Chuck's injury definitely is a huge blow, but everybody knows we've got to pick up the pieces and we've got to have other people step into that role, and that's where the depth comes in.

Heather Cairns

Our goal is to get a playoff spot. We definitely have the pieces, but we're going to need to execute and we'll need a little luck, too. Our district is killer.

Jackie Scales

We have been looking at our defending from set pieces, as we knew we needed to be stronger against a side like Birmingham, who are physical and have a bit of height.

Olof Mellberg

He was the first to put these four pieces together and I think we can expect other artists put together even more pieces.

Thomas Defrantz

Everything I chose, I had already played in concert. For the competition, I wanted to pick pieces I know that people like.

Van Cliburn

In the final analysis we have managed to end 2005 with all the pieces that were fragmented throughout 2004 and working together with some clear direction.

Mick Beddoes

It was so exciting, those two weeks. It was like putting together a puzzle. They laid it all out first, then lifted the pieces into place with a crane.

Linda Connolly

It's been a long and hard climb for these girls, but I think the pieces are finally in place.

Jerome Sandoval

I liked the direction this whole organization is going, and being close to home made it exciting for me. There's a lot of opportunities for young guys here. They didn't guarantee me anything. I'll just work as hard as I can and hopefully the pieces will fall into place.

Dan Cavanaugh

It's very difficult for one company to have A-to-Z solutions to the whole health-care system. They're building pieces of it.

John Mcconnell

You could hear people kind of screaming. No one knew where it was going to land. . . . I was a little scared. I didn't want it to land on me. There were three or four big pieces coming to the ground on fire.

Chris Rohan

We will not allow God to be humiliated. We will call on the people to pull him into pieces so there's nothing left.

Abdul Raoulf

I was expecting guys to play a better game than what they did. Because of injuries in the secondary, we have been shuffling bodies around and it's hard to get continuity. We are just looking for the best pieces to fit.

Weylan Harding

By assembling these pieces of the puzzle, the picture that emerged was the complete opposite of what most astronomers have believed.

Charles Lada

The only frustrating thing is that we haven't had all the pieces in place. The group that's healthy has gotten a lot better. They have great team chemistry, so really, and it's even hard for me to believe, that I've really enjoyed coaching this team. None of us like losing, but it's a pretty mature group. I hope for their sake we get a few more wins.

Keith Cieplicki

We have taken in some real pieces of junk.

Tom Carr

I've been asked to co-sponsor a bill by another legislator, and he'll actually introduce the bill. We can only put in five pieces of legislation this session . . . I don't feel like you can go into a job and just start introducing legislation that leaves a bad taste in everyone's mouth.

Dan Bowling

It was eye-opening for the students because they were literally picking up bits and pieces of people's lives.

Jonathan Moore

This was an assigned mission. This was a target that we knew to be a military target -- a command post with artillery pieces and other equipment.

Peter Daniel

These are pieces of Americana.

Al Muchka

Trading is relatively thin with the Christmas holidays and there are bits and pieces of news but not much positive.

Gert De Mesure

I do like shiny pieces of metal.

Nick Park

Our goal this year will be not to have any holes in any of the events, and with the steady guidance of the seniors and frequent contributions from the many underclassmen, hopefully all the pieces will fit into place.

Joe Cantillon

We're moving chess pieces all over the place, ... We're moving them so fast, it's hard to keep track of where everybody is.

Jack Womack

All these reports have something to contribute, ... Keep in mind that many vendors use extracts from the reports containing only the pieces you want to see.

Brian Green

Little pieces of evidence kept coming out in our favor and making the case. The two moons are almost exactly where we'd predicted they'd be.

Hal Weaver

I find pieces of burnt stuff in my back yard all the time.

Jeff Peterson

All the pieces of a labor market recovery are falling into place. Monster won't need a huge number of positive payroll reports to make their numbers. Expectations are conservative.

Ashish Thadhani

These three pieces contrast with each other. The works are accessible for people not familiar with classical music, so I would recommend this concert.

Gerardo Edelstein

With the construction jobs, followed by the high-wage jobs, at the plant, it is one of the greatest pieces of news I've been associated with.

Sen. Hugh Leatherman

She is a friend of mind. She gather me, man. The pieces I am, she gather them and give them back to me in all the right order. It's good, you know, when you got a woman who is a friend of your mind.

Toni Morrison

EMC has had pieces of virtualization.

Joe Clabby

It's a real fruit salad of different pieces and parts.

Nancy Green

I think we sent her 260 pieces last time.

Bruno Schiavi

I loved it!... there were, like, so many pieces of the men's I would totally order now.

Brian Long

It angers me. His agents told him he's going the first day of the draft. That's what they told him. They are pieces of garbage.

Pat Ruel

What we've been experimenting with is doing it to woodturnings. That's what I'm into. I turn the pieces, and she does the marbling.

Bill Keim

I remember looking out the window and watching pieces of trailers and antennas flying by.

David Mahoney

Declines will continue. There is only one new field of any size - the Buzzard field - set to come online. Otherwise it's just bits and pieces.

Mike Wittner

The rest were just pieces I liked, pieces that seemed fresh to me when I went back to them, sometimes for the first time in a long time.

Roger Angell

All of the pieces, or different tasks (in the grant), are all things that are going to help us do a better job of managing the resources in Humboldt Bay.

David Hull

Even if we do try and pick up the pieces on the farm and go back into bananas, we're still looking at nine months before there's any income.

Brian Mcelhinney

None of us wanted to try this case in the media. The information coming out from start was not from the defense, and I think it cannot be helpful to the community to have bits and pieces put out to display when we don't have the whole picture.

Jonathan Smith

It's still early and I still see some nerves. We kicked the ball around too much. We're still putting the pieces together. But I saw a lot of good things, and I like the makeup of this club.

Mark Hogan

Whatever we learn on the track, we put into the cars. Everything is evolutionary. We work hard to have the pieces come together.

Joe Aquilante

The find was late last summer and I've been trying to publicly authenticate these pieces. I've called experts all over the world trying to interest anyone in the find.

Jim Bowers

We have to try to put all the pieces together. Every guy has to get into their match.

Patrick Thompson

There are patents issued all of the time that don't have any market value. They're good pieces of paper and good concepts, and even some are ideas that never should have seen the light of day. But the hardest thing isn't necessarily the creation of the technology; it's building a business around it.

John Daniels

While I was in Kosovo, a 50-year-old man was collecting firewood. He was in a forest (and) he stepped on a cluster bomblet. He was blown to pieces.

Richard Lloyd

We're investigating all the different pieces and figuring out the logistics. We'll have something early this week.

John Mcnamara

We have some stuff to work on still. Defensive compactness and set pieces will be key for us.

Paul Goodwin

You can't sit on the lid of progress. If you do, you will be blown to pieces.

Henry J. Kaiser

The response, so far, has been phenomenal, and we've booked really big quantities of the pieces.

Jane Shepherdson

I think the guys just ran out of gas. I didn't think we were nervous at the start at all, we gave it all we had tonight. They were just very athletic and had great size. They have all the pieces to go all the way.

Chris Kirkby

Think enthusiastically about everything; but especially about your job. If you do, you'll put a touch of glory in your life. If you love your job with enthusiasm, you'll shake it to pieces. You'll love it into greatness.

Norman Vincent Peale

Property tax is the lightest. We haven't been looking at those three pieces to see if there should be a rebalance.

Fred Silva

The first load, 50 pieces were soaking wet, ... We unframed everything, got them stable, lying flat to aerate and dry, and documented each piece with photography. We were able to save a good percentage.

Heather Becker

It's going to come in pieces because that's how our accounting is coming to us.

Patti Thompson

One Italian person is apparently also among the remains still to be identified. There is a lot of confusion because in some cases pieces of human remains are in one bag or two.

Jorge Belevan

No one saw it except that little guy. We'd ripped them to pieces and that got them back in the game.

Brian Horton

Catwalk pieces that don't sell outside London are often shipped down to the capital where we know they will.

Richard Gray

We found another piece to one of the pieces that had the names on it, so I'm sure that means something to somebody somewhere.

Aaron Edwards

Breakups, sales within pieces of the business, are off the table.

Brad Mcgee

Building a business intelligence strategy without a complete EIM solution is like trying to complete a puzzle without all the pieces.

John Schwarz

The vanity of loving fine clothes and new fashion, and placing value on ourselves by them is one of the most childish pieces of folly.

Matthew Hale

The younger Hollywood types were wanting to get these jewelry pieces but alter the design and then keep them.

Tom Julian

In all of the categories, there are some really strong pieces. Even some of the weaker ones are just fun to watch.

Craig Coleman

This mailing is done, and we want different mail pieces to look different.

Stu Loeser

Your social security number is one of your most critical pieces of information that you will have in your entire lifetime. Simply not having that on as many pages or on any pages that are being circulated can make a difference.

Kelly Rodrigue

I don't think any one of these is the solution. It's going to be a combination of them all. This is just a big puzzle and we need to put all the pieces together.

Jill Buford

We'll figure it out; we'll keep to our own songs. (The ballad) `Fall To Pieces' goes over quite well; it's not completely alien, ... But it's Black Sabbath, man. I mean, if it was just Black Sabbath and us, it would be totally compatible.

Duff Mckagan

People tend to put every piece of art they own on every piece of art space. It looks terrible. Pick your favorite pieces and rotate them.

Lauri Ward

She's brought home so many pictures, from 'Legally Blonde' movies to period pieces, and she's widely loved in the industry.

Toby Miller

Once you get started, you can get enthused about individual pieces, so when you come across something special you can take advantage of it.

Kristan Cunningham

We don't need a superstar. We've got all the pieces we need. Everybody works together to find a win.

Cesar Cuevas

Our main demographic is 12 (years old) to 30 (years old), but I've had women in their 50s come to my signing wearing pieces from the collection.

Nicky Hilton

You can't see everything quite yet. But you can see pieces of it.

Carl W. Block

I loved to go through the fabrics. Anytime I needed something new, I would pick out pieces of materials from the buffet.

Betsy Mcgrail

She's the first lady who has mastered the art of kimono making and she donated about forty pieces to Koji, and he is expressing it into the European draping. It's wrapping.

Joyce Maynard

These big pieces and headdresses, I see them more as abstractions than as subjects.

Hugh Williams

Gavin sometimes thinks too much about mechanics. He's naturally talented and sometimes thinks about where all the pieces are instead of being aggressive.

Rich Dubee

That was Stuart's best game for us. We have been encouraging him to come off the line and pick up pieces. He can shoot with either foot.

Tommy Wright

It teaches you how to deal with experiences like this in our own lives. You pick the pieces up and you go on.

Sharon Gamble

People who haven't seen ceramics ... will be impressed with the size of some of the pieces. Some are huge.

Heather Davis

The board is set, the pieces are moving. We come to it at last... The great battle of our time.

J. R. R. Tolkien

It took a while to get the pieces in place.

David Depalma

Look at the pieces you have in place to make it easy for your guests to risk their reputation by telling family and friends about your amazing casino. The easier you make it for your guests to feel comfortable recommending your casino, the better your casino will do going forward.

Martin R. Baird

It's the little pieces that make up the whole. It's the team.

Gerald King

The most important thing to remember, though, is to have fun. By making the selection process fun and choosing fun pieces that express your child's personality, you will help him or her lay a lifelong foundation for appreciating art and interior design.

Peter Fougerousse

We're trying to make it easy and cost-effective. If you're setting up an e-business or a supply-chain thing, all the pieces have to work.

Bill Leavy

We give students a deadline by which they must have their pieces memorized. We suggest they set an amount of lines to be memorized for each day so that they are not caught short because they must memorize up to seven minutes of dialogue.

Nancy Wade

He upended that mobile home and started busting it up into giblets and pieces and started to dig holes.

Dirk Braak

We've been steady, just like we have been. It's about putting the pieces together.

Alan Green

We haven't put all the pieces together.

Robert Sullivan

Mallards are museum pieces. There are planes in museums younger than these.

Mary Schiavo

We've had quite a bunch of things brought in ... every type, from real small there, to some larger pieces.

Tommy Maddox

Air power is indivisible. If you split it up into compartments, you merely pull it to pieces and destroy its greatest asset, its flexibility.

Bernard Law Montgomery

If these last two pieces fall into place, we can see construction this summer.

Robert Robinson

One man told me to go back to where I came from. He said he wanted to chop me up in little pieces and send me there. It was very personal and hurt very much.

Pao Xiong

GM stockpiled a lot of pieces, but that can only last so long.

David Smith

We're putting together the pieces of the puzzle of how people who have been gone for hundreds of years lived. You make your best guess on what you can find and we're finding a lot.

Jane Anderson

We chose pretty much all the furniture. There are a few pieces of furniture that we inherited, but mostly it's all new.

Heather Faulding

We're only going to do this if all the pieces are in place. We're not going to do it just for the sake of saying we did it. We will not sign on to something that is due to fail.

John Jasonek

The Inland Empire grows up in little pieces, not in massive [numbers of] employees. These are just symptoms - once you add them up they become serious.

John Husing

The Hillsborough game identified (the Lancers) can play hard. But there is a lot of work to do to put together the pieces of the puzzle.

Reggie Bellamy

We will provide proof that the pieces came from Italy. And new elements may have emerged that perhaps were not known when the museum bought some pieces, and that may convince a prestigious institution like the Met to act on this new information.

Giuseppe Proietti

It's going to be very small ? about 10 or 12 pieces line.

Jay Kay

We cannot build a viable state with a country that is disintegrating into small pieces.

Mahmoud Abbas

I was familiar with the campus, the community, the stadium, and we felt that we could put these pieces together and build a program, ... My on-the-field memories could fill a book.

Barry Alvarez

You'll be touching it or combing it, and it'll come out in pieces.

Stacey Hallahan

When we bring something in, we usually only bring three or four pieces in.

Alice Marquardt

I'm glad I don't have to explain to a man from Mars why each day I set fire to dozens of little pieces of paper, and then put them in my mouth.

Mignon McLaughlin

All the credit to them. See where we are now? For people who caught us at the end, it was like night and day. We put a bunch of pieces together and made quite a team.

Mark Lafon

We mail out a couple of million pieces a year to 30 states.

Tim Roewe

Going into the season, we had a lot of unknowns. We've had to be able to try and figure out the pieces to the puzzle as the season has progressed.

Jim Litchfield

He didn't keep any souvenirs of the bomb. He was given little pieces of metal from the fence after the time and took it home and put it on his mantelpiece.

Jack Martin

We were outfought, outhustled, outmaneuvered, outsmarted, outfunded and outlied, ... Now, we will pick up the pieces and find out what we could have done better.

Jim Cavanaugh

It was heartbreaking. We were picking up the pieces of someone's life.

Juan Pineda

Some of these pieces are huge. This is some of the biggest blown pieces that exist.

Terry Rischel

We're trying to find the right pieces to the puzzle.

Dennis Hurla

Tonight we managed to put all the pieces together and it was just a great win. We needed this boost of confidence going into our next three region games.

Charles Mancil

These guys are human beings, not pieces of meat. But so many get concussions and don't tell anybody, because they're afraid somebody will take their job.

Gerald Maher

Art is an important part of the garden and it's great fun. We show 80 pieces by 20 artists and sell three-quarters of them. It's the fusion of the art and the garden that does it. Our goal is to find homes for all this art.

Kevin Doyle

Our set pieces went well and we scored some nice tries…….it was a good all-round effort.

Steve Thompson

You will recognize different pieces of Chris Rock material that you've heard before.

Ali Leroi

Hors D'oeuvre: A ham sandwich cut into forty pieces.

Jack Benny

With a freshman sweeper that's probably going to be in front of her, she's going to be real big (for us). For her to take her communication skills and leadership and just her overall experience look for her to take control there in the back especially on set pieces, getting them organized.

Jim Nestor

It has been a different team than the one we had last year. But the pieces are starting to fall in place.

Greg Hebden

Everybody passed inspection and all of the shocks, in regard to parts and pieces, were completely legal. But the build of the shocks that the teams chose to use is a direction that we're not real fond of.

John Darby

Technology is opening up so many more things for us that just weren't around previously. These pieces of software allow us to manipulate the information and analyze it a lot more.

David Rose

You cannot parcel out freedom in pieces because freedom is all or nothing.

Quintus Septimius Tertullianus

We had a telephone conversation, and we were talking about the various pieces of what we'd done. There was nothing calculated. We had a couple of conversations, and because we could rebuild our friendship, it became a logical conclusion that we should do some concerts.

Lisa Gerrard

In all, a total of 31 Riverside police officers spent more than 1,500 hours on the investigation interviewing 31 civilians, six police officers and amassed 58 pieces of evidence.

Jerry Carroll

We know that the aircraft broke into several pieces and there was a fire at the rear part of the aircraft.

Chris Chiames

Most of the pieces are about my family members and my experiences.

Colin Nesbit

The goal is always to play the perfect game. I've just had bits and pieces so far.

Benjamin Watson

We're starting to find bits and pieces.

Josh Fisher

Not one of our better meets. We had a meltdown and our balance went to pieces. It's now become a problem, and if we can't get our heads on straight, we won't be going to the state meet.

Roger Mchone

I'm just in a state of shock still. I'll just come back and pick up the pieces.

Jesse Miller

Kellie could not live with the fact that she had said horrible things that hurt her sister. She fell to pieces. Four months later, she ended her life with an overdose of pills, alcohol and cocaine.

Wesley Cordova

A bookstore is one of the only pieces of evidence we have that people are still thinking.

Jerry Seinfeld

There was so much debris in the bottom of this cupboard that the floor was actually moving with the roaches that were underneath the old newspaper pieces and bird droppings.

Carol Cichy

It's upside down and in pieces. I have to go check on another buddy's place, and I'm afraid what I'll find there.

Larry Ancelet

Prices of her pieces doubled and tripled.

Ric Ambrose

Staff is excited about this. We believe this will be one of the first pieces for redevelopment in this area.

Roger Clark

Everybody had pieces of information, but nobody had all the information. We have to do a better job of communicating.

Kathy Klein

I remember once when he missed a popup over his head, down the right-field line. After the game, he took his glove into the clubhouse and cut it into little bitty pieces. He said he didn't need that glove anymore.

Mudcat Grant

We used metal sets (as a background). They would use magnets to move the pieces (clouds, trees, clay animals, etc.) for each shot.

Jen Caffrey

I would say 75 percent of my calls are for quick information pieces, where I don't necessarily need to talk to someone and it's faster not to.

Oscar Alban

You walk down Main Street and it looks like downtown Beirut, a complete disaster, ... All that's left is a driveway, just pieces.

John Leblanc

You can buy a kit for $4,000, but then all you get are the pieces and a set of instructions.

Pam Johnson

We expect to have as many as 500 pieces of equipment at our disposal including private contractors.

Al Fields

My baby was bruised from his neck to his forehead. He had two pieces of meat taken out of his face; this man left my baby there to die.

Machelle Nichols

The testing that I do at the combine is just one of the pieces of the puzzle that NFL teams look at.

Conley Duncan

[The turncoats] were pieces of garbage, ... Everybody knew they lied and the jury agreed.

Jeffrey Lichtman

It's one thing after another to get the pieces in place. We will hit challenges, and we will work through them.

David Glass

We have before us all the pieces of the puzzle that it takes to make a worm. Now we need to figure out how it works.

Robert Waterston

The previous bonds have gotten us a step closer to our goals. They are all pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. This is the final piece.

Glenn Gritzner

If you break them off into individual pieces, they are not that impressive, ... But they play well together. That's the thing that bodes well for us, is we're playing well together as a defense.

Warren Sapp

I think there's a one out of five chance this could be a competitive race because the pieces are in place.

Robert Rupp

Our customers at HP-Oracle shops have been saying, 'We want the complete portfolio.' We had bits and pieces, but we didn't have the entire thing.

Rich Marcello

The pieces in the trailer suggest you may get older but you can stay immature forever.

Peter Travers

Ideally, you want to protect all of the important pieces, as much as you can.

Tom Harvey

At midnight we'll start our general plowing operation. We will have 150 pieces on the streets.

George Dreckmann

I tend to throw everything into these pieces and I don't want to do that, I've kind of burned myself out on that.

Peter Banks

How long you are going to live in a place? How much do you have to invest? Will the pieces you have work?

Lauri Ward

This is a landscape bird. It specializes in using very small pieces of a very large landscape.

Jessica Young

I spent long years alongside him so obviously I learned a lot from him but also from different people, different clubs, different countries and different continents. I've got bits and pieces of everyone.

Arsene Wenger

All of these disparate pieces are coming together.

Jacqueline Grebmeier

Our guys had to walk up 19 floors. Pieces (of glass) were sailing like a kite to the ground. I was so happy no one was hurt by flying glass.

Phil Saunders

You gather bits and pieces of information that by themselves seem innocuous, and all of a sudden you can build a picture of what this thing looks like. The more information you have, the higher the likelihood that eventually you'll be successful.

Fred Rica

We could not jam it. We stuck 24 pieces of paper into the mouth and it was still able to handle that, without jamming.

Jeremiah Driansky

Clearly, there's no room for people working impaired in the coal mines. We work in fairly confined areas with large pieces of equipment, and there's no room for error.

Bill Caylor

We ask you to supply your two favorite pieces of biometric data — such as your right index finger and left thumb or right eye and left thumb.

Steven Brill

All of these pieces are reminders to celebrate life. Many are works that reflect oral traditions.

Stephen Vollmer

As Doug invests in Charlotte, he begins to transform himself, and she has to transform herself and survive while preserving pieces of history for us.

Jesse Berger

We've questioned everyone we could, ran down every lead, and we still have no answers. What can we do? There are pieces of these puzzles missing, and we just don't have them yet.

Frank Garcia

I thought we still had opportunities. We got bits and pieces, but we didn't get the whole package.

Stan Glowiak

He started with modest-sized pieces and built on the vocabulary he developed then. He's now broadened it much more to, dare I say, something operatic.

Gregory Amenoff

We've framed at least two pieces from each of the artists. A scholarship fund was established to pay for a great deal of them. We wanted to see all the kids get decent frames put together.

Linda Postenrieder

He has a lot of potential and athletic ability. But he needs the day-in-day-out consistency. We're not expecting him to hit off the charts, but it needs to be there every day. All the pieces are there. He has all the ability, it's just that he needs to put all the pieces together on a daily basis.

Duane Espy

There might be pieces of bone stuck to my organs.

Petra Nemcova

What we are really looking to do here is not just tinker around the edges, but to deliver a comprehensive solution that addresses employers' needs, ... There are a lot of players out there that do bits and pieces of what Jobster does, but Jobster is the only one that has put it all together into one package.

Jason Goldberg

There were bits and pieces, but nothing substantial.

Steve Waugh

Some people come in to buy pieces for themselves, but a lot of our items are bought as gifts.

Ye Ling

There are two types of oats on the market. Traditional, which is ground either course, fine or medium or the modern method, which is cut. This is where a machine cuts the grains into small pieces.

Anthony Stone

I found parts all the way from cranial elements to the tail. I found individual vertebrae and fused pieces of two or three vertebrae. I knew it was very old by the color – an almost chocolate brown – and it was almost perfectly preserved.

Van Turner

Denny is good at picking up the pieces. He is a very soothing influence. At the end of the day, I think people will be looking to Denny for leadership.

John Feehery

Sometimes being a friend means mastering the art of timing. There is a time for silence. A time to let go... And a time to prepare to pick up the pieces when it's all over.

Gloria Naylor

I only know two pieces; one is 'Clair de Lune' and the other one isn't.

Victor Borge

These really old pieces are incorporated to give a quality and decorative appeal you just can't duplicate.

Todd Zillweger

All the pieces of the puzzle are together now.

Rudy Gay

There are lots of pieces that are unknown.

Sheila Schuster

One of the things Jerry does best is lighting, and we had several art pieces we wanted to have highlighted. Everything we have in here is something we love.

Leslie Gross

We have three guys who could be All-American, which is virtually unheard of. We definitely have the pieces to be stronger and more dominant up front.

Matt Lacey

The painting put all of the pieces together and proved it was real.

William Paul

From my perspective, it really wasn't the big pieces that mattered, it was the little details, like he watched them go into the water.

Greg Haddock

We are not backing off. We are putting money in here. We are putting in seven brand new pieces of converting equipment. There will be more.

Kathleen Walters

We have to take care of this in pieces.

Susan Kane

We're grateful obviously that there was no damage and that the pieces fell harmlessly to the ground. We certainly want to get to the bottom of this.

Sally Davenport