207 quotes about secretary follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

The secretary of defense under cover of the vice president's office.

Lawrence Wilkerson

These soldiers deserve a better defense secretary than the one we have.

William Kristol

This was a patient who chronically screamed at my secretary, who was very seasoned, ... He once even brought her to tears. I could have handled him, but he really upset my staff and other patients.

C. Hughes

The secretary is honored to help the president implement his agenda to strengthen the economy.

Rob Nichols

We will need to find a new chairman and secretary and I would like to extend my appreciation to both of them for all their hard work over the years.

David Barr

There was a prevailing attitude from Mr. Brown that he did not want Homeland Security to interfere with any of his operations or what he was doing. Mr. Brown should have picked up the phone and called the secretary right away.

Matthew Broderick

The market is overbought short term. People are looking for an excuse to sell. That came in the form of Secretary Rice raising significant concerns about Iran's nuclear program.

Michael James

[When Jim Nicholson was ambassador to the Holy See last year, he had a memorable conversation with a Polish archbishop, introduced to him as] Secretary of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints. ... So what do you do?

Jim Nicholson

This is outrageous. We demand the secretary of energy exercise responsibility over the act of violence and the continued expansion of coal plants in the country.

Red Constantino

The biggest issue facing the new secretary of labor should be the complete reform of the state employment services led by the federal government. If we do that, if we can reform those state job services, we can recapture 20 billion hours of lost productive time.

Audrey Freedman

Getting used to that is going to be an adventure for me, and maybe it will make me a better transportation secretary because all of us need transportation too.

Doug Macdonald

This is not OK, and we would like the secretary of state to say so.

Dr. John Marshall

He was a principled foreign secretary, he was reforming leader of the house and even when he resigned regretfully from the government he did on principle he did it with style and elegance.

Dr. John Prescott

In the course of April 2006, the Secretary-General is likely to propose a broader strategy.

Alex P. Schmid

Oh, you know. I am secretary of state. My trips aren't successful. I just talk to people.

George P. Shultz

The United Nations is based on principles, embodied in the U.N. Charter, that require its leadership, especially the secretary-general, to stand and defend its principles against those trying to force the United Nations to become part of illegal wars, to endorse illegal occupations, or to ignore looming genocides.

Phyllis Bennis

We want to make it clear to the U.N. Secretary-General ( Kofi Annan ) himself that those sites are well-defined.

Nizar Hamdoon

What you had at that time was a president really interested in tax reform and a very skillful Treasury secretary (James Baker) interested in advancing the ideal.

Joseph Thorndike

NORTHCOM will not be running the show in the event of a pandemic. We will be taking guidance and requests from other agencies, such as the Department of Homeland Security, via the secretary of defense.

Dave Wilkins

The reason why I didn't think there'd be many changes is you have a sitting Secretary of Defense in charge of it. It's more of a validation of what they've done to-date.

Jon Kutler

The entire purpose of this tour is to put local Texas officials coping with hurricane recovery and damage face to face with the secretary who will be making the decisions on where those precious dollars end up.

Sarah Stephens

Secretary Albright's thoughts on the complexities of foreign policy in an age of religious extremism are required reading: bold, frank, clearly argued, and informed by experience.

Jonathan Burnham

We haven't finished our analysis, and so it's too soon to say what the secretary will recommend.

Glenn Flood

It made sense for the two members to hold the meetings together. Obviously Congresswoman Berkley is free to make her own request to meet with the secretary as well.

Amy Maier

The secretary-general is very concerned about the increasing tensions in the country and appeals to all parties to uphold the 2003 ceasefire agreement.

Stephanie Dujarric

Most members have not decided yet. We will know better about the situation on the Hill by Friday after secretary of state Rice's testimony. She will be the most articulate and persuasive advocate of the agreement.

Robert Blackwill

I've never seen anybody quite like Secretary Bolton. I don't have a second, third or fourth in terms of the way that he abuses his power and authority with little people.

Carl W. Ford Jr

It's our expectation that the secretary-general's mission ... will examine all the circumstances leading to the recent events in Venezuela.

Philip Reeker

I had talks with my American colleague, (Treasury Secretary) John Snow, which created the basis on which the forgiveness of Iraqi debt can be settled mutually in the Paris Club.

Hans Eichel

The leadership of the Defense Department is OK. The secretary is OK.

Glenn Flood

I sincerely feel that the present structure and lines of authority grant me what I need in regards to accomplishing my mission. The secretary and deputy secretary always have their door open to me, and we've had many of discussions.

Scott Charbo

This is the secretary of transportation bill, that's what this is.

J. Lowell Stoltzfus

If we're going to preach about democracy we're going to have to make difficult decisions. We're not going to sell our values out for basing rights, particularly when (Defense) Secretary (Donald) Rumsfeld himself noted that there were options to the base in Uzbekistan.

William Delahunt

If I am confirmed as secretary of labor, I intend to keep faith with the men and the women who still work at jobs like those my parents held.

Linda Chavez

The secretary-general is deeply saddened by the news of today's suicide bombing in Tel Aviv, in which a number of innocent civilians were wounded. No cause can justify deliberate acts designed to kill or main civilians.

Stephanie Dujarric

If the secretary of state says I can't be a member of two parties, I might have to take them to federal court for civil rights violation.

Lee Halper

Secretary McDonough is continuing to make important changes at the agency. The governor has full confidence in the decisions he's making.

Alia Faraj

It was always crisp, to the point ? 'Here's the issue. What do you think of this? Where do we go from here? I need your opinion so I can make sure the secretary has all the views,'.

Sean O'keefe

The Secretary of Education will decide which languages will be deemed critical to national security. My hunch is Spanish will not be one of them.

Andrea Baker

The secretary is not saying anything like what the memo's been characterized.

Larry Dirita

The Secretary-General stressed the need for member states to adopt a comprehensive convention against terrorism as soon as possible.

Marie Okabe

I'm considering running for secretary general of the United Nations. Though I might have to become a professor of literature first.

George Stern

The vice president had to cover this in order for it to happen and in order for Secretary Rumsfeld to feel as though he had freedom of action.

Larry Wilkerson

We are receptive to the idea but the recommendation of UN Secretary General Kofi Annan is that President Gloria Arroyo and Foreign Affairs Secretary Alberto Romulo present the proposal during the general assembly and promote it to the 190 countries of the UN.

Lauro Baja

I'm not going to comment on rumors and speculation. The secretary views serving the president as an honor and a privilege. He serves at the pleasure of the president.

Rob Nichols

This is how low the DoJ has sunk under Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo and [Justice Secretary Raul] Gonzalez.

Teodoro Casino

As with all individuals about whom statements may be made in the upcoming report, the secretary-general has been given the opportunity to respond by the Independent Inquiry Committee. As he has done previously, the secretary-general has exercised that right.

Marie Okabe

And we did look at it, ... We studied it, characterized it and in February of 2002 the (DOE) secretary recommended it to the president who recommended it to Congress.

Allen Benson

I am sorry that the Palestinians are always creating a crisis when Secretary Albright visits the area.

Chaim Ramon

It's just not a big thing. It's like the secretary said, the anthem has been done in country, in hip hop. We wanted to give people a way of demonstrating their desire to want to be Americans.

Adam Kidron

I believe secretary Rumsfeld hasn't done an adequate job. He should go.

General Wesley Clark

It was an easy dunk for the commission to decide that the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of the Navy (Gordon English) were just way off base.

William McDonough

What we're doing at Dow falls very much in line with what the secretary was talking about. We approach security from a risk management perspective, and we try to identify the right level of risk and the right approach to reduce that risk at all of our sites.

Tim Scott

Didn't the lion of Islam, the Mujahid Shaykh Osama bin Laden, may Allah protect him, offer you a truce so that you might depart from the Islamic lands? But you were obstinate and were led by arrogance to more crime and your foreign secretary, Jack Straw, said these proposals deserve to be met with contempt.

Ayman Al zawahiri

Secretary McDonough has looked at the investigation of the armory incident, and he doesn't like what he sees. Some of these guys have been on paid leave, and he feels as a guardian of taxpayers' money that this is not the way to spend it. He doesn't like people on the payroll who aren't working.

Robby Cunningham

Nobody's coming to get us. The secretary has promised. Everybody's promised. They've had press conferences. I'm sick of the press conferences. For God's sake, shut up and send us somebody.

Aaron Broussard

Here's a conference with the Foreign Secretary tackling some of the most controversial issues of the day and people aren't allowed to stay in their seats if they shout any protest, even restrained protest.

Simon Hughes

As a former soldier, I can't believe that a secretary of defense would be so dismissive of requests for protective gear by our people in uniform.

Frank Lautenberg

There's much yet to be done, but I'm heartened that all of the secretary-general's major proposals are still on the table and being taken seriously.

Robert Orr

The president herself and Foreign Affairs Secretary Alberto Romulo have always supported the ASEAN endorsement of Dr. Surakiart.

Lauro Baja

The secretary or the chief of staff -- we have a discussion about flu almost every day.

Bruce Gellin

To say that we have a broad-based job to do is very correct and is something that Secretary (Michael) Olivier and the department take very seriously. We have quite a job in front of us.

Richard House

Secretary Rice spoke to the Quartet principals this morning to discuss the situation in the Palestinian territories after the convening of the newly elected legislative council.

Noel Clay

Idaho has a number of areas that are being considered for wilderness areas... and perhaps as Secretary of the Interior, Kempthorne would be in a position to move that forward.

Justin Hayes

Should the Iraqi government not respond positively to the message carried by this team, the secretary-general would have no choice but to terminate his intervention, which was initiated with the sending of the team.

Juan Carlos

You can imagine the workload we were dealing with, with all the offshore infrastructure and having to brief the president and the secretary of Interior.

Jason Mathews

His voice and tone were similar to the secretary-general.

Wang Guoliang

That was the catalyst for it. Obviously, we knew the governor differed from conservatives on some issues. But when he appointed Gray Davis' cabinet secretary as his chief of staff, the recall, the reform movement was RIP.

Mike Spence

When law enforcement gets involved, we cease our internal investigation until they have completed their investigation. That investigation is now over and our interim secretary, Mr. McDonough, is now looking at everything from stem to stern.

Robby Cunningham

The secretary of state said he was being aggressive. He wasn't willing to characterize it as a crime. We fired him anyway because it was too much for us.

Tom Bader

I really believe that we need a new secretary of defense because Secretary Rumsfeld carries way too much baggage with him.

Charles Swannack

After a reasonable amount of time, the secretary will likely deem this set of guidance as the final version, but the Air Force will need experience with how the guidelines work in practice before deciding on the finalization date.

Jennifer Stephens

Getting these systems approved is our top priority, and we are laser-focused on it. But Secretary McPherson can't force vendors to come forward with qualified systems.

Jennifer Kerns

The general secretary is usually elected by the NEC at the first meeting after annual conference.

Julian Robinson

We are expressing confidence in the Secretary General and in his continuing in office,'.

John C. Danforth

Secretary Albright's thoughts on the complexities of foreign policy in an age of religious extremism are required reading: bold, frank, clearly argued and informed by experience. This will be a powerful and enlightening contribution to our understanding of the present crisis.

Jonathan Burnham

We hope that the Secretary General's message was clear to the leaders that encouraging and maintaining violence is very serious... but I believe that the situation will change.

Pierre Schori

It is unfortunate that this campaign continues with the same methods and the same concept: that the secretary-general's post is like that of a corporate chief executive officer (CEO), not like a government leader, responsible to a parliamentary body.

Jim Paul

Clearly our intention is to proceed. At this point I have no intention to recommend to the secretary-general that we back off.

Jamsheed Marker

This is is a very worthy example of British youth. We hope and believe that the home secretary will turn over a new leaf and give this very meritorious girl hope and consideration.

Jonathan Goldberg

When Secretary (Tom) Ridge was here, everyone was saying we were rated triple-A.

Lenny Klompus

We are not talking about trainee on trainee sex here in the allegations that came out of Aberdeen and elsewhere, ... We are talking about allegations that leaders did not do their jobs. That, to an Army general and to his colleague the secretary, is shocking.

Togo West

I am hopeful, confident and optimistic that with goodwill on all sides we will be able to implement the memorandum of understanding signed by (U.N.) Secretary-General (Kofi Annan) and Iraq.

Jayantha Dhanapala

She has been a breath of fresh air -- an immensely successful Secretary of State.

Seamus Mallon

She has received a letter informing her of the secretary- general's decision to summarily dismiss her for misconduct, including sexual harassment, effective immediately.

Stephanie Dujarric

Luis said to me that as he turned away, he was right on the line, and he said the ball was over the line. And after the game my secretary Sheila, who was sitting right in line in the main stand, said to me that the ball had crossed the line. She is a very honest person and that was good enough for me. It was a goal.

Rafael Benitez

On the limited evidence presented, it appears the secretary has exercised her reasoned judgement to determine what relevant factors and criteria should be considered, ... My order requires nothing more. The plaintiff's motion is denied.

Terry Lewis

I play Adam's secretary and then end up in bed with him. It's really bizarre working with him because he's always been my favourite comedian. I used to have 'Adam Sandler' nights back home.

Sophie Monk

The signal is nothing is sacred off of Florida, and a lot of this is secretarial discretion. Interior can do it themselves, and so there is growing concern that the next secretary will determine the fate of Florida's tourism economy.

Richard Charter

I haven't lived there since 1937 when I graduated from high school at St. Johns, (Ariz.), a little place that produced so many people, including an Interior secretary and a serious candidate for president of the United States.

Morris K. Udall

[My job is] to give the president and secretary of defense military advice before they know they need it.

Gen John W. Vessey, Jr.

This is a new doctrine, coming straight from the secretary of transportation and the White House. I can't tell you how bad this is for consumers.

Clarence Ditlow

At this point, the secretary of state has no choice but to try to solicit help from the DOJ to try to get Boone County into compliance.

Stacie Temple

In just a few days, he met with the secretary of Homeland Security, the chief of staff to the White House and the most influential congressional members on this particular issue. He continued pushing the agenda and leading on this very critical issue.

Adam Mendelsohn

[Former deputy secretary of state Richard L. Armitage ,] tells anyone who asks that he is a serious candidate to replace Rumsfeld, ... miracle.

Chris Nelson

Going by the statement of the honorary secretary, we felt the rule book was not properly referred to.

Jagmohan Dalmiya

I was something of a prankster. One time I put a ski mask on my head and used a fake gun on the school secretary so that I could get some of my friends out of detention.

Luke Perry

When it comes down to the real brass tacks, it really reflects not so much hardcore analysis as the best political and military judgment of the secretary and the senior Pentagon folks. Searching for the ways in which the gearbox is connected to the engine isn't easy.

Thomas Donnelly

People have to be accountable for their records, and what they did early in their careers is informative. Secretary Culver will have to explain the two years he spent in the employ of his client as a lobbyist.

Matt Paul

Marc's relationship with the president is so solid that when Poland was deciding what jets to buy, (Secretary of State) Condi Rice called Marc and asked him to speak to them on America's behalf.

Dick Leggitt

You cannot give all the powers to the secretary general. The General Assembly has to keep its main prerogative, and the secretary general and all bodies should be accountable to the General Assembly.

Abdallah Baali

I play David Hasselhoff's secretary and she gets around a bit - it's quite a role. I end up in bed with Adam Sandler, It's so surreal it's hysterical ... I'm so excited. This is the biggest thing I have ever done, there's no comparison.

Sophie Monk

President Bush has had an outstanding Secretary of State in Colin Powell and there are not many people who could replace him, making Condoleezza Rice an excellent choice.

Michael Crapo

Secretary McHale had a very militant message, which provided some interesting insight, especially for the civilians.

Justin Ossola

My secretary stopped and got gas (Wednesday) for $2.67. (Yesterday at) the same gas station, she got gas again. It was $3.12, ... It has really gotten very, very restrictive to people. It's really hurting. ... My impression, of course, is that they have certainly gone up more than they should have.

Andrew J. Spano

He screwed up, and both [former Federal Emergency Management Agency Director] Michael Brown and [Homeland Security Secretary] Michael Chertoff really screwed up, so taxpayers are going to get the bill. Bush is overcompensating by promising the moon because his administration screwed up. Politics is driving policy.

Chris Edwards

There are no political or any other reasons behind the decision. Had the secretary-general been in New York, then it would have been a New York baby.

Douglas Coffman

The proposal was just a reiteration of what the secretary of state laid out yesterday. It truly was not a proposal. What happens in Florida will be determined by the courts, not by representatives of these two campaigns.

Bill Daley

If county returns are not received by 5 p.m. on the seventh day following the election, ... all missing counties shall be ignored and the results on file (with the secretary of state's office) shall be certified.

Katherine Harris

The secretary-general also welcomes the prime minister's statement that such practices are completely contrary to Iraqi government policy.

Marie Okabe

The secretary-general is greatly troubled by the worsening security situation in Chad, resulting from the ongoing fighting between government forces and rebel fighters.

Stephanie Dujarric

Unfortunately, because of the way the stories have played over the last few days, I have decided that I am becoming a distraction, and therefore I have asked President Bush to withdraw my name for secretary of labor.

Linda Chavez

This shows the attitude of Turkey and its political culture, which reaffirms how wise we were to reject the (U.N. Secretary General Kofi) Annan plan.

George Lillikas

This would have been a nice thing to have, but hey, the commission overwhelmingly decided the secretary of defense has not made a case to close down the second shipyard on the East Coast.

Norm Dicks

Mr. Secretary, if the nursing home owners are arrested for negligent homicide, why shouldn't you also be arrested for negligent homicide?

Cynthia Mckinney

I'm only the first person, ... I can tell you (attorney general nominee) John Ashcroft is going to face much worse than I have. Gale Norton (the interior secretary nominee) may face worse than I have. Even Christine Todd Whitman (nominated to head the Environmental Protection Agency), who is considered a moderate, may face worse than I have.

Linda Chavez

I was pushing the baccalaureate back in the days when I was education secretary. It always takes everybody forever in education. We were saying that A-levels were too narrow back then as well.

Shirley Williams

The French minister is entitled to her own opinion. However her opinion does not accurately characterize the policy or position of the secretary of defense or the position of the U.S. government.

Jim Turner

An active duty general is on very thin ice to offer any criticisms, negative comments, about the secretary of defense. Once a general is retired, however, the gloves can come off.

Joseph Dawson

We believe that Secretary Nighbert received a full, complete and unconditional pardon.

Howard Mann

We are not suggesting the resignation or pushing for the resignation of the secretary-general.

John C. Danforth

It does not help in any way for me to get into some kind of a fight with the secretary of defense, since he is there.

Bob Schieffer

Club Secretary: I say, Lawrence. You are a clown! Lawrence: We can't all be lion tamers.

T.e. Lawrence

When you look at a secretary of defense who has been as forceful and effective as Donald Rumsfeld, for good or for ill, he's a tough customer.

Susan Rice

I look forward to continuing our discussions with the Palestinians and with the Israelis and also to staying in very close touch with others in the international community -- the European Union, the U.N. secretary-general, Russia, Egypt, Jordan and others.

William Burns

Secretary Rumsfeld ... stressed that the president-elect's commitment to continued democratic rule was even more important than the war against drugs.

Jeff Davis

We've said all along that federal law requires provisional ballots and the statute was crystal clear on that. This certainly calls into question whether the DOJ is gong to pre-approve the secretary of state's voter manual.

Tim Nelson

When the ambassador calls on the [British] foreign secretary he is charged. It interferes with conducting business.

Derrick Roberts

We have set up an appointment for Mugabe to meet the secretary-general in Rome therefore we do expect him to be in Rome.

Fred Eckhard

The dollar is going to be driven by policy, what (Treasury Secretary John) Snow says, and what happens in the G20 meeting, more than U.S. economic data.

Larry Brickman

The governor believes the secretary has the authority to properly manage the corrections system and protect the public safety.

Gilbert Gallegos

There's nothing anybody can find in the Election Code. Marilyn called the Secretary of State's office, asked what the process is, they told her and she goes off and does what she's done.

Ray Laughter

We have sent a letter to the UN secretary general requesting him to make available the documents and other related papers based on which the Volcker Committee named Congress in its report.

Ambika Soni

It would have been inappropriate to approach the secretary-general and say, 'Can you help us with this contract?' And they had no need to do anything underhanded.

Roger Carroll

[U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan has asked the Northern Alliance] to respect their obligations under international humanitarian law and treat these questions with as much humanity as possible, ... elsewhere, everywhere.

Lakhdar Brahimi

Never seen a Treasury secretary that has worked so well.

Preston Martin

No, I have not been detained. I came to the (police precinct house) to help my press secretary, who was carrying equipment and was detained.

Alexander Kozulin

I don't see why we should not invite (U.S. Defense Secretary) Donald Rumsfeld, (British Foreign Secretary) Jack Straw, (EU foreign policy chief) Javier Solana, and other foreign and defense ministers.

Sarah Ludford

That's why they have completed all preparations to make the former BNP international affairs secretary and former chief justice the chief adviser of the caretaker government extending the age limits of the judges of the Supreme Court.

Abdur Razzak

And as I recall, the secretary didn't even go to his retirement ceremony; I have never forgotten that.

John Batiste

I'm sure they would be very welcome and they would be heard with great interest - or Condoleezza Rice [the US secretary of state] perhaps?

Sarah Ludford

They filed the necessary paperwork with the Secretary of State's Office, and we're expecting they will file with us in the next week or so.

Gail O'connor

All options are on the table, including mail elections. The secretary has supported them in the past as a way to give counties more options.

Jennifer Kerns

[Said Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California,] Mr. Rumsfeld has been engaged in a coverup from the start on this issue and continues to be so. ... If the president doesn't fire the secretary, if he doesn't resign, I think it's the responsibility of this Congress to file articles of impeachment and force him to leave office.

Charlie Rangel

If our efforts with the publisher fail then I shall certainly ask our Education Secretary (Ruth Kelly) to intervene.

Greville Janner

No one, to my knowledge, has cast doubt on the personal integrity of the secretary-general -- no one -- and we certainly don't.

John C. Danforth

We should be able to show that this was a whitewash, ... What they were about was quashing the legitimate investigative arm of the secretary of state's office.

Patrick Collins

Good morning. Fighting fires. California firefighters try to stop a ferocious wild fire from crossing a freeway and burning its way to the ocean. Under fire: Former Education Secretary William Bennett feeling the heat for saying this on the radio:.

Katie Couric

We talked also about nuclear issues, and I have informed the secretary of state that Pakistan will maintain the moratorium on further tests, that Pakistan will not be the first country to resume testing in the future.

Abdul Sattar

This coming from the same person who boasted, under oath, in Senate testimony about working around the department and the secretary.

William Knocke

I don't know of a single witness in this so-called corruption trial that's going to say there was a corrupt payment to George Ryan. No one got cheated out of anything. The contracts were good deals, fair deals, for the secretary of state's office.

Dan K. Webb

I think it is a great tribute to the Government of Japan and to those who were handling it, including the Foreign Minister and the Prime Minister, that we were able to negotiate at the highest levels - I mean the President, the Secretary of State, and then my opportunity - without high emotionalism.

Howard Baker

There must be a clear command structure so that ultimately it is the home secretary (interior minister) and the (police) commissioner that are in charge of the security and that there is no blurring of the edges.

Richard Barnes

Before the governor opened up the dialogue with Secretary Chertoff, the local feds were basically stonewalling the state. The devil is in the details. We need to get the feds to focus not only on the border but also the impact of illegal immigration on metropolitan Phoenix.

Dennis Burke

There are a lot of questions that ultimately now put more light on the Secretary of Homeland Security.

Bennie Thompson

Secretary Rice asked him to stay but he felt it was time for new challenges. She reluctantly accepted his resignation but told him to keep his uniform ready.

Jim Wilkinson

After three days of intense negotiations ... we are very glad that we have achieved what we have been asking for the last nine months -- resumption of the talks under the auspices of the secretary-general.

Tassos Papadopoulos

Sex is the most beautiful thing that can take place between a happily married man and his secretary.

Barry Humphries

The caveat to that is if the secretary doesn't have enough to make the payments, the secretary will proportionally reduce the payments. That hasn't been decided yet. We're waiting to see the students that we get.

Chad Colby

He said, 'Well, I don't think we can afford a secretary.' And I said, 'I don't think I said anything about being a secretary.'

Bill Wheeler

That's not going to change just because Secretary Rumsfeld might move on, any more than tomorrow we might decide we're going to throw away our computers and start writing letters again.

Jim Albaugh

Senator Warner believes that the decision of whether to keep Secretary Rumsfeld is up to the president.

John Ullyot

You've got to give the secretary some credit. I think they're making some effort.

Greg Weaver

The debt equity swap carried by the Chinese is beginning to be rather costly, it is this organic realization rather than pushy comments from (U.S. Treasury Secretary) John Snow that is likely to trigger a change.

Richard Cooper

It's important to both Secretary Baker and me that we not raise expectations here. We know that whatever we do will be difficult. We really do not yet know how difficult this task will be.

Halee Hamilton

SBA's disaster declaration was issued as a result of a similar action taken by the Secretary of Agriculture to help farmers recover from damages and losses of crops caused by drought that occurred Feb. 1, 2005, and continuing.

Frank Skaggs

His secretary came in to ask all the men to remove their ties because he had come dressed very casual.

Natasha Henstridge

I don't think the secretary-general wants another failed effort.

Tassos Papadopoulos

A new season is beginning and there are no men for every season. This is my opinion, and this opinion has an inevitable consequence: my resignation as party secretary.

Marco Follini

In order to argue against a particular reimbursement, the secretary of state's office must show proof of reasons why those funds should not be reimbursed.

Jennifer Kerns

Secretary-General Takebe and others were in a frenzy to make him a hero.

Satsuki Eda

The secretary-general expresses his deepest condolences to the government of Iraq and to the families of the bereaved.

Marie Okabe

He hired me as a secretary.

Gloria Lee

If you follow through on when he was Navy secretary, his record of appointing women to high-level positions at the Department of the Navy was unprecedented.

Steve Jarding

I would say we didn't get the data we had hoped to have, ... The question of whether it's an absolute need or not is one that the secretary (of defense) and the president will be deciding.

Jacques Gansler

Now the secretary of state comes to the house to say that she will legislate but she hasn't said she will legislate for a single list.

David Willetts

I play David Hasselhoff's secretary, ... She gets around a bit. It's quite a role.

Sophie Monk

The Secretary-General appeals for calm and calls on all Sudanese to refrain from actions which may lead to tension during this time of mourning.

Stephane Dujarric

If your license has been revoked, the Secretary of State requires the use of an ignition interlock device for a minimum of 365 days.

Michael Diamond

I'm afraid I was very much the traditionalist. I went down on one knee and dictated a proposal which my secretary faxed over straight away.

Stephen Fry

The only way to get to the truth is a full public inquiry, this is the very least the prime minister and the Northern Ireland Secretary can do.

Reg Empey

As a lifelong Iowan who has been a farmer, a registered nurse, a small businesswoman, a state senator and secretary of agriculture, Patty has spent her life devoted to her community and her state.

Chet Culver

I hope the secretary of state does the right thing. This is too late in the game for lawyers, too late in the game for partisan politics. The voters have spoken, and the votes ought to be counted.

David Boies

A committee of five secretaries, headed by the cabinet secretary, will now look into the process and submit their recommendation to the empowered group of ministers within two weeks.

Praful Patel

Interestingly, both the Chinese and Russians have expressed interest in some form of international effort to place curbs on such attacks. The Russians have gone so far as to formally propose via the Secretary General of the United Nations the development of 'an international legal regime' to combat information crime and terrorism.

Daniel Kuehl

I am very fortunate to be the secretary of health, but I would say that I went to the school of public health taught by Bob Atwood.

Mary Selecky

As per the 5th Pay Commission's recommendations, the 6th Pay Commission should have been set up in 2003 and revised pay-scales become effective from January 1, 2006, but we were told by the Union Cabinet Secretary that the government is not in a position to set up a new pay commission.

Rp Singh

[But on Saturday, Russia's foreign minister, Igor Ivanov , assured British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook] that Russia had no intention of becoming involved in any confrontation in the Balkans and no wish to see any escalation, ... The foreign secretary welcomed that assurance.

Doug Henderson

Libya's clear obligation is to turn over the Lockerbie suspects to the (U.N.) secretary-general so they can be transported to the Netherlands for trial before a Scottish court.

Pj Crowley

On management reform, you have one side basically saying that the secretary general should be empowered and should have all flexibility as a kind of C.E.O. and the other side saying that it is not ready to give up the prerogative of the General Assembly and would like to keep a close eye on the work of the secretary general.

Abdallah Baali

The interview questions were not education-related; they were questions about the Secretary of State position.

Matt Rexroad

It's amazing to say, and this is not an exaggeration, that Bob Rubin has more influence today on Capitol Hill than the current Treasury Secretary.

Charles Valliere

We have found no corruption by the secretary general, ... his behavior has not been exonerated by any stretch of the imagination.

Paul A. Volcker

Well, we had a lot of messages, ... Mostly I was listening. You know former Secretary of State George Schultz once said listening is vastly underrated as a method of obtaining information, so I was following his advice today.

John Bolton

Marshall has had the ear of Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and his top generals, and even anti-Democrat Zell Miller gave him a campaign contribution. ... Marshall has been impressive in his first term in Congress and he should be returned.

Jim Marshall

We've completely lost trust in the entire DoJ under Secretary [Raul] Gonzalez, including the public prosecutors conducting the preliminary investigation.

Romeo Capulong

I mean, there's not an awful lot of limelight. Perhaps at premieres and the pictures and the people; that's all exciting. But the actual work, like today: it's just work; it's just the work I happen to do instead of going to an office and being a secretary or in a shop, you know?

Hayley Mills

The general secretary knows everything and only he can give you the explanation. I am always ready to call the meeting. We had fixed a date but we failed to hold it because of illness of our general secretary. Yes, the constitution says to hold a meeting in every three months, but sometimes we are helpless due to some unavoidable circumstances.

Ali Asghar

There are parts of that report that are absolutely unanimous with what the (medical) community has been saying, and other parts of the report that are very specific organizational things that are not really what Secretary Chertoff has in mind.

Jeffrey Runge

That was part of the propellant that got her associated with our organization. Her son Larry Carleton is our secretary.

Howard Morton