I want to go to work and do exactly what I've said over the last couple days. I want to stay connected to the voters. I think that's, in large part, that's what the job is about.

John Hayes

I want to thank the voters... for showing their confidence and I will try to live up to that voter confidence. I pledge that we will try to bring justice to every community in this city.

Robert Morgenthau

Arnold set the bar for very high expectations, coupled with strong demands. But the expectations weren't met, the demands weren't honored, and that has voters very skittish. Most voters are showing malaise, even downright disgust.

Larry Gerston

[Still, a Detroit News poll out this morning shows Kerry has opened up a 5-point lead among likely voters in Michigan. That's technically within the survey's margin of error,] but it certainly looks good for John Kerry in Michigan, ... none of the above.

Steve Mitchell

The new system addresses the federal Help American Vote Act requirements that all voters be able to vote privately and independently.

Ronn Kuzmovich

[Daschle called the ad] repulsive, ... I didn't catch any flak from real voters, from people in South Dakota. There was no blowback at all.

Tim Johnson

I want to have the information available so we can review the inner workings of the machines in case we have to, ... It's a safety precaution for the voters.

Bruce Mcpherson

There could be a number of reasons why the number of voters is larger in one ward than the other - there could be more people who actually register, or there could be a discrepancy in the number of children, ... One thing that surprised me is that there have been some huge (housing) developments in the city that I figured would have charged the demographics, but that's not been the case.

William Campbell

The reality is you still need some sort of a mass message to move mass numbers of voters.

Bill Hillsman

I was hopeful that they were going to take a stand and vote to make it official that they intend to eliminate (longevity pay) during the next budget cycle. Voting in favor of eliminating it today would have sent a strong message to the voters and they chose not to do it. I was glad that Joe Jaynes did take a stand and make a motion, but I was disappointed that there was no second.

Rick Neudorff

Our decision-making process really consisted of a desire to balance all the demands on (Corker's) schedule in a way that maximizes the voters' ability to get to know Mr. Corker.

Ben Mitchell

It may not be a technical violation, but there's something called the spirit and intent of Florida's open records laws. I don't think voters approved the state's Sunshine laws thought it was OK for the governor and legislators to meet behind closed doors possibly to give away the store.

Barbara Petersen

We had confidence that when we were able to show what the facts were in this election that there would be no doubt who was really chosen by the majority of Greensboro voters.

Walter Braswell

Texas gives out money based on the number of voters you've got. It's basically a county-by-county system.

Jim Edwards

We have to try to improve the election infrastructure, improve the education of voters.

David Cardwell

As traditional Liberal voters become dismayed by Paul Martin's campaign, they're finding a comfortable new home in the NDP. This ad features just a small sample of them.

Brad Lavigne

A party, which loses its appetite for power, would unnerve voters.

Ahmed Dogan

John Legend has a really good shot at winning best new artist. He's something Grammy voters really understand.

Mimi Valdes

Voters will decide which is more fair. We have the potential next year for the election to be presided over by one of the candidates running for governor. Is this fair and impartial? Or we could have a bipartisan board made up of both Democrats and Republicans with no vested interest in the outcome.

Keary Mccarthy

Whenever (the county commissioners) see that, they acquiesce and kowtow to the numbers of voters. It's mob democracy.

Al Sevier

At least 90 percent of registered voters will not vote. There's probably only going to be a 10 percent turnout. We've already got 12 million registered voters who can sign our petition, and we have a number of people from Montgomery County who have pledged support.

Brad Mcclellan

I am very disappointed that David decided to break Ohio's election laws. But I think that voters can see right through these kinds of attempts to trick them.

Mark Mallory

The voters like it because it is easy. The good thing is the workers are learning to adapt.

Tom Leach

His stand, unless you're brand new to the state, is not a secret to the voters. They know where he stands on this issue. Kevin has been supporting the protection of unborn children for many, many, many years.

Gayle Atteberry

The originators of that movement felt that women needed to be educated about policy issues in order to be competent voters.

Linda Jorgenson

We're going to do the testing that's required. That's essential because voters do need the confidence that their votes will be counted accurately.

Bill Wood

I think the district belongs to the voters who live there and vote there, ... I'm too busy doing the job I was elected to do to focus too much on an election that's over a year away.

John D. Barrow

Voters love these kind of operations in which the enemy is humiliated and our forces return safely to base.

Nahum Barnea

This is something that's going to resonate with Latino voters in November. We're going to remember it.

Jerry Gonzalez

This is painful on so many levels. I'm very concerned about (voters') general cynicism of government and politics.

Steffen Schmidt

This was an attempt to mislead voters. We've sent him a letter saying it's false and misleading and he needs to pull the ad.

Stan Devereux

What he has to do is convince statewide voters that as CEO of Baltimore he did a good job, ... O'Malley's challenge is to show that he's been an effective executive despite the challenges Baltimore obviously has. And voters are going to ask themselves what they think about the job he's done in Baltimore when they decide.

Marion Orr

It is time that we, as voters, move beyond a system where the office is handed from one person to another and let the people truly reap the benefits of a fresh face to our County Attorney's office.

Carolyn Mcdaniel

He shouldn't be overlooked, but I'm afraid he will be because the film came out too late in the year, just for a one-week run, and voters probably haven't had time to catch up with it. It is Hopkins' best performance in years, a masterpiece of understatement, and it's a crime that no one seems to be acknowledging it.

Stephen Farber

The framers of the Tennessee Constitution put specific safeguards in place to guarantee that the voters are given ample opportunity to engage in public debate and discussion before amending the Constitution. Those requirements should be followed exactly as the founders required.

Hedy Weinberg

The labor movement in all four counties is enthusiastically supportive of Capri. When it's all said and done, she'll have the greatest number of endorsements, and the greatest number of voters within the labor movement.

Vic Rubenstein

I am dismayed the governor decided to veto a voter-oriented, good government piece of legislation, ... However, I understand this bill would have adversely affected his govern-by-initiative approach by forcing paid signature gatherers to reveal their true identity to voters.

Joe Nation

For any incumbent going into a runoff where you've been in office for a number of years is not a good thing necessarily. It's basically going to be a ground game ? getting out the voters.

Jon Taylor

I think it could have an adverse effect. It could generate more no voters and be viewed negatively as an increased cost.

Richard Sullivan

It could be close -- we'll see. Voters can be fickle.

Bill Lewis

The money provides a buffer that could keep Bradley in the race longer than the voters would.

Larry Makinson

We are glad to see that Canadians have values-voters too. We can be optimistic about the end of the social engineering as driven by the Martin government.

Bob Morrison

We'll have to go the voters for the funding of these projects.

Conny Culver

This is a crucial time for the party. Voters will only have two more chances to meet the candidates before the primary in May.

Wes Johnson

Let the voters know. If they don't like it, they can kick him out.

Kathleen Clark

The Advantage L Touch Screen empowers disabled voters and allows them to vote without any assistance and in complete privacy. This system finally makes the playing field level, and now all citizens can vote in an equal manner.

Howard Cramer

I'm not certain that voters are sophisticated enough to see this as Republican wrongdoing rather than a crooked Congress, ... So we have to be very careful how we handle this.

Charles Rangel

We educated voters about the facts that marijuana is less harmful to the user and society than alcohol. To prohibit adults from making the rational, safer choice to use marijuana is bad public policy.

Mason Tvert

Winning a campaign means having beliefs, things that voters stand for, so people are compelled to come out and vote for you on Election Day.

Cathy Calfo

African-American voters had solid turnout.

Brian Brox

Our job is only to administer a program approved by the voters.

Jim Sellers

Obviously the people feel it was too much of an increase, and we have to listen to the voters. In the next couple of days we'll make some phone calls and find out what people wanted. We'll need to come as close to a 0 percent increase as we can.

William Watson

I was merely passing on the message that I was hearing from voters that they are concerned about their property taxes.

Jack Frost

We think it's an innovative way to remind California voters to get out to the polls.

Greg Creed

The voters who came in here for the demonstration are finding that the differences are very slight, as to the way they've been casting their ballot.

Mike Hackett

Local television and local TV news isn't telling the voters about local candidates.

Reed Hundt

I think this election will reflect on Schwarzenegger's standing with California voters. The initiatives are serving as a proxy for the governor himself.

Douglas Heller

As we move toward the summer and voters start to tune in more, you will see some more significant movement.

David Kochman

There are over 2,000 Latino registered voters in Wellington. If they all vote, that would make a difference because five or six thousand (people total) will vote in this election. But that's up to them.

Julio Galvez

We believe the voters are best served when they hear directly from the candidates and their campaigns.

Larry Smar

A majority opinion is not necessarily a majority of Israeli voters.

Yaron Ezrahi

More than any time we can remember in the past, the voters really seem to be checked out. Maybe we ranked 12th, but few voters anywhere are paying any attention.

Ray Mcnally

Clearly, they're reaching out to the voters who are tired of the same old thing, who are disaffected. They cast a pretty powerful persona as truth-seekers.

Larry Jacobs

The message is clear: voters want a chance to have input on the issue.

Jim Navolio

The Democratic Party is on the move across the country. Voters are responding to our message of progress and fiscal responsibility.

Joe Andrew

We plan on bringing out an army of new voters in this state and mobilizing students across the state to get involved here, collecting the signatures and passing this initiative.

Mason Tvert

It is clear that [the election authorities] have to undertake some practical steps in an urgent way to organize the way they work and make decisions to [register] a preponderance of the voters by mid-August.

Roger Noriega

This is not about a casino for us. This vote represented that Sumner County voters are ready for growth. We want to bring the jobs, the opportunities.

Debra Teufel

The timetable is in the hands of the mainland, even more so in the hands of Taiwan's new leader, and frankly speaking in the hands of Taiwan's voters.

Xu Bodong

Mr. Brewer has clearly calculated the timing of the dissemination of his campaign literature to deprive me of the opportunity to make a measured and meaningful response to the voters.

Michael Puhl

One of the things that made him so attractive to voters when he ran for mayor was ... he was an outsider.

Bobby Jindal

It's a very doable path to get there. The mayor does not believe that we need to go back to the voters and ask them for more money.

Marianne Bichsel

It is our firm view that the declaration of this day as a public holiday will enable voters to exercise their democratic right to vote as enshrined in our Constitution.

Nkosana Sibuyi

Crist and Gallagher are raising nuclear arsenals, and the great part of it is they're going to use it against each other. They're going to do our work for us painting themselves into a primary box way to the right. Whichever Democrat comes out of the primary gets to come out with the moderate and swing voters all to themselves.

Bernie Campbell

McCain doesn't have the biggest chunk of territory in this race, but he has the most important chunk, and that's who's left to vote, that's the swing voters.

Bill Mcinturff

I just wish it was March 21 so we would know. It's hard being patient for this long. [Voters] have their minds made up now. I'm trying to remain optimistic. It would hurt so many people.

Sue Ellett

This will weaken the left ... which is trying to persuade Israeli voters that there is a viable Palestinian partner. It will strengthen the right and the centre.

Yossi Alpher

[Democrats voiced their argument that Bush is too extreme on abortion for most voters.] Republicans try to avoid the issue to get nominated, ... They never can.

Joe Andrew

Deception of voters has become an accepted tactic.

Washington Post

Voters haven't been saying they are being overtaxed, ... People are mostly worried about services being cut. They want them back. They figure their tax money is already for (services).

Scott Hall

Given that Mr. Kerry is clearly exaggerating what happened to minority voters in the 2000 election in Florida, maybe we should wait for him to provide evidence of what he is alleging in 2004.

John Fund

There is a high level of upset among voters who feel their franchise was violated, ... One voter said she got a sample ballot in the mail, filled out all the little circles, then took it to the polls. It wasn't until she saw the discussion later in the news that she realized she had picked the wrong circle.

Deborah Phillips

If the Fed continues to raise interest rates, it puts a damper on the spirits of voters and consumers and that is bad news for Al Gore.

Ethan Siegal

To be elected president, Al Gore needs the economy and the markets firing on all cylinders. Al Gore needs voters and consumers happy and satisfied.

Ethan Siegal

The technology aspect of this referendum is the one that I don't think voters realize the need. That is why I am pushing for it.

Eric Everson

The Legislature should stop second-guessing the will of the voters.

Eric Draper

You went through the primary. You should have made such a decision before the primary. You were chosen by the voters, and you should stick it out. But he has to make the decision that's right for him.

Eric Thode

There's no race. The base voters are the only ones that are going to turn out, and he's got them all locked up.

Eric Thode

Even if he decides to run, pan-blue voters may think of him as veteran who is refusing to give the next generation a chance, and there is a chance that he could lose.

Emile Sheng

I'm believing that the greatest displacement occurs among those who are traditionally Democratic voters.

Elliott Stonecipher

If the political environment does not change, the outcome of the 2006 elections becomes increasingly a roll of the dice dependent on how the campaigns are run, party and interest group resources and the intensity of base voters to turn out to vote.

Ed Goeas

For Senator McCain, his reputation as a maverick tirelessly working to reform the culture of Washington appears to be exactly what voters want.

Ed Goeas

This does not mean that Democrats are soaring with newfound respect from the voters. ... They have done little to project themselves as having the solutions to the nation's problems.

Ed Goeas

I don't believe until this came up anybody had gone to the trouble of checking name by name (for dead voters). Frankly, it was only a question of time that this was going to show up.

Fred Williams

If she doesn't get her hands dirty now, and if voters don't see this as mainly an auto industry problem, this may very well fall at the governor's doorstep.

Ed Sarpolus

If it's a close race between second and third place, that number of voters could be very important.

Ed Renwick

I've never heard of an election like this where you don't know where the voters are.

Ed Renwick

People just lived better and better. It was like a free lunch for voters.

Zoltan Torok