We are very thankful this student came forward. It gave the principal time to react very quickly.

Michelle Morgan

It's an interactive program where we teach students about networking, something they will do over and over again in their jobs. It's not really about what fork to use with what portion of the meal, but about presenting yourself as a young professional rather than as a laid-back college student.

Tara King

Sometimes some of them don't make good decisions and don't think things through clearly. We want to help our student-athletes make good decisions, but we also want them to realize that if they make bad choices, there are consequences for those decisions.

Mark Labarbera

Adam is a good student and a good person who can fill it up. There are so many things that Adam can do. He is a great person with a high character and will represent DU well on and off the court.

Terry Carroll

In terms of student projects, they have basically been answering the same questions, but using different methods to answer them. Oh, but their display boards are getting better and better with the use of the Internet.

Norm Negus

They are going along with student council and class counsel elections in the hopes that more people come out to vote for class officers.

Alex Najduch

We're asking the readers to look at the larger viewpoint of student writing.

Karla Sanders

A lot of it has tremendous potential. Just the conversation is raising awareness. It goes far beyond student nutrition. It's about the whole child.

Candy Olson

If there is a student out there who is a tuba player, schools can call the family of the tuba player and ask the tuba player to come to our school.

Lee Barfield

The research and critical thinking skills one garners from debate help as a student. The tools and skills you get from debate are of great value.

Brent Heavner

Some of the places [in the city] that were damaged severely, I wouldn't be going there anyway as a student-athlete. It was just good to know, Tulane was going to be OK.

Kevin Moore

[Celestin] wanted to get a large segment of the student body to be represented. She tries to do a real cross-section.

Coy Pilson

With the addition of lights and a new student section, we expect there will be an energy rarely seen on our field, ... This energy will undoubtedly translate to our players and create a fantastic environment to watch Michigan Soccer.

Steve Burns

It is going to affect anyone who makes or takes out a student loan.

Terry W. Hartle

I'd venture to say there aren't too many other programs in the country where the head coach of a Division I football program checks class. And it's an eye-opener for those student-athletes, I guarantee you, when they're five minutes late for class and there's the head football coach standing at the door tapping his foot looking highly displeased.

Don Oberhelman

How about the crowd? That is unbelievable and a big part of tonight's story. The student body really came out and supported us in a big game tonight.

Curt Miller

Maria is responsible both socially and academically. She knows that as a student-athlete, you have to make sacrifices; you have to live healthy lives and Maria definitely does. We want our freshmen to model themselves after her.

Randy Thomas

It's almost as if he's challenging you and himself to go further with the stuff that may be the most painful to write. The relationship between Irwin and [student] Dakin was there, but it is written with much greater daring.

Nicholas Hytner

This report shows we are making progress. With the commitment we have from our coaches and student-athletes, we expect continued improvement in the years to come.

Mal Moore

At the time he made his decision he was acting under the law of the land. In this new era of the NCAA looking out for the good of the student-athlete we hope they'll allow him to return to school.

Tim Tessalone

We have never done this before. We were a little apprehensive. But we had a great student.

Mary Shelton

This new student number is like your freshman class as they work their way through these programs. That will help your total enrollment going forward. It's a strong precursor.

Jeff Silber

Michael's coaching style and his extensive experience with basketball made him a great fit, ... He has a strong background in nutrition, which will be a plus for our student-athletes as they develop themselves into championship form.

Joe Owens

He fills a big void in our classroom. He reminds the student that without a high school diploma or GED, you're stuck. When you're educated, you have different options.

Deborah Umbreit

If you believe a student has been wrongly tried, and there's a false accusation, there's a recourse to that. I think he made it clear that [anonymous fliers are] inappropriate.

Richael Faithful

It was more of a confidence-level boost than increasing his ability. He's a good goaltender, but more importantly he's a good person and a great student.

Dave Esse

Lake district is above average in terms of wealth, yet it spends 26 percent less per student than the state average.

Tim Krugh

Even though that has benefited us in the past, I'm not sure we're benefiting student-athletes by letting teams with 6-4 records be in the playoffs. There has to be some value placed on winning a league championship. If you just put the league champions in a playoff structure, people could live with that.

Tony Franks

Expanding the student center will create an area on that campus for student life to take place. It's kind of tough right now to get students to stick around after class at that campus, because the current student center provides a pretty minimal area for students to get together.

Ben Leavitt

I didn't see Angela until her second-to-last high school basketball game. I didn't know much about her until my student assistant at the time, Mandy Sterling, told me I had to see her play. Scott Eaton (NKU associate athletic director) had kids at Highlands, and he told me about her too. So I figured I needed to head over there to see her play, and I liked what I saw.

Nancy Winstel

We came up with plans to implement at our own universities to help the student-athletes.

Jonathan Orr

We set a higher goal each time and develop strategies and activities to achieve them. We need to give credit to students, parents and teachers who help each student achieve their best. It's not what we do here at the central office. We just try to meet their needs.

Ann Evans

This group is rich in talent and personality. They embody the spirit of Wake Forest field hockey and I look forward to their contributions as student-athletes. I have faith in their ability to keep up the strong tradition of Wake Forest hockey.

Jennifer Averill

I feel that I am very qualified based on my experience in the senate and what I have been exposed to as a senator. I never wanted to be involved with politics, but student government, I believe, is a whole different level.

Christine Bergeski

We have a student body that is fired up about Bears basketball. It's a whole different level, the best our students have been since I've been here. This is a big game.

Barry Hinson

We have got about $30,000, and we have some commitments. We have got a commitment from the university by way of the president, a commitment from the city of Ames and the government of the student body.

Thomas Hill

The game at Washington allows us the opportunity to bring (junior center) Jason Mgebroff back home, as well as graduate assistant Matt Logie ... We always try and get our student-athletes one trip back home during their career, and I know Jason will be very excited to play in that game.

Billy Taylor

He is a great student and a fine choice to represent the district.

Bill Higgins

Michael, just like any other student at WSU, utilized procedures in place and is currently ready to enroll for spring semester. He is eligible to participate in all football-related activities this spring once enrolled, including spring practice. Right now, we are focusing on his academic performance this spring and his progress toward a degree from WSU to ensure he is eligible in the fall.

Bill Doba

She's a good kid, a really good student. We're excited to have her here.

Robin Selvig

This is poor judgment. I want to make it clear that this does not involve the student, this is two adults.

Joe Beck

That's why this New Diversity Initiatives office was created, to work with emerging student populations and this is one of those emerging student populations. But the idea behind it is to really make sure that we can support all of the students that go to Ohio State and come here.

Shakeer Abdullah

Increased competition from Asian manufacturers has driven down prices for band instruments, putting significant pressure on U.S. manufacturers. Costs at the Bach plant continue to increase, and many of our student-level instruments have been sold at a loss for years.

John Stoner

When the Student Health Center was located on 6th and College streets. NW, the Women's Clinic was in a separate building. This was due to the lack of space in the main health center building.

Lynette Mundey

One of the best things to do is to consult the disability community. Have a student with a disability walk the campus with you. There is practical stuff that can be done quickly.

Sarah Hawthorne

I was pretty pleased with the defensive part of it, we just have to tighten it up a little. [Coca] has just been maturing game after game after game for us. She's a student of the game, and there are very few kids that take it that seriously.

Sue Peet

It's a beautiful thing just to see all your student body out there; some 100,000 people out there shouting orange and blue. It's a beautiful thing.

Adrian Moss

You're talking about a Division I (basketball) player being the mascot for football. It's never been about Steve. He enjoys the atmosphere, the student body. People recognize that and come out and support him.

Jim Nesser

There is no perfect or ideal size for a high school. Top-level student achievement can be seen in high schools of all sizes in the state.

Judy Jeffrey

All of my qualified students are 100 percent employed. Not every student is qualified.

Greg Waldrop

The program will actually begin in the fall with entering students. The program is prepared to submit for accreditation, but cannot actually be accredited until at least one student graduates from the program.

Sarah Denman

This is the largest (stage) ever put on the property and the largest production the student government has put on in the Union Free Speech Area.

John Lopez

When you talk to a patient and they say 'God,' they can have a very different meaning than the one the doctor or medical student might have. We all have to be aware of this. There is absolutely no place for proselytizing a particular religious belief system in the practice of medicine.

Capt. Shawn Morrissey

We will be passing out information about how the preamble came to be, and how we got the colors and design of our American flag. We will do this through our advisee period to reach every student.

Glenn Miller

Roger was my first recruit at Texas. Roger is just the best. He is a great person, great student and a great team guy. Roger was a guy that everyone wanted, and we were just fortunate to get him.

Michael Center

I've been here a long time, and that was a great thing. We've got the best student body in America, and I really enjoyed that.

Mike Degory

She is really a wonderful person and student. And she has been a part of adult education for five decades, which is truly an achievement.

Bob Harper

He gave a young student coach an opportunity to coach, [then] he held a full-time job for me for three months until I graduated.

Ray Monica

As a student, school has to come first. Maybe if you were a professional, and you did this for a radio station and got paid for it, you would go more in depth, look up more information, find some more articles and maybe more in-depth stats for the other team.

Jake Lemon

We may be one of the larger student delegations from the United States.

Mary Geller

We don't want students to be a burden on families. When (our family) hosted a student, we didn't feel an impact on our family budget.

Kathy Lawrence

During the 'Think Tank' we ask questions that rise from the course of the week. We talk about how Sam could be more diverse; we actually come up with different programs based on the different issues that student and faculty come up with during the think tank.

Jennifer Roberts

This helps the student establish credit slowly and safely and keeps him or her from bouncing checks.

Leann Kaczynski

The university does a great deal of communication with students about what is expected on game day. This is a collaborative effort with the athletic department. No one office has the responsibility for controlling student drinking.

Richard Stegman

The last thing that Rochester needs as it struggles to retain the talent necessary to ensure student success.

Kevin Casey

I found out there are a lot of scholarships available out there if you're a good student and, in some cases, willing to go out of state.

Rolando Garcia

As the primary group responsible for student rights, I don't understand why we've been cut out of the table. It appears they're trying to avoid our involvement, thinking we're too extreme.

Chuck Mitchell

If a student failed a course and couldn't graduate with their friends, they often opt not to come back and complete the course they failed. We should have three students graduate with their class, so it's helping our dropout rate.

Robert Carroll

He was a 4-point student from what I understand. Just an outstanding student.

Becky Lofstead

Keep in mind those are just short-term solutions. In our minds ... we are at a very critical point where we can't accommodate a larger student population with the facilities we have.

Harold Martin

His biggest improvement is physically. He's gotten stronger; he knew he had to do it. We're all very pleased for Quentin. He's the type of student and player who will be successful in anything he pursues.

Dan Walbaum

Generally speaking, if a student is interested in a program they can get in the program. Though some programs require teacher recommendations, initial student interest is the impetus.

John Wise

If a student is struggling, not having a lot of success can impact self-esteem. They can feel like they are retarded or think they have limitations and a sense of inadequacy. If an obstacle can't be conquered, the person might go to extreme measures to try and ignore the problem altogether.

Dr. Larry Gillam

We're able to make more successful connections between student sitters and parents.

Ronda Reid

It's kind of a precedent-setting situation. We believe the NCAA will look at the situation and we hope that they'll look out for the welfare of the student-athlete.

Tim Tessalone

ASUM hosts the Student Showcase every year in order for unique academic programs in the UM system to present their programs and their accomplishments to legislators.

Meara Smith

It's the $22 per student that is so impressive. They just took this one to heart.

Jill Ring

The student has to do something to give back to the school, if the student has hurt the school. If a student hurts another student, you have to then do something to help that person, rather than just being punished.

Jane Mullan

It's a great opportunity. I've always dreamed of going from being a student in the program to being a teacher.

Joseph Atkins

There has been a lot of student interest and parent interest. We have a waiting list for our introductory course we will be teaching in the fall.

Daniel G. Schultz

Serves up a solidly designed degree that provides a broad-based coverage of business to a student body that has a wide range of backgrounds and levels of managerial experience.

Princeton Review

[Redfest will also attract] over 40 venders, including numerous student groups... (and) The Pie and The Soup Kitchen, ... This is a great opportunity for students to learn more about various student groups and to buy things for cheap.

Andrew Murphy

She's just an average teenager. She was an honor roll student but lately she's been in the boy world and her grades started dropping. Just stuff girls do.

Trina Graham

Eleanor Roosevelt came to my rescue, ... I was selected as one of 30 students from around the country to attend the International Student Service Summer Student Leadership Institute at Campobello.

John Orton

She loved music. She was a band student from sixth grade all the way through high school.

Laura Carbaugh

We do believe it might have an impact on student achievement, and really, that's what we're here to do.

Connie Boesen

Does an event like this encourage use? Every college in the U.S. struggles with student use of drugs and alcohol. But this is a group of students who feel really strongly about the issue and want conversation about it and to raise awareness about it. We have to encourage and provide a forum for the discussion ? that's what higher education is all about.

Jim Hoppe

One way we hope to reach out to this type of student is through the University 101 program.

Danielle Vegas

I worry that we bring (student athletes) here and we tell them that they can be world-class in sports, and they can be world-class in academics. There's no off-season.

Ted Leland

Acquiring student aid has become more competitive. It's a triple whammy. You have more students who are eligible and looking to apply. You have less aid coming from the states. And you have tuition, room and board going up.

Mark Brenner

(The student) called me and asked me if I liked it. I said 'Yes,' and he actually sent me another one.

Damon Fugett

The radio personality responsible for picking the movie will introduce the movie and say why they chose it and student are certainly encouraged to give feedback.

Beth Whisman

The concern would be, could one student see another student's work product?

Brad White

I'm actually part of a number of minorities. I grew up being a horribly awkward kid. A terrible student. And now I find myself as a filmmaker, and you feel kind of alone in the world because you're separate from everyone else.

Bryan Singer

Aaron Brooks' actions are not indicative of what is expected of the student-athletes who represent the University of Oregon. We pride ourselves on being known for good sportsmanship and proper demeanor on and off the field of competition.

Bill Moos

Midyear adjustments are less about moving teachers to new classrooms and more about how within a building, what options there are for assigning kids in. As a last resort, we might get a situation where we actually move a student to a neighboring school.

Jim Crawford

The packs include information that students might not be aware about. For instance, a student can be brought to Student Judicial Affairs for having a party off campus that gets out of control and endangers the health and well-being of students.

Michelle Johnston

Particularly gratifying is the number of student graduates who have gone on to success and fame.

Betty Ford

The university's confidence in the SSU to deliver student services such as clubs, weekly social activities and student advocacy has been undermined.

Brian Young

The idea having the policies be by suite was actually an idea that was developed through the student forums. Also, out of the forums and through the work that the officers of RHA put in, it really showed housing that they were going through an overly good process and considering everything.

Amanda Gunter

That piece of plastic has interrupted the best-laid college plans for many a student.

Robert Tull

It never ceases to amaze me to see the contributions student-athletes make to their communities. Often times, these young men are better known for the good things they do on the field.

Grant Teaff

He has great rapport with the student athletes. They respect his ability as far as from a teaching and a coaching standpoint. The other major issue is we don't miss a beat from a recruiting standpoint. Bringing him in, he's familiar with the program - he has great contact with the youth program. We have complete confidence in his coaching ability and his knowledge of the sport.

John Ratliff

Basically, I say if you're going to build a student life center, and then you don't have enough money for it ... call it something else.

Michael Ward

The things we (currently) are doing relevant to student success are fighting for time among the nonsense.

Marianne Capoziello

I think at first it was not a perfect experience. There was zero student participation. He would play football and no one would be in the stadium. Football athletes were really frowned upon. ... They did a great sales job. In essence, it wasn't the case.

Beth Puchtel

You never want any student to drop out. Our goal is for every student to graduate.

Lisa Stuckey

You may have two students with the same EFC but the student with the higher grades gets more aid.

Carl Buck

I don't say this lightly; I had my own system in the (circuit court) office and then the state took it over. Sometimes it gives me answers that are obviously wrong. I'd hate to see some student get his ears cut off because the computer said to do it.

John Clayton

My main goal is to make sure that the American Indian people are remembered and are treated right. It is deep on the student level.

Brent Cox

Whether you're a student, housewife, senior citizen or doctor I think the whole country calls it March Madness for a reason. Whether it is brackets or taking the next step and making a wager, I think everybody's doing it.

Simon Noble

How do you explain it? A dog saves your life. How do you explain that? You don't, My Norwegian Elkhound is smarter than your honor student!

John Papierowicz

When they switched it, a lot of people got angry about it. Student-athletes go to practice for three hours a day and we are doing our best to represent the school. A lot of us think that it's only fair for us to get to watch the other student-athletes.

Jennifer Boyd

It's been an absolute nightmare. That was all it was, a student in school writing a paper . . . I don't understand.

Wanda Young

I told her a lot of parents don't know about this. I'm a student, I didn't know this. In health class, we learn about drugs I have never seen before.

Danielle Hibler

The mathematics faculty were encouraging me to shift into mathematics as my major and explaining to me that it was not almost impossible to make a good career in America as a mathematician. So I... became officially a student of mathematics. And in the end I had learned and progressed so much in mathematics that they gave me an M.S. in addition to my B.S. when I graduated.

John Nash

She is just the hardest working kid. She always played as hard as she could, whether we were up or down. She's a great student ? 4.0 ? and was academic all-state. She's going to Utah State to play softball.

Jace Hymas

I'm still a firm believer that if you have a quality kid and he wants to wrestle in college, you can get him in school and get help whether it's financial aid, Pell grants or college scholarships. It obviously helps if you're a good student, because you can get some other finances through academics as well.

Jim Tonte

If a student gets his or her carpenter's license or cosmetology license, the state would consider them proficient with their trade.

Sam Varano

If you're a VIP executive from some company and staying in a five-star hotel in Bangkok and just going to meetings there or at your company office there, then your risk is very, very different from a student backpacker in college.

Phyllis Kozarsky

With the current pensions crisis, there is a real danger that we are going to have a generation who, having to pay off their student debts, are unable to save for their own retirement or support their pension-age parents.

James Knight

When Collin was here he was a very good player, obviously, and he was a very good student.

Jack Moran

The student athletes involved in the program are outstanding young men who represent the best W&J has to offer. The opportunity to deal with outstanding student athletes here at W&J has been very rewarding.

Karel Jelinek

We want to make sure that we move a student for reclassification when they have the best chance for success.

Frances Roberts

We know there are about 25,000 people with meal plans now, so we think we'll be able to reach our goal, ... The student athletes visiting already have meals provided for them.

Benjamin Williams

I feel compelled to say that this decision will send shock waves through college athletics programs around the country. Playing college football, especially at a school like Georgia Tech, is a privilege, not a right. We must be able to set standards of conduct for our student-athletes, and we must be able to enforce and maintain discipline.

Dave Braine

I saw another student from Spain and I asked if I could go with him, but he said there was not enough room for me. Most of the exchange students lived in the dorms, so I took my documents and my money and some clothes and went running to the dorms looking for somebody.

Alex Belda

This is primarily because it is illegal for a lot of the student population. A lot of students are also practicing high-risk drinking.

Chris Austin

I print out the roster and use it when calling on students in class. Learning first names assists in the learning process. A relationship between the teacher and student develops from that.

Jack Matson

The Perkins Loan is the best student loan available.

Bruce Caplin

You hear people talking about an appetite for jazz. I am hearing it from the senior population and the student population. This is an opportunity to really see what the appetite is.

Stanley Jackson

I got into a discussion with a student in class. So, I think he called his boys, and one thing led to another.

Carlton Miller

HYENA, n. A beast held in reverence by some oriental nations from its habit of frequenting at night the burial-places of the dead. But the medical student does that.

Ambrose Bierce

Every citizen has a right to inspect public record. However, any information related to students is considered an educational record that belongs to the student, which is not considered a public record.

Donald Dudley

It was not random people walking in off the street. They were brought in by a Vanderbilt student who made it possible for these individuals to be at the party. When something like that happens, it's a potentially very dangerous situation.

Michael Schoenfeld

This is one of many items that we ask parents to focus upon when they're sending the student back to school. Take a look at your insurance and make sure you're covered.

Richard Flaherty

It is a concern. The only weekend that we were able to get Nameless Field was next weekend [April 15]; because of all the tennis tournaments that have been going on we couldn't have the noise. So it is a concern for us because we know that a lot of the student body is not going to be here that normally would be here.

Nicole Numbers

This is the first year for the Diversity Council, so we want to let the student organizations know that we exist and that we're here to help communication between them.

Sarah Kim

I think knowing it's a student concern will help them find the money a little faster.

Kevin Mcbride

The problem is, if you have a player who's a good player and also a good student, well, who's not going to recruit that kid?

Lawrence Scully

Everyone was on board except for First Student. We agreed to their demands, and they lied to us.

Jesse Case

The process [thus far] went well. It has been hard with the diminishing support that we've received from the student body, but we are holding elections to the best of our abilities.

David Gelpi

I fear that this bill, without the sufficient resources, will merely highlight our shortcomings. I fear it will not provide the assistance, both financial and technical, that schools will need to meet the goals of having every student meet their full academic potential.

Jim Jeffords

This law only affects students who are doing well in school, since there are already minimum GPA requirements to receive financial aid. So, if a student is wasting all their time with drugs and not studying or going to class, they're going to lose their aid anyway.

Tom Angell

It is a necessity if our objective is to provide higher quality education. It's not uncommon that a very good student has to go away to Orlando or South Florida.

Grant Thrall

By next year, the Senate's budget would cut the $1,246 per Virginia student higher education funding deficit in half, bringing it down to just $641 per student. That's exciting progress.

Jesse Ferguson

You have it in your blood and you transmit that to the student.

Hector Vinent

You don?t have to choose between being an elite athlete and being a student.

Tom Carr

I think there was such a unity of the whole student body with this event, because not just Asians came out, everybody came out.

Carolyn Wu

The representatives are doing what they're supposed to do. I'm very excited about the new level that I really feel Student Assembly will reach this year in terms of providing better service to students.

Julielyn Gibbons

Other countries have been fast figuring out the key to the success of the American system, which is driven by hard budget figures and funded by student fees, corporations, alumni and generous donors - and not the heavy hand of the government.

Peggy Blumenthal

Awarding a student a diploma without the necessary skills and knowledge does a great disservice to that student.

Jack O'connell

To be a teacher was to be a student anew, to relive the intoxication of insight, and to be a prophet, to sketch the world down to its very foundation — not simply to tease sight from blindness, but to demand that another see.

R. Scott Bakker

More student-athletes would be able to travel and to dress on the field, and it would give institutions the ability to bring more people along for the playoffs and for the title game. Making a profit is an individual institutional decision, but our motivation is to help them not spend as much money and be able to celebrate the event. This will hopefully allow people to do that.

Damani J. Leech

When the student is ready, the master appears. ~.

Buddhist Proverb

But suppose, asks the student of the professor, we follow all your structural rules for writing, what about that "something else" that brings the book alive? What is the formula for that? The formula for that is not included in the curriculum.

Fannie Hurst

What we're really trying to do is build student activism and get students passionate about their community through arts and music, and other forms of outreach.

Jake Lehman

It's the first year for this. The productions are grad student directed, designed and all student run.

Joy Allain

That is obviously a free-speech matter for that student and we're not going to police that nor discipline the person for that.

Chris Shoemaker

The single most promising composition student that I have worked with in my 37 years of university teaching.

Jack Kent Cooke

Several student leaders are saying that it isn't the school that needs to hear this message; it's the Salem community at large.

Patti Hoffert

Prices are high. I hate to see it when a shipment comes in and I see what it's going to cost a student because you look at it and think, how can it be that much?

Jennifer Davis

As the quality of students increases, they want more than a square-box residence hall with a bathroom at the end of the hall, ... The higher-end student wants and expects more.

D. Miller

To the stern student of affairs, Beirut is a phenomenon, beguiling perhaps, but quite, quite impossible.

Jan Morris

Cellar Roots is not just for art and writing majors at EMU. Any EMU student can contribute. There is a common misperception that has perpetuated over time that you must be an art or writing major, but this is not true.

Jennifer Armstrong

We want every student trained to a specific standard before he or she ever goes into a clinical area. We're taking as much responsibility for stopping the nursing shortage as we can.

Mary Walker

I started the site while I was a nursing student. I had no idea that it would soon become my full-time job. It's wonderful to be able to offer my peers and colleagues a place where they can come to share ideas and have some fun in the process.

Brian Short

With the disappearance of the Ebony Student Association, the Black Student Union was a necessity.

Bryant Johnson

A student, parents and teachers have all laid a complaint.

Judith Collins

I think it's awesome to bring back a student-athlete that has played here recently. It gives her great insight, and I think she's young enough to relate to the players. In addition, she's a great player and an excellent coach.

Joan Bonvicini

We love each and every student.

Abby Bruner

It wasn't until my Senior year when I kind of matured into my looks and became student council president and things like that.

Jonathan Bennett

This is valuable to us in terms of team chemistry and skill improvement. It's also a great opportunity for our student-athletes to get to know each other.

Dana Eikenberg

The skill level at the academy varies. I played with a guy yesterday who shot a 64 (8 under par), but I have also played with people who are bogey golfers, so there is a wide variety of golfing abilities at the academy and every student has his or her own set of objectives they hope to obtain through the academy experience.

Shaun Guyer

Handing a laptop to kids isn't necessarily going to be a magic bullet for improving student learning.

Laura Barrett

It is very much a student-driven project. They've stuck with it and they show that it works.

Jolynn Johnson

Our male dancers work as hard, if not harder, than any student athlete on the IU campus.

Doricha Sales

Erin is a freshman and there are rigors with being a college freshman and a student-athlete, but she will really help us.

Mark Bradshaw

I am a better soldier than a student.

Priscilla Davis

If you have to endure a year of 40 students and all the associated headaches and work, instead of the district profiting from your labor, you should be compensated for that overload. The bottom line is to improve the quality of education of every student by reducing class size.

Rick Costa

It's nice to see such a hard working student awarded for his dedication and hard work.

Maureen Johnson

18-year-old high school student.

Michael Sessions

When you see him smile, you really don't know what he's gone through to get to that point emotionally and socially, because there was a lot of anger and disappointment. The most phenomenal thing about the whole story is he entered the University of Washington as a regular student. The basketball will take care of itself.

Aaron Lee

The most dangerous thing about student riots is that adults take them seriously.

Georges Pompidou

She's a great kid. She's a straight-A student, and you can't find a classier kid. This is a very good honor and I'm very proud of her.

Mark Skaggs

My priority is providing the maximum academic challenge for each student in the district regardless of their ability.

Lindsey Tippins

It was our decision to match (the donation) in hopes of expanding competing possibilities and allowing portability and easier access for student use in their classes. Gateway has been a great service provider on campus and their support with this project has been outstanding.

Dan Lee

The office of web services will now become part of the office of university communications, and safety and security and the parsonage will become part of the Student Affairs portfolio.

John Sellars

If a student or partner tests positive we also provide prescriptions for everything but HIV and AIDS.

Wendy Mcgonigal

The whole week when this happened, I kept wondering, 'Why did this happen?' But everything really does happen for a reason. I'm so excited to have this opportunity. Being at Princeton is so exciting. Being treated like a member of the student body is really great and really gracious of Princeton.

Christina Montrois

Craig is a great person, a great student and a great football player. He's the kind of guy who plays sideline to sideline. With his frame, he can add 20 to 30 pounds and will end up being a monster.

Kyle Rice

Before you run off to a million different tutoring systems, have the school test the student to see if he or she is grappling with issues or just needs some extra help. You don't want to fix what is not broken.

Carol Loewith

This is fairly innovative. It shows how much this university cares about student success. We are really doing a lot that other institutions are not doing, because we focus so much on students.

Marsha Watson

What I've been able to learn from her is what she's taught me about dealing with student athletes on a day-to-day basis. It's more along the lines of what it's really like being a coach, dealing with people every day, and treating those people with respect.

Karen Aston

With the class size amendment, I have the ability to do more with my students. I can give each student the individual attention they need.

Alice White

We have a form they use. It's a student application, and they have to tell us why they want to be a part of the mentoring program, and then why they think they're qualified to mentor elementary students.

Jeff Wrede

We hope they'll learn to prioritize their financial decisions instead of spending all their monthly salary on a Hummer, which one student did last year. It really helps teach them responsibility and we hope they'll also learn what their parents have to go through every day.

Peggy Stroud

School employees are in a special role with the students in the school. No matter the age of the employee or the student, there should not be sexual conduct between the two.

Melissa O'rourke

Good snacks a student could pack for their day would be yogurt, veggies, fruit, mixed nuts and definitely a bottle of water.

Sarah Owens

We say feel free to call us but don't expect to hear a lot of information back about your student.

Tedd Goundie