You need to raise the money to run an effective campaign. People know that I've always been pretty transparent and that's why they give money to me. They trust me to run an honest government.

Barbara Perez

My mother didn't raise us Jewish, but my daughter wanted to become involved with the synagogue.

Trudi Renwick

It would allow millions of small businesses and individuals nationally to own their own health care. Contrast this with Jon Tester, who would raise taxes and give bureaucrats more control over our lives.

Jason Klindt

The band was an extracurricular activity. But Earl had the ability to encourage people and push them, at the same time, in order to raise the bar. And through his arranging techniques, he was able to minimize the weaknesses of our band and to emphasize the strengths.

Bob Parks

The vote of confidence is worth more to me than any extension, raise or anything. Getting to the top of league is something we can do very quickly.

Brady Sallee

We will see the Fed raise rates tomorrow but beyond that, it will depend on the economic data, which is pretty mixed right now. We are not buying Treasuries.

Shun Totani

What you have to remember is he's shown he can raise the money when he needs to.

Sam Marchio

I know it's mostly them, but I help them. They raise the bar for themselves.

Nancy Hills

If we could raise more funds, the first phase of the project could begin.

Toni Calabrese

The First Lady set this up as a nonprofit organization to raise money for the collection of antique furniture in the mansion. It's one of the premier collections in the country _ it belongs to the people of Georgia and is falling apart. She didn't go to the Legislature and ask for public dollars. People wanted to support the arts and the mansion.

Dan Mclagan

There's no potential scam involved. I'm auctioning it to raise money for relief.

Josh Kaplan

What this nomination does is raise awareness about the issue. Obviously there's a lot of local attention and some statewide attention. This brings it to more of a national level and even an international level when we're talking about the potential impacts on Lake Superior.

Carl Lindquist

She was a giant figure. She could control a courtroom with a look. She never had to raise her voice.

Michael Mukasey

That (the drop in the core rate) will take some pressure off the Bank of Canada to aggressively raise interest rates.

Sal Guatieri

Traditionally we've been able to raise between $3,000 and $10,000 just by door donations.

Rudy Siegel

If they force me to subdivide, they're going to raise hell because it will ruin their views.

Warren Mcmillan

He made me a lot better actually, having someone to go through this whole thing with you is a lot better than going through it by yourself. You can't really slack because I know he's going to be working and I'm going to be working, so basically it helped me raise my game so I can compete at the next level.

Wayne Ellington

The president has the power to pick up a pen and require car companies to raise fuel-efficiency standards.

Anna Aurilio

Everything is donated so there's no expenses. All the musicians are all playing for free. So, whatever we raise, we raise.

Will Wynn

[Saudi Oil Minister Ali Naimi said the oil-rich kingdom has the capacity to immediately raise its oil production from around 9.5 million bpd to 11 million bpd if needed.] The crude is available, ... If you want it, there it is.

Ali Naimi

The greatest thing about this is getting the entire community involved, ... Every dollar helps immensely -- but this allows us to promote the Give Every Child a Chance and raise awareness in the community.

Carol Davis

It's going to be a great thing. It's going to raise a lot of money. It's going to raise a lot of awareness about how badly help is needed. And all in all it's gonna be a great show.

Brad Arnold

Praising people doesn't mean you have to give them a raise. A little note can say for that day, for that project, you are happy with what they did -- and your employees deserve to know that.

Gay Alberts Ruby

That's the main thing, that's what we're here for. To have fun and at the same time raise money.

Guy Lafleur

This is a bill whose time has come. Gay and lesbian people fall in love. We settle down. We commit our lives to one another. We raise our children. We protect them. We try to be good citizens.

Sheila Kuehl

You cannot raise a man up by calling him down.

William J. H. Boetcker

We could quite easily raise enough to provide free tuition.

Jerry Walker

We're not likely to raise prices in the fixed-line area.

John Stanhope

I think it's a sure thing they are going to raise by a certain amount -- the question is how much more are they going to produce.

Peter Gignoux

They'll vote against any local bill, anything to raise anything. They're afraid they'll be punished at the polls.

Stan Bingham

The additional choices for consumers should eventually raise the entire hybrid sector.

Michael Chung

The yen will weaken some more. There is no need to raise rates.

Dale Thomas

There might just be another faction in the Moro front that will become more belligerent and raise more demand.

Julkipli Wadi

Right now I think our mental toughness is lacking. If we can raise that we can become the team I think we can be.

Mario Caminiti

Routinely, members of Congress who want to get reelected raise a lot of money to scare challengers out of the race. Joel Hefley clearly did not do that in 2005, and suddenly he has an opponent.

Bob Loevy

The yen is more likely to fall than rise. The BOJ probably won't raise rates anytime soon, keeping the rate-differential story alive.

Yasunori Kuroda

I hope you will be kind to us because it is difficult to raise this much money.

Steve Trounday

We find out whether they leave rates where they are or whether they raise them another 25 basis points. There is that doubt still hanging over the market.

Fred Ketchen

That was my first indication that they were going to do a good job, because they raised $300 before they even started. Some schools only raise $300.

Jill Ring

There's nothing to be gained by saying anything right now, ... there's a lot of uncertainty... over how long it will have to raise rates.

Diane Swonk

The goal is to raise India's growth rate from 7 percent to 8 percent and then beyond.

Palaniappan Chidambaram

Although these results are in mice, not people, they raise an exciting possibility which can be tested in humans.

Dr. Garret Fitzgerald

Dinosaurs have been incredibly popular for decades. So many kids and adults -- who sometimes don't admit they love them -- love dinosaurs, there's no question about it. There's also no question that really dazzling movies like 'Jurassic Park' and 'Lost World' raise a lot of interest.

Michael Novacek

Rising fuel prices have left NB Power little choice but to raise rates to cover a forecasted revenue shortfall of $126 million for 2006-07.

David Hay

Mr. DeLay has been brought to trial by a partisan district attorney who is abusing his office in order to score political points and raise funds for liberal Democrats.

Laura Blackann

We think this is kind of a back door way to raise general revenues. It's sort of like paying for dinner and then having someone else eat it.

Bill Ratliff

If manufacturing is recovering [from] this drag on growth, which is already strong, it is probably going to raise some concerns at the Fed.

Harvinder Kalirai

What assurance do we have that the gas companies would not raise their prices?

Barbara Buckley

My job is to put out the most conservative estimate and we're hoping to raise somewhere between $40,000 (22,100 pounds) and $50,000 between the 16 authors.

David Greene

It told me that there was some opportunity there. If I could raise that money with such little effort using that theme, that I could possibly grow this.

John Domico

It does raise some questions as to who benefits from these projects. Is it the taxpayers of St. Pete in general or 'condominium row'?

Darryl Paulson

We have no choice but to open any bags that raise concern.

James Loy

It is shocking and it does raise a lot of questions about how those in military service are dealt with.

Roy Allison

It's a matter of individuals getting prepared to play. You wonder why we have to raise our voices in the locker room in order to get people to perform.

Glenn Crooks

The introduction of a preferred inflation rate of zero to two percent has fuelled market expectations that the BOJ could raise rates before the fourth quarter, and that tightening of policy could be larger and faster than markets had previously anticipated.

Monica Fan

I had a broom that I'd raise high in the air and the kids practiced shooting over the broom. I think it helped, because we weren't intimidated.

Joel Rankin

The answers are simple, but no one wants to discuss them. There is no fix other than to lower benefits, raise taxes, or both. Politicians must confront these problems now, developing solutions as early as possible instead of letting the liabilities compound.

Rodney Johnson

They say it takes a village to raise a child, and it takes a church to raise the village. Today, I come home as the child that village raised, to be mayor of the village.

Rudy Clay

My best advice to anyone who wants to raise a happy, mentally healthy child is: Keep him or her as far away from a church as you can.

Frank Zappa

So often we are invisible to people, so we're trying to raise our visibility and raise awareness.

Ray Daniels

As analysts, we know that there are these smoking and health issues, ... but it is always reassuring to hear from the company that irrespective of what is going on, (it is) doing well enough that (it) can raise the dividend 20 percent. Not many companies can do that.

John Nelson

Although it is a raise, what it really was, was really adjusting someone's pay grade to where it ought to be based on their duties, and I think that it's appropriate to correct those situations when possible.

Michael Dixon

When the price goes up, our margins diminish because we're scared to raise the price any higher, ... The way it's been rising, we're not anywhere near our margin. If this winter is cold, it's going to be difficult one for us to hold that margin.

Robert Vaughan

The purpose of the list is to raise public awareness of the plight of these buildings in order to help bolster neighborhood and community allies who are also trying to save these buildings.

David Bahlman

The only reason they are doing it is to help taxpayers. It's not to raise money.

Joseph Bankman

There are no exemptions as far as numbers at this point. If you raise a lamb to show at the fair, you need to be registered. We're beginning to visit with 4-H and FFA at this point so they can make sure their exhibitors are registered.

John Schiltz

We also need to appropriately increase funds for building armaments and raise the defense and combat capability of the army.

Jiang Enzhu

Everybody donates their time, and we just try to have a good time to raise money for the Muscular Dystrophy Benefit.

Sharon Frazier

My parents didn't raise me to hold children responsible for their parents' actions.

Bill Brady

Every time you raise rates, you chase more healthy people out of the system.

Robert Laszewski

I thought to myself that with the raise he made, he looked like he had a pair of 8s, 9s or 10s, ... But I thought I'd try to take a flop and catch a king, queen or a couple spades, so I called.

Daniel Negreanu

We just basically eat it until we can raise prices.

Paul Howard

Macquarie may have to raise the offer. It's a question of what shareholders want.

John Grace

People started buying bonds because the Bank of Japan may not be as hawkish as expected. The BOJ will probably raise rates once by the end of December.

Nobuo Tamamizu

Keep up the old standards, and day by day raise them higher.

John Wanamaker

Not a problem. We feel like we can raise the money.

Al Smith

Anything that can help us raise public awareness of potential dangers in the home is important.

John Muller

Everybody said what a worthwhile cause and what a great way to raise money.

Joan Mastrocola

It should be able to raise mining efficiency by some 20 percent and reduce the risks to miners.

Liu Zhenjian

It's our biggest event to raise money for the council.

Pat Allen

We've got wonderful people behind it, wonderful name recognition. We'll not try to fly before we walk, but we'll try to do a second one and maybe one or two other things to raise money.

Drake Nunn

It's done that in this case, and it leaves the door open for China to raise the issues they're not happy with in the future, even after the crew is gone.

Mike Chinoy

Now you ask a group of young women on the college campus, 'How many of you are feminists?' Very few will raise their hands because young women don't want to be associated with it anymore because they know it means male-bashing, it means being a victim, and it means being bitter and angry.

Christina Hoff Sommers

This program would raise the notch of education in Marion County. It would create a real competitiveness amongst students, amongst schools. It will be a real boon for this county.

Steve Hering

When a Y comes into the community, the community has to raise all the money and then build the facility to the Y's specifications. It's not like you can just toss a million dollars at them and they do it. It would end costing a lot more money than what we expected.

Kathleen Snyder

Why am I considered a token candidate? Because I never raise any money and I don't have a big political name. But I do have a message.

Vic Roberts

I think she lost a little bit of confidence in losing to Megan. But Molly is one of those big-game players because she seems to raise her level quite a bit in those big matches.

Jon Lanier

It's a good way to keep monitoring the work, check that everything's on schedule, and raise any problems.

Chris Blyth

More than ever before, people want higher performance from all types of products, ... We developed this exclusive line of High Definition mice because higher-performance peripherals create a better PC experience. Featuring our proprietary tracking technology, our new High Definition products raise the bar for mouse performance.

Tom Gibbons

I have every confidence that they will raise the money they need.

Michael Lynton

I think we can make a lot more cuts before we raise taxes.

Barry Weinstein

We are grateful to our customers who, over the past year supported our charitable efforts, and to our employees who participated with us in various events that helped raise funds for local organizations.

Lupe Rodriguez

He raises money both to run campaigns and to elect other Democrats nationwide. If you believe as he does that the country is headed in the wrong direction ... then one of the things you can do about it is to raise money and help elect Democrats nationwide.

Matthew Miller

If the people raise a great howl against my barbarity and cruelty, I will answer that war is war, and not popularity seeking.

William Tecumseh Sherman

He started to raise it and we all ran. We scattered. It was panic.

Shawn Miller

They're a little light on the cash right now. They didn't raise the financing as some of the others did recently.

Rob Sobhani

This is an example of where a product is differentiating itself from previous products. That awareness of a new drug being available for obesity is going to raise awareness of other treatments, so that's part of the reason why we think the market is going to continue growing.

Stephanie Krebs

I'm going to have to raise my price if it goes up anymore...I'm not going to have a choice.

Mary Mitchell

I think the Fed will look at the core number and determine that it was understated, and still raise rates by a quarter-percentage point at the meeting on November 1.

Stuart Hoffman

Hassan is someone you can depend on to raise the team's spirit. He might not play a main role on the pitch but we need him to lead the team during the competition.

Hassan Shehata

Over the last week or so I have been very disappointed and very dismayed that one of the candidates has started a whisper campaign against Judge [Ron[ Harris and myself, questioning our Christian beliefs. Those of you know me and how we raise our family and that we have very close Christian ties; we have not campaigned on it and I will not campaign on it.

Rick Neudorff

We see no reason to change our guidance, nor would we raise our guidance.

Michael O'leary

The only thing that is going to hurt them now is to raise their bid. That would destroy their stock price.

Philip Wohl

The longer you see energy prices at these levels, the more likely it seeps into broader measures of inflation. Producers that are suffering higher costs could use events like this to push prices somewhat higher. This almost gives them an excuse to raise prices.

Bill Davison

If it was significantly dangerous, we would have had to clean it up. (The contamination) needs to be addressed, but it did not raise any red flags.

Arthur Mullen

It's a tricky situation, because higher borrowing costs put pressure on their ability to raise the dividend, but they could make a nominal increase.

Matt Kelmon

In spite of rising costs and the carriers' desire to raise fares to cover those costs, there's going to be some real difficulty in accomplishing that. It does not look like demand is firming up at all. And therefore I see downward pressure on prices.

Dave Swieringa

Just about anything anybody can use, we give out free from toilet paper on up. I feel like God sent me here. Jerry helped me raise my four kids when I lived in Longview Place and St. John's Lutheran School was nearby.

Maggie White

In the rush to contain health-care costs, the response of health plans has been to raise costs for pharmaceuticals.

Dana Goldman

Pretty much everyone, as well as their Uncle Bob, is expecting the Bank of Canada to raise interest rates by 25 basis points [a quarter of a percentage point] to 3 per cent at tomorrow's announcement.

Douglas Porter

The Bank of Canada is data-dependent right now. If economic data continue to be good, it will continue to raise interest rates. The Canadian dollar will strengthen.

Ted Gould

We're trying to raise money for people trying to get their lives together.

Michael Crow

There is no identifiable exogenous shock looming, but investing is about probabilities and I believe it is prudent to raise more cash, ... At some point I expect a correction of 10-20 percent.

Byron Wien

It was a positive quarter, with everything in line in terms of their guidelines and our expectations that they would raise their dividend.

David Hartley

This is the hardest working team because each year you raise the bar and each year you have to come back to defend it. Not that when you compete you don't get everybody's best shot, but we get a little bit extra.

Mark Belenski

When we raise tuition five or three dollars a credit or when books go up, for many of these students this is the difference between their being able to go to school and not go to school.

Steve Rose

How can the Cayman Islands with a population of 5,000 or Haiti with eight million people but a very poor nation raise funds on their turf.

Michael Fennell

I was thrilled. I'd gotten to a point in my life where I wanted to make a difference and give back in a way. Karen and I decided we wanted to try and raise awareness of spaying and neutering and the overpopulation problem. It just happened.

Laura Lacy

There's a lot of homework for one community to do before you even get a dollar of grant money. You have to have a fundraising plan, you have to raise $90,000, and that's in bona fide commitments from this community.

Alex Graziani

There's a huge number of people stuck in a lousy commute or a tiny house, or they finally got the raise they're hoping for. It's not a bottomless pit, but it's a large, large group.

Richard Carlson

The emphasis of the marketing committee was to raise revenue for the ruling body and one of our plans is to have a production house for the BCCI that would generate funds through media rights.

Lalit Modi

He really did make us raise our sights.

Diane Sawyer

I want the taxpayers to know that some people are getting more than a three percent raise.

James Bland

It's not good public policy for anyone in government to give themselves a raise. Your wisdom is compelling, mayor. It would be a good gesture to employees to see how the budget surpluses sort out.

Steve Turley

She's my hero -- anybody knows that. She had the guts to really do it and raise her family, and she has a high precedent for me. I really love her music and what she stood for.

Michelle Nixon

We will have to raise our level a lot. If we allow them as much room as we did Dortmund they will score goals.

Frank Baumann

We will help to enhance Hong Kong's role as a springboard for mainland companies to raise funds from outside the mainland.

Arculli Hon

That's not the best way to raise money for the National Flood Insurance Program.

Mike Strauss

We want people to realize that while we are a national organization and our roots are in the community. We do raise a lot of money but we are also something patients can call on when they need something.

Nancy Verderber

We approached it in a way that attempted to give the sheriff incentive to raise money. He doesn't like that approach.

Allen Stockberger

The Massachusetts Lottery was created in 1971 to raise revenue for cities and towns.

Beth Bresnahan

The premise is to raise money for the family support groups to use as they see fit.

Wayne Kenton

It just made sense to apply this on a grander scale. If one of us can raise that much for a nonprofit on his own, what could a dozen or more authors pull in for the First Amendment Project?

Michael Chabon

They were there not because of a comedy show or concert. They came because of politics, and that is what our organization tries to do ... raise the level of debate. I think we were very successful that day.

Cameron French

What happened is we went through a long period that was very difficult for biotech companies to raise money. Once this window opened, a lot of people decided that they would go ahead.

Jim Mccamant

The main question is when are they going to start to raise interest rates.

Richard Jerram

We raise the alarm of the impending collapse of the entire downtown hotel market if the consultants are wrong again.

Brian Fitzgerald

It's already getting down to the 11th hour. If I had to bet one way or the other, I would bet that they're going to raise their bid.

John Calcagnini

I've never had to raise money this fast. It's definitely an intense time for us. We'll have to put down cash, hard solid money that puts us into the place of purchasing this.

Wendy Fisher

More and more same-sex couples are having children, and we in society can't pretend they aren't. In states like Florida, you are a legal stranger to the child you brought into this world and helped raise. That is a horrible public policy that harms children.

Karen Doering

It's a form of acoustical spying that should raise red flags among computer security and privacy experts. If we were able to figure this out, it's likely that people with less honorable intentions can — or have — as well.

Doug Tygar

Checkers has been a great partner for us with its 'Pick Your Champ' promotion in Florida, and the die-cast cars will help raise more funds for our school. Alumni, football fans and race fans can all enjoy the commemorative cars.

Dave Hart

Our main fundraiser is the gala. We raised $200,000 during the gala and our hope is to raise $50,000 here today.

Donna Roberts

To me, it was rewarding to see people come together, not to raise obstacles, but to identify them and overcome them.

Brian Moss

The question must be asked, can we afford to raise the rate? [For] a lot of federal workers, especially those who do delivery and just going to meetings, it can be very costly ... It'll be interesting to see if the rest of the Senate embraces this.

John Townsend

To me, cases like that really scream out, 'Hey, it's not out there. It's in here.' There's no indication that this mother is prone to raise very feminine boys because his twin is not that way.

Michael Bailey

What this does, at the very least, is raise the question of competence. Did someone fall asleep at the switch?

Dennis Goldford

This monument is dedicated to a man who loved his people. He became leader at the most difficult time for his country, and we should raise the next generation by his example.

Alu Alkhanov

We ask the Young Patriots to raise all the roadblocks and get off the streets.

Charles Ble Goude

We have 60 acres here and we farm 56 acres of it. It's one of the ways we raise money for our charities.

Frank Pezzorello

Our goal is to raise about $10,000, which is what I think it will take to do what we want. Hopefully, we will reach our goal. When we get the final amount, we will figure out what we can afford to buy.

Larry Steach

We hope that it (the additions) will help raise the visibility of downtown.

Briana Mackey

I'm hoping we can keep the excitement going, because along with that, the students will want to continue fundraising. If we lose interest and don't raise the money, we don't go.

Mark Dahlberg

What the Fed did in the clearest possible way was to signal that they're moving to the defensive and are going to continue to raise rates. And this has got to go on until there's some evidence that the economy is slowing.

Thomas Madden

If it is approved, it will only raise more obstacles for clean and unconditional trade between Cuba and the United States. The problem is not whether we can buy medicines from the United States, but the onerous conditions they impose for purchases.

Aymee Hernandez

Five bucks a picture and we had like 500 people there, well, that was just too pricey. You just have to get it for free. Otherwise, all these expenses negate the money you're trying to raise. You have a budget and you have to stick to it.

Barbara Spilker

We will continue to raise the profile of Glasgow to a worldwide audience.

Alex Mosson

We're up for the competition. It just makes us a better organization and forces us to raise the bar. It puts us in a position where we do need to be nimble and very customer focused.

Karen Broach

My family is my ministry, ... I'm gonna raise it up with or without cameras. But I'm excited to do it on MTV.

Reverend Run

We have to raise the money to do this move. We're paying for that concrete slab at the VAC; it's only fair. And we'll need to sustain funding for the ongoing restoration, too.

Paul Vasconi

Nippon Sheet Glass would have to raise money much larger than its market cap to finance the deal, and if you think about that, what they are doing is reckless.

Shinya Yamada

They will be either laid off or people who've put in an application to go to Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne is a pretty desirable place to go. It's a great community. It's a great place to raise your family. But it will be existing GM folks that will be coming here.

Joe Spielman

Our goal is to market the unique quality attributes of Florida honey, ... We want to raise consumer awareness about Florida honey and its value as a distinct product, not simply part of a mix.

Charles Bronson

If they're not going to enforce them, don't raise taxes.

Joe Mcgonigle

We're at an important point in our development. We don't require any additional [venture] capital to fuel the company, but if we decided to grow at a quicker clip, we could go out and raise more capital.

Jonathan Tang

Senator (Hilary) Clinton said it takes a village to raise a child, ... We believe that at Red Rock Central.

John Brennan

Everyone can do their part, one way or another. We're not working the soup lines, but if we can help raise money by making people laugh, then that's what we'll do.

Jason Almgreen

The market has overreacted, and we still think the Fed's going to keep going to 5 percent next year. Plus, we don't believe the ECB will raise rates very dramatically, and nothing like the Fed.

Jesper Dannesboe

It was something else to see how the great fans of motocross responded in to our national emergency in this time of need. With the attendance down due to the gas prices and our amateur races being cut back, we were amazed with the amount of money we were able to raise.

Tim Cotter

We began a cancer fund drive in conjunction with the tournament, ... She was a close friend, and I felt like I wanted to do something to honor her and raise money for cancer awareness.

John Turner

I don't know anyone, anywhere, who works without a raise in almost 20 years.

Donna Allen

Most people expect the Fed to raise rates, but there are some skeptics out there who may sell dollars. Everybody is waiting for the Fed, needless to say.

Matthew Lifson

We came back here to raise a baby.

Howie Nielsen

We expect the combination of solid economic growth and higher inflation risks to push the Fed to raise rates higher than is implied by prevailing bond yields.

Colin Lundgren

We at the centre want to encourage people to lead a healthier lifestyle and to raise their awareness on chronic diseases, which are prevalent in the governorate.

Musa Omari

It was our distances and jumps today and they put on a show. The jumpers did great and the middle distance and the distance runners really were on pace. We had a lot of guys raise their performances and that is what you have to have to win a championship.

John Mcdonnell

At least now it is easy for stakeholders to raise concerns to the association if need be. The association should help in developing the arts industry.

Daves Guzha

We have raised $7 million for the Boca project. However, costs of the project have gone up, so we really need to raise $2.2 million more.

Vicki Pugh

It's all about accountability. If they're going to raise the rate, they can no longer blame the fluctuation of the real-estate market. They can't blame the speculators. They have no one to blame but themselves.

Bob Grantham

If a stray cat comes in the yard, they get pretty loud and raise a ruckus.

Sherry Mowatt

We've raised the interest rate before and it isn't excluded we will raise it again in coming weeks.

Guy Quaden

The Lottery needs to raise altogether £1.5 billion.

Tessa Jowell

The most important thing is to let these women know we?re here to support them whichever decision they make, whether they choose to raise the child or make an adoption plan.

Linda Cullen

It's going to be very difficult for me to raise tuition very much at all, except for the 3 percent required by the Legislature.

Jamie Koch

It's going to be a different atmosphere. But hopefully once I get out there and start playing . . . I never really pay attention to the crowd anyway. It might be a little louder and we might have to raise our voices to communicate during the game, but other than that, we should be able to just execute and play.

Dustin Grutza

A lot of the raccoons we're getting are coming out of people's attics. Mom raccoons think it's a nice quiet, dark place to raise their babies.

Sue Small

Celebrations of your accomplishments raise your awareness of what you've done.

Palma Posillico

Jamal is accountable for his actions 100 percent and I condemn with all my heart what he has done, ... I will try to remember for my children's sake the Jamal I loved and raise them knowing their father was a man who truly loved them. But the day will come when I'll have to tell them what he did.

Samantha Lewthwaite

I think it's unreasonable for a leader to get a raise when other things are being cut. The salary should be in line with what's going on there.

Aaron Gibson

If you raise $4 million by October, we'll give you the other $1 million.

Larry Langford

We have no doubt that Hillary Clinton will raise $50 million-plus, if she hasn't already.

David Brenner

We're not allowed to do a lot in here, so we can at least raise a lot of money. Being out of the Navy is a big hole that I'll never be able to fill. I think a lot of the guys here feel the same way.

Chad Taylor

It's always hard to raise those final dollars. We're trying to pick up the momentum.

Brenda Keeler

Right now, my going rate is $30 an hour, and for me to start getting back to where I was, I am going to have to raise it to $45. Right now I am in the red. Gas has a lot to do with it ? it is just so high.

Jonathan Field

Falling prices raise concerns that growth in the industry will slow, hurting earnings.

Song In Ho

What's gonna happen is they're gonna say holy -- who is this guy that can raise this kind of money and everyone else will come and try to hire you.

David Gross

We'd love to raise $10,000 this year. We're involving more youths than ever before, and there are at least 24 churches recruiting for us across the ecumenical spectrum.

Gwen Brown

This looks like a knock-out bid as the management, in our view, would be unable to raise the additional finance.

Richard Ratner

They did flat across the board raises for all administrators. I think they felt it would be equitable, that everyone would get the same raise.

Bill Clow

We all go through our daily lives, I won't say oblivious, but so focused on our own personal perspective that sometimes demonstrations are one way to raise the awareness of people.

Pete Cerchiara