He said that I'm such a big guy, my injury could relapse if I put weight on it and try to be active, ... The doctor said I can't run for four to five weeks after I heal. It will take two weeks to recover (from the pins being removed), but I can walk after that. It'll be four to five weeks before I can run.

Kevin Brown

At six and nine months of age it didn't seem to have an effect, but by 12 months of age, when most children are starting to walk and move around a lot more, that's when we saw the effect.

Lizanne Mulligan

He's been in such a loaded weight class his whole life, and he's always been the underdog, always been overlooked, and yet he comes away with title after title. With the quality of wrestlers, it's probably the toughest weight class at the national championship and (the toughest to) walk away with two national titles. He has to be categorized as one of the best of all time.

Duane Goldman

I walk now and try to take care of myself, but I wished I had done some things a lot earlier. People need to take care of themselves and they need to start it at an early age.

Don Haskins

Between car payments, getting married, buying property, having children, dealing with deaths, most people walk a very tight rope with debt. They make the huge mistake of only making minimum payments. Once something goes wrong in their lives and they need money fast ? they are at a major loss.

Howard Dvorkin

Luckily the mother reacted very quickly and was able to alert bystanders walking in the street and they tackled the man to the ground.

Catherine Kent

Neighborhood schools are keeping families in Portland. My husband can walk our daughter to school, then take the bus downtown. We can walk to the park, the pool, the library, and that's repeated all over town. I just hope people don't vote with their feet.

Ruth Adkins

I really took it because he was here. I didn't know what I was walking into. I wouldn't be able to do it without him. By him being a recruiter and assistant in Lufkin and doing it for so many years, he was able to get it together for me. All I had to do was walk on the floor.

Debra Alexander

I don't think Xstrata are going to do anything apart from walk away with a check. This bid is 21 percent above their initial offer (for 20 percent of Falconbridge).

Nick Hatch

He was walking down Ivy near Begonia (streets) when two vehicles pulled up behind the victim and chased him around the block. An unconfirmed number of Hispanic males and females were in the vehicles. They began fighting with the victim and he was stabbed twice.

Staci Johnson

Just a walk right now would mean a lot. And it would change the way the other teams pitch to everybody else. I just can't wait to see him back. I think it will be huge.

Omar Vizquel

If a mother is unwilling or unable to care for a child, she can walk into a hospital or fire station and hand over her child. The goal is to prevent what happened in Phoenix today.

Josh Weiss

It was a new experience for all of us. We accomplished our goal and it was such a good feeling to see NAU walk into the finals competition.

Amy Laxton

She knew gay people long before me. She was well-grounded, well-versed in all people's rights. It's not surprising she would stand up for us when nobody else would. She not only talked the talk, she walked the walk.

Lynn Cothren

You can walk in honor or memory of anyone you choose. Each team will be allowed a special lap for that person with highlights of their life.

Terry Lynn Watkins

When you begin to lose the fire a little bit and if you're not giving 100 percent out there, then it's time for you to leave because you'll end up getting hurt, ... I want to be able to walk away on top.

Jerry Rice

We did a team activity tonight before the game. We did the trust walk thing and we talked about it — What does this mean? It means you've got to trust your teammates. You've got to believe in each other, talk and communicate.

Cindy Williams

They said that they could smell the alcohol on your breath. They could tell by the way you were talking and by the way you were walking.

Janet Wu

Every time we walk along a beach some ancient urge disturbs us so that we find ourselves shedding shoes and garments or scavenging among seaweed and whitened timbers like the homesick refugees of a long war.

Loren Eiseley

Soon as I could walk and threw my first baseball, I have dreamed of this moment of playing in the major leagues, and now I have an opportunity of a lifetime to accomplish my dream.

Matt Dugan

The first time I realized it was a problem I was walking through the HUB and there was a map where people could write down where they had been sexually assaulted on or near campus. There were marks everywhere.

Ryan Tritch

It'll change things in Dallas quite a bit, because as I walk around in Frisco and the malls and stores everybody's excited about the stadium and the team. I'm looking forward to it.

Greg Vanney

We want to make sure he's not a walking billboard as soon as he gets to the NHL. His priority, and ours, is that he's content, fully energized and has fuel to perform on the ice. He understands it's a business and that it's good for the league and the sport, but at the same time he's human.

Pat Brisson

It's a difficult ballpark for a large walk-up. We look at this as an extension of our windows. It allows us to have the ability to move people into the ballpark more quickly when we see it's getting backed up.

Jim Alexander

Mandeville is a good club and we didn't do what we needed to win the ball game. When you make errors and walk people, you aren't going to be successful. We let Mandeville stay around.

Mick Nunez

He carried himself like a military man. They walk a little bit differently than the average person. They walk with their shoulders back, and with a swagger. That's the way he walked, and he walked with confidence, like any good veteran does.

Len Totora

"Will you walk into my parlor?" said the Spider to the Fly; "'Tis the prettiest little parlor that ever you did spy.

Mary Howitt

Sometimes we have the kids jog in class, and it only takes a minute or two before a lot of them are out of breath and have to walk.

Bill Riley

We were asking for provisions, but we didn't have provisions. But we knew with the number of people walking the streets in the city that we clearly had to provide shelter.

Sally Forman

Just to walk in and see everything you had and work so hard, to try to build up, be destroyed in just a matter of hours was just devastating.

Sarah Robinson

I've been doing it for about 15 years, walking that fine line from Broadway to rock 'n' roll. I look forward to doing that even more.

Constantine Maroulis

That two-run homer in the first inning kind of deflated us a little bit. We started out walking two or three guys, and then they made us pay. That's the way it goes sometimes.

Rob Baughman

You could just walk right around the side of the gate, there are countless ways to get in here. There are too many ways to come in undercover, without being in a vehicle or going on the road.

John Joseph Lynch

In Kenya, if you're late, the teacher will cane you. I was a bit lazy. I didn't see why I should wake up early and walk when I could run to school.

Lornah Kiplagat

Listen to your feelings. If you don't feel good about it, really pay attention to those feelings. (Don't) take any risks. ... Just make wise decisions as to where you're going or what areas you're going to walk into.

Susan Gunnell

Doubles play for sure is number one and I blame myself for that. We didn't walk in with optimal physical and mental strength.

Michael Starke

Some of the bricks that W.C. Handy and all those other dudes were walking on are now like six feet deep.

Drew Buchner

Each person in the walk-through drama gets to walk this street of gold before they leave in the final scene. We even have the river of life and the Pearly Gates in this scene.

Scarlett Knight

When my stomach blew up, I immediately went to my gynecologist. I thought maybe it was because of the walk, and maybe also because I'd just had a baby. James was only 3 months old. But when my gynecologist, after seeing me on Friday, wanted to have me tested immediately the next morning, I knew it was bad.

Lisa Muhs

Coach always tells me to stay in front of my guy and work hard on defense, and that's what I've tried to do. It's great to play here and I love it here because of the atmosphere. The energy you feel when you walk into this gym is awesome, and you have to come ready to play because everyone is here to watch us.

Nick Moore

I just asked for our players to give a full out effort, and told them they'd be able to walk away with their heads held high if they did that. And the effort was there for all three periods from everyone right across the board. This was a big, big game for us.

Mark Duffy

You have to have them fall in love when they walk through the front door.

Pat Vredevoogd

It was his frame of mind, where he wouldn't let anybody walk over him, ... He was smart, but he wasn't a nerd, and he was ready to tell you that.

Tyler James

Come on, Jesus, we're almost at the top of the hill. But when I think about what they went through, how much they walked, I don't mind walking.

Grace King

That was always such an impact when you'd walk into a room. A lot of times it was the only times a patient had received flowers and it made them so happy.

Kit Montz

With all of these people walking around, someone could have just grabbed the baby and taken him away.

Carlos Negron

You can hurt walking across the street and get hurt. We're not trying to discourage a player from anything. There are very specific items that are involved. [Flying a plane] is one of maybe 15 or 20 things.

Ruben Amaro Jr

FRIENDSHIP, n. A ship big enough to carry two in fair weather, but only one in foul. The sea was calm and the sky was blue; Merrily, merrily sailed we two. (High barometer maketh glad.) On the tipsy ship, with a dreadful shout, The tempest descended and we fell out. (O the walking is nasty bad!) Armit Huff Bettle.

Ambrose Bierce

We have not seen and continue to not to see casual transmission in our cases. It is perfectly safe to walk down the street in Toronto.

James Young

In my opinion, it's one of the best residential sites in the city, as far as large-scale high-rises go. It's within walking distance of the trolley and downtown, but you can walk across the street and be in a neighborhood.

Charles Dalton

I told him to try and throw strikes because we couldn't afford to walk anybody because then we couldn't (use our) defense. He looked tired, but I thought he could get through it.

Vernon Isabella

You don't hear a sound in the world. There's nothing quite like a walk in the morning with a new snow. The world seems so pure, so beautiful.

Jeffrey Greene

We were in a position to walk away with it, and it was too bad we unraveled in the slalom. We imploded.

Bill Madsen

I was watching the policeman walk and they were walking pretty gingerly worried about slipping.

Larry Lawrence

That is a very exciting place to visit. As you walk through the facilities, there are plaques saying who contributed to this room or to that room ... and the Rancho Bernardo Lady Lions is all over that place. The impetus is to give more money because you see the good that is happening.

Renee Bloom

Walk around the office, avoid taking the lift or drop something on the floor and stretch to pick it up. The body loves movement, we are born to move and when you're static you feel terrible. Movement and flexibility are key.

Robert Clarke

He has no time for book learning or pussy-footing about. He wants to show these young men and women what they're up against - evil exists and they better know what they're getting themselves into. He's a one-man initiation ceremony, a walking rite-of-passage. He doesn't believe in treading lightly with Harry or the other students because that won't prepare them for the real world.

Brendan Gleeson

The classical world is a completely different planet from the rock world. But I was welcomed with open arms by the orchestra musicians. I walked into their world, they didn't walk into mine. Once I worked with them they were very impressed and I gained their acceptance.

Yngwie Malmsteen

It's taken a lot of spontaneity out of life. We're not walking around as independent individuals making decisions and confronting people around us. It's reducing experience.

Phillip Gay

I'm having a ball. I just walk in, make some funnies and walk out, no pressure.

Neil Patrick Harris

His whole career is he'll walk some guys, but he makes the big pitch to get out of the inning.

Bob Melvin

We were walking a fine line, making it a sort of challenge for audiences to figure out what's going on without clues except what you're listening to, but at the same time, we wanted to make sure we didn't leave the audience completely at sea. I'm still not sure which bucket we finally tipped it into.

Joel Coen

The environmental community has historically appeared satisfied on walking away from the table if they couldn't get the whole pie. That's no longer the case now. We're willing to take whatever pieces we can get, because we can always come back.

Clifford Traisman

It's like walking into a cathedral.. It reminds me that what I do in the world is a valuable and important thing.

Mary Gordon

I like to walk around, so I might see those businesses. But not everyone has the patience.

Bob Gould

If they can find mechanics willing to work under the terms that Northwest wanted to pay, more power to them. We refuse to work under those conditions and we are prepared to walk away and start our lives somewhere else.

Steve Macfarlane

We expect most of our noon clients to be 55 and older. Many older people are not comfortable driving at night. So this is a nice daytime attraction for them. Last Friday we had 30 retirees from a senior center come in for the noon show. Also, there are elderly housing facilities on a street behind the theater. Those folks live close enough to walk here.

Alan Nero

By the time it gets easy, you'll be up walking by yourself.

Sheryl Santistevan's

It's a lot of fun — you walk in, and you're basically surrounded by butterflies. They're on the plants, and they fly around. If you're wearing light-color clothing, a lot of times the butterflies will land on you.

Tara Leiser

For people to walk in feces in the wealthiest country in the world is an abomination -- for whatever reason, ... When the tsunami hit, we got there in 48 hours, yet it took days to get to New Orleans. What does that say?

James Harris

If you take a five-mile hike with Nordic walking poles, and you're not used to using your upper body, you'll be sore the next day. It may look silly, but it works.

Angela Bono

In the mental-health field, it's sort of walking a tightrope. You can't treat someone by simply locking them up. It can be tough, but we try to minimize the risk as best we can and still provide treatment.

Don Abel

I did some things, and I realize that no one in this game likes to be shown up, ... If I did anything while I was walking off the field in frustration, I didn't mean it. I'm fine with the explanation [Manuel] gave me.

Cory Lidle

It's looking pretty bad right now. I can't do much more than a moderate walk. I've never had this type of injury before. I'm just trying to be as optimistic as possible, but it's hard to be optimistic. It was hard Saturday.

Lamar Hurd

I thought I was going to just walk in and walk out.

Kathleen Farrell

To me it was more than a walk-through. I had to do a little more conditioning after practice to show the coaches I was in shape, which was no problem for me. I kind of took this as a mini-practice because everyone else was walking through (plays) and I'm the only guy running routes. It was fun. It was exciting to be back.

Bubba Franks

He literally spent every waking hour walking around with those things in his hand, squeezing them. He was determined to improve.

Victor Penman

You know, we aren't beating the Yankees yet, but you have to walk before you can run.

Brad Horky

While waiting for a Moses to lead us into the promised land, we have forgotten how to walk.

Wendell Johnson

Obviously the difficult thing was the inside turn to the plank. The plank was quite tall on five strides, and there was the other inside turn there that everybody did. So with that kind of jump-off, everything has to come your way for you to be able to walk away with it, and that's what happened today.

Rodrigo Pessoa

I suppose I was strange. People used to laugh and shout olé! Now I am nothing unusual, like someone walking a dog.

Frank Evans

I'm gaining it back. I've lost a lot of regular strength, normal muscle use, and so even walking up hill takes its toll if I'm not used to it as much. But I'm getting better everyday.

Peter Jensen

If I'm well enough to walk around with that extra blood in me, then why not give it to somebody else who needs it?

Josh Davis

When the (depth charges) started coming down, you had to sit and take it, ... The explosions threw you about and knocked you to the floor. Switches fell off the equipment, light bulbs burst and everything would go dark. Water sprayed from leaks. You were defenseless and had to take what was coming. You certainly couldn't take a walk in the forest to wait it out.

Karl Springer

It kind of stuns you at first. But I think I'm walking into a good opportunity.

Philippe Sauve

There is no question that plants have [all] kinds of sensitivities. But just because they sit there, anybody walking down the road considers them just a plastic area to look at, [as if] they're not really alive.

Barbara Mcclintock

This is totally different - that was a huge game, but there's so much more here. Back in New Jersey, you'd walk the street without talking Rutgers, but here everyone is talking to everyone about nothing but Rutgers.

Joe Andro

Most days, we'd walk to school and go home for lunch. When the weather was bad, we'd take our lunch.

Reuben Bernhardt

I'll see a beautiful girl walking up to me and I'll think, Oh, my God, I can't believe my good luck. But then she'll say, "Where's your son?" or "My mother loves you."

James Caan

The Long Walk to Justice.

Bob Geldof

When children begin to understand who they are, when they begin to see that they are part of history. You can see them walking around school walking a little taller.

Lauren Cooper

We're here to answer their questions. We're a resource, particularly for individuals who haven't run for election before. We'll walk them through the process. They don't have to feel live they have to be experts.

Ryan Ronco

Without earmarks, the Canal Walk, which is now an official cultural district in Indianapolis and a destination place for residents and visitors, would likely not have been possible.

Justin Ohlemiller

So someone came on the floor and said if you can walk you should leave, ... We thought we were in serious trouble. None of us wanted to walk in the water. It looked like a toxic soup. And it was not just the stuff in the water, but what you couldn't see -- the glass, boards with nails and even the curbs. We decided if that's the way out, we'll have to walk through the water.

Royce Osborn

Shareef felt as though he signed on for one deal and if that wasn't going to happen, he was willing to walk away. There were no discussions of insurance or anything, just guarantees.

Aaron Goodwin

We're walking on uncharted waters.

Bobby Gaston

You'll be able to walk away that night knowing that you have helped make a dream come true for a kid. And that's pretty cool.

Karen Moyer

His dad (Steve Ford) has been a very important part of our boosters, and has been a very important part of the basketball family. Andrew has probably been coming to practices since he's been walking.

Joe Stoner

You can do better than that by simply getting up and taking a 30-minute walk every single day, ... This was a six-month study. What happens with continued use of this? How much is necessary?

Pamela Peeke

I don't think people ought to take the elevator if they (can) walk, because they don't get to see the stairway.

Benjamin Harrison

When I do dig down, I'm very [irritated] underneath, ... Why can't I just write a book about taking a walk and having a cup of coffee? It kind of annoys me about myself. If I could do it differently, I would. It's not some kind of principle. It's just in my nature somehow.

Richard Hell

I walk my kids to school by here twice a day. This had seemed to be a pretty decent area, but I'm a little afraid that we might be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I'm concerned about their safety.

Leslie Johnson

It wasn't like walking into a bar. I immediately sensed there was something different about this place and this experience. Even the crowd itself was so diverse in age and background and walks of life. I felt happy to have found something like this. Everybody has to find what their fit is, and this was ours.

Amy Powell

It's like walking into a big family when we go into camp and we all get on like that.

David Kidwell

We have the prettiest bank in The Woodlands. You certainly don't feel like you're walking into a bank when you walk in here. We want our customers to feel comfortable when they come in, and this is just one of the ways that happens.

Jim Bailey

You can include them in your yard work, go for a drive, walk the dog, play catch n it doesn't have to be big stuff.

Jamie Groth

I thought he threw the ball great. He made one mistake. I told him I remember my first walk-off home run, Kansas City, Johnny Damon. It was his first and hopefully it won't be his last, because if you play this game long enough, it's going to happen, especially in the job we perform.

Latroy Hawkins

We buy them by the case. We go to Sam's and buy them. We walk out of there with three cases, which will last us a month.

April Six

It's a highly specialized skill. You don't find those kind of people walking around all the time.

Jane Teague

One thing you know, we can't keep people off the ice. We can recommend thicknesses for walking, for snowmobile travel and for vehicles, but that's about it.

John Plenke

Our vision is that you'd be able to get off the train, walk down to College Avenue and catch a bus to the Douglass campus, all very easily.

Chris Paladino

Great music can and should reach an extremely broad audience. When you walk into a retail store, you're blown away; it can be very intimidating to a newcomer. What the digital medium allows us to do is to focus attention on recordings, artists and composers whom we think will appeal to a lot of people, and break through a lot of the barriers that exist in the physical retail world.

Jonathan Gruber

It's interesting to see it all unravel. Gossip magazines, just by catching people walking down the streets, can actually be more effective and fashion-oriented than fashion magazines.

Ashley Olsen

That kind of answered all my questions. The damage was pretty good, pretty extensive. He got to walk through the house and pick up some of the things that might have been good, which wasn't much.

Richie Stevens

I feel like Buckner walking back into Shea.

Matt Damon

It wasn't a cake walk in Basra but it's going to be a lot, lot more dangerous up there.

James Buchanan

What I tell people is this, if it's 110 degrees in the middle of the afternoon, you may not want to be walking in your bare feet.

Dale Karmie

In T-Y Park [Hollywood], they put it along the fence and it smells so good for so long. But it's not an area where people walk. The Renaissance Festival at Quiet Waters Park [Deerfield Beach] also uses the mulch in February. They put it around the edges of the grounds.

Pat Raglin

We want everyone going away singing good songs. We want them walking away remembering this for a while.

Steve Marek

There were open containers of liquor in the bar. There was a bartender behind the bar. Several people were sitting at the bar and several people were walking around the bar.

John Suchy

That was quite an experience. Your legs felt good, because it was kind of like an ice bath. But once we got out of the water, we couldn't walk.

Clay Peterson

It was good to get her back going. The horses in front of her were kind of walking. Our plan was to let her drop out of it and finish. She flattened out a little bit more than I thought she would. Hopefully, this race gets her ready for Belmont .

Shug Mcgaughey

We have invited four artists to participate, ... We have given them a site walk-through and a general overview of the project, of what we are building, so they have a visual understanding of the setting and the backdrop.

Bruce Armstrong

What we're seeing here is a cake walk compared to what people on I-45 are experiencing, ... There are people who have been on the road idling so long they ran out of gas.

Jimmy Jackson

Many times we have people walking here and they're not sure where go, so we have an officer here to kind of assist them with that. This is a pretty large building. So we kind of keep someone in the area in case someone gets lost and we can just help them get to where they need to go.

Amy Hall

We know that walking is good for people but we don't know how to get people to continue to do it. We wanted to see whether bonding with a dog might be a motivator to continue walking.

Rebecca Johnson

To think we're going to go up there and it's going to be a walk in the park is wrong. They haven't beaten us all year. They're hungry. They're in our same division. We're banged up right now and we know it's going to be tough up there.

Gerry Fleming

"The Lesson": Yes, my fretting, Frowning child, I could cross The room to you More easily. But I've already Learned to walk, So I make you Come to me. Let go now— There! You see? Oh, remember This simple lesson, Child, And when In later years You cry out With tight fists And tear.

Carol Lynn Pearson

A lot of them are afraid to sit down and break their position. You should be able to make it so natural that you can just get out, and sit down and walk away from it, and there's nothing wrong with that.

Nancy Johnson

We talked about block watches, parent patrols and more police patrols when students are walking to and from school.

Randall Taylor

They originally talked about moving the prom to the night before either graduation or graduation practice, ... because if you don't show up to practice, you're not allowed to walk, which I thought was understandable. We'd have our prom, the next day show up to practice.

Robert Lawson

Buffalo was my hero when I was growing up in Waikiki. It was kind of cool to be inducted with him into the Walk of Fame.

David Nuuhiwa

I'll do it till I can't walk any more. I love it. It's part of me. If I stop, I'll just hang around the house and get old. It makes me feel young to see these kids.

John Velleca

My wife said she saw me warm up and she went upstairs behind the bullpen to bring others to watch me warm up, and by the time they got down there, I was in the game. So she had to walk right back down there [to where she was sitting]. She said by the time she got back down there, I had one batter left, and I threw that last pitch and that was it.

Todd Coffey

I think there's no better, telling sign of the commitment the city has than Mayor Franklin walking around with a bright yellow T-shirt that says 'sewer' on it at any number of public meetings.

Scott Gordon

The first night we go out, the students will walk in and crash and burn because they don't have a clue yet. The second day is more about the students and they'll go and do openers and do OK, and the third day is kind of fun. On the third day, they actually start to have some success. People forget how petrified men are to talk to women they don't know.

Neil Strauss

The best poker players walk a tightrope between their business sense and their passion.

Michael Craig

She's going to get you those strikeouts and the good thing is that she's not going to walk a bunch, and that keeps people off the bases. She's in her third year and she has control of her pitches. We always say that if we can get a couple of runs for her then we're going to win a lot of games.

Jamie Richardson

She talked me into taking my car down there and sure enough I could hear a log scraping the car underneath. We were riding together a couple of days later and I heard a terrible rumble in the bottom of my car. I told her it was her turn to walk and get help. It wasn't too funny at the time, but now it is.

Marilyn Mccormick

The biggest desire people have is to take a rapid test. We haven't had anyone walk away now that we are offering the finger prick test.

Jim Key

Our five seniors are great leaders. I'm excited to see the confidence. Walking into the gym knowing they can win if they do well, that's good. That's been growing.

Tana Croft

If dreams give you power, then I'm strong enough to walk through my heart till you love me.

Reba Mcentire

There's absolutely no corporate credibility out there and investors are starting to walk, ... I really don't see this market turning around unless something dramatic happens, but I just don't know what that could be.

John Kinsey

Those wooden shoes look really nice, and we had one pair in our shop last year for $229, and they didn't sell. They're much heavier, they're wider, the bindings aren't modern, and they're harder to walk on.

Dave Rehm

It's strictly supply and demand. These drivers know they can walk out of here tomorrow and get a job with any number of carriers that are supplying the Wal-Marts and the Targets.

Bob Farley

Any community that has thousands of lots pending desperately needs a planning commission that walks the property. You shouldn't be approving a subdivision plan without walking it. You wouldn't drive buy a car without a test drive.

Ann Hutchinson

The odds of them stopping this are not high. They are fully committed to walking.

Matthew Dodds

A lot of it is the feeling out process. We have to see what the other teams are doing. We are so young and we have to walk our way through it. Once we get through it we are fine.

Tom Pardalis

With stores being built all around you reducing your sales and reducing your profit, you've got very little chance of working for 15 or 20 years and walking away with anything.

Dick Adams

We had about 20 tables, and they were just overwhelmed and people just started walking away. We just weren't prepared to register that many people, but it isn't over. Yesterday was just day No. 1. We'll be back.

Alfredo Gutierrez

It would have been much easier for me to board up that house and walk away and file bankruptcy. But I am keeping hold of that property until I've turned over every stone.

Nicole Gaunt

Right now, there's nobody out there to turn people on, ... This is the disease of Muhammad Ali ... With Muhammad, every time he did something, it was excitement. It's excitement now, when the guy comes around, walking around with Parkinson's. It's unfair to try to compare anybody to this kid.

Angelo Dundee

In the second match, Thomas was challenged by our staff to get blocks and she got eight in the second match. She just went off. The way she was running around, going after it, she's not bad for a walk-on.

David Rehr

Boring. 7:30 games are so late, and we're on our own until pre-game meal. We just watch TV, usually go for a walk, stretch a little bit. Watch more TV. The older guys give us a little advice about how to deal with the road. Matt [Reis] and Jay [Heaps] are always giving us advice.

Michael Parkhurst

You walk through some of the passes and the smell overwhelms you.

Kathy Billings

It's going to be a great year for used-car prices. If something doesn't feel right, walk away. Find another vehicle.

Larry Gamache

It should create lots more walk-around traffic. You can walk to the movies, you can walk to Kaiser Grill or the Chop House or my place, you can walk to the Spa casino. There's just a lot more out here than there used to be.

Sam Harris

Our fire department is better than it has ever been. It's as a result of his leadership without a doubt. The next fire chief to walk in . . . will have big shoes to fill.

Victor Penman

They have a crystalline sense of right and wrong, ... it disappears when they walk out the door with their M.B.A.

Carl Hiaasen

Apparently these animals leave an obvious trail of dung if they walk anywhere, and there is no such trail so it's possible they have been removed using a large vehicle.

Christopher Yates

When people are released from prison, sometimes they have to wait on their ride. It's very common that there's not someone at the front door the second they walk out.

Robby Cunningham

Walk groundly, talk profoundly, drink roundly, sleep soundly.

William Hazlitt

When we walk out of the meeting, and it's all drawn up on the piece of paper, you don't run routes as a stick man. You run routes with a feel. You know when to sit. You know when to slide. You know when to change directions. That stuff.

Jim Fassel

I think we all got our money's worth, we gave it our all. I can walk out of here with my head held high.

Colin Falls

Walking around the department, I don't feel it's down. We've all got championships to play for, and once we left that room we knew that our focus would be back on our own team.

Rod Myers

In addition, two of the participants made a trip to the humane society to adopt animals, and several began volunteering to walk the dogs at the shelter. Many of them told us that they didn't necessarily walk in the study because they knew it was good for their health; they enjoyed walking because they knew it was good for the animals.

Rebecca Johnson

It would be easy for us to walk away but maybe it's time, like Michael says, to step up. Maybe it's time some of the experienced athletes came down and helped some of the youngsters ... this championship has shown there are some flaws.

Darren Campbell

It was such a boost for everyone on the Champions Tour. It was like, 'You guys are walking miracles.' We had a lot of help, no doubt about it. That's the kind of stuff that doesn't happen. It's way beyond what you can fathom happening.

Mark Lye

We have a walk-through after school on Fridays, and then we have a team dinner that's paid for with money from our annual fundraiser, ... We've invited the 1980 team to join us for dinner.

Jim Green

First we had to prioritize. Our first priority was to have a play area for preschoolers. Secondly, we wanted a walking track, and thirdly, we wanted a recreational area for grilling and picnics.

Georganne Kirven

He (Carpenter) came on in relief and looked good against Cameron. He threw well in a reserve game so we figured that we would give him a look today. He certainly did a good job. I told the guys to be on their toes because he throws strikes. He's not going to hurt himself by walking too many batters. Our defense needed to be ready to get some outs and they did.

Rich Mercer

I figure if they really wanted me they would have offered by now. Last week I went to the northeast and visited Columbia, Fordham and Holy Cross. It isn't Division 1 football but hey it's football. As for walking on at UTEP...I don't know.

John Skelton

The Street is based on the idea that you can walk down any street, knock on any door and there will be a story. Six great stories about ordinary people in extraordinary situations.

Jimmy Mcgovern

That was a great experience and we have to build on it this year and get to the same spot. Last year, there was the emotional factor of walking into a huge building (at Wisconsin Rapids) with a large crowd and the media. We were in the game and had our opportunities. We showed we could play with those teams.

Tim Ebner

The story of the game for us – walking five hitters in the first five innings and watching them all score. Don't get me wrong. Santana hit our entire staff, and Martinez shut us down.

Dave Gonzalez

In a lot of our presentations, we don't talk much about religion because it is such a broad topic, ... Some LGBT people embrace a religion, but others walk away. We want to examine the range of religious perspectives on LGBT issues, particularly on Christian perspectives.

Mickey Hart

Every day I walk into my law office and say, 'Today, I will clear my desk.' And then there are 50 more messages. I'm amazed. I'm humbled.

Paul Hackett

We lived 13 miles from the high school and when I played baseball I'd have to hitchhike home, or if it got dark, I walked. I'm fortunate in a way. I didn't play football because nobody wants to walk home in the winter. So my legs didn't get beat up.

John Rebardo

It's great for walking in Australia, but if we didn't get that we would have been very disappointed.

Jane Saville

But we really do. If you go into the schools, you can see they're overcrowded. If you walk into the hallways, you can see they're overcrowded. The county is not shrinking. They're (community members) not moving out. They're moving in and having kids.

Patricia Bell

I learned to walk as a baby and I haven't had a lesson since.

Marilyn Monroe

We spent the whole night last night walking around the neighborhood, knocking on doors. We made posters.

Bruce Gallagher

We have spectators walk away from television. In the meantime, we have less spectators in the grandstands.

Flavio Briatore

I want to go for walks, but the doctors say, 'No, you can't go for walks.' I ask my family, let's just go for a walk. They say 'No, you can't.' I want to go. Five minutes, let's just go five minutes. But it just won't do. I want to get the hell out of my house.

Kay Hansen

One of the best things to do is to consult the disability community. Have a student with a disability walk the campus with you. There is practical stuff that can be done quickly.

Sarah Hawthorne

D/FW stands ready with 22 available gates and $22 million in incentives. And yet they chose to walk past it and go to a congested, expensive hub that's controlled by United and Frontier.

Joe Lopano

Staunton is a walking community. The best way to explore the city is by foot and people are doing just that.

Sergei Troubetzkoy

My newsletter takes the mystique out and gives the consumer additional power. They can walk into a wine shop and know what is a value and not.

Neil Monnens

They're a great team, You can't give them anything. So any kind of walk or error gives them that opportunity. And one-through-nine they're tough.

Dean Yonamine

At a certain point, we have to walk the talk. How many meetings can you have? This isn't a corporation. This is baseball. I want to see the talking on the field.

Jim Bowden

Traditional neighborhoods have certain characteristics that we haven't seen in conventional development in the last couple of decades. One of them is that the streets are all connected to one another, so you can walk around and come upon another place you've never seen before. Guess what? Waveland already has that very ideal situation - most of the streets connect.

Catherine Johnson

I believe that if a man wanted to walk on water, and was prepared to give up everything in life, he could do it.

Stirling Moss

The kids complain about having to walk the Eagle-Vail course, but it paid off today.

Cassie Desmone

Crestline teachers don't want to strike. We want to be in our classrooms, working with our students. That's where my heart is, with the kids. We've dedicated our careers to educating Crestline's children, and walking a picket line is not how many of us want to start the school year.

Julie Murphy

In most cases, people are totally oblivious to it. There will be coyotes hiding in bushes or in the parks or something and people will be walking by with their dog and they'll have no idea there's a coyote there.

Stan Gehrt

You can go to a stocked stream and walk in a little further and find good fishing. You'd be surprised at how good it can be if you get away from the bridges. Fish will move, especially if we get higher water.

Chuck Thompson

[South Main] is built on the principles of new urbanism, which are nothing new. It's essentially built around basic human needs, including places to work, places to shop, places to gather. The difference is that they're all within walking distance.

Jed Selby

Let us understand Darwinism so we can walk in the opposite direction when it comes to setting up society.

Richard Dawkins

Sometimes I'll be walking down the street and I'll hear some American and I'll just go, 'Of course they hate us, of course they can't stand us. We're the most annoying, boisterous creatures in the world.' I mean we come in and we eat mounds of food, and we're like, 'Where's the ketchup for our French fries.' I'm like, 'Shut up.''- explaining how she REALLY feels about her American fans when b.

Kate Hudson

It does take a little bit of the pressure off when you might not be expected to be there. This town has had a lot of close calls, so it's great just to be able to go and be part of the regional tournament. It's nice walking around, and have everyone say how cool it was to see you win a district title, and wish you good luck.

Larry Farmer