We will move forward as long as at least one country is prepared, and will accommodate new entrants as they become ready. We want to reward countries as they become ready and look forward to continued progress with the others. Countries can continue to enjoy existing preferences while they work with the United States to come on board.

From our early analysis we are disappointed with the new EU proposal.

The decision will be made when the United States and Egypt together deem it to be the most appropriate way to move the relationship forward.

We take no comfort from any offer to postpone the actual payment of the launch aid these countries have already promised to provide. The announcement of their commitment to back the A350 will affect Airbus's financing costs regardless of when they formally write the check.

Ambassador Portman will take steps to help forge a consensus and to move the negotiations forward.

He is still hoping and cautiously optimistic that the EU will present a strong proposal next week comparable to the level of ambition that the United States has shown on domestic support.

We're still proceeding and so are the Thais. This is a key week for them. They're hoping to make sufficient progress to be able to finish in the spring.

The very subsidies that they're concerned about are the ones that we're proposing to eliminate.

However, nothing is agreed until everything is agreed.