The PC industry is champing at the bit to provide downloaded movies that might compete with DVD sales, and Pay-TV services want to add movies to their video-on-demand services, to their new disk-drive-equipped set-top boxes, and to their emerging high-definition TV services.

Gerry Kaufhold

Prairie Ridge and Crystal Lake South are the top teams, but we want to give them a run for their money. I'll be disappointed if we are not in the top three.

Bud Lachel

We hope that those who want to see change in America, and to return to a track of prosperity and progress, better health care and new and better jobs, will unite behind the Democratic nominee for president -- whoever that may be.

Stephanie Cutter

Folks will see the birds and want to feed them. That is not a good idea, because it will prevent them from moving on. So people should not try to feed them. Also, people who don't have experience in trying to capture them should not attempt to capture them. It makes the whole situation harder. If you chase them around, they're only going to keep moving around.

Bob Eriksen

It may also help keep you motivated to set your sights on specific training challenges. For example, you may want to train for an upcoming 5K race or other athletic event.

Bobbi Dunn

We want it to be a family event. Anyone from diapers to walkers are welcome, and we have something for them to do.

Linda Henderson

I want a jury to be able to decide whether my actions were criminal or not.

Robert Latimer

We don't want them to play in 35 mph winds. It's not fair to either team.

Gale Howard

This initiative is being financed by Californians who want to try it in Colorado instead of their own backyard.

Katy Atkinson

When the pressure to win as taken away from the enjoyment of coaching, I knew it was time for a change. I didn't want to make a rash decision following what was a long season. Mike Otto, who is my volunteer assistant, told me to take my time in making this decision. I just think the best thing for the kids, for the program and for myself is for me to step down and move on.

Steve Myers

I want to work hard and let them know I'm ready. I want to be in the big leagues, hopefully.

Angel Guzman

That makes the course more of their own and makes them want to do well.

Joe Hubble

If you look at all the things that are happening...if you add it up in any manner you want, what you will find is a situation that is getting worse and worse.

Masipula Sithole

He broke well and we sent him because we didn't want to get into any trouble. I let him run a little down the stretch because I wanted him to get something out of it. People were hooting and hollering in the paddock before the race but it didn't faze him. All he does is keep making me look good.

Russell Baze

As Americans and as journalists, we just feel this is a story we want to stay around.

Jon Klein

If I'm a telco, I'd want to kill wireless or WiMAX projects but I should be encouraging fiber optic networks.

Matt Davis

Oh, I love it. I love that guy. I wish he didn?t have a girlfriend, ... Did I say that out loud? I did, didn?t I? There is no other guy you want in that position. Hands down. We do this all the time in practice and you never know when it?s really going to come up.

Christian Fauria

We want to go out and prove those people wrong.

Darius Washington Jr

We've really begun to focus on the defense. We want to make plays on defense; we have the kids who can make those big plays.

Gordon Elliott

We don't want to do anything that would impede the investigation for the victim or the suspect.

Susann Griffin

I sell a lot of little pickups and most of my clients are working people who want a nice car but can't afford something that's two or three years old.

Deane Dotson

As a unit, sure, we knew what we were doing. We want to score (a touchdown) every time we step out on the field; we feel like we have to score. That's our mentality.

Keenan Mccardell

We've set a couple of goals. By the end of the year, we want to get our team score down to an average of 205. We also want to win the section, but it will be tough because Laurel Highlands, Mt. Pleasant and Albert Gallatin are very good teams.

Jason Tyska

What is your fondest memory of a holiday? We don't want the kids just eating and watching television.

Gayle Tolchin

I don't think it's anything about Eastern, it's more of a coincidence. I didn't want to leave this arena or these fans on a losing note.

Brian Snider

The success is based on canine and owner participation. The only owner I can't train is one who doesn't want to learn ? and that's unfortunate for the dog. A lot of the dogs are turned over to shelters because most people haven't come across a training technique that works.

Ruth Marquardt

What we really want to do is what we are really meant to do. When we do what we are meant to do, money comes to us, doors open for us, we feel useful, and the work we do feels like play to us.

Julia Cameron

I have my own little sense of style. As far as image goes today for a new artist, you'll find that fashion is really important. I wouldn't want to show up for a performance in something that is absolutely the opposite of who I am as an artist.

Miranda Lambert

It's going to hurt cheerleading. The best analogy I can make is that this is like taking the 3-point line away from the basketball team. ... We all want it to be as safe as possible, but with as few limits as possible.

Jennifer Graeff

This is indeed a stiff wake up call to the ruling party and the president, ... This vote ... is telling the president and the ruling party that people want change.

Charlayne Hunter gault

We want to assure everyone - our customers, suppliers, our people and our communities - that Dana is open for business as usual.

Michael Burns

Art is... a question mark in the minds of those who want to know what's happening.

Aaron Howard

When I grow up I want to be a little boy.

Joseph Heller

Lady Bird Johnson had that extra-special Southern charm that you just can't resist. Mrs. Goldwater was charming, too. And she was the smart one. She really didn't want to be the First Lady at all. And she got her wish.

Norman Rockwell

This could sap thousands of dollars from schools that are already financially strapped to provide education to children. Obviously, we wouldn't want that to happen. We want to protect our partners so we are moving them to other, private organizations.

Greg Shields

It's more of a hope right now that things go well. I want to see them to expect to win every time they take the field and believe in each other.

Mike Godfrey

We really don't have concerns. We've always had a partnership with Microsoft that allows us to understand their direction, and when it comes to broad, horizontal, basic services markets, they're great at it, ... If I want to be a partner of Microsoft, I can't have angst around Microsoft going after these broad, horizontal services.

Mark Templeton

Consumers want products that fit in a health-conscious lifestyle and yet they are unwilling to compromise on taste. Our 100 Calorie Mini Bites gives consumers 'snack balance' -- their favorite brands in convenient portion packaging that takes the guess work out of calorie control.

Jeff Swearingen

We want to play whatever you want to hear. We're here for you, Toledo.

Jared Leto

We need to work together as a team. I want to create team spirit and team unity. We've come a long way in a short time.

Bill Bauer

I want to play trailer trash; I swear to God.

Joan Van Ark

It is not a solution people are wanting to buy into. The main objection is to using public funds for private institutions.

David Aubrey

As citizen(s) of the country and as a human being(s), we want to help out.

Bob Morrison

It's a long ways back on straight ice if the other team gets deuce early on you. When you've got hammer, you want to hold them to one. Then you might have a chance.

Shannon Kleibrink

To see what is right and not to do it is want of courage, or of principle.

Kong Fu Zi

It's been a long time since (P-W) has been in our region. Back then only one team got out so there was a lot of pressure. With the regional this year, you don't want to close your eyes at all because I'm not real sure what some of these schools bring.

Deb Gaines

It was the eye of the Tiger. She came to the sideline and said, 'I don't want to lose. Put it in my hands.' For a sophomore to say that, that's huge.

Steve Holloway

It's a difficult piece of property to categorize with single-family zoning and steep banks abutting railroad tracks and industry, with park property across the street. We've had informal discussions with a developer who might want to do something there with multiple-family zoning.

Jennifer Frey

Right now, I'm putting a lot on myself as receiver to help the other guys. The strength of this group of receivers is that they want to learn. Last year the coaches were explaining the new offense to us and we just listened. This year we're asking more questions and we're eager to learn.

Michael Reed

If I don't rebound, we don't win. And I want to win.

Cheryl Ford

Normally the wicket has a little bit in the morning so we'll have a go at them first. We have some good pace so we want to let them loose.

Shivnarine Chanderpaul

I'm a lifelong resident of Limestone County, and I attended Clements and have family that went to Clements. I just want to do something to improve and promote the west end of Limestone County.

Tom Richardson

Some of the older guys who don't want to (or can't) play anymore, become team managers. Anyone can join. We celebrate fun and fellowship.

Jim Craig

I think this is where we want to be. We're getting guys healthy. If we have one of our starters, either Valdez or Moehler in the bullpen, that's our strength. Other teams don't have guys like that.

Mark Wiley

What I want to do is, I want to put together a nice list of those guys who I really did admire when I was growing up, listening to names like Lord Finesse.

John Cena

A beginner shouldn't spend a lot of money right away. Go out with a group, pick up ideas, borrow things at first, and check out a lot of gear, and find out over a period of time what you want to take backpacking.

Larry Petersen

We sometimes have clients who are obsessed with taxes and we try to point out to them the bigger picture, ... Most people want to have their net worth grow. If they have to pay more taxes, so be it.

Jim Bell

We want to lift their spirits since they are in the hospital on Easter. I can't wait to do it and see the reaction on the people's face.

Stephen Griffin

We're going to have to get a little more play out of our guards if we want to try and beat Mater Dei, but I'm happy for the girls and happy for the win.

Matt Elledge

Another virtue of my experiments is that I use the same long single strand over and over again (the natural virus sequence) and I just change the ∼200 short staple strands. This means I don't have to do a custom long synthesis every time I want to make a new structure.

Paul Rothemund

This is our last chance to head off a potential disaster. We don't want there to be any excuses. This is no time for procrastination.

Kira Swaim

If they want to play at the next level they just need to keep performing year after year.

Trevor Bayliss

She's very brave the way she tackles this in the book. She's been given a lot of flak from the right, saying, 'Who'd want you?' But she does deal well with the imperfect fit between men and women. If she was a man, she'd have a ton of people throwing themselves at her.

Katha Pollitt

The community has a responsibility for our children. We do not want our children to grow up without these adult connections.

Beverly Howard

We were hopeful but surprised. We didn't want to be selfish, but it's been great.

David Frye

You want them to really say something about your state.

Tim Calkins

We could, in fact, have the whole business in profit. But we want to keep growing. We did not get $10 million in the bank to earn interest.

Grant Baker

Most people don't have a clue to understand how much force is necessary to stop resistance. It's hard to put handcuffs on someone who doesn't want to be cuffed.

David Klinger

But when I go really far back in time, to the days when everyone was dying of cholera and syphilis and bubonic plague, I want nothing to do with those periods. I mean, nobody showered. That's why perfume became such a popular item.

Matt Dillon

Elton and I have spoken to Madonna plenty of times lately. She and Guy are close friends of ours. They need to concentrate on their careers if they want their relationship to work. ... But if they neglect that, their relationship will ultimately suffer.

David Furnish

You don't want to beat yourself. We're a young team. But we're a team with a lot of potential. I've seen it. I think the girls see. We just have to believe it.

Roosevelt Newell

We don't want to park this plane in a museum. We're losing 1,500 veterans a day in this country. Movies like Pearl Harbor encouraged people to get a better understanding of what our veterans did and to realize that freedom is not free. With each veteran that's passing we lose another story of courage and valor.

Ray Fowler

I'm just going to have to turn it up a notch, and get out, knock on doors and tell my story. My story is about creating jobs here in Burlington and getting jobs and working toward making life better for the people of Burlington. I just want to be a part of that.

Garry Thomas

Honestly, I did it for the opportunity. I love what I do, but I don't know if I was doing the character of Cassie justice anymore. When you start to feel like you want to be challenged in other areas, the light starts to dim a little.

Laura Wright

Investors and institutions buy our shares because they want to buy real estate in Singapore. Our priority is to extract value out of Singapore. No competitor has so many sites to create the luxury niche that we have started developing.

Kwek Leng Beng

We've been performing with symphonies all of our career and it sounds so wonderful when they play 'My Girl' with the large string section, I want to turn around and look.

Otis Williams

I want to stay as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all kinds of things you can't see from the center.

Kurt Vonnegut

If you want to do anything in the global marketplace, there is no way you can avoid dealing with China if you want to do business.

Feng Niu

We believe in producing works that deal with real issues, and deal with those issues in a realistic way. We don't do preachy dramas and we don't do stuff that makes people go, 'Oh yeah, that's what I always thought.' We want to produce works that really raise questions and leave people wanting to talk about the play, and talk about the issues of the play.

Jeanette Harrison

We don't want to be complacent about drug an alcohol abuse.

Joe Luna

Stats don't mean a lot to me. What means a lot is being available to play every day. I like to play the game and that's what I think about. I love the game and I don't want to lose that.

Alfonso Soriano

I think he's got to, at some point, learn how to play long segments of games and learn how to win when you don't feel 100 percent. In the playoffs, if you want to win one or two rounds, you have to go 10, 15 games in a row and find ways to win when everything isn't just right.

Brad Shaw

I'm so excited. I heard about it last year and I wanted to go. If this is one of the ways we can get people to learn about Christ, I want to be a part of it.

Jackie Evans

I was provoked by Tim Cahill and accept that by the rules, my reaction was a red card offense. I want to apologize to my teammates, and all I can say is that I will learn from this experience.

Francesc Fabregas

It becomes personal, especially with our operations folks out on the line. They get to the point where they want to beat it.

Steve Hart

If you want to win, you make calls like that. If you worry about the consequences, you keep on losing.

Wally Buono

I know Mr. Mara would be so happy for me, and happy that I was representing the Giants. I don't want to let him down. And I don't want to disrespect the people who cared so much to want me in there.

Harry Carson

We sought them out. They are up-and-coming, but the majority of the reason is because of Matt Doherty. It's an interesting story. People want to know how he's doing.

Jim Gorman

I don't want to rain on anyone's parade, but I'm a little doubtful. Most of the time when the Fed lowers rates it's good for the market. This time, the problem is related to the global economy.

Frank Gretz

I really want to build a program for the community and Madison. As it grows, I hope to add a men?s and a mixed team as well.

Jamie Williams

We want to reunite a child with the parent because kids can't sit in foster care forever.

Tom Shanahan

TV news is what you want it to be, and if you want it to be different, take a look at what you watch.

Aaron Brown

I just want to be in the NFL. I want to be drafted, to make a roster. I just want to be in the league. This is where you do that.

Lawrence Vickers

We want to reach out not just to sports fans, but parents who are involved in their kids' lives.

John Maroon

This is the time of year you want him throwing this way.

Jack Kokinda

'The Transporter' 1 and 2 are the movies I do for Luc — they're not the kind I would go see or make naturally, ... You ask Luc, 'How do you want me to do it?' .

Louis Leterrier

I wasn't afforded the opportunity to return to school. I'm caught between a rock and a hard place. I want to finish school, but I don't trust these people. Are they really going to open again in March?

Cedrick Wilson

Many [public accountants] not only work from home, but they can work from remote islands if they want. A lot of what we do is to go out and meet our clients, but once you've sat down and discussed with them their business plan you can do the actual work from any location.

Joe Bittner

I want to keep fighting because it is the only thing that keeps me out of the hamburger joints. If I don't fight, I'll eat this planet.

George Foreman

We're going to try to set up three holes. People who want to go whack the ball around out there in the meadow can do it. We'll have score cards and prizes.

John Lacrosse

I wanted to be part of it, I didn't want to be hired help, I don't want the dollar.

Joseph D'angelo

It depends who you talk to. There are people who are very upset about the president, ... But I have not felt that I want to make it a partisan issue in the campaign, so I have not had a lot of comment about it.

Don Sherwood

You never want to lose on Wednesday and that can humble you, but I think we need to go into Friday and throw the first punch. It's going to be a harsh environment and they're not going to give anything to us, so we're going to have to figure something out.

Charley Boyce

Most consumer advocates recommend, for a cable company, you want to call once every six months and negotiate.

Aviya Kushner

It's been pretty tough. But the coaches have done a great job of keeping the game fun for us. Coach Ingle stresses what he calls 'backyard basketball.' When you've got your best friends playing alongside you, you're playing for more than just the game. You don't want to let each other down.

Golden Ingle

The blues is part of our history, our culture, and it's being forgotten. We want to do something about that.

Chad Kassem

It is the supporters who pay their hard-earned money for season tickets and who want a seat every week to see the team in action so we would obviously consult with them on this matter should it ever arise.

David Southern

If we are successful and Iraq becomes the Iraq we want it to be, at least it won't be a breeding ground for terrorists.

Vic Snyder

I would suggest that parents want to probably take a look at how much time their kids are spending with media and how much time their kids are spending in other activities.

Vicky Rideout

The way that this school is able to get kids to play at championship levels speaks volumes about the area and the type of kids that go to the school. Anybody can say they want to do it, but it takes pride, dedication and the will to work to actually get it done. And these kids believe in getting the job done.

Brandon Walker

I want to know, ... if you believe what the broadcasts from home tell you. We listen to them. They get finished playing a big military number, they report that your guys are bravely holding the line 'with heroic efforts.' You believe that's true?

Carl Webster

We want to work with the organizers and with the participants in the march to make sure it's a safe march.

Pete Winton

I think we'll carry that momentum forward now. We want to have the second seed going into the state finals, not the fourth-place seed.

Michael Rader

We didn't want them to play 100 per cent game time. It was just (about) getting a bit of touch, getting a bit of conditioning through them.

David Buttifant

We want to continue working on being aggressive, so we can be automatic for our next few matches. It's really hard to play that way. It requires a lot of effort for one thing, and you got to pay attention so that you can do it naturally.

Jessica Simosa

The greatest problem all around the world today, whether in America, Japan, China Russia, India or anywhere else in the world, is that people are not in peace. People want peace.

Prem Rawal

I like to believe that people in the long run are going to do more to promote peace than our governments. Indeed, I think that people want peace so much that one of these days governments had better get out of the way and let them have it.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Gov. Schwarzenegger has done the right thing in promising to veto this illegal bill. It's evidence that CWA of California and other pro-family groups got their message through to him: 'We don't want counterfeit marriage,'.

Robert Knight

[Parents should] consider if they really want to have a TV in their 3-year-old's bedroom or not ... and think about maybe turning off the TV in the home if nobody's watching it.

Vicky Rideout

We want to try and shut down the inside game. We have to try and close the paint, which is what we tried to do all season, anyway.

Gordon Hartwell

We're focusing a lot of energy on that game. You always want to win your conference games and we really want our first win to be at home. It would be great to get both in one game.

Willie Schlepp

Denver people have been ingrained to think mountains, mountains, mountains. We're an alternative. Especially for people in my age demographic, we tend to want warmer. I'm not really skiing anymore. I'd rather be out on the boat every night.

Barry Freedman

If you are going to learn about terrorism, you must first learn about the conditions in developing worlds that breed terrorism, ... Students want to have a better understanding of the events that led to the attacks. It is our (educators) responsibility to help them.

Jeremy Lewis

We want to avoid any bad surprises for taxpayers.

Bruce Barnett

I just want to congratulate Seymour on another fine season. This is the seventh year in a row they've played in the state tournament. Maybe their experience paid off, and maybe some of our inexperience showed.

Brian Richert

People can believe anything that they want. Despite how disorganized it may seem to the all-knowing public, the process went as it should.

Dale Murray

Members from our campus community want to help in some meaningful way, and we believe our willingness to accept these `temporary transfer' students will make a small, but significant, impact.

Mary Lyons

When I have a good game, that's that I do, ... I'm able to get guys out with the fastball. I was able to locate it and was able to get some guys chase it up. You just want to work ahead and stay ahead and let the guys get themselves out.

Scott Baker

Our job is to put on the best possible service and make it available through cable to fans. We don't want to leverage fans into doing our work for us. The flip side to the pawn argument ... [is] if it wasn't for ESPNU, this game wouldn't be on television.

Burke Magnus

Judaism is a non-proselytizing religion, but we realize there are many people who know little about Judaism and are curious to know more. We aren't looking to win people to our point of view, but we just want to be better understood.

Rabbi Geoff Dennis

The feedback from the teachers is that they understand the repairs are needed. It's a little harder to explain to the students. They don't want excuses. They want to know when we're going to reopen.

Larry Spasic

We can develop all the schedules we want, but until the funding is there for planned replacement, our time is wasted. You have to spend money to save money.

Kyle Bordelon

I think the racetrack has been a great outlet for folks who do want to race in a safe manner, rather than on the freeways.

Scott Ishikawa

We certainly didn't want to blindside the city in any way. The reality is we don't have that much time to continue to deal with the politics of the city. They have a lot of hard work to do, a lot of hard decisions to make with the repeal referendum coming up. We don't have time to wait.

Mark Munger

There are people still in the Republican Party that I believe practice the communication of anger, of disappointment, of regret, of pain, of sorrow, of suffering. That's not what the American people want to hear.

Frank Luntz

One of the big mistakes a team can make is get a one or two-goal lead and start sitting back ... while the other team has the opportunity to turn on the jets offensively and put some pucks in the net. We didn't want that.

Mike Serba

There, we have been extraordinary, ... But we've only been able to look at a section of rock maybe 10 meters thick, and we want to know how do these rocks relate to what's above and beneath them.

Matt Golombek

I want to set up divisions at each level for the playoffs.

David Hartman

I come across mothers walking kids in strollers three abreast on the street because they don't want to walk on sidewalks. Why have sidewalks if not ... to walk on them?

Michael Weber

My mom never pushed me into it. In fact, she didn't want me to do it all. This was my choice - my obligation. I was called to push people in the right direction.

Margaret Vaga

There is a general and growing sense in the region that we are becoming the dumping ground for things that the coastal regions don't want. I don't think that there's any requirement or inherent obligation that the valley take waste products from other regions. Every region should have to take care of its own waste, and exporting it to a region that is poor is inherently unfair.

Carol Whiteside

We want to keep a nice little friendly atmosphere about it. I don't think we want to lose that.

Rich Harvey

Effects of Fear and Anger on Perceived Risks of Terrorism. People want to be treated as adults. They want you to level with them even if the truth is uncomfortable.

Baruch Fischhoff

Obviously, if we deploy something that detects explosives, the enemy will simply try to obscure them more and more. We want to be able to detect the explosives within a lot of clutter.

Bill Dunn

As you begin changing your thinking, start immediately to change your behaviour. Begin to act the part of the person you would like to become. Take action on your behaviour. Too many people want to feel, then take action. This never works.

John C. Maxwell

We want to see a strong public role in administering and managing the system. If the counties would wash their hands of it and say, 'We're turning it over,' we would have some large concerns.

Tom Frazier

Immigration does not expect you to pull out a magnifying glass and quiz people. We just want you to fill out the form.

Scott Mccormack

You can say it's a federal problem all you want, but the truth is it's in your backyard so the problem's yours.

Susan Tully

At some point this will become so annoying that someone will want to change it. I'm quite confident that people are not going to be happy with multiple leap seconds per year.

Dennis Mccarthy

The more we've toured, we've gotten more and more of a diverse crowd. We have a lot of young girls, a lot of teenagers, guys in their 30s that love the same music we do. It's really cool because we want everyone to like us. What we don't have yet is women in their 30s and 40s, so now we're looking for them. That's our goal – we want to win over the soccer moms!

Torry Castellano

We're serious about this. We want to be great cocktail party chatter, a great informative read. We are not a textbook.

Chris Johns

It's not like we're trying to figure out ways not to serve the client, and I think that's the piece that gets lost when everyone is asking why didn't someone do this or that. We all want the same thing. The question is, can we find it?

Charles Johnson

We want to win it this year. You have to win the first game, though. The morning games are very, very odd games. You can't predict what is going to happen. You never know what your kids will do. We were in a fog during that 10:30 game [against Evanston last year].

Dave Weber

It appears they don't want to consider this in this session.

Grant Lynch

Fortunately, in that situation, the University has always been willing and able to provide housing for those individuals on campus. For people who don't want to live on campus, they would obviously be on their own.

Karin Johnes

We think it's a great show. We want people who have not had the opportunity to watch it to catch up before the show resumes with new episodes in January.

Albert Cheng

We want to recognize their effort, and we want to see a better immigration bill in Congress. As a local resident, I support their cause. They're working hard and trying to get a piece of the American dream.

Chuck Bell

They tout the belief that if blacks want to succeed in this country, there is only one path: reliance on the government.

Alphonso Jackson

To be bilingual, it helps economically. I want to give her the opportunities to do that.

Carin Mccameron

We will make these three existing locations bigger and stronger, and we want a broad geographical spread as well, moving from coastal areas into the interior.

Paul Wilkins

It was all about getting comfortable with our offense, I didn't want to go out and try to do too much. Now I'm getting more opportunities to shoot and I'm getting more comfortable with shooting.

Ifeanyi Koggu

We are confident we are not dreaming up this trend. We've researched and we feel like this is what people really want. The town homes are part of a whole community. The cohesiveness between all those different product types is very important to us.

Jim Cheney

I want to commend it as an epoch-making move for the BOJ that will bring transparency to its policy.

Kozo Yamamoto

A lot of companies in the midst of Linux development have put their plans on hold because they don't want to be in a situation where they would have to owe SCO some royalties, ... So you can see why there's an axe to grind.

Mark Sunner

We just want everyone to come out and have fun. This is a fun event for the entire family.

Don Ostrowsky

It's been a good working relationship with (Electrolux) so far, ... (The expansion) means a lot to us. It means they want to be here.

Mark Pope

Most people think that when it's time to buy a car, they should immediately go to the dealerships to find what they want. In reality, there's a lot of planning that should be done first.

Donna Kane

We just want to have something to strive for at the end of the season.

Ian Millward

Some people will come in and want something very simple, painted black, nothing to it. Others, like say Nick McCarthy from Franz Ferdinand was very specific about things he wanted. He wanted a particular tone, but he also wanted it dressed up, pimped out just right. That was a major undertaking.

Kelly Butler

'The Evolution Diet' is extremely informative and insightful, yet it's funny and is a light read for those who want to just read bits and pieces.


It's a haven for bohemian free spirits. People are not afraid of saying what they want. Everyone has an opinion. Everyone has a story to tell.

Carlos Adame

We've heard clearly from the people. They don't want the Boathouse torn down.

Sharon Fearey

We'd sure like to have either a closer or top-notch starting pitcher for our rotation. We're out there looking every day. Most of these people are not available anymore. We'd have to do it through trades. Most of the teams want our good young position players. It's going to be difficult, but it's not for lack of trying.

Robert Castellini

Some people are very open, some people want to think about it, some people just say no.

Harry Hull

Even if the town can't do something, at least we know we had the chance to tell them what we think. We want to be able to review this step-by-step to make sure what they said is what they are going to do.

Bill Toussaint

If you really want to do something about this, then change the system that allowed me to, with a few selected donations, attract the interest of the head of Chinese military intelligence.

Johnny Chung

I don't want my body to be a distraction from my talent or my brain.

Shania Twain

When voters see this bill on her desk, they will expect a signature. The average Arizonan will not want to hear about legal wriggling about a separation-of-powers issue.

Stan Barnes

If you have men who will only come if they know there is a good road, I don't want them. I want men who will come if there is no road at all.

David Livingstone

I'd always had a strong urge to set up my own gift business, but I didn't want to open a retail operation until I'd experimented with it.

Shere Nagarwalla

She is in a tough spot. On the one hand, she is a very hard-working, conscientious public servant. She is going to want to pitch in if needed. On the other hand, she seems to sincerely want to spend more time with her ailing husband, and I don't think she is interested in sitting in October and November, only to be replaced and have no vote in the cases she sat on.

David Franklin

There are some people who want to throw their arms round you just because it's Christmas, there are other people who want to strangle you just because its Christmas.

Robert Lynd

We have a Class-A school, a jewel in this town. We want a Class-A facility.

Athan Crist

Our school is located in the heart of a community. We want everyone to come and take part and enjoy our nice large area to do this.

Roni Colvard

Well, I don't want to retire but I might have to.

Dorothy Willis

I come here to eat sometimes, and everything is nice and clean and beautiful. I want everything looking good for other people.

Juan Rivera

All my growth and development led me to believe that if you really do the right thing, and if you play by the rules, and if you've got good enough, solid judgment and common sense, that you're going to be able to do whatever you want to do with your life.

Barbara Jordan

I feel good today. I think this is going to be a very important step to help the people of Liberia, ... As President Bush has said and underlined, we want to help those who are suffering here -- and there are quite a number of them -- and by working with ECOMIL, we are going to make it happen.

John Blaney

It's a huge, huge game. We don't want to go down two games to nothing in a short series like this, so it's a huge game, a must win. All of our guys have to play their best game of the season.

Kevin Nastiuk

We don't want to be taxing people out of their ability to be homeowners.

Onnie Shekerjian

There is no international agreement to introduce emissions trading for global aviation and we do not want the EU scheme to be sidelined by international disputes or for EU airlines competitiveness to be jeopardized.

Andrew Sentance

She is an Academy Award nominee. She has been in everything since the beginning of time. She is a great comedian. Men want to marry her and women want to be her. The woman is unbelievable.

Amy Ettinger

We've just been battling this for such a long time. So many have been settled because companies didn't want anything to do with it, and we knew we were right.

Armen Boladian

I didn't want my teammates to feel like I was leaving them because I was injured.

Lauren Emerson

I want them to give his coaching staff at least a chance to continue coaching.

Rasoul Wilson

It's a hard thing to do. People don't realize it. You have to take advantage of the opportunity. We don't want to be happy to get there. We want to win it.

Fred Skrocki

In the back of your mind, when you say you want to write music for the movies, you're saying that you want a big house, a big car and a boat. If you just wanted to write music, you could live in Kansas and do it.

Bill Conti

You want to leave me again? Don't you want to be with me?

Andrea Lewis

Teachers are feeling extremely let down. Teachers are saying I don't want to quit, but I can't afford to stay. It's a brain drain you cannot replace.

Scott Berryessa

The shots wouldn't fall. I want to thank my seniors for their great leadership.

Aub Boucher