Analysts, me included, had left the door wide open for Nokia to raise the revenue outlook given how the dollar has strengthened. That expectation had been built into the stock.

John Bucher

The challenge for this company is investors have been trained for them to beat numbers and raise guidance, which they didn't do this quarter.

Karen Haus

A surge in U.S. demand could effectively raise the price for spot LNG cargoes, affecting the price in Japan and other countries.

George Beranek

As brand-name-drug makers raise prices, generic-drug makers will find room to boost their prices to compete for market share.

Alan Sager

It's no secret we've been looking to strengthen the museum, our collection, and raise scholarship funds. If (moving) will get us to the point where we can do that without the expense of a building eating up our funds, then it is a good thing.

Dave Mccarthy

If the number had been too strong, people would translate into the fact that the Fed would have to raise rates over a longer period of time.

Owen Fitzpatrick

We're working at developing public education programs, particularly in international humanitarian law, in an effort to raise public awareness.

Mark Franke

He's helped raise the bar in leadership, in social responsibility, in excellence, in integrity, and we are all the better for it.

Barry Griswell

The expectations a few weeks ago were again for the Fed to raise rates at this meeting. Now that's a little bit more in question.

Bill Kirby

We're strictly a cattle operation. We don't raise any cash crops or grain.

Don Zilverberg

If it is a small pay raise, it is not going to do anything to even keep up with health insurance.

Steve Monaghan

We'll have to raise our game to a whole new level. It's a tremendous statement about our market that this is coming to us, but this will be different than anything we've ever done before. Just wait until you see it.

Jeff Adams

Everybody started to raise their prices — the first real estate boom. She describes it.

Debi Murray

It's an option being presented to us as a possibility to raise funds for capital outlay. I think it is too premature to know if it would apply to us. We have our sales tax and impact fee, but, obviously, we need to look at everything with the cost of construction going up.

Harry Kinnan

[Will it matter if the Doom film does well or not?] It won't make much difference to us, we see everything independently, ... But in the ranks of Hollywood, if they see the Doom movie as successful, it will raise the interest level and they would want other game movies and come to us.

Todd Hollenshead

Our goal is to raise $30,000. We're not there yet, but skippers have until the day of the race to secure donations.

John Matthews

We're hoping we will raise some money. The exhibit is totally free, but we hope people will be moved to help.

Wes Haygood

Do we need to raise taxes at this stage? I don't know. Do we need to do something to make sure they (city employees) have a livable wage? Absolutely.

Dave Watson

The Apache and others who fought the great cavalry battles took the cavalry's horses and methods and improved on them. These great horse warrior tribes are now cowboys and they naturally raise their young to be cowboy kids.

Max Evans

Because she loves her children. She did not want to kill her children. This was not her decision. She wanted to be able to raise and love and nurture her children, whom she described as precious boys.

Park Dietz

It's in a lot better shape than when we found it. The person coming in is going to have players in every class. We lacked that veteran maturity and you saw that raise its head in close games.

Damon Archibald

We don't generally hand raise the kangaroos unless we absolutely have to.

Roger Nelson

When the party with no power can raise more money than the party with all the power, it means people are pretty disturbed about the country's condition.

Orin Kramer

I think what Mr. West said provided one extreme that we should examine, ... I think a lot of things were said that needed to be said and we raised the money. That's why we were here simply to raise money and we did.

Harry Connick Jr.

We know that there is a growing number of customers out there that are starting to raise questions about this whole subject of climate change and energy security... and looking for things they can do to address it.

Niel Golightly

We hope this added incentive will boost the donations. Our goal is to raise the greatest amount of money possible for this organization, so we have priced our Prime Rib Buffet at a very modest price. Hopefully everyone will leave the buffet happy with a glowing feeling of satisfaction knowing where their money went. Of course the best part is where the money goes and what it does!

Ron Oliver

Some are like lap dogs. It all depends on how you raise and treat your dog from day one. You get out of it what you put into it.

Lucy Mathers

We're in the middle of a campaign and we have to raise money.

Marty Wilson

The bigger surprise for the market would certainly be no change. That would likely raise questions about a delay in eventual rate rises and lead people to dump the yen.

Katsunori Kitakura

Lean red meat contains stearic acid and monounsaturated fats, which do not raise cholesterol. So the total cholesterol-raising fat in lean red meat are not that much different from chicken and fish.

Michael Davidson

When I pass my name in such large letters I blush, but at the same time instinctively raise my hat.

Herbert Beerbohm Tree

The prosecution wants to make sure the process by which the evidence was obtained is not truthfully presented, because, as often as not, that process will raise questions.

Alan M. Dershowitz

The reason we stay involved is that we raise a lot of money in a short period of time. How can you not be involved when you make $80,000 in a couple of months? It fills a huge need.

Jolyn Duff

If we can raise a quarter of a million dollars for cancer research that would be excellent.

Jason Perillo

If government could create jobs and raise children, socialism would have worked.

George Gilder

It was great to see so many people raising money for Maggies. The event was a huge success both in terms of raising money and awareness of Maggies Centres, this is a big boost to our bid to raise 1m to build a new centre in London.

Laura Lee

We've got a lot of people gathering. We're going to raise a lot of money, we're going to make things happen. We're going to make as significant a contribution as we can.

Michael Crow

Any complaint on their part of not knowing is just bogus. If they wanted to know, they could know, ... If I sound like I'm being blunt, this is irritating that they raise these issues at this late hour.

Bill Robertson

If you do not raise your eyes you will think you are the highest point.

Antonio Porchia

That's $500 in addition to the electrical cost and a $1 million liability policy. I would have to raise the price by $1.25 to justify paying that much.

Dan Demond

That raise will be great and is very important to help everyone.

Dee Haussler

It's vitally important that we succeed and continue to raise money.

James Mccann

We looked at a budget with the same number of students we had last year, 66, but we would have had to raise tuition an unreasonable amount. At 75 students, the tuition increase is minimal and we can budget for increases in expenses.

Rev. Kirby Hlavaty

We expect the white flags to fly over Madrid and Helsinki in the next two to three days. ... The auction will possibly raise about $35.5 billion, that's just around the U.K. figure. It may just top that.

Nigel Hawkins

He will not be able to raise any money from lobbyists for that because he has indirect control of it.

Towson Fraser

We also have people who buy laying hens to raise their own eggs. They taste a lot better than the ones you buy in stores.

Bobby Russell

My husband and I were anxious to return home to raise our young daughter.

Linda Brown

We're wanting to raise money to donate to the Autism Society of Alabama.

Wendy Ellis

We've been trying to raise the visibility of Harbor City in general. Who knew it would come in the form of an alligator?

Steve Horowitz

The backlog shows the quotas are unrealistic and don't reflect the fundamental demand for Chinese garments. If the quotas can't be fully lifted, the next best solution is to raise them.

Sun Huaibin

We don't have to give him a raise, but we usually do. We didn't have a problem with it because he's worth probably 10 times what we pay him.

Carol Kyer

We will raise the issue in Parliament. We will take the issue to Parliament and also take to the streets.

Rajnath Singh

We are especially pleased to have the opportunity to share the experiences of our recent journey through Africa to help raise further awareness for a region that is severely affected by HIV/AIDS.

Kate Roberts

We decided that it'd be a great thing if somebody, alumni, would love to pay for these autographs, just to remember the week, ... Hopefully we can get someone to buy this and raise money for the Four Diamonds Fund and [the Interfraternity/Panhellenic Dance Marathon].

Dan Clark

We keep saying the sky is falling -- all the policymakers have ignored us. If we don't put a large infusion of money to raise that average salary to closer to 25th in the nation, then this is just going to get more gloom and doom.

Linda Nelson

And it's not fair to even raise executive sessions after we've had two private meetings.

Orrin Hatch

That's why they have to raise money on such a massive scale. They're researching for 40 different diseases.

Brad Christie

We're not dealing with kidnappers here. When you see the way they continued to raise him and take care of him, you're dealing with parents that love their kid and would do anything they could to keep him.

Steven Brill

We can raise the modular so it will be above the water line. We also lost our beautiful courtyard. We plan to build another one.

Chelsea Sheridan

Growing demand and growing markets and networks will tend to reduce costs and raise efficiency, making successful economic management all the more important.

Lawrence Summers

It's my guide to run my life and raise my family. I never thought about that before.

Michael Huffman

Eventually, if we raise the caps so much, we're going to have to raise the office budgets, which we just did.

Laketa Cole

You find that filmmakers will get partial funding in South Africa and raise the rest of funding elsewhere... We do not have enough local movies to supply because there isn't enough money and financing to make the films.

Lindi Ndebele

I have good friends who live up here, who have been trying to get me to move up here for two years. It looks like a good place to raise a family, and I have a 2-year-old, so I'm going to stay here.

Sarah Williams

I don't expect the market to do a whole lot. With oil above $31 (a barrel) even after OPEC agreeing (to raise production), it does tell you that the inflation bell is ringing, so I do think you need to be concerned about that.

Dennis Hynes

Our view is that we get above-trend growth and that will cause the Fed to raise rates to 5 percent.

Amitabh Arora

When the U.S. Treasury steps forward and the IMF steps forward to replace the flight of capital, there will be no need for the Brazilians to raise interest rates.

Joe Battipaglia

We have a strong financial support base. We raise money for the strength and conditioning program and to maintain the upkeep of the equipment.

Paul Pawlowski

Just as California wines have taken off, I think you have very good cattlemen here in the U.S. that know how to raise cattle.

Tom Schneller

(Agreeing to) take an idea, raise all the money, find the land, convince the administration that this is doable, convince the business community and let me run free ... that's an adventurous man that can do all that, ... So he's going to attract adventurous students, and the creativity that comes with that kind of personality is exactly the kind you need to succeed in entrepreneurship.

Anne Fox

The criticism they've made and the charges that they've level are exaggerated. There have been critics here who have been talking about how this text is going to raise pharmaceutical prices by 25 percent or more...and I think there is no evidence of that. They are talking about the lack of availability of AIDS drugs to HIV/AIDS patients in Thailand, and again there is no evidence of that.

Barbara Weisel

Both of them strongly support the airport and both of them have strongly pledged not to raise county property taxes.

Rick Bryant

Scores have declined the last two years, ... We have got to get kids to take the more rigorous courses and raise the bar for them.

Charles Collins

We are recruiters; we try to raise the awareness of the desperate need for more foster and adoptive parents in our area. By contacting parents directly or enlisting other agencies, government officials and corporations, we try to get them to help enlist potential parents.

Sabrina Parker

It allowed us not to raise our pricing on our menu items.

Bill Jensen

That could cause the Fed to raise rates faster.

Gerald Cohen

All of those very kind people helped to raise money for the Uncle Sam Grave Site fund.

Terry Page

He (Walker) has been asked to meet Milosevic to raise concerns over the current level of violence in Kosovo and over the tit-for-tat nature of the violence.

Duncan Bullivant

I also like to garden. I grow things, vegetables, flowers... I particularly like orchids. I raise orchids.

Beau Bridges

Up until last year, the firefighters stood in front of places like Wal-Mart. They used to raise between $2,000 and $3,000 a year.

Amy Bailey

You need to be in a position to raise capital.

Douglas M. Steenland

How to Raise your I.Q. by Eating Gifted Children.

Lewis B. Frumkes

It will be a nice way to fund-raise and then the judges will judge on the best-tasting chili.

Rita Johnson

I'm the only candidate in this race who's pledged not to raise your taxes.

Rich Phillips

It's something we've made a part of the program for the past six or seven years. The purpose is to raise awareness among 21-year-olds, to educate them about the risks of binge drinking.

Barbara Hoffman

His position would be the same. These are sort of back-door attempts to raise consumer rates.

Abby Ottenhoff

We are spreading out and it's just wonderful. We're leasing with an option to purchase. So we have about a year and a half to raise a million dollars to buy the building and put aside money for maintenance, renovations and an endowment.

Kathy Wade

We didn't really follow through with it last year because we couldn't raise enough money. There was plenty of interest in the trip, but we knew the major hurdle would be raising money.

Peter Steiner

While these payments may seem eye-popping, it seems more closely aligned with the company's performance and is less likely to raise the ire of shareholders than in years past.

Patrick Mcgurn

I don't think they'll make it on [voter dissatisfaction] alone. But I would have expected the anti-pay-raise thing to fizzle by now, so it's hard to predict.

Henry Teune

They could, I suppose, put in some mandatory penalties that would up the ante. But increasing penalties does not necessarily increase prosecutions. It may make them harder -- tougher penalties could make judges more cautious and raise more grounds for appeal.

John Olson

By bundling services, we feel we've got a very significant opportunity to raise our average revenue per user.

Jerry Mckenna

Death comes to all But great achievements raise a monument Which shall endure until the sun grows old.

George Fabricius

We're one of the only retail businesses where the price is preprinted. You can't raise prices because the price is on the book, and you certainly can't raise it when the other guy is discounting it.

Hut Landon

It took several agencies to raise me.

Danny Lyons

With most economic data pointing to continued strength, it's likely and would be prudent, for the ECB to raise rates in March.

John Maskell

Through this kind of sex education, we expect to arouse the sexual instincts of giant pandas, enhance their natural mating ability and raise their reproductive capacity.

Zhang Hemin

Most of the four year plan is the same old, same old. It's an attempt to raise taxes without cutting expenses. You think this is going to fly? I hope not.

Barry Weinstein

We can help parents raise kids by adopting a uniform media rating system and banning marketing of violence to children.

Al From

To his credit, he's the first statewide official to say the pay raise was passed in an unconstitutional way.

Gene Stilp

It takes a lot of money to put on prom. We are hoping to raise about $900.

Kirby Killen

The larger companies were already finding it easy to raise money. Now more companies will be able to access funds from abroad.

Sandeep Bagla

We really want to raise awareness this year about the salamanders.

Tom Cleveland

We have repeatedly called on the government to raise the basic personal exemption. We believe that is not only good fiscal policy but good public policy. It's a tax break for everybody.

Adrienne Batra

You have to make an effort. You can't just complain about it, you have to do something to help raise money ... and anything that we can do to help cure this is a good thing.

James Cole

Some of the kids will raise money to go on the trips. We laugh because they work so hard to raise money to go work.

Kristy Baker

There was a proposal in Congress that would raise a point of order against any tax proposal that would not deal with the AMT. It died.

Leonard Burman

We had two goals in mind for this tournament. We wanted to promote women's golf, and we wanted to raise money for the charities.

Kelly Courville

We always assumed someone would raise a successful point of order blocking this, but at least it brings the issue to the attention of the full Senate.

Josh Kardon

Sex hormones and stress hormones are linked in that if one is high, the other will be low. Stimulants like sugar, caffeine and nicotine all raise your stress hormones making you less likely to get in the mood.

Natalie Savona

This is our annual bake sale where we raise money for our association's programs.

John Skupny

If all goes well, it shows the EU can be a force for good and Germany can lead it. If it goes wrong, then it would raise all sorts of questions.

Daniel Keohane

I guess maybe it if were a little closer to home, possibly it might raise some concerns. If there seemed to be a pattern in Scottsboro we might set some precautionary measure in place, but we do not feel any threat to us personally.

David Joyner

Our goal is to raise $250,000 this year. We need about $46,000 to build a home.

Joe Gallagher

We need new donors and always more volunteers. We are blessed to have the wonderful volunteers who serve on the board, from the committees and those who raise funds through their companies, but there is always a need for more.

Randi Battaglia

The specifics are going to be dependent on our ability to raise money. Our wish list is much bigger than our pocketbook right now.

Gail Becker

Japanese companies are regaining pricing power by gradually reflecting rising manufacturing and labor costs in their product prices. The Bank of Japan may raise interest rates as early as August.

Ryutaro Kono

I understand it is bad politics to cut spending or raise taxes. So you pray and pray that this is not dangerous, and as long as nothing happens in your term, it's okay.

Donald Tsang

For each 1 percent pay raise, is about $600 million -- so $1 billion just won't cut the mustard.

Ike Skelton

Hiring intentions seem to have gone up a little bit and confidence is edging up. It's right to assume that the ECB will raise rates in March.

Dario Perkins

We just want a decent raise.

Kathy Paul

It's a great morale builder and it makes it a lot easier to raise money.

Patrick Nero

You've got to raise money when you think you can get it, not when you need it. If you wait till you need it, your bargaining power is less and it's no fun.

Drew Cassidy

We just all are dedicated to working together and making this a place that is safe to raise our children and that we all totally enjoy.

Terri O'donnell

The best way to help protect consumers is to raise awareness of the issue and equip them to spot counterfeit software and help them understand what they should do about it.

Bradley Hopkinson

If we don't raise any money, we don't get any money.

Jon Rubin

We feel very betrayed in regards to … them taking our money and giving the administrators a raise.

Janna Garrison

It is hard to keep buying bonds amid the central bank's determination it will raise interest rates.

Akitsugu Bandou

We need clear evidence that the economy is growing very strongly for the Fed to raise rates above 4.5 percent if you want to get much further gains in the dollar.

Brian Rose

The biggest challenge right now is funding. Israel doesn't fund the team until we qualify for the Olympics, so we'll have to raise funds along the way.

Hallie Cohen

I certainly hope we prioritize to raise that up to match the new bid number.

Charles Dean

Anytime you do something like this, you raise tensions in the institutions.

Jason Godin

The whole issue is, she made the decision based knowing that I wasn't going to be there for the child in any part and she said she could raise the child on her own.

Matt Dubay

We really try hard to attract students. And sometimes that makes it hard to meet expectations you're helping to raise.

Timm Rinehart

Those are the kinds of cases that raise questions, even if they don't seem that serious.

David Diaz

Broaddus just reminded everyone that the Fed is going to raise rates. He is clear that the inflation data has got their attention and that the Fed is much more wary of inflation.

Dominic Konstam

Once the site plan comes in, it may raise some interesting questions.

Paul Braun

If they raise 25 basis points and sound worried about inflation the market may get demoralized.

Jim Awad

Care night is our premiere fund-raiser for the winter, which will help us raise the funds that we need to support the 19 agencies that benefit from the Crawford County United Way.

Linda Williams

The city, as an accommodation to the county and to some degree so that it would be done and done properly, has been using local personnel to raise and lower the dam and to point out major problem to the county and get it fixed.

Randi Osberg

It's like the government is playing games. The defense could raise these issues. The government is going to have to explain why they aren't going after much stronger charges.

Scott Silliman

I think it is the moral and ethical problems that we face, and that's where there needs to be full and frank public debate, and that's where I would like to raise the issues.

Peter Butler

If the real estate gang could, they'd raise the rents in the graveyard.

Frank Dane

Pizza sales, we would have yard sales and everything we could to raise the money to get this together.

Mike Harding

We were a business, I couldn't raise taxes. I had to look at where the fat was.

Dian Powell

Through these events, we can highlight the silent work of SOS. If people know that we are here, we may be able to get help from them because our challenge is to raise funds to help the children.

Luis L. Seras

Parents don't need government to raise their kids. That's their job, ... But government can help them protect their children from influences they may not want their kids exposed to.

Rod Blagojevich

We are hoping to raise several thousand dollars from what we have. Some of it is worth a lot of money. There are little collector trucks in there worth $50 to $100.

Bill Mathews

Some made personal donations, ... Others housed displaced families. Several attended fundraisers away from the ballpark. Many took pictures with fans to raise additional funds. It was a true team effort.

Larry Lucchino

Coach Davis assumed one of most difficult challenges any coach can accept - following a legendary predecessor. He has responded to these challenges with character, graciousness, with concern for the welfare of his players and with a determination to raise our program into the ranks of the very best in the nation.

Adam Herbert

I can only see the [energy] market expanding. As energy becomes more expensive there are going to be smaller players out there: with oil at $70 (£38) a barrel they can raise money for oil fields that are now economically viable.

Herbert Smith

My boy's in 4?H. He needed chicks to raise. He only needed a pair, but we got extra.

Randy Woods

When I signed the deal, I wasn't a Pro Bowl player, ... To go to four straight Pro Bowls, you deserve some type of raise. They said, 'Come into camp and we'll continue negotiations,' and that's why I'm here.

Hines Ward

The central bank has identified the triggers that will make it raise rates. We don't think those things will happen.

Annette Beacher

What a great idea. It's so fantastic that everyone is coming together to help raise money.


It's a good start on a new life. I can raise my kids until they are big and they can have their whole house to themselves.

Melissa Weller

The price has nothing to do with costs, so the sellers have to grope around for price points that the public can live with and that will make the company enough money to pay their acquisition and royalty costs. Certainly, Apple knows that if they raise prices too fast, 'free' will become more attractive.

William Greene

You got to raise doubts about his character, to give some pause to the religious conservatives who are looking on him as a very different candidate.

William Binning

The most important requirement is to have enough income to support both mortgages. The decision then is whether to raise all your money on the main residence, or to split it.

Ray Boulger

Even the self-assured will raise their perceived self-efficacy if models teach them better ways of doing things.

Albert Bandura

Very clearly, it is wrong to use government property, government assets for political purposes, ... You can't use the taxpayers' funds to help you raise money for your political campaigns. Those are two different functions.

David Mcintosh

The good thing is that library employees are going to get a 3 percent raise, the bad part is that some will get laid off.

Rosann Sanders

That's what Ireland needs now, early-stage investment. We have a lot of large companies that are not going to raise funds but are growing to exit [either through flotation or trade sale] in the next 12-24 months. But there's not a lot of companies looking to raise 10-20 million to go to the next stage.

Ulric Kenny

When the price of the building is going up faster than you can raise the money, it is a little discouraging sometimes. The construction inflation has just been incredible.

Don Anderson

It is extremely important for individuals who may have a problem with gambling to have some place to go for treatment. It is good to raise awareness for problem gambling, but once you raise it, some of these people have no funds for treatment. It is so exciting Reno is getting this facility.

Connie Jones

Sometimes, if you have the right environment, a small (amount of money) can start something exciting. If you have the vision, you can go out and raise funds.

Linda Katehi

The owners were receptive to donating the River Queen to us if we can raise the money. If can't get pledges or make a significant impact, we'll back out.

Bob Stevens

Push the Fed to raise rates, that's what I'm worried about.

Bob Mckee

You want to raise a lot of 'what ifs.' I can only deal with what we've gotten so far. Their agreement is their agreement. We're not a party to their agreement ... Townships never get involved in those agreements of sale.

John Rice

It's a neat thing just the way its evolved and the growth that the game has taken in trying to be a legitimate fundraiser. It's a very good effort to have a lasting memory of Connor, raise money for his scholarship funds, and it's a good thing for the soccer community.

John Bluem

Knowing it was my solo debut at Carnegie Hall and looking out at the audience and knowing that we were all there to raise money for Gay Men's Health Crisis made the evening an extraordinary experience.

Bernadette Peters

Texas Instruments' numbers were broadly in line with estimates, but there may have been some disappointment that they didn't raise the high end of the range.

Michael Sheldon

We can raise rates, we can borrow more money, or we can mitigate. In the long-run, we can lower costs if we mitigate heavily in this state.

Rade Musulin

Premium increases are not the best measurement because if you are already high you don't have to raise your rates as much. And if you are low, you may have to raise them a little more.

Joe Zimmerman

I just felt like he had control of him. To me, he had his knee in him, he had enough to raise up his arm ... why didn't he raise up and just shoot him in the arm or leg?

Sally Baker

There is a Japanese proverb that literally goes 'Raise the sail with your stronger hand,' meaning you must go after the opportunities that arise in life that you are best equipped to do.

Soichiro Honda

We view any actions by the KLA -- or any other armed bands of paramilitaries or armed groups that cause friction or raise tensions -- as being entirely unacceptable.

Robin Clifford

It's going to be very difficult for the ECB to raise rates if growth is looking sluggish. Even so people are looking for the ECB to act and that makes the bond market not very attractive.

Guillaume Sciard

We have the advantage that we don't have to go out and tour and raise money because we have jobs.

John Sherry

We need to raise our level to them. It's important for us to establish this relationship.

Terry Steiner

Other than fruits, which we buy, we eat only what we grow and raise - rice and vegetables, and a pig, chickens and eggs.

Du Chongan

We've been talking about this for three months. The feeling I've got is that the majority of the board feels like there are people on here (the list) who deserve this raise.

Mike Zajicek

A little bit of rain or a little bit of wind, and it should hold up fine. If we get a real heavy storm, if we get another Rita, that definitely will raise everybody's level of concern.

Susan Jackson

Channel 4 has been at the top of its creative game in 2005. Success breeds success and, as a result of what we've achieved in 2005, we're able to raise our editorial spend to record levels and continue to invest in our future.

Andy Duncan

Our goal is to raise between $35,000 to $40,000 for starving people.

Michael Mccarthy

We are having a good fourth quarter, which has led us to raise our estimates of full-year earnings for 1999.

Gary Pruitt

Prices are rising, but not fast enough to prompt the central bank to raise interest rates. Inflation will pick up slowly toward the end of the year.

Im No Jung

One member of our society can cross plants and we will sell plants to raise funds and awareness.

Kathy Moss

We are extremely grateful for the support and generosity of our donors and anticipate that these items will generate a lot of interest and excitement, ... Events like this help the Crew Soccer Foundation raise the money necessary to realize our vision and fulfill our mission.

Mark Mccullers

I would hope [students] would understand… we don't arbitrarily look to raise the board rate.

Bob Griffin

Without the mandate, it would not have been necessary to raise this year.

Tim Norman

Having someone like him around, other players sort of raise their playing. That's the impact of just having him around. He's a big leader and a great influence on the younger players.

Jon Deeble

Our members last got a raise when Willie Brown was the mayor of San Francisco and Gray Davis was the governor of this state. The district, we believe, can do better.

Dennis Kelly

Some companies believe if they took over Knight Ridder, they could raise the margin, either by cutting costs or raising revenue.

Paul Ginocchio

It was left to Nicole to raise her sister and her niece, and she didn't know how to do all of those things.

Gary W. Adair

People were concerned that the market will start pricing in the argument that the central bank will raise interest rates to a neutral level since deflation in Japan has ended. Yields will have a bias to rise.

Naruki Nakamura

I helped raise mission teams to go to Asia and introduce God and the Bible to different parts of that country. It's an opportunity for the people in Thailand to know Jesus.

Larry Henderson

The governor recognizes the need to make Vermont an affordable place to live and raise a family. We do need to address day to day issues, but we've got to think about the future down the road.

Jason Gibbs

The review said that there was no derogatory information against this company, and that this company did not raise ... undue concerns about national security in the country.

Clay Lowery

I've been through the coming back and trying to go to college and raise a family.

Peter Thomas