We're doing really well with our reading. But we could use more time for math and science.

Anne Gold

I'm always angry for what I've done. I read it in the paper and I can't believe what I've done. … I'll never get totally over it.

Pat Russin

Anyone inclined to view Paul Laurence Dunbar as an apologist for the South or as a white-identified `Uncle Tom' would be quickly disabused of that view by reading the caustic, eloquent attacks on white racism that Dunbar published in newspapers.

David Bradley

I can envision the finished painting before I start. I read occasionally about an artist who says I sit before my canvas and I don't know what I'm going to do. I don't believe that.

William North

The general intent of the MSA was to limit exposure and we've complied by pulling our ads off taxis, T-shirts, buses and billboards, ... But we have the right to communicate with adults about our product in magazines that are read by a majority of adults.

Jan Smith

A reading center is inadequate for over 60,000 people, ... We know it's going to be very busy, and it's going to be great to have a library this size with this many materials and computers to serve this area of the county, which is now underserved.

Bob Cannon

We put tents up so they can sit in there and read.

Beth Schwier

He is expert in classical music. He knew the composers and knew their lives. He read their biographies. He knew the subtly of their music. And he knew about modern music and all the modern composers.

Diane Jacobowitz

What happens is everybody thinks the danger is you're going to read this stuff and all of a sudden you'll start acting that way.

Chris Crutcher

Life is like Sanskrit read to a pony.

Lou Reed

This group is now a priority... Money is still available for adults with reading and writing difficulties.

Bill Rammell

I had to read it for home school. It is sort of a mystery, and it was so detailed. I like books like that and I love puzzles. It (the book) didn't spell anything out for you. You had to read it carefully.

Caroline Leland

The parents and teachers need to know their reading scores in the next two weeks so that they can get some additional help or remedial intervention for those who didn't pass.

Debbie Ratcliffe

Kenny had to read the newspaper to his dad every night. These guys (fathers) were brilliant men but simply had no education. Kenny's dad did not want to be ignorant even if he could not read, so Kenny read that paper to him every day.

Jim Coiner

The university is a place for intellectual discussion. That's why works we disagree with should be performed, read and discussed.

Peter Holland

A lot of the stories you read make it sound like there's uncertainty. There's not uncertainty.

Jonathan Overpeck

What we become depends on what we read after all of the professors have finished with us. The greatest university of all is a collection of books.

Thomas Carlyle

During the last 20 years or so, the so-called 'middle class' -- read the top five per cent of the income scale -- has become rich beyond its wildest dreams.

Jean Dreze

The market is wondering whether U.S. growth can maintain the current rate, and a weaker reading than expected for GDP will pressure the dollar.

Akifumi Uchida

The ability to read a trout stream is just as valuable to a fly fisherman as the ability to read a defense is to an NFL quarterback.

Jimmy D. Moore

T he same rules apply at home that do here. We have supper, we read, we do our abc's and we try some type of education with out kids. I bathe our children in a sink.

Patricia Olson

For Appalachian State, I thought this game read like a bad book. There was a great start and a great finish but nothing in the middle.

Houston Fancher

We want to know if your mind is so polluted by what you've read that you can't sit on this jury.

Alfred Delucchi

I am looking forward to Saturday's reading. I hope it raises a lot of money to benefit a terrific community organization dedicated to helping women who have suffered.

Allison Funk

It is not proper to look over someone's shoulder to see what book they are reading or what they are typing. It's rude.

Dianne Daniels

It was almost like she was reading from a list.

Bernard Etzinger

They have absolutely no idea why they buy and sell stocks. They read headlines and they watch price changes.

Bert Hochfeld

I think what has happened to our basketball team, we've been badly distracted. They're not reading too many positive things in the paper.

Bill Russell

Please read the attached information for your personal consumption. As previously requested, protect the source, I find all the information that you are sending me very useful. I hope you will continue sending more.

Leandro Aragoncillo

We are in the business of driving drugs out of Reading, not people.

John Franklin

We've been throwing the rocks pretty well, I'm not putting the broom where we need to put it. I'm not reading the ice very well, which is part of our problem. But we've got to make the shots when we have the opportunity, and we haven't been doing that. When there's a door open, we're not going in.

Janet Harvey

We are reading the first page in a thriller that will end either in resurrection or the death and burial of an entire industry as we know it today.

William Rochelle

We don't know what they have. If they found a different way to read the number, i.e. manipulate the software, then we may change the software. It's completely hypothetical. We need to speak with them.

Tom Waldrop

Being a father of three young girls, I read the Austin article and instantly thought of what I could do for his family. It was not an option not to get involved.

Chad Taylor

When I read West Lafayette up there, the only thing I could think of was, I'm going home. It's going to be a great time and I can't wait to get there.

Liz Honegger

When I'm actually assembling a scene, I assemble it as a silent movie. Even if it's a dialog scene, I lip read what people are saying.

Walter Murch

Robert made some big decisions in that game and we only won, 13-12. He really matured into a quarterback and could really read the defenses.

Bob Jacoby

There is no such thing as national advertising. All advertising is local and personal. It's one man or woman reading one newspaper in the kitchen or watching TV in the den.

Morris Hite

It's not clean. It's not simple, but if you read the questions carefully it's not that difficult.

Irene Allan

I would rather have students read a difficult text that they find challenging than one they dismiss because it is too easy.

Paul Armstrong

Each has his past shut in him like the leaves of a book known to him by heart and his friends can only read the title.

Virginia Woolf

Writing is a difficult trade which must be learned slowly by reading great authors; by trying at the outset to imitate them; by daring then to be original; by destroying one's first productions.

Andre Maurois

He has to learn to read defenses. That's hard for quarterbacks, and him coming out and this being his first start, anxiety is high. He was anxious, he was impatient, and we were able to get a lot of big plays against him.

Nick Harper

My four-year-old daughter is soon going to be old enough to look at the children's books upstairs. I don't want her to accidentally read something she's not supposed to.

Jennifer Deer

There's obvious tongue-in-cheek there. It's all about politics. That doesn't mean it's not fueled by personal interest as well as principle. But to not read politics into it is to say you're not paying attention.

Jaime Regalado

But don't read anything into it. His calendar was just full.

Jim Solomons

If Bush carries on with his lies and oppression, it would be useful for you to read the book Rogue State.

Bin Laden

He's got a great release and a great arm. He gets rid of the ball fast. I laughed at some of the reports I read, that his arm was only average. His arm is not average. He's got a great arm.

Craig Rigsbee

I think more people should be reading it but maybe fewer people should be writing it, ... there's an abundance of unreadable poetry out there.

Billy Collins

Rock journalism is people who can't write interviewing people who can't talk for people who can't read.

Frank Zappa

We go early to hear the reading of names and listen for Daddy's name. Later we descend on a ramp to water ponds filled with thousands of roses. We always bring our own flowers and a note to our dad.

Jill Abbott

I read the manual on snake bites this morning.

John Twomey

Whitney and I have fun reading the newspaper sometimes. You'd be amazed at the places they say I've been.

Bobby Brown

I read to my wife at night so she'll go to sleep, ... Am I having that effect here?

Rodney Melville

If the riches of the Indies, or the crowns of all the kingdom of Europe, were laid at my feet in exchange for my love of reading, I would spurn them all.

Francois de Fenelon

He has great instincts. He has a knack for breaking on the ball. It's read slow and act fast. He does things you can't coach. The whole secondary played well.

Garry Mcpeek

Some who have read the book, or at any rate have reviewed it, have found it boring, absurd, or contemptible, and I have no cause to complain, since I have similar opinions of their works...

J. R. R. Tolkien

I have a visual that always makes me smile during my prayer. It is of Jill sitting with a cat in her lap, home at last, reading through these many e-mails. Won't that be lovely?

Nancy Martin

Young people have more energy for those sorts of things. It's really lovely that we're all doing this reading because we don't do that many of them.

Judy Roitman

My uncle often played the devil's advocate just to get a rise out of somebody, but was extremely giving, passionate about everything — what he was reading, religion, what he was doing, politics.

Mary Weaver

In England only uneducated people show off their knowledge; nobody quotes Latin or Greek authors in the course of conversation, unless he has never read them.

George Mikes

I caught him coming across the middle. I read his break and came downhill on it. Unfortunately he got hurt, but it does feel good to give a receiver a nice licking.

Scott Gordon

People question the meter reading. It is definitely sticker shock. It doesn't hit you until you open that bill in December, January, February.

Chase Kelley

Who knows? Maybe eventually I'll be doing my nightly read with an electronic device. It's hard to imagine, but a lot of things are hard to imagine, but then they come true.

Jim Barnes

We just can't keep saying it's a learning process, we have to get some wins, I think it is on the mental side, we need to think harder and read the game a bit more.

Runako Morton

That's more than the type-setting, copy editing and proof reading cost combined - and it's just not viable.

Morgan Entrekin

He's a convicted felon, and that's the sad truth. This is nothing more than a situation involving an incorrect case citation. No one who read the case [cited in the newspaper] could think it involves the same Carl McAfee. It's a Wisconsin case.

Gerald Gray

We wouldn't be as good without [the triangle]. It involves all five people. It gives everybody the opportunity to read the defense, touch the ball and make plays.

Patrick Fox

A great book should leave you with many experiences, and slightly exhausted. You should live several lives while reading it.

William Styron

Obviously, I'm not gonna read the book. Hey, I didn't even want to read my book.

Ron Kittle

Last week in all media classes, we read Chinese folk tales and I did a presentation on China.

Linda Brooks

You're either reading something of his or listening to his voice. You don't get to see him often and don't get a sense of who's the man behind the curtain. He's a really fun and interesting guy. For a lot of people it's like meeting their hero.

Christine O'malley

By the time Allen read 'Howl' -- and when Snyder then read 'The Berry Feast,' the first deep-ecology poem -- we felt that a body had been thrown against the barricades.

Michael Mcclure

I read the manuscript and that was it. There's a human element, and it's a bit of Staunton history.

Suzi Armstrong

It happens from time to time. You can read into it ...

Peyton Hyslop

Just the child seeing a parent with a book or a newspaper, or reading a recipe or a book on how to repair a car encourages their children to want to read.

Ginger Williford

Hotels have lost a major revenue stream because nobody's using hotel phones to make calls. This is the kind of thing that is in the fine print in a hotel manual, but the average business traveler doesn't read.

David Downing

Idleness does drive me crazy, but I'd rather read or write than do anything just to work. A kind of respect has been instilled in me for acting: I love it too much to ever have a bad relationship with it.

Karen Allen

They say a 10 mph wind can have about a 2-inch effect on a 10-foot putt. That makes it really difficult, since you have to read the green and read the wind.

Ted Purdy

That's all he did every day was read the Bible. I just want everyone to know that he's not crazy.

Chelsea Cannon

I read them the story 'Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type,' so the students had a pretty good idea of what I was expecting.

Mary Blaker

You can read between the lines.

Leander Paes

It's awfully hard to read the tea leaves this time. But the harder I've thought about this, the more I come back to Judge Gonzales as the most likely choice. I'm not terribly confident in that prediction but it's the one I've decided I'm making.

Brad Berenson

Sometimes people read him wrong because he's so quiet. But he's very clutch. He comes through for us in key situations. To me he's solid.

Brandon Inge

[Establishing dependable network security isn't like following a recipe for brownies.] A lot of people think you can buy a firewall, install it, and be done with it, ... have the person who knows the most [about computers] read the manual and do the job.

Jeff Moss

We will of course read (the Spanish response) carefully and only after that, take decisions.

Oliver Drewes

They'll be able to read between the lines.

Paul Wolfowitz

Johnny Unitas. He was so frustrating to play against. He was so frustrating for me to play against. I thought he could read my mind when I called the defenses. He was such a great leader.

Sam Huff

Reading the epitaphs, our only salvation lies in resurrecting the dead and burying the living.

Paul Eldridge

On a golf course, there's always an area set aside for people in wheelchairs. I started reading the Americans (With) Disabilities Act, and found out there are specifics for handicapped parking, but nothing about a golf course.

Roger Pretekin

The time I used to spend playing tennis I now use for reading or doing embroidery.

Anna Lee

Often times, candidates are a little coy, but you can read their stuff and figure out where they stand.

Louis Jambois

Some of best things parents can do to help their kids before they come to school are read to them and teach them nursery rhymes. They've kind of become a lost art, but they are very beneficial.

Pat Drake

That was the time of the ghettos. You read about the black ghetto on the east side of Cleveland, and the crime and the poor housing conditions.

Bill Myers

There had been concerns raised that some of the labels were confusing, and that some of the instructions and warnings might be hard to read.

Aaron Hall

He's really beginning to grasp the concepts we've been teaching him as far as how to read routes and when to throw. He's a very good athlete and a smart kid. He's developing well.

Jim Provuncher

He was sitting on the couch in his pajamas. He had on his reading glasses, and he was facing the TV.

Tom Larson

It seems to me that it's a fairly narrow market that's going to pay for the privilege of reading columns by Maureen Dowd and Paul Krugman and such.

Glenn Reynolds

My love life is nobody's business... if I give it to 40 million people to read, what do I have left when I go home? I'm protective of my personal life that way.

Julianna Margulies

Indications are that the software market is improving and this is not commensurate with what the stock is doing. It's just a painful thing to keep reading about this soap opera.

Robert Mattson

This alleged conspiracy took place over a seven-month period and I can't tell from reading the indictment what she (Adams) allegedly did. I don't even know if she is being charged as a principal or on an accountability theory.

Terry Green

Reading music is like listening to flowers. I don't understand the concept.

Paul Westerberg

Instead of sitting in front of the T.V. or computer, what she could do is read or play golf.

Gary Sowpel

I'm told often that the member of Congress may have staff work and reading to do. Is there conversation? It really depends on the member of Congress and the length of the flight.

Mike Bazinet

The last book I read was the book I've been rereading most of my life, The Fountainhead.

Vince Vaughn

We ran the ball really well. Our quarterback was running our offense to a 'T.' He has to read people and he's going to give it to the running back or he can keep it. He did a great job of doing that last night.

Rich Dombroski

The meeting times were changed at the last minute. On Dec. 27 the critical second reading was changed from Jan. 17 to Jan. 3. There just wasn't enough notice for the second reading.

Ron Powers

Mother didn't read the book until a long time later. When she did, she was shocked.

Jimmy Mcleod

A lot of things can be read into it, but essentially it's about the desire to be an artist and what a struggle that is. It's about everything. You've got issues of being a man, finding meaning and the struggle to express oneself. The sad thing is that sometimes someone doesn't really have the talent or the voice to do that.

James Franco

We just read it in the paper this week. It's kind of amazing. Actually we were just talking; we're going to miss it. It's probably one of our favorite stores.

Rebecca Adams

This research makes the same difference as a foreign language learned with or without the help of a dictionary. We can say we have opened the vine dictionary. From now on, everything will be easier. It will be possible to read and understand grapevines as never before.

Riccardo Velasco

We've had five calls this week about our program. Most of them who call or come to us haven't seen it in the newspaper because they can't read, but they hear about us from family and friends.

Karen Hill

It is grievous to read the papers in most respects, I agree. More and more I skim the headlines only, for one can be sure what is carried beneath them quite automatically, if one has long been a reader of the press journalism.

Mary Ritter Beard

I couldn't believe it. One minute I am reading this in the Tribune and the next minute I get a phone call from Eureka saying the first one is here.

Bob Niebuhr

We were too hungry to bother to read.

Doris Causey

Someone once said that recovering data without the application is like reading without glasses -- you've got the book, you've got the words, but you don't know what it means.

William Hurley

Excellent, entertaining and extremely well written ... I couldn't stop reading!

Phil Hellmuth

We are asking for first reading [adoption] to get this contract under way and get this resolved.

Stephen Dyer

I'd like to see them do a really in-depth look at Barry Bonds just from everything you read and everything you hear. I'd really like to see what they're going to do about him. Me personally, if he does it, I think they should use him as an example.

Rob Baughman

I don't know who's up there right now. Last year there was no confirmation on who the actual male was. People said they saw a male that looked different but no one officially read the ID band.

Mary Hennen

If someone has the slightest interest in joining our group, no matter how inexperienced, she should really come and try us out. You don't have to know how to read music, or even be a great singer; we'll teach you.

Janet Kushmerek

Right now, we're dominating, ... We're making ad-justments and reading our keys. Dominating.

Matt Smith

It is impossible to maintain civilization with 12-year-olds having babies, with 15-year-olds killing each other, with 17-year-olds dying of AIDS and with 18-year-olds getting diplomas they can't read.

Newt Gingrich

The fluency of our English-as-a-second-language students has gone up. The kids can't wait to read. Their eyes light up when their partners come in.

Stephanie Johnson

During our first year we were up here, Tom thought he had to read all the bills.

Donna Courtney

O'Neill has been more optimistic about the economy and resistant to additional stimulus, so I suppose one could read between lines that he was losing that battle, and the administration is more likely to propose aggressive stimulus now.

Alan Levenson

This is for all ill-treated fellows - Unborn and unbegot, For them to read when they're in trouble And I am not.

Alfred Edward Housman

If we could read the secret history of our enemies, we should find in each man's life sorrow and suffering enough to disarm all hostility.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

You can kind of read between the lines on that one.

George Peterson

I read a lot of sci-fi when I was younger, ... Loved it from the literary point of view. But if somebody came to me five years ago and said to me that I'd be doing this, I'd say, 'You're crazy.'

Bonnie Hammer

Sometimes we read or hear too much news that makes us fearful or suspicious of others. We can forget that most of the people that we know, or at least encounter regularly, are decent and friendly.

Adrienne Clarkson

I grew up with those MGM musicals, so I have an idea what I like from a musical. It helped to read a book about making musicals, however.

Stephen Frears

He read it off the bat well, played it well and he was in perfect position. When it was off the bat, I though it was in.

Mark Vogel

Raney ... Describes more people I know than any book I've read.

Clyde Edgerton

Here's the deal. I want people reading. We are professionals, and we need to be reading and studying. We need to have a life-long learning mentality.

Gerald Shields

Mothers and daughters read the same book once a month. We get together in each other's homes, and while we are talking about the book, we also end up talking about life issues.

Shireen Dodson

When I start reading a good book, I can't stop. I'll read for hours.

Natalie Davis

A man who wants time to read and write must let the grass grow long.

Sloan Wilson

In reading, a lonely quiet concert is given to our minds; all our mental faculties will be present in this symphonic exaltation.

Stephane Mallarme

I think I had pretty clearly telegraphed that I was going to be proclaiming (approval of all ballot measures) before I went to Mexico. Anybody could have read those tea leaves.

Janet Napolitano

I have had teachers tell me that students who say they never read at home until this program [have started reading].

Wendy Parkhouse

It may be that they are simply unable to read them.

David Skuse

They read everything and know everything about the Bentley College legacy. It bothers them when they think that they might be the first team to do this, or not do that. That puts an unfair burden on them. This team has to build its own legacy and can't compare itself to the Bentley teams of the past.

Barbara Stevens

Each one goes deeper. You know you really get into it. It is quite a good read.

Harry Potter

I think I read about it from a golfer in a magazine, tried it, and it seemed to work for me.

Paul Quigley

Reading helps me be more creative, it helps my imagination and I like the fact that it gives me some quiet time.

Rey Mysterio

You might want to read up on the breed a little bit. (The dog) has a long, thick coat and needs a lot of grooming.

Katie Nordhaus

Based on what we have observed and what the parents tell us, the kids get more confidence in reading with their reading and it also helps them improve their test scores. They develop a more positive attitude.

Sue Campton

There's a quadruple witch today and there's a lot of cross currents, so I'm not sure we should read too much into what happens today.

Andy Brooks

Get the forms and instructions and start reading.

Richard Fern

That difficult start drove me on to inspire children and let them know that it is never to late to repair a bad experience at school, and once you get your head down and start to read books, you can really achieve.

Johnny Ball

The more you read and observe about this Politics thing, you got to admit that each party is worse than the other. The one that's out always looks the best.

Will Rogers

This event was breaking ground in that there were people who said, 'Let's read in this funky art gallery' and were the opposite of silent. They were ranting and roaring and howling.

Jonah Raskin

Unfortunately, people assume that if you read poorly that correlates with having a low IQ.

Jeffrey Gruen

He came with a crossover. He had gotten me a couple times in the first half, and I read his move and beat him to the spot and was fortunate enough to get a good piece of the ball.

Chip Sodemann

We looked pretty good. But we need to work on our decision-making and reading our surroundings a little bit more before next weekend.

Chris Gore

You have to march along and read it in this kind of experiential way, ... You can't see it unless you are right up on it, and when you are right up on it, you are lost in his mind. That is very important to him.

Paul Schimmel

I'm always going back to Elizabeth David. I continue to be a fan. I can read and reread and find something important in there.

Alice Waters

The contest makes the students research and read about Dr. King and keep his message fresh in their minds. I think it helps people understand that his message is a way of life. His dream is that we live his dream every day.

Carolyn Mccray

One half who graduate from college never read another book.

G. M. Trevelyan

To read means to borrow; to create out of one's readings is paying off one's debts.

Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

There are two types of encryption: one that will prevent your sister from reading your diary and one that will prevent your government.

Bruce Schneier

I've done a lot of Internet research and read a lot of books about oils. It's my personal thing.

Harvey Diamond

Coach, you need to read this.

Kerry Tharp

The only problem with this is, everyone is going to read the paper (today), so don't make us any kind of headlines.

Ted Farhat

We really read these (application) files carefully. I think there is more leadership in this class, and we're proud of that.

Don Bishop

I'm so interested. Anything that shows how times were 100 years ago is fun to read.

Marilyn Dufresne

Hal's Sunday column was the best-read piece of journalism in Northeast Ohio.

Dan Coughlin

Imagine putting reading on at 3:30.

Leonard Slatkin

They all need to be read, discussed, and understood by the planning board.

Nan Stoltzenburg

This is no longer as case of 'Johnny can't read,' ... It's Johnny won't read.'

Dana Gioia

To limit the press is to insult a nation ; to prohibit reading of certain books is to declare the inhabitants to be either fools or slaves.

Claude Adrien Helvetius

Never tell a man you can read him through and through; most people prefer to be thought enigmas.

Marchioness Townsend

You read back through these old records when people were kicked out of the church for swearing.

David Hess

You had to know how to read a map, or you would be in trouble.

Dennis Lane

She read a lot, and was interested in world affairs, ... She was one of those people who could carry on a good conversation.

Beverly Becker

We were expecting this library for a long time. The reading center was too small for the kids.

Claudina Estrada

I think he's going to play, ... The more I read (about it), I don't think there's a question. He's going to play.

Frank Beamer

These sensibilities are old, 19th century, republican ideals. That attitude has pretty much gone away. I've been reading muckraking books from the 1930s, when there was still this intense hatred and fear of monopolies - especially newspaper chains.

Thomas Frank

A model wears clothes and looks good, which is very passive. It's not like a musician promoting a new album. You don't have to read about it.

Peter Andre

For anyone who's read the books, it will be really fun to see the characters come alive. We believe we've captured the essence of those characters and the essence of those books.

George Nelson

Most screenplays, when you read them, they're rather forgettable affairs. This one stuck with me. It kind of grabs you by the throat and doesn't let go.

Michael Caldwell

The company story is that the workforce is everything, ... it's 'Our people make the difference.' But, if you read this memo, their people aren't making the difference. It's time to get a new, younger workforce that doesn't go see the doctor.

David West

The older I've got the less I find myself going back and re-reading or really reading new fiction or poetry.

Reynolds Price

Philosophy classes come with this connotation of being difficult or that the reading is hard to understand. Philosophy relates to our daily experience, to the problems we see going on in our lives.

Danae Mcleod

In quoting of books, quote such authors as are usually read; others you may read for your own satisfaction, but not name them.

John Selden

The purpose of our event is for people to come and read. They can come into library and read by themselves or the children's librarian will read for a little bit.

Victoria Hart

I read for the part of Elizabeth, the virgin queen. I thought they said they were looking for a virgin from Queens. Whatever, the only virgin in my house is the olive oil.

Fran Drescher

When they [people of minority languages] read it in their heart language for the first time, they are inevitably blown away.

Ruth Hubbard

The constant habit of perusing devout books is so indispensable, that it has been termed the oil of the lamp of prayer. Too much reading, however, and too little meditation, may produce the effect of a lamp inverted; which is extinguished by the very excess of that ailment, whose property is to feed it.

Hannah More

(Stella Mae) had everything down to the wire of where she wanted everything to go. She even had it down to the music she wanted to play at her funeral and down to the Scriptures she wanted read. Everything. She was an amazing lady.

Susan Wheeler

When we win, I'll probably end up naked. But I'm predicting a win for sure. You might be reading about me in the papers elsewhere tomorrow.

Mark Crawford

I was really impressed when I met Will [Jimeno], ... The police motto, 'protect and serve,' really means something to him. All he ever wanted to do is be a cop. It's one thing to read that on the page, but another thing to hear him say it. It feels great to be making a movie about great cops.

Michael Pena

I would be disingenuous if I said I wasn't concerned, ... I think the capacity additions I've read about may not necessarily prove profitable for those that are entering those markets.

Gerard Arpey

I think early on he knew the prognosis wasn't good. He was basically incapacitated. He couldn't play music, he couldn't paint and after awhile, he couldn't read.

Ron Lynam

Reading isn't an occupation we encourage among police officers. We try to keep the paperwork down to a minimum.

Joe Orton

I know I have to stop reading the message board. I want to read it so I can answer your questions but you people are all insane. Well, at least some of you.

Adam Duritz

Or what Mr. O' Bannon, are you going to kick my ass? I've read all about your ridiculous escapades. So, how does it feel to kill a Mummy with your bare hands? Only a nation of uneducated rednecks would believe such cowboy drivel.

Aiden Gillen

There are some people who don't want to think about teenagers having sex at all, in real life or in literature, ... Some parents don't want their kids reading about gay and lesbian characters.

Kathleen Horning

Where one man reads the Bible, a hundred read you and me.

Dwight L. Moody