This may be the most important thing a president does.

As you might imagine, he's got many friends that he'll see as he travels . . . and they'll suggest that this person be nominated to the federal bench.

These provisions of the USA Patriot Act are essential to our efforts in the war on terrorism, and their loss will damage our ability to prevent terrorist attacks. Our nation cannot afford to let these important counter-terrorism tools lapse.

We take each individual, each case, case by case.

We are bringing this prosecution at this time because it is the appropriate thing to do.

I will be the first to admit I am not perfect and I make mistakes.

There has been significant litigation with respect to Mr. Padilla, and he has had access to counsel, ... He has had access to counsel.

Don't Get Caught, Ya Big Dummies!

Obviously we would have preferred the escape not to have occurred.

I would encourage you all to focus on what is positive in terms of what is going on positively in this country, in terms of the events that happened last week. A great deal of progress has been made here in Indonesia on the war on terror.

The message we want to send is that if you engage in fraud, if you participate in providing false statements, you're going to be prosecuted. We want to be very, very clear: there is no company that is too big or too important an industry that will escape prosecution if they in fact engage in wrongdoing.