Joe Beck
FameRank: 5

"Joe Beck" was an United States/American jazz guitarist who was active for over 30 years.

More Joe Beck on Wikipedia.

This is poor judgment. I want to make it clear that this does not involve the student, this is two adults.

Even if we have a bad day or something, we just get up on stage and pour as much of ourselves into the show as possible. We just pour out our hearts and souls and let everything go.

It's really weird to have sold out shows along the west and east coast. We still have diehard fans in our hometown, but a lot of them are friends or someone who knows someone who knows us.

I think when we started playing other states, our local fans kind of pushed us away. Maybe they thought we were selling out or something, but Sioux Falls is still one of our favorite places to play.

I know it's going to respond the way I want it to night after night. When I go into a venue, there are a lot of unknowns ... the acoustics, how well I'll connect with the audience, that sort of thing. So, having an instrument now that is all I could ever want in a guitar is a major plus.

We all knew each other in some way or another, through networking.

I think it's important that we listen to everything to build our own personal style.

I don't think the bands that hired me liked the sound, I didn't enjoy the experience, and as far as I know, none of the things we did together ever hit the charts, ... But what the hey, the money was good.

We haven't played in Brookings before. But we have gotten a lot of requests from student to come and play.