I don't try to sound like anyone but me anymore. If something is out of my element, I try to avoid it.

Norah Jones

Maybe we're doing something right, ... I don't mean to sound greedy, but my only regret is that a couple of our films had a good shot: 'The Untold Story of Emmett Louis Till,' an amazing film about race in this country, and 'The Aristocrats,' which may have been a long shot because it's not an orthodox documentary but more of a performance film.

Mark Urman

The true harbinger of spring is not crocuses or swallows returning to Capistrano, but the sound of the bat on the ball.

Bill Veeck

To begin with there was the comparisons to David Gray and Damien Rice because they were singer-songwriters. But what's funny is that if you listen to those two they don't sound anything like each other. It's so weird I should be compared to those two, but people need some association. But I'm really glad I've been given a voice by my parents that sounds different. I'm very lucky for that.

James Blunt

He was shooting around 90 percent at one time this season. He's a sound free-throw shooter.

Bill Berger

I hate to sound corny when I use the word but -- where my roots are.

Michael Chitwood

Our sound is a combination of a lot of influences.

Darius Rucker

[The Navy once asked some scientists,] If you had a sound source that sounded like a blue whale voice, what would you be able to do with it? ... could illuminate an entire ocean basin.

Christopher Clark

They're a solid team. They remind me a lot of our team. They're just sound in what they do. They have two outstanding players who scored 46 of their 52 points the other night. We have to keep them from going crazy and having 95 percent of their team's points again.

Kelly Savoy

UAM brings a lot of looks on defense and they like to blitz and stunt. That can be very confusing for an offense. They are a very conventional team on offense and are sound in what they like to do.

Sam Mccorkle

All these e-mails going around, they're all myths, they all make very little sense. They sound good, they seem to make reasonable arguments but whenever you look at them more carefully you realize there are big holes in the argument.

Richard Mcgrath

Everybody knows this piece. It's been around forever. We've created a lot more magic than I usually see in the piece. We have almost $1,000 worth of instruments, and characters are sometimes introduced with a sound.

Jake Kelly

The color of the mountains is Buddha's body; the sound of running water is his great speech.


I have witnessed how education opens doors, and I know that when sound instruction takes place, students experience the joys of new-found knowledge and the ability to excel.

Daniel Akaka

The really positive thing long-term is, the core of our infrastructure of the $5 billion to $8 billion tourism industry remained intact, ... As odd as it may sound right now, we are optimistic that this recovery is not only going to happen, its going to happen well and we're going to have a great city going again.

Stephen Perry

Pierce just fully went for it, ... I said early on, 'If he doesn't give 110% percent this is not going to work. It's not one of those roles where you can charm your way through. Pierce is an incredibly accomplished actor, and he's very funny. I don't want to sound like some asshole blowing smoke, but the fact is that it's true, and the movie is much better for it.

Richard Shepard

But the idea is sound: leveraging the power of broadband to showcase what it does best -- video.

Todd Chanko

Chairman Greenspan's testimony next Thursday is unlikely to shift his message to signal that a pause is imminent, ... He will probably maintain confidence that the underpinnings of the recovery are sound and that the adjustment in the manufacturing sector will not broaden.

Bruce Kasman

It's sort of off-putting without the music and the sound. We haven't synched it up yet.

Steve Leggett

As simple as it may sound, it's dangerous when you get out there and ride in the weather and stuff across the elements we run across. You don't know if your horse is going to step in a pothole and flip you upside down and kill you.

Chuck Jackman

These guys aren't professionals by accident, ... They're very sound fundamentally, they execute well, they're extremely hungry and aggressive in their play.

Bo Ryan

We've gotten to the point now where these companies are well positioned in the generation side to make money, but you're going to have to follow the industry closely to know which ones and when to get out of them, ... It may sound self-serving, but I really believe that investors should probably not buy individual utility stocks and let a professional money manager do it for them.

David Kiefer

We have that driving bluegrass authentic and traditional sound, but I don't have your typical real high bluegrass voice. I sing like I sing, and I like to intermingle both audiences. We try to pick selections and songs that really capitalize on that sound.

Michelle Nixon

The president had every reason to believe that the text presented to him was sound, ... These 16 words should never have been included in the text written for the president.

George Tenet

'Speed of Sound' demonstrates one side of the album. So we thought we should do a different style of song, a ballad, just to show there are other aspects to the album.

Guy Berryman

It is still too early to sound the death knell for peer-to-peer MP3 sharing technologies. Congress provided this safe harbor, because they wanted to provide protection so that the information location industry could provide this useful service.

Kurt Opsahl

The ball made a different sound off his bat, ... When it came to hitting, you looked up to him.

Dan Williams

The fundamentals are still sound but the stock has been priced for all their businesses to perform perfectly and we didn't see a lot more upside.

Michael Birch

For the way we played, we got exactly what we deserved. We didn't play sound, fundamental baseball. That's the first time in a while we've given up a big inning, and we had our chances to minimize the damage.

Todd Wilkinson

When you come to my show you get the real thing. I don't pretend to be Sinatra — I just happen to sound like him.

Paul Elia

This is going to sound glib, but they're not making any more land. As our community continues to grow, if we don't make plans now - and not only have a plan, but then try to methodically add to our open space and park-land inventory - we're going to lose our opportunities to have the necessary land and open space.

Paul Norby

We have a lot of good freshmen, some sophomores who are quality players as well and a couple of juniors who are really good, so we're pretty sound. It's just a matter of playing within ourselves.

Armondo Cima

They're a tough team. They play with a lot of intensity and they're very fundamentally sound.

Donna Cowing

We need to take a lesson, not simply from the Americans, but from Europeans and others including the British who have taken some pretty important steps - constitutionally sound steps, but important steps - in dealing with organized crime.

Vic Toews

There is no sound wall they can put up to absorb the noise.

Carol Campbell

Today's mobile phones, with rich graphics and sound capabilities, are an ideal platform for an interactive version of Bullseye. We are really exited to be working with JAMDAT to bring this show to fans, both young and old, who are on the move.

Andrew Wood

I think the protection schemes that we're calling are very sound.

Steve Mckinney

I want us to play a good, sound fundamental game Friday night. I want us to block the people we are supposed to block. On defense, I want us to be where we are supposed to be. We are going back to our base 5-3 defense.

Chris Wriedt

Especially in New York state, we have a constitutional obligation to provide a sound basic education. And we're nowhere near doing that.

Richard Iannuzzi

He's a very sound, competitive pitcher who is hard to hit.

Gary Collins

When you really pay attention on the recording, you're making sure each drum sounds the way you want it to sound and your guitar is where you want it to be.

Patrick Carrie

This is a lot of very harsh sounding words that have very little bite. But there is a sense what the government of Israel plans to do once there is a cabinet. It's a flashing red light to the Palestinians and [Palestinian President Mahmoud] Abbas regarding the formation of the government.

Gershon Baskin

I'm really excited about this (discovery). It's based on sound physical principles, and it finally answers the 150-year-old question: What causes the sunspot cycle?

David Hathaway

Because China's fiscal situation in relatively sound, the government has relatively great leeway to use expansionary fiscal policy.

Yu Yongding

She seems like she's a quiet little passenger. That might not sound like a compliment, but it is to me. She's doing good.

Kathy Moore

We wanted to go from the most intimate sound to the largest, in the space of a heartbeat.

David Harrington

We have very good and sound information showing increases in high-risk behaviors among men having sex with men since 1999.

Ronald Valdiserri

You're looking good Canada!, ... You're sounding good too!

Tim Mcgraw

Secondly, be very careful of any links you click through -- make sure they're going to a legitimate site and not a 'like-sounding' site.

Chris Green

At the risk of sounding incredibly shallow, if you have women in a game, the men will come. A lot of the stuff that they're doing is directly targeting women.

Brenda Brathwaite

It turns out to be a sick sound. Every member of the band has their main instrument and one or two other things that can go on at the same time. It's like playing a couple different instruments at once, and we're all doing that.

Marc Friedman

That's one thing that he wants us to do here, play solid. Making little mistakes here and there will cost runs. That's what he wants to stress more than anything else. Wins look good, but if you don't do everything fundamentally sound, you're not getting anything out of the spring.

Shane Victorino

I heard a loud boom sound, and after I heard the sound, I closed my eyes and I prayed.

Christopher Nelson

That may not sound like much, but in here, that's a lot of buying power. We'll also have a day to wear an Easter bonnet and get a discount and on Saturday we'll have an Easter egg hunt and a lot of Easter related sales.

Judy Streit

We hear from recruiters all the time who say that our kids are fundamentally sound players who fit great into their schemes.

Jim Ledford

She sounded happy. She didn't sound like there was anything wrong.

Maura James

The person that was sitting in front of me came flying over the desk, ... and it was then that the sound registered.

Jim Owen

It might sound corny, but this is history. These three bands won't be together like this ever again.

Chris Quest

This announcement has been well planned and Gordon is content in the fact that he has put the club on sound footing, and that Nick is the right person to take the club through its next phase.

Michael Petrillo

It's hard to see with all the water coming down on you. You just go by the sound. If you hear it clang you know you're hitting (the keg). I am constantly moving the nozzle. It's easier than really fighting a fire, you don't have air tanks on, but you can't always see the guy in front of you.

Rick Schmidt

I'm very interested in the color of sound. And I'm very interested in the juxtaposition of different things, ethnic instruments juxtaposed with symphonic instruments, and I'm interested in the ancient and the modern. I don't know why, but it has always been something that's fascinated me, from when I first heard a symphony orchestra I wanted to know how those sounds were made.

Anne Dudley

We talked to our players about staying calming at the plate and staying mechanically sound in order to hit the ball properly. Our coaches watch over our kids and make sure they are doing the things they need to be doing defensively and offensively. It's the small things that win games.

Jim Huwar

We transferred 1,095 embryos and got one dog, ... If I were an investor and someone came in and said we have a technique that works at 0.09%, I'd say that doesn't sound like a good investment.

Gerald Schatten

You see a lot of things with three people and I think that helps the teams that are more fundamentally sound for the most part. But I don't really think it makes a lot of difference in high school girls or boys (games).

Pat Brennan

When trying to decide what to see, Tom's and my philosophy is to choose the films that sound the least interesting to you. They normally turn out to be the most pleasant surprises.

Stella Pence

I don't want it to sound as if this is all my idea. I'm just the chairman of this board. Do you want us to delay this and study it further?

Cliff Manlove

It certainly wasn't a stellar competition or performance on our part. But the team rallied, never gave up, and we won by a point, which doesn't sound like much, but in gymnastics winning by a point is like 10 points in basketball.

Miles Avery

People are playing with each other, and its fun. You just want it to sound good.

Dave Morelos

Wide-sounding Zeus takes away half a man's worth on the day when slavery comes upon him.


It's all acoustic. The electric sounding riffs I played on an acoustic, ... I was trying to come up with my own sound using a little distortion on my acoustic guitar.

Kevin Fox

We identified one of the heads as belonging to a sound technician working near the stage, and now believe only one suicide bomber was involved.

Niaz Siddiqui

It's long overdue. Listing orca whales is kind of like listing Puget Sound as endangered. We have no more time to lose.

Kathy Fletcher

True friendship is like sound health, the value is seldom appreciated until it is lost.

Charles Caleb Colton

The artists that we listened to were from Chicago, Detroit, down South. When you heard us, it was a Northern sound. That's why back in the early '50s and '60s [audiences] could hardly believe we were black.

Chris Scott

I think college students generally don't come to enough musical theatre. This is not 'Oklahoma.' This is not 'The Sound of Music.' This is a very contemporary appealing comedy that college kids will enjoy.

Paula Mcglasson

Sometimes what he says may sound to some people like cliches. But he says things, and in ways, that especially in the black community, we understand exactly what he's saying, because we've heard those things since childhood.

Blair Underwood

Social Security modernization will result in a retirement system that is stronger and more fiscally sound than the pay-as-you-go system we have today.

John Sununu

That one never made a sound.

David Braun

It's too early to sound an all-clear on banking shares. If the Bank of Japan decides to raise interest rates, they'll be hit again.

Masafumi Nakayama

Mr. Levy is full of sound bites saying he has the support of all labor. But that is not true. He's not fair to labor.

Vito Dagnello

I consider myself a sounding board for the community, I'm not somebody who has an agenda. The community has been very supportive of the district and Bismarck remains a progressive community.

Tim Mueller

Fascinating though the issues are, and as serious as they are, I believe the Majority has given in too much to their collective imaginations, rather than sound reasoning based on the record, in reaching some of the conditions on the merger.

Michael Powell

Dying is not romantic, and death is not a game which will soon be over... Death is not anything...death is not...It's the absence of presence, nothing more...the endless time of never coming back...a gap you can't see, and when the wind blows through it, it makes no sound...

Tom Stoppard

DANCE, v.i. To leap about to the sound of tittering music, preferably with arms about your neighbor's wife or daughter. There are many kinds of dances, but all those requiring the participation of the two sexes have two characteristics in common: they are conspicuously innocent, and warmly loved by the vicious.

Ambrose Bierce

Anyone who likes the big band sound and the music of Frank Sinatra and his contemporaries will truly appreciate the entertainment.

Bill Sullivan

I don?t know where they?re going to get a bus tire for $39. This is not sound business.

John Kauffman

We're hesitant to buy anything, though we all have things that sound pretty good to us.

Susan Knudson

Political language - and with variations this is true of all political parties, from Conservatives to Anarchists - is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.

George Orwell

Defensively, we were pretty sound for a while. But they broke us down. That?s where Pat does such a good job, with so many (offensive) options within a possession.

Jim Crews

Those two guidelines really produced the road to a relatively easy North of Falcon process for inside waters of Puget Sound.

Tony Floor

Attracting highly regarded Jewish journalists suggests that they've been very careful in selling their message. It means they're very sincere, or they sound very sincere.

Robert Lichter

It's music to inspire children to feel the music, in melody and in rhythm. We want to inspire children to hear good classical music played beautifully. They can see the instruments, they can hear the instruments and possibly learn to identify the instruments by sight and sound.

Audrey Mueller

He was fired up about winning. Not to sound too cocky, but we kind of expected him to win. He was definitely the favorite going in.

Joe Bienasz

I had read the day's post, which said, 'rain dying out later,' ... When I went down to the beach it wasn't raining and the water wasn't breaking on the Sound and it seemed OK.

Christopher Brooks

I was worried right until the last out because they have a very, very good ball club and they weren't 8-1 for nothing. We have a pretty decent ball club. Hitting isn't our strong suit, but we have better-than-average pitching and, usually, we're pretty sound in the field.

Bob Kalp

Most of our parents of little leaguers don't even know the rules. They question calls and sometimes sound like idiots because they are inappropriate and don't understand.

Laura Haase

She is safe and sound.

Jeff Carr

The songs are classic Neil Diamond songs. Nobody else could have possibly written them. The sound of the album is very personal, intimate and honest.

Rick Rubin

Scams will usually sound to good to be true.

Siva Kumar

Political language. . . is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.

George Orwell

This was a creative way to address community safety and sound concerns. The plaza can also be used for community cultural events.

Sam Mcallen

Eight years does sound like a short-term fix. But coming up with something else would double the time it would take to provide relief.

Bob Joondeph

It was the front porch approach. For most of the songs, we were all playing all the time, as opposed to layering the sound. It's a collection of dumb little songs we make up when we should be doing something else with our lives.

Bruce Roper

We played in the Coliseum then, that had over 94,000 people. Prior to that, the biggest crowd I played in front of was about 1,500. And if you can imagine the sound of 94,000 people chanting 'Go, go, go Maury go,' I knew I had a home.

Maury Wills

He's our leader out there. We do depend on him to make a big save. He's pretty sound position-wise and he sees the puck and sees the game and anticipates well.

Pat Mcdonald

We've never had any problem not sounding like a band.

Lou Barlow

[Opening day] might sound like a long ways away, but this last year is going to be really action-packed to make sure we get everything done, ... It's a 360-degree sort of experience. It's a very ambitious exhibition program, and that's what we'll be scrambling to complete.

Lin Ezell

I use my hands like a sculptor, to mold and shape the sound I want, to clarify.

Leonard Slatkin

I hope this will send a strong signal to countries around the world that no measure can be taken unless it's based on sound science.

Christian Verschueren

This might sound a little strong coming from a carrier, but the new Internet will include astronomical amounts of bandwidth in a new pricing scheme.

Mike Vent

The sound you hear is the sound of eBay stock going down.

Blair Levin

The thrilling new sound recordings provide clear and convincing evidence that the ivory-billed woodpecker is not extinct.

Richard Prum

It is a digital enhancer for the MRI, CT and ultra sound. It allows better analysis for both technicians and physicians and also allows us to e-mail slides to other physicians or if a radiologist is not on duty at the time the test is performed.

Connie Schroeder

They beat on him and he was able to hold his position. He was real sound and wasn't put in a bad spot. The kids gets experience and he gets better.

Dave Colley

Creationists make it sound as though a 'theory' is something you dreamt up after being drunk all night.

Isaac Asimov

When there is an original sound in the world, it makes a hundred echoes.

John A. Shedd

When we joined, it changed it around. And that sound caught on.

Joe D'ambrosio

The truly creative mind in any field is no more than this: A human creature born abnormally, inhumanely sensitive. To them... a touch is a blow, a sound is a noise, a misfortune is a tragedy, a joy is an ecstasy, a friend is a lover, a lover is a god, and failure is death. Add to this cruelly delicate organism the overpowering necessity to create, create, create -- so that without the creating.

Pearl S. Buck

Say that was a nice number, you kids get a pretty good sound out of them moccasins!

Stan Freberg

We're very pleased, ... We think this is a very sound budget. It does keep the tax rate the same.

Jerry Mcguire

As a public broadcaster, we chose to encode our surround sound format in Circle Surround as a unique way enhance the quality and range of our broadcasting services.

David Ho

I like the studio because it's delicate; you're working for sound. I like the garage because chopping up lumps of steel is the exact opposite of delicate. The garage is a more dangerous place though. I've never almost been crushed by a guitar, but I can't say the same about one of my Corvettes.

Jeff Beck

It's going to be a learning curve. We've got to roll with the punches. We are going to get better and learn from our mistakes, but I think our offense is really sound and we have speed and power. We don't have a lot of flashy players, but we've got a lot of workhorses, and now they have to believe in their roles and stick to our plan.

Diane Ninemire

I definitely want to do worldwide, ... but hopefully with a better sound system.

Ben Moody

Everybody's always talking about new sounds. I haven't heard any yet. I haven't heard any new sounds. I'm not saying I've heard all sounds; I'm saying that if you say new sounds what you're really talking about is the re-born experience. In other words, I've been re-born to sound.

Jerry Hunt

I love to hear the sound of laughter; that pretty much sums up my soul. Laughter should go where it's needed.

Tom Dreesen

I used to sing the 'Sound of Music' when I was 2.

Hunter Hall

Mirage is clearly an industry leader in loudspeaker sound quality and design. Mirage's premium speakers complement our industry-leading home entertainment selection, and we're excited to offer an even broader selection to our customers.

Randall Baumberger

It may sound simple, but we need to catch and throw. We also have to pick up some hits with runners in scoring position.

Cooper Farris

But the beating of my own heart was all the sound I heard.

Richard Monckton Milnes

I felt a responsibility to present a viable alternative to the popular electric sound.

Aaron Carter

We have a unique chapel with good acoustics. When you get a choir in here, it's like the sound is coming out of heaven.

Clarke Maughan

Bob shaped music in deep and meaningful ways by changing how music could be produced and ultimately, how it would sound. He was a musical pioneer for the love of it, and musicians everywhere have had the opportunity to expand their own creative horizons with Bob's inventions.

Michael Adams

Not to sound too corny, but as you're filling your tank, we're filling your mind.

Ric Harris

It was pretty much a hit right out of the box, ... The price fell rapidly, and it was a product that was compellingly different from VHS. The sound quality was better and the picture quality was better.

Sean Wargo

It may sound strange that we are still talking life saving two weeks after the disaster, when search and rescue operations have largely finished.

Rashid Khalikov

Are sounding more like John Kerry every day.

John Campbell

I felt like it was a sound ballgame all the way around. Defensively, we matched them blow for blow.

John Massey

It is of course not possible for the prosecutors to make a sound decision under so much pressure. We've come to the point where we're no longer able to protect our national values. Where will it all end?

Kemal Kerincsiz

We had a good second scrimmage, giving up just one score, so we've looked good defensively so far. Our strength is our gang tackling and swarming to the ball. We are playing good, sound fundamental defense.

Kevin Gustafson

Most now are requesting a pop music and rock sound, of Top 40 and radio hits.

Karen Vigeland

The judge made his decision and we are satisfied. We were confident all along that the evidence was scientifically sound.

Rusty Hills

That is a first. I told the crew it was satisfying the very first day we ran it. Everyone had a big smile the first time around the track because it makes it sound like a Formula One track.

Clayton Smith

There's no buffer for the sound energy. It can't leave anywhere. It just goes directly into the middle of your ear.

Julee Sylvester

I think that was very good for both of us, ... I think Kenny got to see how people reacted to us, and also he could hear, as could I, a sound that we hadn't heard in 30 years.

Jim Messina

Notice carefully that sound judgment must precede the exercise of initiative.

Charles Gow

But you can tell he's a quick study because basically what he knows is what he's learned this weekend, and he's doing things in a sound nature on the field already.

Mike Tomlin

The prime minister will feel uncomfortable about the sound of daggers being sharpened around him. We in this party are happy to praise the Education Bill, not to bury it.

David Willetts

I came down to make a joyous sound.

Joe Hogan

Security is such an intrinsic part of any service that a sound provider will bundle it into its services, which makes it more affordable. The useful thing about buying firewalls, or any security service, as part of a managed service is that it will not only be kept fully operational, but will also be monitored.

Nick Coleman

The Connecticut River has become very well known for its bird-watching opportunities. During the fall ... we have migratory birds coming down from Canada heading south. ... We have an annual fall bird walk at one of our state parks right along Long Island Sound.

Barbara Cieplak

In this case, I understand there is an injured officer and two damaged patrol cars. That doesn't sound like a nonviolent person to me.

Rick Mattos

I'm sure the CEV will get its turn in a sound chamber, too.

Rodney Rocha

The worst areas have been picked up along the sound and beach. It's been an ongoing issue. There's still household items, refrigerators and who knows what. The county has been very diligent. They want to see it's taken care of.

Miles Anderson

Something like that could save $75 to $100 per year. It doesn't sound like much when you are talking about just one machine, but there are close to 100 of those machines all over campus.

Davis Bookhart

A man who is 'of sound mind' is one who keeps the inner madman under lock and key.

Paul Valery

There is a leap from sounding each other out to coalition talks. In doing that, it must be clear that the (Christian Democratic) Union has the right to propose the chancellor and will nominate Angela Merkel.

Roland Koch

There's an old adage that a lot of the talent comes through the fingers. A guitarist is going to sound like himself whether he's playing on his own equipment or on yours.

Michael Molenda

This theater was built in 180 A.D., and the sound was incredible. This thing holds 12,000 people, and it was absolutely packed.

John Moffitt

In terms of the Fed, the most favorable move from the market's point of view is if they raise interest rates by 25 basis points and keep the same language. If they raise 25 basis points and sound worried about inflation the market may get demoralized.

Jim Awad

Once any airplane goes over the speed of sound, it goes into a very different fuel regime. The operating costs become absurd. You would not pay a huge premium to fly this airplane.

Craig Martin

He sound more subdued than triumphant, more realistic than grandiose.

Washington Post

The expressiveness of this organ is beyond belief, ... There's a vocal quality to the sound that you don't hear in modern instruments.

Hans Davidsson

We need to ask the baby for permission with our eyes before massaging them -- we massage with a baby, not to a baby. You start to know what things your baby does to show you she's ready to interact with you -- for each parent it's different -- a sound, a gesture. Then once you start massaging you need to watch for cues that the baby likes what you're doing.

Jill Vyse

We have to take a close look, develop guidelines and enforce sound policies on cell phone use in the schools. Each school board is responsible for coming up with and enforcing its own policy.

Walter Davis

The rates as obscene as they may sound are, in relation to the risk, nothing.

Bruce Douglas

They are just great, from the fact that they charge no penalties for changing a flight to their frequent-flier program. I know I sound like I work for them, but I swear I don't. I am just a big fan.

Alice White

He wasn't taught much fundamentals from a perimeter standpoint. When you are standing in front of the press, you have to be defensively sound and guard the quicker guy on the floor. That was asking too much from a first-year player.

Tyrone Johnson

These aren't opportunistic bids. These companies are fundamentally sound, with good growth potential, but they are old economy and, perhaps as such, overlooked by the market. We don't buy companies hoping they will be taken over, it's just that global players are obviously seeing the same characteristics as us.

James Soutter

One half the nation is mad - and the other half not very sound.

Tobias G. Smollett

The clash of ideas is the sound of freedom.

Claudia Lady Bird Johnson

We recorded and produced it ourselves. We built our own studio and got all of the equipment ourselves. The sound of our new record is very different [from the previous records.] Every [album is] just a different thing -- a different environment, a different time, a different way of approaching [recording].

Joel Cadbury

It was a good, sound car. It was priced a few hundred dollars more than what people wanted to dig in their pockets for.

Bob Kreipke

There's a lot of unbelievable offers out there that sound too good to be true. A lot of consumers sign up for these deals and don't even realize when they get something different.

Robert Mckinley

He almost adds a Chet-like sound to it.

Chet Baker

Long Island Sound is a regional area, and regional funding is definitely required to help solve this problem.

Ralph Butler

We can say that the Flute of God is actually that great sound current which soul rides upon in its journey to Its true home.

Paul Twitchell

Linux is legally sound, provides bottom-line business value and technical superiority.

Stuart Cohen

We need to be fundamentally sound. We need to throw strikes and play catch defensively to be successful.

Allen Rossi

As a matter of traditional and sound constitutional doctrine, an amendment to the Constitution should be the last resort when all other measures have proved inadequate.

Arlen Specter

I don't think the bands that hired me liked the sound, I didn't enjoy the experience, and as far as I know, none of the things we did together ever hit the charts, ... But what the hey, the money was good.

Joe Beck

Throughout the whole game, we weren't fundamentally sound.

Matt Wiser

She's using more of her chest voice, and her sound is richer, thicker and more and more sultry. It's very exciting, and I'm able to use her in more roles. She's growing by leaps and bounds every six months.

Andrea Marcovicci

I like music that's more offensive. I like it to sound like nails on a blackboard, get me wild.

Iggy Pop

We'll continue to have a major presence and impact here. These latest asset decisions are aimed at strengthening our ability to continue to succeed in the global market, which is critical to our future as a major employer here in Puget Sound.

Dan Becker

As recently as a year ago, most U.S. broadcasters viewed it as a fringe sound in the continental U.S ... not something you could base a format around.

Sean Ross

For whatever reason, the media attention is at a whole new level, ... I do not remember spending this much time fielding phone calls, doing TV sound bites, posing for magazine covers. I certainly never had anyone following me around for a day or two.

Paul Jett

I feel like we developed a pretty good overall vision for the community, as far as future quality development. We essentially listened to what the people wanted and have balanced their vision with sound principal planning.

Randy Morgan

Corporations want to purchase equipment that is environmentally sensitive, energy efficient and can be properly salvaged and disposed. This program will give companies an easy way to identify green products that ensures they are making environmentally sound and cost effective purchases when buying computer equipment.

Wayne Nastri

Fed officials are sounding hawkish. They're signaling further rate hikes and that's making investors feel safer buying the dollar.

Tetsu Aikawa

Video is the future of digital advertising - no other advertising vehicle combines the sight, sound and motion of television ads with the interactivity, targeting and measurability of the Internet.

David J. Moore

I mean, you can hate us. I don't care if you hate us, but no one will ever sound like us.

Nikki Sixx

It was our intent to inform the public of what we were doing. We wanted input from the public. We wanted to make sure that we as a commission made our decisions with sound based on not only the guidelines and the ordinance, but also the wishes of the people.

Paul Campbell

Slate's very, very hard. If too much sound from the crowd hits that stage wall, it will bounce back and hit the speaker at the podium from behind as a giant echo, and that could really disturb them as they're delivering a speech.

Jack Randorff

I could say to you that it was the best experience I've ever had in my life but I'd sound like I'm on a press junket.

Charles Shyer

It's fun to use a capo 'cause you can get the strings to really have a bell-like sound. It's a thing I got into when I was writing songs. When I started to really write a lot, I would use the capo to try different keys and different combinations.

Carl Wilson

You sound like you're on a cell phone that might be running low. Other times you can't hear anything at all. So the quality is very inconsistent and unpredictable.

Aoife Mcevoy

It is confusing for the public. We're saying we need to protect a lot more habitat than the feds call for in their critical habitat plan for Puget Sound salmon.

Jim Kramer

That may not sound like a lot, but if you have five plays that could change the game if not corrected, that is a pretty strong percentage. We thought that providing a coach's challenge would act as an additional safety net and give the coaches more involvement in the process.

Charles Broyles

Hutchinson is a big dude and he has very sound technique.

Darnell Dockett