We cut here, we cut there, but it's not done in a strategic fashion. We can't continue to gnaw away at the core. That's a recipe for disaster.

This is the only suite that delivers on the majority of what a client needs to run a large hospitality or gaming operation, letting them focus on their business, not their IT.

Right now, we have a vote. We haven't decided to reconsider it.

This is fantastic. It really does validate what we decided to do with the campaign this year, trying different ways to get the message out.

Sometimes we talk about how culturally we feel comfortable in a school, but there's also the fact we need to make sure the curriculum offered there is challenging. You have to have both to make the school successful.

The whole world loves a maverick and the whole world wants the maverick to achieve something nobler than simple rebellion.

But it was a big play for them.

It turned the game around.