them time to get any errors corrected or to start correcting any bad credit habits.

Todd Mark

Other theories suggest noodles were first made in the Middle East and introduced to Italy by the Arabs. Italians are widely credited for popularizing the food in Europe and spreading it around the world.

Lu Houyuan

Our findings suggest that for men with cardiovascular disease, there is apparently no 'normal' blood sugar level. For these men, across the normal range, the lower their blood sugar, the better.

Sidney Port

Bottom line, my numbers are suggesting that 2006 won't necessarily be that bad a year for non-irrigated farmers.

Kevin Dhuyvetter

The recent hawkish comments from the ECB suggest that the bank is increasingly concerned about the inflation outlook.

Lena Komileva

We have not come across any evidence which will suggest that the kidnapping allegation is true. These are only allegations.

Rienzie Perera

The comments suggest there's scope for further hiking and it will be data driven. We've seen quite a sell off in Treasuries.

Marius Daheim

So there is enough evidence to suggest that the one-week closure between our second and third seasons is not enough to get the birds back.

Todd Sanders

I think it's a flawed basis, ... All the facts suggest there are things they didn't look into. We know what kind of aggressive techniques are used there – humiliation, sleep deprivation, degradation. They didn't ask what role [medical personnel] played in those techniques.

Leonard Rubenstein

Studies suggest that more needs to be known about the risks and benefits of this treatment before we recommend it to patients with localized disease.

Tomasz Beer

If I knew he would pitch like this, I would have started suggesting him the second game of the season.

Gil Patterson

I would suggest the people from other counties here, they do have emissions tests. Not waste their time coming over here.

Arthur Sullivan

I think it would probably be presumptuous for anybody to suggest there is going to be a strike at Delphi.

Richard Shoemaker

No one could reasonably suggest that the Speaker was trying to buy (Wood's) support. You can't bribe somebody if he doesn't know you're offering him money.

Ken Bell

This still reflects pre-Katrina pump prices, suggesting that the following month's headline CPI number will probably be much, much higher.

Carl Gomez

I would suggest that means nature took care of itself ? they knew something big was up and got out of Dodge.

Carlton Dufrechou

The one assurance I've been able to give him is that we have seen absolutely no evidence and we have absolutely no other information to suggest there was betting on hockey or that the integrity of the game was compromised in any way.

Robert Cleary

The practical implication of this environment is that young Canadians must start saving very early in their lives, compared to previous generations in order to realize the same inflation-adjusted return on their savings. Our findings suggest this is not happening.

Benjamin Tal

There is a bit of speculation that Mr Jiang has been pushed aside, as there are certain subtle pressures suggesting that he should step down.

Joseph Cheng

It's almost like we're the new kid on the block. There's a lot of rethinking going on in the marketplace as advertisers try and figure out what is the right thing to do in today's bold new environment. There are so many elements that have come together to suggest new ways of doing things.

Gary Garland

Household income in India is advancing at a double-digit pace and estimates suggest that 24 million households will be able to afford a new car by 2007.

Carlos Gomes

Once a student is in a lease and is having a problem I suggest they advise the landlord of the problem and confirm it in writing. You are creating evidence documenting when they were told, what they were told and what they said they would do. Before you can file suit against a landlord, you have to notify the landlord and give them a chance to correct the problem.

John Connor

Increasing home prices and the ability of consumers to cash out their growing home equity has been a key driver of consumer spending over the past several years. As the housing market slows and housing prices stabilize, consumers are less likely to draw on their home equity, suggesting consumer spending will also decline.

Dennis Jacobe

I've always loved to learn. I've always enjoyed school, and it might have gotten me into trouble with my peers and that sort of nature. A lot of it was both my parents were in the field of education. With a lot of parents that are teachers, they rarely suggest that their child go into teaching, because it is a difficult occupation. Their example really motivated me to become a teacher.

Ben Clabo

Greenspan said that the U.S. economy had showed resilience despite soaring global crude prices, suggesting that the tolerance level of the U.S economy is much higher.

Gideon Lo

What I suggest is to practice till you can do the job without being nervous.

James Galway

First-graders send in drawings of the gecko. Great-grandmothers do needlepoint pillows of the gecko. Hardly a day goes by when someone doesn't suggest an idea about what the gecko should do next.

Steve Bassett

I suggest that what we want to do is not to leave to posterity a great institution, but to leave behind a great tradition of journalism ably practiced in our time.

Henry R. Luce

Decreasing the refinancing rate would make credit more affordable. But analysts' forecasts, which take into account inflation and other macroeconomic variables, suggest that rate is unlikely to decrease in 2006.

Alla Trubnikova

To suggest that we need several hundred thousand troops there after military operations cease, after the conflict ends, I don't think is accurate. I think that's an overstatement.

Tim Russert

Unless we keep the scrutiny up, there's nothing to suggest this case will be any different.

Max Lawson

We can only suggest people pay more attention to those especially good-looking products when choosing shrimps.

Gu Zhenhua

Bond yields are set to go higher. With the U.S. economy expanding and reports suggesting Japan's growth is on a firm footing, it's difficult to justify buying bonds.

Jun Fukashiro

This favoritism, while poorly understood, seems to be innate and cross-cultural. Studies suggest that even infants prefer pretty faces.

Ingrid Olson

I believe the city has in its possession reports and written comments that suggest it could be a threat to the city's water supply.

Denny Ehlers

If President Bush told Dick Cheney to do something, rather than the other way around, that would be a first for this White House. If, as these documents suggest, President Bush authorized Dick Cheney to authorize the leak only after Dick Cheney first authorized the President to do so, then the whole situation starts to make a little more sense.

Davis Logsdon

The medical experts' estimates suggest this is a bigger risk than anything else we are facing.

Baruch Fischhoff

Each has been due to a different root cause, which would suggest this is not a systemic issue.

Amanda Tobin

If you look back to 1994 when the Fed was hiking rates continuously, after every rate hike the Fed adopted a neutral bias. However, the tightening cycle continued until early '95, for a total of 300 basis points (3 percent). We are not looking for that type of tightening cycle this time, but nevertheless it does suggest that the neutral bias does not preclude further rate hikes down the road.

Harvinder Kalirai

I have to say, I find it breathtaking that anyone could suggest options for transit use in Montgomery County should be decreased.

Nancy Floreen

We are cautious, because amphetamines are controversial. You don't want to suggest that Parkinson's patients should stand on the street corner and deal amphetamines.

Marc G. Caron

We trust that when they suggest that someone be placed on the 'no-fly' or 'selectee' list, that they do so for very good reasons.

Ann Davis

One thing we need to watch is that he doesn't keep the screws on too tight and go overboard with these hikes. Everybody was looking for some language that would suggest a pause near these levels.

Ryan Larson

All the systems were checked [and] there was no data to suggest anything out of the ordinary.

Rob Navias

We think both competitors are to be taken seriously, but do not believe the case of secular impairment of the newspaper companies is as draconian as current sentiment would suggest.

William Drewry

It's not a matter of theory, we now have enough evidence to suggest that either natural or human-caused disasters and crises definitely affect the traveling public.

Walter Jamieson

The market has a very strong undertone to it and would seem reluctant to surrender too much of its recent gains. Very strong and robust turnover yesterday ventures to suggest some serious commitment to the market place.

David Buik

We're offering the suggestion that all penalties that are called should fall within the realm of instant replay. We suggest any penalties that are called be subject to review. After reviewing hundreds of plays, we feel it's time to expand on instant replay, since we have a system in place.

Bruce Allen

If this budget goes through as it stands now, it would hold hospitals and nursing solely responsible for everything that has gone wrong in the system, and I would suggest that might not be fair.

Larry Hughes

These figures suggest that there can be few workplaces in the UK without a resident bully.

Brendan Barber

We don't have physiological data, but our findings suggest that prenatal exposure can be seen as a risk factor. There's such a strong relationship.

Pamela Salsberry

If there are injuries in the England camp, Chris wants to make sure he pushes himself forward as a candidate for a Test place. He bowled quick and well for us in pre-season games, and there's nothing to suggest he won't get those wickets.

John Emburey

It's inhumane to suggest that a mother of five children and a woman taking care of two young children to go to jail.

Linda Mcglade

Our findings suggest that the current human epidemic in type-2 diabetes may be a result of GnT-4a enzyme deficiency.

Jamey Marth

There is no information to suggest any New York hotels are targeted.

Paul Browne

Recent gains suggest to me that shares are rising too fast and it's natural to expect selling.

Tomokatsu Mori

The situation is likely to get worse as we move into warmer weather and people drive more. There doesn't seem to be anything on the horizon that would suggest prices will come down.

Rolayne Fairclough

All indicators suggest (India's per capita steel consumption) will go up fast.

Rajiv Vohra

The proponents of drilling are suggesting we need to do this to cope with interruptions in the fuel supply and dependence on foreign oil. Those are deceptive and false arguments.

Dan Mclaughlin

The mayor, of course, was not right at suggesting because Virginians occasionally go to New York that somehow we have a moral obligation, ... I don't think any state feels that way.

James Gilmore

We went up a long way quickly. This is some healthy profit-taking in what I would suggest is still very much an ongoing bull market in hard assets -- oil, gas and base and precious minerals. A healthy correction is a healthy thing.

Peter Chandler

Life marches by, I suggest you get on with it.

Joy Baluch

Some people would suggest you charge them 20 percent or even 30 percent, but you can still give your kids a break and teach them a lesson. Mostly you just want to use the rent as an incentive to encourage them to think about moving out as soon as possible. Otherwise they might get too comfortable and that isn't going to teach them responsibility.

Dennis Means

If people think we're exaggerating I would suggest they have a look at the casualty ward section in Big League .

Matt Elliott

Household confidence is very weak, suggesting household spending is vulnerable. We expect spreading weakness in retail spending as the year progresses.

Shamubeel Eaqub

To suggest you are more in danger walking through a Scots city than inner city America is ludicrous.

Peter Wilson

In retrospect, the number is what Wall Street wanted. It's strong enough to suggest the labor market is starting to improve, but it's not so strong as to create worries that the Federal Reserve will need to raise interest rates sooner rather than later.

Robert Long

To suggest that I have in some way discredited Dr. King is simply the knee-jerk, apoplectic hysteria of those who find fault with anyone not espousing their leftist mantra of self-segregation and special rights. As a result, much of what Dr. King stood for has been undermined by their lies and pathetic misrepresentations.

Mychal Massie

I don't want to suggest that people aren't feeling a crunch here, ... But I'm pleased to report that some of the new cost-saving strategies are starting to work.

Karen Ignagni

I reviewed every issue of the World for the months leading up to the 1903 and 1905 World's Championship Series. There's not a word suggesting any link between the paper and the series.

Doug Pappas

All the polls suggest the Liberal Party is heading for a disaster.

Mark Brindal

It seems the only avenues being looked at are raising the sales tax or having a property tax. I again suggest emphasis be placed on development of revenue producing growth.

Larry Schmittou

[The report indicates] consumer spending is gearing back, ... It is very much in line with sagging in consumer confidence in recent months. Although it does not suggest that consumer spending is falling apart, it is losing a lot of steam.

Douglas Porter

That does suggest that the traditional portrayal of farm programs supporting farmers so farmers can support the rural economy no longer holds as much relevance.

Brad Lubben

It would be a tragic development if ideology became an increasingly important consideration in the future. To make ideology an issue in the confirmation process is to suggest that the legal process is and should be a political one.

John Kyl

There is simply no evidence to suggest that Jose Padilla has ever engaged in any violent actions toward any one in this country or any other country.

Michael Caruso

The quiet Christmas Eve seems to suggest that consumers treated Saturday and Sunday as their rest days and that the savvy shopper is now back out shopping with a vengeance.

Natasha Burton

The results help explain previous findings suggesting women and men differ in how humor is used and appreciated.

Allan Reiss

Gasoline pump prices fell by a third from early September to early December, and the Consumer Confidence Index was nearly back to the pre-hurricane level by Thanksgiving. Early reports suggest that Christmas shoppers will spend 6 percent to 7 percent more than last year.

Jim Haughey

Thanksgiving weekend spending figures suggest that predictions of another strong online holiday season are on track.

Jeffrey Grau

A lot of factors are positive for the sector, there's Christmas turnover, a stronger rand which means interest rates will remain as they are or even another cut as some people are suggesting.

Ferdi Heyneke

It's politically easy to suggest it . . . (but) a lot more difficult to implement it.

Phillip Saunders

The results of this QSBO survey suggest the economy is presently in the throes of a potential acute slowdown.

Brent Layton

Although it is not a law yet, I'd suggest to all dove hunters that they try and wear some hunter orange. Sometimes, when you get a lot of hunters in one area, it gets a little hard for everyone to see the other. This way you will hopefully be more visible to others and we will not have as many hunting accidents.

Dean Mitchell

Data such as ours suggest we may need to rethink that traditional teaching. A better approach is to allow the woman to do that which makes her feel more comfortable.

Dr. Steven Bloom

What we suggest is that they meet them beforehand to make sure that everything is OK - they might want to check insurance details for instance.

Sarah Hamilton

In much of the policy debates about fatherhood and marriage, it has been assumed that two-parent families are better for children than one-parent families, ... But a number of studies now suggest that the well-being of children in mother-stepfather families is no greater, on average, than in single-parent families.

Johns Hopkins

To name an object is to deprive a poem of three-fourths of its pleasure, which consists in a little-by-little guessing game; the ideal is to suggest.

Wallace Stevens

Student assessment results suggest that collectively, Reading First schools have done an outstanding job developing students word recognition and fluency abilities. Good progress has been made in vocabulary and comprehension as well, but it is in these two areas that the most work remains to be done.

Barbara Taylor

There is no question that on the subject of physical courage and moral courage that she was Dr King's equal in every way. So far, there is nothing to suggest that she ever wavered in getting him to take the more aggressive stance he could not only on segregation, but on the Vietnam war.

Howell Raines

You have to know the importance of this operation with three cabinet members coming to the site. If this site is that critical, then I suggest they provide the money to make sure the power supplies to the two pipelines will not be affected by the next hurricane.

Jim Compton

All the preclinical data suggest this is a safe procedure with substantial information suggesting a possible treatment effect.

Charles Cox

Who knows when and exactly what the catalyst is going to be. End demand is not as strong as what some of the components of the technology stock market would suggest. With valuations where they are right now, there is some near downside risk. But unlike where we were last year where we fell off a cliff, we might fall off a curve.

Andrew Galligan

We don't see any change this year. Economic indicators seem to suggest there will be no change in interest rates in the short term.

Lorenzo Codogno

The color and the forms suggest these kind of associations. I was really impressed when I first came up here. One of the things that really influenced the piece is the energy from the public art committee and the community.

Robert Craig

I have called some places, like Germantown, that have done something similar. It is hard to figure out how much to suggest as a donation for the named bricks. I've been told that about $25 may be what would be a good figure.

Charles Newman

I don't understand that logic. How would you suggest that you free up teachers in the classroom if you don't put more personnel in the schools?

Michael Loomis

It's clear that the safety of employees is the main concern for the companies involved in Nigeria, and that does suggest that the current lost production could be sustained.

Kevin Norrish

At this point we're not suggesting that classes be rescheduled on Saturdays. That was the plan when we thought the University was going to re-open for Tuesday.

Frank Cartledge

We are not suggesting the resignation or pushing for the resignation of the secretary-general.

John C. Danforth

While entering retirement debt-free continues to be the most prudent approach, these findings suggest that some Canadians, especially baby boomers, generally have different lifestyle expectations for retirement and are making different choices than previous generations.

Dave Richardson

To suggest the reason he signed a letter along with 35 other members of Congress opposing the establishment of a casino was because of anything other than his long-held anti-gaming position is both ludicrous and insulting.

Laura Blackann

Signs of slowing growth and wages moving sideways rather than picking up, and of course the currency showing some signs of life, suggest that the Reserve Bank has probably administered enough monetary medicine for the time being.

Michael Blythe

[I suggest you] go downstairs to the front desk, go the managers office and say that you just want to put it through their shredder.

Jeffrey Robinson

This is not what I am suggesting that should be on the building. But this is just an example of the style of folk art that the logo should be like.

Kathy Parsons

It's offensive to me to suggest that somehow, as I've seen some headlines and some reports do, that people, that Americans weren't helped because they are poor or because of their race. That is anti-American. That is not what our country is about.

Karen Hughes

These new findings suggest the possibility that if a woman starts hormone therapy sooner rather than later, perhaps we will see some of the protective effects on the heart that natural estrogen provides - or at least it won't increase the risk of cardiovascular-related harm.

Dr. Nanette Santoro

The performance was stronger than the headline numbers suggest. It suggests that manufacturing is accelerating.

Adrian Schmidt

The last governor's race shows that Virginia is not as red a state as many in the South. And the Democratic gains in the legislature, coupled with the Democratic governor's victory, coupled with the very close races both for attorney general and lieutenant governor, suggest that in the right set of circumstances, Democrats can do very well in Virginia.

Stephen Farnsworth

These two reports continue to suggest that the US economy was on fairly solid ground going into the shock effect of Hurricane Katrina.

Derek Holt

Idaho's economic performance continues to rank with the best in the nation. Most signs suggest solid growth will remain on track in the New Year.

Jeff Thredgold

What I conclude from this is that we need another export outlet for our crude oil. I suggest China and Japan would be excellent outlets for some of this crude.

Patricia Mohr

These are plants that are salt-tolerant, drought-tolerant and attractive. So I'll be teaching what each of them looks like and suggesting how to combine them in a landscape.

Deborah Green

As far as the European Central Bank is concerned, they remain inflexible. Recent inflation numbers suggest that there's been some rounding up of prices as a result of the introduction of the euro. That means that the room to maneuver cutting interest rates is limited. That's a negative for the currency. There's also political risk from French and German elections this year.

Neil Mackinnon

It seems to suggest they are pretty far apart on price, and they're supposed to have an answer in 48 hours, so we'll probably find out in short order whether this deal is going to happen or not. I think clearly a lot of people are wondering if it's going to fall apart.

John Calcagnini

The attitude coming from the employer seems to be one that would suggest to a normal person that the authorities could not care less about their concerns.

Sir Roy Trotman

Things don't look promising. The outlooks suggest it will be dry over the next three months. ... It looks like we could have a very bad drought summer.

Ryan Boyles

Our results suggest a potential universal strategy for treating drug addiction. Most drugs of abuse act on the neurons in this area.

Xia Zhang

There's evidence to suggest that there's something in the sand dunes on Mars that's sticking them together. What I am suggesting is that it's water that's doing it.

Mary Bourke

We've taken on board feedback from the basketball public suggesting they'd like us to get a coach with experience in either Europe or the American college system.

Mark Cowan

Have children in the home suggest songs from school. Hold a contest for the happiest song, the best song about animals or another topic. Give ribbons or certificates to the best songs.

James Elliott

The details of the report suggest many of these drags on growth were one-off factors and that the underlying trend in 2006 remains strong.

Charmaine Buskas

We believe the upside to results is clearly reflected in the current valuation, suggesting minimal upside to the current stock price.

Chris Olin

In suggesting gifts: Money is appropriate, and one size fits all.

William Randolph Hearst

Strong figures will support the dollar, as they suggest a good outlook for the U.S. economy from early next year.

Tohru Sasaki

That EPS may increase slightly year over year is still valid guidance, ... All factors suggest that first quarter and second quarter we will face an uphill climb compared to 2000.

Thomas Webb

One of the big ones is that Ronald Reagan was considered for the Humphrey Bogart role. Some sources suggest that revelation was a ploy by Reagan's publicist more than an actual fact. Producer Hal Wallace has said during interviews that Bogart was always intended for the part. However, it is true that studios always had backup rosters of names in case someone became unavailable.

Christopher Roberts

The evidence does not overwhelmingly suggest that it did.

Ryo Hino

I would probably suggest to drivers if you're heading north to take the (U.S.) 60 to I-10 to the (Arizona) 51 if they want to stay on the larger freeways.

Brian Satterfield

The market acceptance for the NEVER FLAT has been tremendous from the get-go. All of our retail partners have supported the NEVER FLAT since its launch and as a result, early indications suggest another success in our rich history of innovative products.

Dan Touhey

These suggest that output growth is going to be sustained at or around the current rate at least until the year-end. Beyond that, to see any real genuine self-sustaining momentum in the euro area, the labor market is key.

Luke Thompson

I suggest that the only books that influence us are those for which we are ready, and which have gone a little farther down our own particular path than we have yet got ourselves.

E. M. Forster

We don't suggest that because San Francisco lies on top of an earthquake fault that it should be moved.

John Breaux

The existence of a remedy could suggest to these consumers that the risk is manageable.

Joel Cohen

You've got interest rates on your side, inflation on your side. Earnings look good in the second quarter and we think they will be good for the balance of the year. We don't see the indicators to suggest we've got problems at this point.

Stuart Freeman

It's disingenuous to speak to the media to try and suggest that Proof shot first. There are ways to determine what shots were fired and by whom. There's an ongoing investigation. Until all of the factual evidence has been evaluated, an opinion by the Detroit Police Department is premature.

David Gorosh

No credible analysis of an accounting failure would suggest that the appropriate role of the chief executive officer was to substitute his own accounting judgments for those of the professionals.

Kevin Downey

They (NWS officials) in North Webster told me that the national computer models are so confusing right now that several local stations have issued formal complaints. For some reason, they just aren't coming together. Very few things are working out the way they would suggest.

Patrick Mccoy

Our findings do not necessarily suggest that baboons experience grief like humans do, but they do offer evidence of the importance of social bonds amongst baboons. Like humans, baboons seem to rely on friendly relationships to help them cope with stressful situations.

Anne Engh

What we're suggesting here is we have a good uniform, plentiful supply of clean, young functional islet cells.

David Greenwood

Because Mack is such a great recruiter, some folks have called him the February Coach because signing day, as you know, is in February. For us, he's been a winner in every month in every year. This year, for those who would like to tie a month to Mack Brown's name, I suggest you call him January's Coach.

Deloss Dodds

I would strongly suggest we will have a million plus. There truly is power among the people.

Phile Chionesu

There are some indicators suggesting a bit of a slowdown. That could cause the Fed to pause, ... The key is about how the Fed talks about the economy, if they talk about weakness worldwide and rising oil prices.

Brian Stine

Greenspan's comments ... [seemed] to suggest that the risks are weighted toward continued weakness in the economy, but these numbers raise questions about that conclusion. Still, I'm not certain the Fed governors would be willing to disagree with their boss.

Asha Bangalore

The price action of the last few days does suggest a potential exhaustion in the dollar's rally.

John Kyriakopoulos

Instead, the nominee adopted what I consider a disingenuous strategy of suggesting that the views expressed in the memos were not his views, even at the time the memos were written.

Harry Reid

[Three analysts interviewed Wednesday said they considered the possibility remote that Time Warner would split.] I don't see the rationale, ... And I don't see any motions out of management to suggest that they really feel the need to do this for any reason.

Rob Sanderson

I would even suggest that the spiritual side of things is suffering.

Al Trout

Two paradoxes are better than one; they may even suggest a solution.

Edward Teller

I think others might suggest he just ran out of excuses why he hasn't gone.

Kurt Campbell

The investigation did not find any conclusive evidence of wrongdoing by the athlete. We (the BCU) acknowledged the elevated levels of testosterone, but there was also enough evidence to suggest that natural physiological reasons may have been responsible for the fluctuation.

Charlie Pile

These toys and games suggest that shooting, killing and maiming are fun, and violence is a harmless, entertaining pastime, ... This merchandising of violence to children is a totally new phenomenon.

Daphne White

At $67, we have started seeing indicators that suggest oil prices might be weighing on demand growth.

Naohiro Niimura

That's the way Bobby Clarke played the game and I would suggest he was the only one of the 35 players that would have gone out and done that. But we looked at it as war.

Paul Henderson

If we were in a super-inflationary period, like some suggest [we're in], it would be better to have a tanker of oil in your backyard, or a bushel of wheat.

Robert Stein

My sister and I are thrilled to be here tonight with you all in Florida, ... and to get this chance to suggest that you get involved in this election and vote -- and hopefully that you vote for our father.

Vanessa Kerry

Over emphatic negatives always suggest that what is being denied may be what is really being asserted.

Jonathan Raban

There is still work going on the other nine samples, but the preliminary results from the collaborating centre in London suggest that those are not H5N1.

Iain Simpson

But one thing he didn't address, having raised in his speech the suggestion that politics in France had to change, he didn't have anything to suggest how the political system should change.

Robin Oakley

We give students a deadline by which they must have their pieces memorized. We suggest they set an amount of lines to be memorized for each day so that they are not caught short because they must memorize up to seven minutes of dialogue.

Nancy Wade

Nothing in the materials collected suggest that there was anything on the banned list of substances.

Richard Ings

It's very difficult to suggest a pattern.

Max Schlueter

The comments and actions of the Congressional Black Caucus were morally opprobrious and divisive. It is beneath the level of sane discourse for the Congressional Black Caucus to suggest that blacks are suffering more than the hundreds of thousands of Americans who have been displaced.

Mychal Massie

I'm suggesting that [Bush] is Saddam Hussein, the evil-doer.

Karen Finley

All the signs suggest that this is going to be successful.

Anthony Liuzzo

They wrote us a letter in 2004 suggesting that the mother of this client came forward in 1990 and . . . they suggested that it was the abuse of this kid, when they knew it was his brother, but they never disclosed that. This was not a mistake.

Marc Pearlman