The potential is really limitless.

Very often, government agencies create graphical information rather than just text to explain different services, whether it's how to apply for a permit or how to use the 911 system. But the more graphic it is, the more speed and capacity you need. Up until now, our citizens just haven't had that. So we see lots of possibilities for public education.

It's pretty easy to learn.

I think that is very harmful to the nature of our democratic politics because, not unlike the market, competition politically is a healthy sign of a well-functioning democracy.

Our view is that the pharmacy benefit is an extraordinarily good benefit. Many of these drugs cost more than $100 at retail for a month's supply. Virtually all of our members will be paying between $10 and $15.

Mr. Page is the real story of this season. The way he carries himself, the way he inspires people. He may not always see us, but we all see him.

If the union loses on this one, ... it may not be a watershed comparable to the air traffic controllers strike in 1982, but it would be a big setback.

We won't be out of Valley River altogether.

I showed empirically that in the general election those crossover voters stayed with the candidate they had crossed over to support in the primary. A lot of Republicans preferred her in 1976 and stayed with her.