Keith Scott
FameRank: 6

"Keith Douglas Scott" is a Canada/Canadian guitar player. He is best known for his long-term collaboration with the singer-songwriter Bryan Adams. He has also worked with Cher, Tina Turner, Bryan Ferry, Tom Cochrane, Craig Northey and other musicians.

More Keith Scott on Wikipedia.

I honestly don't think a child-development teacher could tell they were substance-exposed.

They just came straight in and took over. They told us to keep our heads down, there was a man with a gun across the road. It was a very tense situation.

We seem to be the last avenue for people having problems, whether they had a bad day at the office, whether they have had a bad day at work.

The purpose of instituting the Office of International Treasury Control was to provide an administrative system in perpetuity, which will be able to exercise the management of these funds and their control.

We were called the Fighting Scotts. We sparred, but mostly we just protected each other, didn't fight.

He's known since June.

He's the keeper of the gate. I don't know what we're going to do without him.

Consolidated Credit Bank is not registered in the Dominion of Melchizedek. It was at one stage for certain technical purposes. The original license came from there and then we took it on under our own nation.

This is not the money for setting up the new bank. This is additional money of US$3 billion.