They usually raise money for school trips.

Rob Robinson

When we raise these rates, people will use less. That's a goal we want to achieve.

Henry Thomas

But they didn't raise squat, so the next election cycle, they decided to do it by any means necessary, and corporate money is a lot easier to raise.

Andrew Wheat

We still reach out to the needy and work with many organizations and raise the money ourselves.

Marvin Imel

Our U.K. and Canadian corporate clients want better access to U.S.-based institutional investors and hedge funds to expand their shareholder bases and increase their ability to raise growth capital.

Paul Reynolds

Any time you limit the amount of money individual candidates can raise, that gives more power to entities that aren't limited.

Theis Finlev

Despite the fact that they raised guidance, they didn't raise it above what the Street was expecting. They didn't really blow the Street away. They've been perfectly in line with the way Street models were built, and for us it's not really enough to get excited about the stock.

David Bank

The difference of great players is at a certain point in a match they raise their level of play and maintain it. Lesser players play great for a set, but then less.

Pete Sampras

In the sense that they raise awareness about issues that are being ignored, they do a good job.

Danielle Pletka

We will have to raise that pay.

Harvey Jewett

This was a way for us to raise our profile in the Salinas area, because we've been doing really good work for many years, ... But we haven't presented any high profile events. It's all been educational events.

Tim Jackson

We're thinking about having a date auction and using it as a way to educate people about diabetes and raise money for research.

Jaia Kaikai

It's difficult to call anyone a front-runner. All had opportunities to raise money and get names out.

Tom Baldino

I think it's unfair to raise people's hopes that there might be a settlement in sight if you don't believe that, and I don't happen to believe that's the case.

Richard Shoemaker

But we're not out to recruit future musicians, we just want to raise awareness of the arts.

Meghan Casper

We want to tour the country and teach people about the sport and raise awareness.

Lisa Fernandez

The European economy is on course for a good recovery and the ECB is likely to raise rates to 2.75 percent by year-end. The euro is looking more attractive.

Masafumi Yamamoto

We are continuing to fund raise, yes.

Jesse Connolly

We're a business. When these things happen, we have to raise costs to keep operating. We have cut back on services and programs the last few years to save money.

John Beacon

The real risk is the Legislature could raise taxes.

Mike Antonovich

The Eaga Partnership has done a very, very good job because it doesn't just raise a very important problem, it actually brings forward practical solutions.

Mark Durkan

Eventually I want to raise scholarship money for good students who can't afford to come.

Joseph Olander

Our biggest concern throughout this process has been that this is going to raise electricity costs in New England.

Kevin Conroy

The purpose of the Buddy Walk is to raise awareness and acceptance for individuals with Down syndrome and to main stream society.

Bryan Brown

If prices continue to put pressure on that, we are either going to have to raise our minimum-delivery purchase or we are going to have to put on a fuel surcharge. You can't afford to watch your profit erode every time an oil company has a price increase.

Jim Henderson

There's nothing to discourage the Fed from continuing to raise interest rates. We could see some more dollar buying, particularly against European currencies.

Ryan Shea

You buy it now so that if they raise it up the next day, you get a little break for the price gouging they're already doing.

Charles Bautz

It (minimum wage increase) artificially inflates wages. For example if you raise the lower rate to maybe $7 an hour, then the person making $10 before now wants to make $12 or $13 dollars an hour.

Michelle Bolton

It was time to raise the bar higher, or lower if you're doing limbo.

Tre Cool

Charitable giving is an act ingrained in the culture of America. Sadly, terrorist networks and their sympathizers have preyed upon this goodwill to raise and move money in support of their deadly agendas.

Patrick O'brien

One of the things it will be used for is to raise awareness among public-policy and economic-development officials of the strength and importance of Fairfield County and to gauge the concerns of Fairfield County businesses compared to what we've seen from other businesses across the state.

Peter Gioia

The Fed will continue to raise interest rates. We think they will do so twice more.

Kathleen Stephansen

This will definitely raise the bar. I can?t tell you how much I?m looking forward to being on it.

Randy Ramaker

Titi, have you ever watched the Home Channel? ... It's beautiful like that. It's somewhere you can raise your kids in and your kids will come back to.

Jon Moore

We can't leave people in abject poverty, so we need to raise the standard of living for 80% of the world's people, while bringing it down considerably for the 20% who are destroying our natural resources.

Jane Goodall

Bill Thomas turned his backs on America's working people to go home and raise money.

Anita Dunn

When I raise my right hand to you (just before the candidates arrive), ... that means, 'That's enough. Cool it. Let's go.'

Jim Lehrer

At Oak Lawn we have to raise the roadway about 7 feet to fit a new, wider Oak Lawn underneath. The bridge will be replaced, new pavements put through there.

Mark Bouma

We want to show this off and raise more money with it.

Frank Davis

We have to raise money, even if that means a tax increase. If we do that, we have to make a commitment to the people to explain why we're going to raise taxes and what they are going to be used for ... at the same time, we have to look at our future because our reserves are constantly being depleted.

Larry Everett

Our goal is to raise $40,000.

Jan Eustis

We're going to keep doing well and continue to raise the bar.

Stephanie Kenesie

The fact that these folks are returning to government to serve in positions of great responsibility does raise some ethical questions about the appropriateness of these bonuses.

Dick Dadey

Mr. Reagan will raise taxes; and so will I. He won't tell you. I just did.

Walter F. Mondale

It's hard to predict what the tipping point will be, but when you have a number of influential and outspoken firms (taking a stand), it's going to raise the ire of the companies trying to do the deal.

Justin Dew

It's not overly surprising given how much focus the Chinese have been putting on Iran in the last few years, but it does raise more questions about China's oil security and China's position on the ongoing situation with the Security Council and [International Atomic Energy Agency].

Gavin Thompson

Why don't you ... downgrade the quality of the carpet or whatever, raise the price 5% ... and know that the person will probably just buy up the nicer carpet anyway?

Stephen Kim

I don't really care if I win, but I feel this is something I truly need to do to raise money to support the research.

Meg Smith

They demonstrate that you can isolate the equivalent embryonic stem cells by alternative methods that may not raise the ethical questions.

Dr George Daley

It does raise an eyebrow that this group would trumpet the support of a West Hollywood legislator who's only claims to fame are promoting needle exchange and legalizing ferrets.

Peter Demarco

There's no need for the central bank to raise interest rates again.

Jarrod Kerr

Nobody can raise a family on that.

Tom Hucker

We always have a good time, even though it's a lot of work to plan everything and raise money for cancer research.

Janie Rude

With oil at above US$67 per barrel, this is likely to once again raise investors' concern over the impact on global economies and earnings of corporates.

Carmen Lee

In no way are we pretending that we're going to raise all of the money for all of the kids. And the trip is not required.

Brian Stevens

We are pleased to be at this point, but we know there are so many generous people in the region, we should have a goal at more than $2 million. We have the population to raise the funds, but we also have the population in need of assistance.

Randi Battaglia

As commodity prices go up, ultimately everyone will raise prices, including Tiffany. Tiffany wants to maintain its competitive position in the industry.

Mark Aaron

It was a major factor for us that we didn't want our parents to have to pay for this volunteer trip. We wanted to raise the money ourselves because it would be a bigger accomplishment.

Peter Steiner

We didn't bring these customers into this case. And now if they're getting questions that make them uncomfortable, maybe they ought to raise their concerns with Roger Ball.

Chad Jones

Banks that understood the difference have attempted to save their position on the market and raise the capital.

Tatyana Paramonova

The lads know I'm watching them closely and I hope we can raise our levels against Leicester.

Mark Robson

We, of course, want to raise awareness, but we also want to raise funds so we can help find a cure for this disease and improve people's quality of life.

Randy Taylor

Does every administrator get exactly a three percent raise?,

James Bland

The whole dream of democracy is to raise the proletarian to the level of stupidity attained by the bourgeois.

Gustave Flaubert

If we could get people doing this sort of thing when they're about to have chemo, we could raise a lot of money for some very good charities. That would really be great. Who knows, maybe we could get on Oprah or something.

Sandi Tarr

Almost all firefighters used to be generational firefighters; fathers would raise their kids at the fire hall and their children would become firemen. We are losing that.

Garry Daigler

You cannot raise the standard against oppression, or leap into the breach to relieve injustice, and still keep an open mind to every disconcerting fact, or an open ear to the cold voice of doubt.

Learned Hand

It was Friends of the Earth's place to raise awareness of the issue. Now we will assist states and groups who want to take on the campaign.

Valerie Frances

This is our first year to do this event. But we hope to be able to do it every year as a part of March for Meals. March is the national Meals on Wheels month, to raise awareness of the organization and to raise awareness of senior hunger issues.

Amy Jackson

That's not all our crops can do. We are also learning how to transform plants into factories. We can now raise plants that will create enzymes that would otherwise be created in chemical factories.

Thomas Carper

We're trying to use globalization to raise working standards. Global companies have global responsibilities.

Stephen Lerner

No hunter should eat anything until after an animal has been tested. This finding, along with reports last year that CWD can move into primates, should raise some serious questions for hunters.

Michael Hansen

The Lottery needs to raise altogether £1.5 billion of which we estimate that £750 million over the seven years between now and the Games will come from the new Olympic lottery game.

Tessa Jowell

This turning over the ground for me is a symbolic gesture of being able to raise something back on that ground of glory and beauty.

Dan Mckinney

Can I get a raise if I balance the ball on my head on the Letterman Show?

Jeff Agoos

I've heard from vendors that the price is going up, but we don't want to raise prices during the holidays.

James Walker

No Child Left Behind is creating issues we didn't expect four or five years ago. The law's approaching deadlines raise flags for both sides.

Larry Wolf

It was very exciting for us. I get one more crack at it. That's what we play for. I just wanted a chance to get back there and raise it one more time.

Mark Recchi

The Bank of Japan is expected to raise rates within the next year, but even if they do, it's not going to be by very much.

Kota Kimura

In animal studies ... exercise has been found to increase dopamine levels and to raise the number of dopamine receptors.

Nora Volkow

We don't raise any crops other than grass. Our focus is on livestock. We raise breeding stock, as well as commercial and show animals. Each one is bred and raised differently, and our students learn all about it.

Bill Lombardi

You don't raise $15 million by accident. I'm asking him to come forward and quit claiming he doesn't know what's going on in his own campaign.

Steve Rauschenberger

By its nature, (an insurance policy) is a complex product - some more complex that others - and this is an effort to raise the knowledge of people, regardless of what stage of life they're in. No one is born with an innate knowledge of insurance.

Alessandro Iuppa

Ants are so much like human beings as to be an embarrassment. They farm fungi, raise aphids as livestock, launch armies into war, use chemical sprays to alarm and confuse enemies, capture slaves, engage in child labor, exchange information ceaselessly. They do everything but watch television.

Lewis Thomas

Businesses appear stronger than expected, reflecting the lower euro, but we're likely to see consumer confidence weaken on the back of higher inflation. It will be very difficult for the ECB to raise rates.

James Nixon

She will definitely raise the money necessary to be successful in November.

Roger Germann

He didn't raise my taxes, he promised me he wouldn't. He's given money to education, more money to health care, more money to the veterans.

Doug Aurand

Thirteen thousand dollars a year is not enough to raise a family. That's not enough to pay your bills and save for their future. That's barely enough to provide for even the most basic needs.

Thomas Carper

I've learned from the best and took something from all of them. I'm totally prepared to get this program back to the top. We're going to raise the bar in every area of the program.

Scott Edgar

There's a good chance the Fed will raise tomorrow and change their language to indicate rates are on hold until we get clearer signs from the economic data. We could get a little rally in Treasuries.

John Maskell

I'm a little bit surprised. Perhaps some people were expecting them to raise their guidance or come in at the high end.

Karen Haus

It's a really great space to work in. It's got all of the best equipment, it's got very nice and comfortable seating for the audience, and they've got a pit that you can raise and lower which a lot of places don't have. So it has a lot of benefits.

Jeff Shue

We have to raise the bar (about security). This is the challenge.

Andy Purdy

The rules for a charter say we only need to have a field of membership of 3,000 people. We have about 4,500 people. And our goal is to raise $3 million. We want it to be financially sound.

Charlie Rose

Our intention is to give people, however you might stylize it, a tax cut or a pay raise.

Paul O'neill

The plan is to raise one-third of the £750m before the Beijing Olympics in 2008 and two-thirds afterwards. Beijing will get the excitement going - when the flame goes out, it will not be lit again until London.

Dianne Thompson

The purpose of the minimum wage is not to give somebody earning $25 an hour a $2-an-hour raise.

Chris Cramer

People like the Lodge at Torrey Pines are re-selling those for almost double what they pay for them. They'll never formally say it's a private golf course, but as you raise the price to the local residents, you drive them off the golf course.

Paul Spiegelman

The key is the teams. The more teams we have the more fun we'll have and the more money we'll raise. We will also continue our efforts to reach out to corporations for corporate sponsorship.

Jason Perillo

By branding them that way, and building them all in the same quality, people know what they're buying. Ray's approach is going to raise the quality.

John Sprague

As I became a first-time parent, I was deciding how I was going to raise my child and do what was best for my child.

Shelly Stancil

These are a small number of events, but they're enough to raise concern.

Jim Carrey

One of the issues that the FAA brought up was the need to raise the tower. For a number of different reasons they didn't want to or couldn't do that.

Rosylin Weston

Treasuries are expensive at these levels given that the Fed is still going to raise interest rates. The Fed is still worried about inflation.

Hiroyuki Yamada

Our primary task is to raise levees to prevent property damage, and to help local officials.

Robert King

I think it's a major issue for this year. The city is certainly doing it to raise revenue -- and I think it will be a source of revenue for them.

Bernie Kent

Our local authorities will support foreign firms to raise cocoa production in the future, aiming to reach a target of as much as 15,000-16,000 metric tons of dried cocoa beans by 2010.

Le Van Duc

When looking at what is needed to close out the year, the only needed raise was 2 mills.

Mark Bryant

It's the micro management, the machinations up and down of interest rates, that has really gotten us to the point where we are now, rather than the market playing out at its own natural cycle. So the Fed today, I believe, will take a look back at the landscape, assess what they've done, and probably use August to evaluate whether or not to come back in and raise rates.

Scotty George

She has changed so much about the women's side of the sport. Hannah is always going all out, and she's made everyone raise their games.

Gretchen Bleiler

The two candidates have worked very hard to raise the money and I am very thankful to them.

Liz Eilf

The purpose behind Battle of the Bands is to raise funds for Relay for Life.

Kelly Cooper

They (health advocates) raise valid concerns and help us anticipate problems. We're very concerned about (these groups) and are making sure they transition without any problems.

Jack Cheevers

We're very excited about it. It's a unique and wonderful opportunity to raise funds for the school district.

Lou Steinberg

Our electoral system may not be reformed at that time (2007). This would raise questions on the credibility of the elections.

Jose Abueva

This is a great opportunity to raise the standard of football to even greater heights.

Tony Mmoh

It all depends on guidance for the fourth quarter. If it isn't that exciting, then Oracle maybe doesn't have to raise its bid.

Patrick Mason

Despite what Mr. Mattingly might say, the temporary restraining order did raise serious constitutional issues about government attempting to muzzle the press. It was a mistake from the beginning that has now been resolved.

George Cox

There is a possibility the Fed may raise rates three more times to 4.5 percent before pausing, to keep inflation under control.

Masayuki Senda

Unfortunately we're not authorized to fix the areas that weren't damaged and raise them to authorized levels from the last time they were put in place.

Stuart Waits

They've obviously been great for our program. They're not only great athletes, but they raise everybody else's level of play. They're also great kids.

Dale Cutsforth

To raise living standards and resolve problems, we need a better economic foundation. We need to make our economy a bigger cake.

Ma Kai

It is necessary to raise the level of screening for start-up firms when they are to be listed.

Taizo Nishimuro

[One of the goals of] the first part of the campaign was to raise $100 million for [scholarships for] undergraduate students. I would say you're getting a direct impact on student financial aid.

Susan Krinsky

If someone someday in this countryDecides to raise a memorial to me,I give my consent to this festivityBut only on this condition - do not build itBy the sea where I was born,I have severed my last ties with the sea...

Anna Akhmatova

They seem to raise capital at appropriate times, so it's not a huge surprise.

David Hurd

I didn't inquire about any costs. If I did that, I wouldn't have had time to raise money.

David Rosen

Maggie's are very excited about this event and delighted to know so many people are taking part to raise money to help build the first Maggie's Centre in London. We know those entered in this event have set themselves a hard challenge but their efforts will result in Maggie's being able to offer all those going through the challenge of a diagnosis of cancer.

Laura Lee

With most economic data pointing to continued strength it's likely, and would be prudent, for the ECB to raise rates in March. There's not a huge amount of support for the market.

John Maskell

He really did have a good time. He gave us a big ole hug at the airport and said 'Let's bring (country singer) Larry Gatlin, have a barbecue and do this thing up right and really raise some money. I had never seen him happier when he left.

James Davison

Who knows? He might also have been motivated to do an extra-special effort to get that raise.

Alan Sklover

We think we can raise our per capita income, build the knowledge base, the economy and get a little more competitive if we can produce more baccalaureate degrees.

Doug Bradley

It will be a relief and a joy to go ahead and get started with things. We are not out of the woods yet because we still have some money to raise, but we are certainly hoping that getting started on this thing will help bring in that last bunch of money that we need.

Bob Easton

The victories will give the Congress an advantage and raise expectations that it will do well in the next parliamentary elections as well.

Pran Chopra

Weaker economic indicators raise the likelihood of an earlier end to Fed tightening. It will encourage dollar-selling.

Michiyoshi Kato

Once we had children we realized that someone had to raise them we didn't want to depend on someone like the daycare or babysitter to raise them. Who could teach our children better than us?

Nina Delivers Jones

It's illegal for teachers to strike and counterproductive to raise it. Mayor Bloomberg gave the teachers the largest raise in history and is optimistic that we can agree to another one.

Jordan Barowitz

Mergers raise concerns about potential anticompetitive effects because mergers could result in greater market power for the merged companies, potentially allowing them to increase prices above competitive levels.

James Wells

It certainly takes the edge off the possibility of them doing something soon. There is no reason to raise U.S. interest rates without an inflation problem and risk some of the customers for some of the overseas economies. They need us to buy their goods.

Rosanne Cahn

Doing something healthy and positive is a good thing and if you can raise money for the Royal Children's Hospital at the same time it's even better.

Sarah Wilson

As long as they are rising, the ECB tends to raise interest rates.

Joerg Kraemer

It?s an excellent raise for the teachers, and I like being able to differentiate between the bachelor?s and master?s degrees.

Doylene Fuqua

We are pleased to join the global companies listed on the world's most prestigious stock exchange, ... Our NYSE listing marks an important milestone for 7-Eleven and will raise our visibility with the financial community.

Jim Keyes

The bottom line is that it is very hard to raise the money you need to sustain an organization like this year-round. It is very hard to generate interest in the donor community.

Steve Rosenthal

Last year we raised $6,000, and of course we hope to raise more this year.

Barbara Atchison

You can no longer raise money and support those people in Washington and say you're not one of them, ... It's like being half-pregnant. Either you're in or you're out.

Charles Rangel

The early members of the Helena Arts Council came to seek my help in getting some art auctions going to raise funds.

Richard Duffy

The transaction will likely require Watson to raise another $1 billion in debt and will further dilute its already industry-lowest margins.

Megan Murphy

When Mike wandered in here, he said he was looking to raise between $500 and $1,000 for the farm. But we can probably raise between $5,000 and $10,000 based on the weather.

Brandt Kerkhoff

We hope it will be a partnership agreement when possible. The money isn't there yet. We're still raising funds; the target is to raise $3 million over a four-year period.

Canon Geoff Jackson

There's still an expectation that the Fed will raise rates another quarter-point.

Andy Whitaker

We always said we wanted to raise our kids together. So it's kind of funny how things work out. Now we're having my babies together.

Tasha Riddle

It's a sobering realization when one fully absorbs the real impact that heart disease has on our lives and the lives of the people we love. We want to do our part to raise the level of awareness in our community and assist the local Atlantic County chapter of the American Heart Association.

George Toth

As you raise the levels of HDL cholesterol, the risk of heart attacks and strokes can decrease.

Dr. Melvyn Rubenfire

People have already gone into [the Harley store] and given $106,000 so far. The goal is to raise $1 million.

Marc Abend

The market for this kind of labor in southern Florida is what it is. We can't arbitrarily raise the pay if no on else wants to do that.

Doug Bailey

We have to put some serious fines on this. We should raise fines to make people think twice before buying or using this machine.

Rep. Martin Walsh

A raise is like a martini: it elevates the spirit, but only temporarily.

Dan Seligman

If inflation gets out of hand, the Fed will have to raise interest rates more than is envisioned right now. Oil and energy can do it.

Allen Sinai

We'll never raise enough money with motorcycle rides, but we can raise awareness.

Don Royer

The Harmon fund was set up to do some things that our budget wouldn't allow. Ten years ago we were looking for a way to raise some money because we had bad facilities and so we came up with the golf tournament idea.

Dick Harris

We've been sent here to raise hell and cause chaos.

Tom Petty

In a way, by voting for the pay raise, he may very well have signed his own death sentence.

Jesse White

Participants are able to come by and stuff money into a jar that will be provided at each booth, and the cook-off contestants are able to do anything they want to raise money, ... They can coerce people, they can go into the crowd, sell things or do anything they want to do to raise money.

Rita Johnson

(We're) hoping to raise thousands of dollars for the center. But we are here to have fun and make it fun for (everyone).

Debra Fabiszak

Oklahoma played excellent. We played pretty good. We've got to raise our standards a little bit.

Gary Blair

The left parties opined that disinvestment of shares in profitable public sector units is not the proper way to raise resources.

Prakash Karat

My job is to put out the most conservative estimate and we're hoping to raise somewhere between $40,000 and $50,000 between the 16 authors.

David Greene

Even if we don't raise the taxes, so much more money is going to come in. That's the only thing the town needs to come out of the 18th century.

Bill Withers

Instead of just anecdotes and stories that raise people's anxieties, I think it's best to have real numbers. And now we have those.

William Mosher

Higher oil prices will raise material costs and that is a blow to the U.S. economy. Exporters are the most vulnerable.

Atsushi Osa

As China's financial markets develop, more and more banks will raise funds at home.

Jiang Dingzhi

It's a lot harder to do anything that's that edgy 'cause the execs don't wanna hear about it... but we're trying to raise some European money and see if we can get a low budget together.

George A. Romero

He has a duty to tell the other directors. Why does it have to be a secret if it's up and up? ... It definitely could raise ethical questions of what the hell is going on.

Daniel Kane

If you're a friend to the working people of New York, and you're a friend to the labor movement, then raise the minimum wage.

Andrew Cuomo

Our goal is to raise awareness among Catholic men of their relationship with Jesus Christ so they can become better men, better husbands, better fathers and better members of their churches.

Steve Tracy

It's a good time of year to raise awareness, when it's real cold out. More Americans are thinking about poverty and homelessness this time of year.

Michael Stoops

You have to be creative to get students to listen to you. For that matter, you have to be creative anytime you are trying to raise concern about something.

Chuck Knight

What becomes emblematic is that they raise so much money nobody wants to run against them. It becomes cost prohibitive. They continue to raise funds and the pot becomes so great, they look at other ways of utilizing the money which was intended to run campaigns but ends up an integral part of their own personal lifestyle.

Desmond Ryan

We're going to raise enough money to stay competitive.

Paul Hortenstine

Anything that we can do to raise personal savings is very much in the interest of this country," Greenspan said.

Alan Greenspan

Ultimately we don't know how much this plan will raise energy prices.

Jeff Neal

For the past 150 years, the post office has issued stamps to raise awareness of individuals and events that shaped America, ... It is an honor to immortalize those who fought for peace and justice.

Charles Miller

If they want to give us access tomorrow to their operating system, without forcing us to join the Keystone lending program and raise prices on students, we'll call them tomorrow.

Tom Joyce

The rest of the students will be doing things to raise money.

John Bird

We figured that when the superintendent took the raise she took she signaled to the rest of the employees what money was available.

Dennis Kelly

We bought portraits and blazers for each of the champs. I remember Bill asking me how we were going to pay for that. We decided to raise the sponsor fees for the bowlers from $50 to $100. That paid for the blazers.

Harry Wells

We're mounting a campaign to raise hell about this.

Richard Hall

Executives at these companies are often isolated from the horrors of what the farm animals have to endure. The resolutions will raise the issue because they are printed in the companies' proxy statements and mailed to the shareholders. This way, our campaign moves into an actual agenda, and companies will have to address it and argue their case.

Bruce Friedrich

His friends wanted to leave him a gift, leave his family a gift. So they want to raise enough money to build and fully furnish a home for this family. They asked us to help.

Jeff Petersen

Our challenge, after we raise the money to pay for the arena, is to then fill it up.

Dirk Katstra

Where you find obesity, you'll find poverty. It's a reflection of the South's struggle to raise its standard of living.

Bill Ferris

I think it's going to get back to Sam struggling to raise a child and making ends meet at the same time.

Linda Cardellini

We are trying to raise awareness. We have been networking with grass-roots organizations across the state. This is one part of a huge problem facing the state of Maine.

Hillary Lister

I still think there's a better than 50-50 chance they will raise rates again.

David Orr

We no longer advise consumers to close unused accounts, as these accounts raise the cumulative credit limit.

Maxine Sweet

Growth was clearly weaker in the fourth quarter. But the ECB will call that an exception and say growth will accelerate. The bank will raise rates in March and possibly sometime thereafter.

Christoph Weil

Is it really meeting the need? No, it's not adequate enough. You can only raise private rates so high. It's difficult to keep things afloat with everyone wanting great care and no one willing to pay for that.

James Mueller

We looked quite solid as a back four and a goalkeeper. But we need to raise our standards quite a bit.

Alan Kernaghan

It's not an appeal that tends to work with the electorate, but Pirro's going to be able to raise a lot of money from people around the country.

Jack Pitney