John Sherry
FameRank: 4

"John Sherry", was the Anglican Archdeacon of Lewes in East Sussex, England, between 1542 and 1551.

More John Sherry on Wikipedia.

We found out why the Rolling Stones don't have a day job. Meetings and classes and conflicting schedules chews up a lot of practice time.

We call ourselves a punk rock band, but we really play stuff from before there was punk to after there was punk. We're more in the vein of what I would call anti-establishment rock 'n' roll.

The chart has a long evolutionary history that [doctors] have adapted to. With a chart, they can walk down the hall and quickly review a patient's history before they go into the examining room.

We have the advantage that we don't have to go out and tour and raise money because we have jobs.

Most physicians are on top of the paperwork for the first two patients they see in the morning and then fall behind. By 5:30 or 6:00 they stop seeing patients and tackle a stack of paperwork.

The thing is, he's not an American citizen, and he also hasn't earned tenure yet. Because this is such a crazy, underground endeavor, we have to be careful that we protect our identities because we don't want the CIA looking too closely into his background.