Supporters of the CDU failed to vote because of reservations about Merkel.

Voters would like to keep Schroeder but they consider the SPD incapable of governing the country.

There were 21 million viewers and their verdict was that Schroeder had won the duel. It was clear.

Even if many of the undecided end up not voting, this share of 'don't knows' suggests voters are still wavering right up to the election.

At the moment she has no real opponents and has had no big problems to solve. This is no secure basis of trust for the chancellor.

Some of the undecided SPD voters have come back and that is what has given them the extra three points. We'll have to wait to see if they can hold on to them.

Even though there are probably a lot of nonvoters among the people who are undecided, this proportion of uncertain voters indicates continuing movement even shortly before the election.

There's a bit of a feeling of helplessness in the air. Most people think the Social Democrats aren't capable of governing the country. Some think they don't want to. But only a few people have big hopes of what a Christian Democrat-led government can do.