Some of the older guys who don't want to (or can't) play anymore, become team managers. Anyone can join. We celebrate fun and fellowship.

Not a top-down-directive type of firm.

We want to do something different now.

How many passengers are here tonight?

My views may have had some influence ... But their views have influenced me as well.

The market is more severely discounting no growth and is willing to pay more for solid growth, ... growth will be the place to make outsized gains.

I've spent half my life making money for other people to retire and send their kids to college, ... I'm looking forward to using my skill in making money for this new pursuit.

The day to day operations of the business will continue to be run by local management by their base on the Isle of Man.

Katrina was the worst disaster probably in U.S. history. It becomes a question of capacity more than training when you have a disaster of this magnitude.