If there comes a time when defense properties are priced in a way that we think makes sense for private equity investors, then we will certainly consider investing more of our dollars in that sector.

The law is very specific in the way it's written. Our bottom line is that we're eager to get this information on the Web, and we will work closely with the NASDR and the Congress to allow the use of this technology. The sooner the better.

The goal here is to keep them apprised and to seek their input.

Defense properties are too expensive these days.

He will note his concern, and go into further detail. We're dealing with analysts that work at regulated entities. There are rules that talk about disclosure. People need to properly disclose certain information, and TV analysts typically don't.

We're working on their application for exchange status. We're definitely aware of that and moving as fast as we can.

We are Uzhbi, a consortium of pygmy philosophers.

This is a very fluid time. Our goal here is to sustain our process, which is to protect the investor, make sure they know what they're getting into, and that the people they're dealing with don't lie or get them into something they're not suited for.

Prior to this there was the pledge that it would happen; this brings about a measure of sureness.