Talking directly to the voters - and providing links to various information sources - is important. As is using the Internet as a mobilizing tool in terms of e-mail to get the word out about the election that's coming up and also to help organize volunteers and to help publicize campaign events. The Internet really is becoming an indispensable part of campaigning.

Dave Norris

I don't think voters can ignore the fact that our congressman seems to have been caught up in the whole culture of corruption up there.

Al Weed

In home rule counties, the commissioners can enact taxes without putting it before the voters.

Bill Waddle

We believe we had developed an approach that first protects the rights of New York voters, while also providing disability access at polling sites.

Robert Brehm

When voters go into the voting booth and they read what's being proposed, it's going to be like common sense to them. It's a basic conflict of interest for legislators to draw their own districts.

Ben Wilcox

My race for Congress has been and will continue to be focused on the voters of the 8th Congressional District. I have not been an insider in Madison, and I believe that has given me a tremendous opportunity to craft major reforms that served my constituents who live in Northeast Wisconsin.

Rep. Terri Mccormick

Let's take our energy. We're going to fix those machines, we're going to register those voters, we are going to learn to vote right and come two years, we will leave no chad behind.

Lois Frankel

As a blind voter, I'm strongly opposed to the paperless e-voting machines that the NFB is trying to force onto us. I want a voting system that is accessible to as many voters as possible and that also produces an audit trail. The paperless machines are simply the wrong approach, and I support the County's efforts to try to find a better way.

David Dixon

In a healthy democracy, no party should fool voters like both the Left and the SP are doing.

Rajnath Singh

We want to remind voters why they kicked him out to begin with.

Colin Strother

It's not uncommon at all of town meetings to have warrant articles for voters to vote on that are not legally binding. It happens all the time.

Jim Pitts

We are determined to ensure that all overseas voters, including our armed forces overseas, can vote and have their ballots counted, as guaranteed by federal law.

Wan J. Kim

I think we can accomplish that very quickly, possibly within a couple of weeks. I expect it to have broad support from North Dakota voters. I think they will respond overwhelmingly to this.

Lee Erickson

We are interested in reviewing any and all procedures that were undertaken to cross-reference these registration updates with pre-existing voter registration records in your county, and with the counties in which these voters previously resided.

Michael Toner

California motorists, homeowners and businesses can expect to pay hundreds or thousands of dollars more every year for insurance if the insurance industry is able to trick the voters into passing their initiatives.

Harvey Rosenfield

The persuadable voters are heavily inclined against the president, ... They're looking for someone to take this nation in a new direction....And I think Iraq is a perfect example: $200 billion being spent today in Iraq on -- over there when we need it over here to deal with the problems that we face here at home.

Tad Devine

This session is all about trying to get well with the voters before November.

Sen Vi Simpson

This issue of the amendment ranks dead last on a list of priorities for voters.

Brad Luna

My plan is to run on what I offer to the voters without regard of who my opponent is.

Rep. Richard Chalk

Both sides threatened to mobilize voters against me. The threats really had the opposite effect.

Tom Umberg

We all know that incumbents enjoy a huge early polling advantage, so these numbers are no surprise. This is a very long campaign and so far we have focused on Democratic voters.

Derek Slap

These poll findings are the reason Doug is going to win the election. Voters want change.

Sherry Sylvester

These are selected challenges to residency without due process and targeted to black voters.

David Cocke

This many candidates can be daunting to voters. This forum allows the citizens to get to know more about the candidates. Plus, it gives the voters a chance to understand the important topics of our area.

Allan Hale

It was deft political stroke that I think gained G.W. Bush lots of points with voters and golfers all around the country.

Harry Hurt

Most ballot initiatives are required to spell out the issue for voters in the title. Not this one. Rather than asking voters if they want to extend term limits from 8 to 12 years, the title of this measure reads simply 'Term Limits.'

Max Linn

Cash value for voters, cash for child care - they can understand what that means.

Stephen Clarkson

I don't think voters are terribly confident, despite what the economists may tell them.

Tim Hibbitts

I think the Democrats have done a better job on voter registration efforts. Whether you can get those voters out on Election Day remains to be seen.

Herb Asher

If that's true, it's certainly welcome news. But we have reason to believe that voters are already being challenged at the polls, and we'll certainly be monitoring it.

Jennifer Palmieri

Charlie Crist is once again taking multiple and contradictory positions on an issue important to Republican voters.

Albert Martinez

This campaign is going to offer voters a choice between real reform and moving the state forward or the status quo and more of the same old broken system. I am confident that come Election Day, Californians will be voting for reform.

Todd Harris

In many areas they have enormous economic power through [legitimate] businesses they control, which means they have jobs to offer voters and cash to offer candidates.

Mauricio Romero

We need to give him a salary that is commensurate with his work but not offensive to residents and voters.

Glenn Tucker

We passed a bond measure for X amount of dollars ... and I guess I expected to see four options that fit the budget. My assumption was that we would not go over the budget. But it doesn't sound like anything we're being shown now is within what voters (expected) we would pay.

Christine Lundberg

Each of these states is on a collision course that could result in chaos at the polls in November as millions of eligible voters find they are unable to cast their ballot.

Justin Levitt

It was the final straw for a lot of voters.

Dietmar Herz

Schwarzenegger's budget is smoke and mirrors; we need a governor who will be more serious and frank and honest with the voters.

Bob Mulholland

I think the way the arguments turned out, the voting rights issues are front and center, [and] that the justices heard loud and clear the message that you can't manipulate voters on the basis of race.

Nina Perales

Every candidate has a responsibility to decide what questions are appropriate and how they are going to respond. The vice president thinks that this election will be decided by the voters on issues that affect their everyday lives and that is what he is focusing on.

Roger Salazar

Ohio was the focus of the world in 2004. It is my objective to see that 'values voters' in the state become engaged in the process.

Rod Parsley

I think we're in excellent position to be on the ballot in November. From our experiences with voters over the last five months, we have no doubt it will pass by a large margin.

Cheryl Forchilli

You know, it's always going to be a fight. I feel honored to represent for my folks ... I'm glad [the voters] opened their eyes just a little bit.

Queen Latifah

[Camp Kerry is releasing a new TV ad targeting women and national security voters, and any combination of the two. The new spot, called] Ever Since, ... I fought for the 9/11 commission, something George W. Bush, the man my husband, Ron, and I voted for, didn't think was necessary.

Kristen Breitweiser

It's very interesting that they're moving so quickly. If they use this (justice center) as a mandate to overreach and put anything, willy-nilly forth, the voters won't be supportive.

Pete Maysmith

They are going to be future voters, and politicians must tread lightly. They have preferences, and political parties have to cater to them.

Tom Scotto

I think sometimes the voters try to compare us with the starting pitchers. We can't compete with their statistics, their innings or their strikeouts. I think if you compare us against each other, I think you'll see we're all pretty equal.

Bruce Sutter

From a voter's perspective, it's a very simple process. They register to vote. They go to vote. And that's all that they should be concerned with.

Kyle Walker

[If voters aren't pushing for a change in the system, it's hard to expect members of Congress to volunteer to give themselves tougher competition.] You're asking people to give up an enormous amount of power, ... It's going to have to come from the outside.

John Tanner

They're wrong. It's based on turnout, not total registered voters. Their lawyers are going to say it's not this, it's that; our lawyers will disagree. And we believe, if anyone takes it to court, our lawyers would prevail.

Gene Pierce

Voters see little on the ballot that connects to their current concerns.

Mark Baldassare

They went with their head over their heart. I would predict that trend will continue in 2008, ... That's what we're asking voters to do.

William Galston

The bigger story is the new voters who may come in. Last time we had 105 million people vote. Some say we will have 115, maybe 120 million people vote. Registration has shot up in a number of states - 5 percent in Ohio, 7 percent in Pennsylvania. A lot of new people will be at the polls.

Carlos Watson

What you see is kind of a balanced assessment. There are some policy positions where some voters are fairly lenient to illegal immigrants and on others they're supportive of tougher approaches.

Mark Dicamillo

Gilchrist has the most emotional issue. A lot of people hate illegal immigration. And on that issue alone he is going to be able to motivate (voters). There's a lot of frustration and nobody is coming up with any answers.

Allan Hoffenblum

[Austin aides have their focus groups too, and they claim the vice president's aggressiveness only rankles, reminding voters of the ugly noises from the past four or five years in Washington, the showdowns and shutdowns. The less partisan voters, says the campaign, like Bush's happy soundings of cooperation.] Among swing voters, they don't care about the party labels, ... They want things solved.

Matthew Dowd

There's a larger field of candidates generating more interest among more voters. We've never had organizations on the ground like this.

Gordon Fischer

We have been complaining about the registration of voters since last year. There are hundreds of voters assigned to wrong constituencies.

Mahendra Chaudhry

The Brady Bill (for screening of gun purchasers) and the assault weapons ban inflamed the Republican base voters and increased their turnout.

Paul Begala

Needs a narrative, a reason that voters should give him a look.

George Edwards

Even if you assume he made the decision without political motivations, the political impact or ramifications certainly worked in his favor. All those swing voters who supported him during the recall election support the death penalty.

Dan Schnur

I served as transport minister, construction minister and policy chief (of the LDP). That's all thanks to you (voters).

Shizuka Kamei

Those used to be our voters. A lot of those voters tend to think the Democratic Party is wimpy.

Dale Butland

Incumbent administrations shamelessly attempt to massage the economy so voters will keep them in power.

Yale Hirsch

It's time for Deltona to decide if they want to use eminent domain for private or public development. I support asking Deltona voters to tell us their view on eminent domain.

Jamie Jessup

It's not our job to go and participate in this campaign. They're trying to sell the voters on something. We didn't know if we would oppose the bond or not. We actually conversed with doctor (Stan) Olson and toured twelve of the schools.

Jim Auld

There is no way that a terrorist campaign can disrupt the elections in the United States. This is too big a country, too many voters, too many polling places.

James Carafano

Without a way for the voters to check, we don't have any way to recover votes if there's a machine failure.

Marybeth Kuznik

Bush is the most partisan president in modern American history. As a result, voters in both parties are focusing on him, rather than on the specifics of the policies.

William Galston

We're very happy the Senate chose to keep the full text of the amendment as the ballot question. It's really important that voters know what their vote will mean when they cast it in November. We look forward to having that discussion with the voters.

Dyana Mason

I hoped that academy voters weren't swayed by the dogma that was being thrown around. Fortunately, they weren't.

Michael Chiklis

While the ACLU understands that candidates will have a more difficult time reaching dislocated voters, the privacy rights of those individuals far outweigh the narrower interests of office seekers.

Joe Cook

It's been shown time and again that Minnesota voters don't want to use public money to fund sports stadium for private owners.

Laura Lehmann

I think it's definitely a very effective [way] of bringing values voters, giving them a reason to vote.

Rep. Dennis Baxley

The Republicans have invested tremendous resources and energy in their turnout model so that they know who to target and what messages work with voters.

John Brabender

I think what will happen is if things continue to go as they are in Iraq, more Democrats will basically move to Feingold's position. . . . At that point he has already in a very high-profile way said to voters in all of America and primary voters, 'I am a leader. I am a guy who took this position,'.

David Sirota

A delay does not solve the (monorail) revenue problem. They can't save enough without fundamentally altering the line, and for that you have to go back to the voters.

Marianne Bichsel

If the country is dissatisfied with the direction of the leadership, the direction of the country, dissatisfied with the president's performance, frustrated with the inaction or action coming out of Congress, voters tend to respond to a `time for change' message.

Stuart Rothenberg

The mayor is [taking] money from our schoolchildren to pay for jobs for his friends. With an elected school board answerable to the voters, our children will get a better education.

Frank Scarafile

He has basically got to freeze the peace process to woo back alienated right-wing voters.

David Makovsky

Generally, gubernatorial races are somewhat insular from the national environment. If there is an environment where voters want change it's a state like Nevada, where Republicans have been in control the last couple of terms. They may look to the other party as a party of change.

Nathan Gonzales

This debate won't sway any undecided voters. Taxes were the main theme, but I don't think either side scored any big hits.

Maurizio Pessato

That the decision is taken away from the voters, and as in 2000 turned over to the lawyers and the courts.

John Fund

I hope this sends a message that voters are not going to put up with exorbitant tax increases. You can't tie community needs with wants.

Rod Benfield

Voters would find it a strained argument to believe that the senator who prides herself on intelligence and knowledge of detail can't recall any details in this case. It just strains credulity.

Jonathan Tasini

A woman who voted in 1998 couldn't find her name on the voters' list.

Aquilino Pimentel

Iowa has a model approach that protects voters against fraud while keeping eligible voters enfranchised, while being in compliance with federal and state law.

John Hedgecoth

It will be at the minimum a moderate issue, one of the tip five issues for Republican voters, ... At the extreme end it could be the issue that affects the Republican Party.

Richard Lamm

This bill will allow politicians to tell voters they're, quote, doing something about high energy prices. And the bill also allows politicians to hand out subsidies and preferences and tax dollars to well-organized interest groups -- and that's what Congress likes to do best.

Jerry Taylor

It's a favor for a friend, not a serious analysis of who's the best candidate. Voters are smart enough to know Tom Ridge doesn't know any of the other candidates in this race.

Jim Haggerty

This has been a much more solid operation than the one we saw in January, ... It has been a peaceable election. Voters were much better prepared.

Carina Perelli

If it shows anything, it shows that for whatever reason, and perhaps part of it was the timing, was that officials were not just very successful in mobilizing voters. If you can't even mobilize your governor, then don't complain about the person barely making minimum wage who decides he's not going to leave work early and wait in line somewhere in order to go vote.

John Vile

The voters have spoken loudly. They believe in scholarships for well-deserving students ... they believe in helping technical college students have a chance to go to college in South Carolina.

Jim Hodges

We sent out an e-mail to every school, to every principal, and made sure that they know they are not to be talking about the bond election, obviously with regards to having poll workers there and voters coming in.

Dan Hollar

If you look at polling out there, the governor does much better among traditional Republican primary voters than he does among general population voters.

Harvey Kronberg

The bottom line is that voters need to decide what significance they attach to these stories, ... No, what we're talking about here is qualification and who is qualified to lead the state of California.

Peter Ragone

The truth is that ultimately, voters vote for candidates, not managers or consultants. Political operatives can affect things on the margins, but candidates are the ones with the vision.

Matt Lewis

This means that if 54.5 percent of voters in Montenegro want independence, then we remain in union with Serbia and a minority wins over the majority. This does not seem fair to me, but we fully accept the proposal of the European Union.

Milo Djukanovic

Even if it doesn't result in a sea of voters going to the polls to take their anger out on the White House, what it may do is keep Republicans at home. That's a problem for them.

Jennifer Duffy

This ad is intended to mislead voters. Thelma Drake is proud to stand on her record of protecting consumers.

Tom Gordy

The unprecedented level of change has presented challenges all across the country for election officials, voters and election vendors. In many ways, we have all underestimated the effect this major change would have on the way we prepare for and conduct elections.

Mark Kelley

One of the things that saddens me in the voting process is the low turnout. One thing we have lost is that people take it for granted. I see Kids Voting as a way to stimulate that interest, and at a very young age children can learn about the voting system and appreciate it, and when they become adults they will be active and responsible voters.

Laura Wright

The voters of the district have sent a message that it's important that all parties be at the table when decisions are being made and that they want new leadership.

Diane Patrick

A Harris poll I've seen says only 12 percent of the electorate names taxes as one of the most important issues facing the nation. Voters put tax cuts dead last, behind education, Social Security, health care, Medicare and poverty.

Lane Evans

You're going to instruct voters to fill in the oval and vote both sides.

Craig Keeney

I am compelled to make this proposal on behalf of the voters, who have spoken. While I believe in intelligent design, it is clearly in the best interests of our community to move forward?. There is sufficient reason to revoke this policy and to try and dismiss the case. The original lawsuit has become meaningless.

David Napierskie

As written, the voters will not have any authority over decisions like those made by past City Councils to shortchange the pension system.

Joan Raymond

Kerry's statements to Dubuque voters make it clear that he will say anything to anyone at any time if he thinks it will help him score political points.

Steve Schmidt

The number of voters in Iraq's 18 provinces reached 9,784,954 from the total of 15,568,702 registered, for a turnout rate of 63.78 percent.

Farid Ayyar

With tonight's speech, Sanford again refuses to take responsibility for his failed policies and ... the voters have about had enough.

Joe Erwin

Thirteen months before the election, none of the potential Republican candidates has made an impact on New York voters.

Joe Caruso

They stole the results. They use force to silence voters from demanding their rights.

Salim Bimani

Clearly this poll indicates that Nelson remains vulnerable. His favorable rating in the eyes of Florida voters remains well below 50 percent.

Morgan Dobbs

If voters want bigger government, sooner or later they're going to return to the genuine article, and that's the Democratic Party.

Jeff Flake

The people of New Jersey do have a history of supporting public education. So despite the problems with state budgets and property taxes, I do think we will see a majority of budgets approved by voters.

Frank Belluscio

Some of the undecided SPD voters have come back and that is what has given them the extra three points. We'll have to wait to see if they can hold on to them.

Manfred Guellner

I'm honored the voters have trusted me to bring some change to the board. Voters were looking for smart changes and new ideas.

Adam Warpinski

I'm not familiar with what districts in Wayne County put forth, but the proposals we're asking voters to consider are for items the community at large has determined are things that they want to see corrected.

Brent White

There has been virtually no motivation on the part of state government to address these changes. Whether it's the governor, the Senate or the Assembly, it seems like the people in power are insensitive to it. We've never held them accountable as a business community or as voters.

Brian Hickey

She's on the fringes of both films but manages to create indelible impressions in characters the screenplays barely filled in. She's never the same from character to character. Maybe she's too attractive or too much of a chameleon for Oscar voters to realize that a true star - the kind that acts as well as shines - is in our midst.

Peter Travers

(Voters) wanted to see accountability.

Gretchen Warner

The proponents of the ... amendment clearly continue to try, in every way possible, to conceal from the voters the real impact and potential far reaching consequences of the proposed amendment.

Claire Guthrie Gastanaga

The Catholic hierarchy has become more conservative. What we don't know is whether [Catholic voters] will become increasingly conservative, or ... stay swing voters.

John Green

Most voters focus their attention on candidates they believe have a reasonable chance of becoming president. They want to think that their vote counts.

Bill Lunch

We're certifying trust for the next generation of voters, one click at a time.

Ravi Singh

We have an aggressive fund-raising strategy that will pay off this month, allowing Chris to communicate his optimistic ideas with Democratic primary voters.

Jason Stanford

We understand the legislation to place a bond measure before California voters in June 2006, that the community was relying upon to seek funding for the purchase, has been tabled until the next legislative session.

Ann Simpson

Doug represents a real hope for change in New Jersey. The corruption is really driving the state into the ground. I think a lot of older voters are very concerned about that, and that's reflected in their contributions.

Sherry Sylvester

They believe that they can make him the symbol of what Democrats, in particular, and perhaps swing voters don't like about the Bush administration, ... Whether it's the questions about the intelligence before the war, the relationship with Halliburton -- in a whole series of ways, I think they do see Dick Cheney as a target.

Ron Brownstein

HAVA contains important reforms designed to ensure that elections for federal office will both allow access to all voters and ensure the integrity of the process. We believe today's lawsuit will help ensure that New York voters enjoy the benefits of these important reforms.

Wan J. Kim

You don't have to vote for me to get breakfast. I am so humbled by the encouragement and support of the grassroots voters. I owe everything to the voters. If we win the election, it is not about me, it is about them wanting change.

Dan Patrick

The voters approved it and the City Council took it to heart and started adding officers.

Craig Clifford

We want to make sure that voters can trust that our elections are fair, especially following the problems that were nationally reported with deceased or fictional names being used to vote in St. Louis. This legislation will help make it easy to vote, but tough to cheat.

Sen. Delbert Scott

We support this budget enthusiastically and are confident that the voters will agree.

Tom Harrison

Booker enters the statewide political stage in pretty good shape. His strong crossover appeal to white voters makes him an African-American politician with a chance to break the political glass ceiling.

Rick Thigpen

It's really about schools and education. It really is about being America's safest city. I think that race is always bubbling somewhere and sometimes it does surface, but I don't think that the majority of the voters are going to pick a mayor or a candidate based solely on race.

Carl Stokes

Those voters have all now gone to the graveyard, so all the African-American voters in the last two generations have grown to see the Democratic Party as the party of civil rights and social programs. For those reasons they have voted in large numbers for the Democratic nominees for public office.

Jess Brown

If they try to put through a bailout, there's no amount of campaign contributions that's going to protect them from what the voters are going to do to them in the next election.

Harvey Rosenfield

There's still a long way to go, but the governor is still looking to find the key to what will change public opinion. While his measures may not have moved in a negative direction, there's no sign that voters have any more inclination to support his package.

Mark Baldassare

We are trying to be as conservative as possible. This is something we feel needs doing, but we want the voters' input. We'd rather have it voted down as a separate line item than have the entire highway budget voted down.

Fred Bradley

No means no. We have to be honest with the voters.

Xema Jacobson

The fear is that you'll have some hearings and then they will degenerate into partisan bickering and name-calling, with members of Congress claiming a holier-than-thou approach and possibly the public might start to laugh at them ... And that would probably further turn off voters and increase the cynicism and therefore nothing would change.

Kent Cooper

The voters delivered a mandate to continue on a new course we set two years ago.

Susan Savage

Using 'it could be great' hits the so-what problem, because it doesn't convey a sense of urgency for voters to do anything. There's no emotional potency. But that's the story of the Ferrer campaign.

Hank Sheinkopf

Even though there are probably a lot of nonvoters among the people who are undecided, this proportion of uncertain voters indicates continuing movement even shortly before the election.

Manfred Guellner

We get a large chunk of Bush voters who are not motivated to go out and vote for Republicans this fall. That puts a lot of red districts into play.

Geoff Garin

The monopoly that Republicans have been able to claim on some of these issues that seem to mobilize voters over the last several elections, that monopoly does not exist in Pennsylvania with Bob Casey Jr..

Randall Miller

I was surprised at how vastly different these ideas were from my ideas. I became aware that school boards are thwarted by the guidelines we are given. If you just follow the books, you might be doing a good job in the eyes of the writer, but not in the eyes of the voters who elected you.

Suanne Sines

In past elections, the parties all adopted strong positions on the issue of peace. But this time, the voters aren't looking for peace - they're looking for quiet.

Akiva Eldar

While voters think the legislative pay raise is excessive and want it repealed, it does not appear that lawmakers will suffer greatly at the polls for making themselves the second-best paid Legislature in the country.

Clay F. Richards

When you're a minister you're all over the place. When you're mayor you can get home for dinner. If the voters select her, I think it would be a much different family lifestyle.

Gary Collins

The Republican candidates have a lot of ground to cover and a lot of voters to talk to if they are to become known to voters - particularly Republican voters - over the next five months.

Joe Caruso

Our focus is on Republican voters. We'll continue to have a discussion among Republican primary voters (about) why Ken Blackwell is the best candidate.

Carlo Loparo

I filed the ethics complaint against Tom DeLay not because I'm a Democrat and he's a Republican or even because he drew me out of my congressional seat but because he engaged in corruption to further his plans to disenfranchise voters in Texas.

Chris Bell

We call on the Israeli voters to elect their parties that support peace in Israel and anyone who wants peace through the general elections to be held in Israel soon.

Ahmed Qurei

More black voters than white voters had their ballots discarded, no matter what kind of voting system was used. Punch card ballots cheat voters, and they are much more likely to cheat African-American voters.

Carrie Meek

I've got a lot of hope for this district. I think this is the turning point for us. I think the voters have spoken.

Doug Wiles

I don't think (Grammy voters) had any frame of reference of whether Steely Dan ever won.

Michael Greene

I would like to think that Denver voters were smart. To vote for a massive new courthouse and jail because someone is popular is shortsighted.

Bill Vandenberg

With the exception of Florida, most Hispanic and Latino voters throughout the country are Democratic.

Michael Alvarez

I think a lot of the voters haven't seen us play. They just look at our record and see the six losses.

Gary London

President Bush has said that he does not need approval from the UN to wage war, and I'm thinking, well, hell, he didn't need the approval of the American voters to become president, either.

David Letterman

John Eddie Williams has taken a sudden and expensive interest in the SD7 race. But instead of being upfront about his involvement in a Republican Party primary, Williams apparently attempted to hide his contribution by sending it through an innocuously named political action committee. Voters deserve to know the true source of campaign funding and the real players in the race.

Chuck Mcdonald

On an issue this important, the voters should get the final say. This issue has become hopelessly politicized in Olympia. Politicians aren't thinking about what voters want.

Tim Eyman

The polls are pretty clear that voters want limits on the government's power. This is really an argument not about fighting terrorism but about checks and balances and unbridled government authority.

Geoff Garin

This decision says that quality should be more important than political connections. Equally important, the law requires us to trust the voters to evaluate those who are qualified rather than the party leaders.

Jeremy Creelan

Colorado is the only state with a majority Republican voter registration in which the Republicans hold neither house of the state legislature. We've lost a Senate seat and a House seat under the current leadership. It will be up to the voters to decide if Marc's vision is something they want to embrace.

Dick Leggitt

I think that the more people understand what's at stake, the more they understand that I'm behind them and I have the ideas they want to hear candidates talk about, the more voters will come our way.

Alan Sandals

What it tells the voters is the parties play no part in the selection methodology. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Barry Richard

If we can get Proposition 73 voters into the polls, it will have a benefit for the other propositions as well.

Mike Vallante

My opinion is that when you have seasoned, proven politicians contesting in a primary that it's beneficial for the voters.

Robert Manning

When these voters are introduced to Gov. George W. Bush's positions on family planning and abortion, they move solidly against him, ... George Bush sees compassionate conservatives as his strength. We believe they are his Achilles' heel.

Gloria Feldt

We have to keep counting the absentee ballots, because under the law those ballots that we receive a week after the election we have to count as well. So if it is close, we are not going to rush to judgment. We are going to do the responsible thing and make sure we give all of the candidates and the voters of the city of New York real numbers, not numbers that are unofficial.

John Ravitz

The voters have done the heavy lifting by voting for the monorail four times, ... We are not afraid of the voters. That's where this project comes from. What I am worried about is the endless planning loop that keeps us from building a citywide transit system.

Kristina Hill

We wanted to prevent those (potential voters) from going to the state grievance committee and tying things up for months. We wanted to get the club up and running.

Mike Jarrett

Even though – worst-case scenario – we would have to pay for this special election, it gives voters a chance to weigh in on fundamental changes in state government, which are badly needed and long overdue.

Dianne Jacob

(Voters) wish there were an election right now.

Jay Lapeyre

The final week is when people are really paying attention, and you want to make sure your message is the last message in the voters' hands before they go to the polls.

James Vaughn

As we head into another election year, this clearly puts us in a strong position to reach out to voters and ask for their continued support. We are thankful for the support and encouragement we have received from every part of this community.

Ted Jackson

It feels really nice to win. I know I'm doing my job the way the voters want me to.

Matthew Mccaffery

I showed empirically that in the general election those crossover voters stayed with the candidate they had crossed over to support in the primary. A lot of Republicans preferred her in 1976 and stayed with her.

David Olson

One out of three voters used the machines and I think it was a big success.

Nancy Archer

The last thing he would want (voters) to believe is he is the incumbent mayor. ... His whole theme is change.

Michael Coleman

The voters now have a choice between just the two of us and hopefully more of the truth will come out between now and then. I'm so dedicated to that department. I have proven leadership and I would hate to see it fall into the dormant, stagnant stage it was in for so many years before I took office.

Brenda Taylor

That could hurt Gilmore, ... given the fact there is a majority of women voters in this state, a little bit higher than the norm throughout the country.

Mark Rozell

The voters have proven to be pretty thoughtful. Some initiatives pass narrowly and some are crushed.

Pete Maysmith

The Rockets and Comets are part of Houston. They belong in Houston, and this agreement will keep them in Houston if community leaders and ultimately the voters approve it.

George Postolos

Four years ago Clinton hadn't had his problems, ... I also think that sometimes we react to an election late. Character probably should have been a concern four years ago and it wasn't. I think the American voters are saying, 'We're not going to make that mistake again this time.'

Jim Edgar

I sense a frightening surprise in that category. It's a very tough category. Each of those artists have their constituency with the voters, and none of them are going to be big enough ... to steal the constituency of someone else.

Joe Levy

This is an issue that could easily arouse Latino voters. Immigration could be a single issue that could bring out more Latino voters in November.

Mark Dicamillo

The court heard Judge (Charles) Burton (of the Palm Beach County canvassing board), called by the defendants, testify that they had been able to identify the clear intent of the voters such to add a net 215 votes to Vice President Gore.

David Boies

For me personally it is a vindication. ... I said this $13 million was meant to scare voters into approving the referendum. There was no cash-flow crisis.

Larry Snow

The election results are accurate. However, baseless allegations have been made that were designed more to discourage rather than to enlighten voters, and we feel that a state audit is needed to reassure the public.

Deborah Clark

The governor's numbers are moving in the right direction. One thing is certain, that voters will have a very clear choice in November between the governor and a Democratic opponent who will raise taxes and will take California back to the failed policies of the past.

Katie Levinson

Impact fees only affect the eastern part of Madison County. When only six of the 29 board voters are from those areas, realistically for them to vote for a fee of that size when the district affected does not pass fee, they question necessity.

Robert Daiber

Fortunately, given the opinion that we got today, that vote count is now going forward in Dade County and Palm Beach County, and other counties. So, we are very hopeful that now this is back on track, the lawyers can go home, the voters can have their votes counted and it can be solved in the political process -- where it ought to be solved -- and not in the courts.

David Boies

It's no surprise that national Republicans want to see Republicans across the country keep their seats, especially those in a place like Connecticut, where voters typically embrace progressive values. We expect the national Republican Party to play a significant role in this campaign, sending money and support for a governor who will fight for their values.

Derek Slap

This research suggests that proposals to regulate video games may backfire with American voters who, unlike some elected officials, appear to fully understand that they should control the entertainment that comes into their homes.

Doug Lowenstein

I hope the secretary of state does the right thing. This is too late in the game for lawyers, too late in the game for partisan politics. The voters have spoken, and the votes ought to be counted.

David Boies

We realize that a large percentage of Louisiana voters are exercising their constitutional right to vote via absentee ballots. Those ballots are being sent through the mail, and the United States Postal Service stands ready to deliver these ballots to elections officials.

Delores Killette