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I'm still on an adventure but it's more without a goal then it was in the earlier years. I'm letting myself be led to the places I think I want to go.

I am not on this planet to get something done - the things we accomplish are expressions of our purpose.

The script is the bible. If you imagine setting off on an adventure in a canoe, the script is the strong arms that shove you out into the stream. It is the map of where you are going.

Planning is thinking beforehand how something is to be made or done, and mixing imagination with the product - which in a broad sense makes all of us planners. The only difference is that some people get a license to get paid for thinking and the rest of us just contribute our good thoughts to our fellow man.

Very seldom do I write words and have somebody put the music to them. If I'm writing lyric and music at the same time, I usually finish the music rather quickly.

I know that song writing is probably the most mystical of the things that I do, in a sense that I'm not sure where it came from or how it started. It's something that I just knew how to do. It's something that just happens.

If I allow the fact that I am a Negro to checkmate my will to do, now, I will inevitably form the habit of being defeated.

Somehow it seems like it's you and me against the world.