Giving up even an ounce of precious freedom is a very serious thing to do.

It was a strong and nice statement, but didn't answer the fundamental question what kind of justice will he be.

It is clear that we're not doing close to enough and must do more.

I've said to the people at the White House that you say you need all the resources to fight the war overseas, but to fight the war on terror at home with no money is like saying let's fight the war in Iraq with no new money, ... It makes no sense whatsoever.

I, for one, have woken up in the middle of the night thinking about it, being unsure how to vote.

The vote is a shot across the bow in terms of the Justice Department and how it conducts itself, in terms of upcoming Supreme Court nominations, and the push-and-pull within the Bush administration. Will it be bipartisan or will it be pulled to the right?

He was afraid of losing. I told him, 'Go back there.' This was three years before he ran. He said, 'But there is nothing open.' But I told him there are always openings that come up.

This isn't just rolling the dice. It's betting the whole house.

The report is a top-to-bottom indictment of the federal government's lack of resources, focus, and expertise in fighting the domestic war on terror.

Nothing could be further from the truth, ... This is about his record.

I'm prepared to do everything I can to stop the nomination of Justice Pickering. We can do a lot better.

Anytime Saudis are returned under a veil of secrecy, I'm suspicious.

Some sort of a witch hunt.

We need to catch our breath in every way. I don't think the one week changes the dynamic at all.

We need to be careful here. This is a nominee who could shift the balance of the court, and thus the laws of the nation, for decades to come.

This administration has been far too close for far too long to the Saudi ruling family, a family that has supported terrorism for over a decade.

In 10 days, they go 3 percent.