Jacques Diouf
FameRank: 3

"Jacques Diouf" is a Senegalese diplomat who was Director-General of the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) from January 1994 to 31 December 2011. His successor, José Graziano da Silva, was elected in June 2011 and took up his service on 1 January 2012.

More Jacques Diouf on Wikipedia.

Reducing hunger should become the driving force for progress and hope.

As the world takes prudent measures to prepare for a major human pandemic, greater measures must be taken to stop this disease, in its tracks, at its source, in animals. This is very possible. It can be done.

Too much time has gone by and even now we seem to focus more on addressing a possible pandemic which is spread from human to human.

The question is, what do we do? Do we let things continue or do we change?

We also would encourage that resources be allocated to compensate those poor farmers -- and most of them are poor farmers -- who are raising these poultry ... and who, if they are not given the right incentive, will tend to hide what is happening.

None will reach the more ambitious (1996) World Food Summit goal of halving the number of hungry people.

The oceans play a crucial role in sustaining life on earth.

If each of the developing regions continues to reduce hunger at the current pace, only South America and the Caribbean will reach the Millennium Development Goal target of cutting the proportion of hungry people by half.

We cannot afford to wait to battle the disease in pharmacies and hospitals, ... but need to get rid of the virus in affected farmers' backyards.