We try to be supportive of our local universities and the programs they think are important. We think this will be important for their future and for the young people arriving on campus for a visit.

There are a lot of uneducated youth in our community. We plan to address the issues with our school. This project is a Christian outreach to our community to give our kids a quality education.

If a student is struggling, not having a lot of success can impact self-esteem. They can feel like they are retarded or think they have limitations and a sense of inadequacy. If an obstacle can't be conquered, the person might go to extreme measures to try and ignore the problem altogether.

People with this disability find it very hard to block out competing noises. For example, if a person with this disability was having a conversation with another person, and a fan was blowing in the room, the person with the disability might not be able to block out the fan and lose the conversation. A noisy class environment could make it tough.

We plan to meet holistic needs of the entire family.

There are probably people working next to you, and you wouldn't know it because they don't mention it. People learn to cope with their disability and are able to get jobs.