Katie assumed the additional responsibility for our Human Resources organization in 2004. She has done a good job leading two areas of the company that are critical to success in today's business environment.

Dennis Rediker

This is a great day, ... This is a great day for this organization and for Enid.

Steve Anderson

That was a fun year, but all my years (in Indianapolis) were great. It's a great organization and I still love the town.

Chris Gardocki

He's an awesome player in a great organization that needs pitching.

Jeff Jefferson

It was important for us as an organization to get him out. That?s why we proceeded the way we did.

Paul Holmgren

There are many professional organizations for police and fire. This is a professional organization that hosts a conference for emergency managers to discuss preparedness at all levels.

Andrew Velazquez

I don't think anyone questions his future. This is just a process we feel, as an organization, he needs to go through before he's ready to contribute at the level he's capable of.

Todd Claus

I guess that is the future, huh. That means that we will be out of here pretty soon. . . . Hopefully, those guys will pan out and have the careers that Sam (Madison) and Zach (Thomas) have had. It would be great for them and the organization.

Jason Taylor

He's bigger than a doctor. Joe is the team doctor, but he is also the biggest cheerleader and also the emergency coach. He would probably fly the team plane if he could or drive the bus if he had to. That's how he feels about the organization.

Doug Williams

I have built my organization upon fear.

Al Capone

I think it's fair to say that we have a concern that when you look in that room that it's not a multicultural board or administration; CASB is not itself a multicultural organization. Multiculturalism is probably one of the really central issues of the school district, and we're concerned that that issue is not going to be represented to the extent it should be.

George Stranahan

I am really happy to be staying here with the Kings and excited about the direction we are headed. This organization is committed to winning and I am thrilled that they want me to continue to be apart of it.

Mattias Norstrom

We were drawn to the Colts organization because their leadership has the same high standards we embrace. As a worldwide company, we see Lucas Oil Stadium as an exciting investment that also makes good business sense.

Forrest Lucas

I am tired of losing. I hate losing, and I am not going to take it anymore. I know the organization feels the same way, the city feels the same way.

Joey Harrington

I learned that, before you reach an objective, you must be ready with a new one, and you must start to communicate it to the organization. But it is not the goal itself that is important.

Jan Carlzon

We don't have the family organization the way we used to. My father lives with us because we have the room. The greatest of all opportunities for our children is a complete family unit.

Dixie Carter

They are overestimating the anti-gay sentiment in their own organization and the country.

David Smith

They've all been really great here. Atlanta, I can't even tell you what a great organization they are.

Jeff Pyle

We have found through the history in the county that people really like agriculture being here and they just have a thirst for knowledge about it. That is why we set up this organization, to respond to their interest in learning about agriculture.

Jess Brown

Something this large cannot be handled by one organization.

Robert Hill

I'm very grateful to Dave and appreciative of his 29 years of service to the Los Angeles Kings. He has been loyal to the Kings sweater from day one and continues to be. We have offered him an opportunity to remain with the organization in a capacity to be determined. That decision is his and will be dependent on his discussions in the future with our new leadership.

Tim Leiweke

He made a huge company into a more flexible, more responsive organization.

Steve O'neil

Obviously, salaries was the big difference with the NHL But other than that, you got treated really well. It was a pro organization. It's a pro sport, and it's top hockey, excellent hockey.

Greg Johnston

The expectations of this organization (are) that as a professional you'd have the courtesy to at least notify us why he left. If he was a young player maybe without any experience, you may have a little bit different tack, but this guy's been around. We're extremely disappointed.

Larry Beinfest

First comes thought; then organization of that thought, into ideas and plans; then transformation of those plans into reality. The beginning, as you will observe, is in your imagination.

Napoleon Hill

This is how she came into contact with the organization which allowed her to become a fighter.

Glenn Audenaert

With this organization, we have an opportunity to set standards.

Dave Opton

They're thinking, 'If I or my organization were to adopt this new technology, how would it change our competitiveness?'

Geoffrey Moore

Ethical conduct is something that becomes inherent in an organization over a long period of time.

Lee R. Raymond

Volunteering for the club is an easy and enjoyable way for me to give back to the organization and to help the current roster of athletes pursue their dreams.

Alison Hoversten

I very easily could've went to a contender, ... but I felt very good about coming back to this organization.

Matt Stairs

We've certainly asked the question and been in contact with the organization just to see what that route plan is. Hopefully it is just shy of the ocean and out to the bridge where they're doing the show.

Ron Cross

If you're going to sue the organization that you want to be a part of, sometimes that comes with consequences.

Kevin Hennessy

To go through it once is extremely tough. And to have to go through it a second time is a major blow to our organization, our fans and anybody with the Giants.

Shaun O'hara

It's not good to hear that an organization that you grew up with, you care a lot about, you believe is fair and that you believe gives everybody full opportunity had conditions, not intended, but conditions which kept that from happening.

Mike Cook

We hope that in the end we will discover that there are creative and effective ways to make the residency program financially viable for our organization.

Mike Cohill

The Immigrant Rights Defense Committee is an organization that has begun to grow at an amazing rate. This is an example of how we are seeking to unite efforts for [immigrant] rights.

Gustavo Ramirez

The organization is pleased at the mature approach Edson has displayed with this matter. His positive attitude is why the process has been completed so quickly. We are looking forward to his return.

Mark Mccullers

I?m a face in the community for our organization, and I?m having an absolute ball. It gives me an opportunity to relay all the things I learned with the organization and be able to help pass them down.

Jojo White

They founded the League around a kitchen table and held a provisional meeting to become a member of the League in January of 1954. But in order to become a formal chapter of the national organization, you had to do a study of your local community, you had to begin the process according to the league format.

Linda Jorgenson

That's clearly not an independent organization.

Paul Blank

We're up for the competition. It just makes us a better organization and forces us to raise the bar. It puts us in a position where we do need to be nimble and very customer focused.

Karen Broach

The Midwest is not the aggressively growing part of the country. For us to grow our organization, we need to go further and further from home.

Dennis King

Certainly, Bobby is most deserving of this honor. Bobby is a true role model, and we as an organization are very appreciative of his efforts this season and in the past.

John Cunningham

We are creating a more flexible organization. In the past, we were literally negotiating with each other. And there was some friction in our own organization, which can be frustrating to customers that are trying to do business with us.

Tom Perdue

Japanese companies are way ahead of American companies in recognizing this fact. You need to have somebody within an organization who can coordinate IP efforts across divisions.

Clive Jones

I'm all for a new senior center. But I'm a little confused as to how we can allocate funds to a private organization in this case, and not for another.

Joe Jenkins

I have not discussed that with anybody in the organization, to this point, so where that came from I don't know.

The Sixth Sense

The benefits to our organization and to the community at large are infinite.

Lisa Fitzgibbon

As an organization we have decided to move in a different direction and we wish Greg all the best in his future endeavors.

John Wagner

She definitely had a different philosophy than our organization does about these animals.

Tammy Quist

I'm happy to find a home, especially with the Reds, a great organization with a lot of history. It's an exciting time for me now.

Cody Ross

Obviously when things go horribly wrong at the beginning of your career, it's nice to know first of all that you're able to fix it and second of all than an organization gave you the opportunity to fix it.

Neil Rackers

It is through the Boys' Club that the street is hardest hit. In the fight for the lad, it is the Club which knocks out the 'gang,' using the weapon of organization.

Jacob Riis

It's not the proper way to run an organization. Would you run a business through fear?

Tony Gerlicz

I have enjoyed my time in St. Louis and wish the organization the best of luck in the future.

Keith Allain

Ultimately, all development is local, but to be most effective, each local organization must cooperate with its regional partners.

Phil Hardwick

Three years after starting the organization, we're going to cease all operations and bring the campaign to a close.

Matt O'connor

It took a strong statewide organization to get it done, and I'm blessed to have one.

Peter Mills

I can no longer associate myself with an organization that is capable of making such an important decision so flagrantly on the basis of political influence, rather than the scientific and clinical evidence.

Frank Davidoff

In our fight to recover democracy in Peru, we will not put all our eggs in the basket of the Organization of American States.

Alejandro Toledo

We want to thank the officials organization. We get a really good group of core officials to help with the meet. It would be impossible to host the meet without the support that we have from the community.

Scott Walkinshaw

Our organization is the construction manager for Woodstock schools. We think it's a great idea for the kids to get some new schools. They're overcrowded.

Brian Fuller

His support will be invaluable. He has a fabulous grass roots organization that is going to help tell our story.

Jane Campbell

These are people who are going to have a big impact on the success of the organization. Timing is not as important as getting the absolute right people in.

Stuart Sternberg

I wanted someone in this vitally important job who I have selected to lead the team and baseball organization.

Bob Castellini

They can either use that money if they are working on a continuing project or they can give it away to some sort of community organization that they all agree on.

Nancy Bragg

That can hurt Republicans in very, very close races. If there is no enthusiasm, or if the backbone of the street organization feels disenfranchised or disillusioned, there is no reason for them to go out and do anything.

Tony Fabrizio

There were very tough decisions, and it was heartbreaking at times. Sometimes a great organization would apply for something that wasn't eligible. Or an application would be so full of jargon, the committee couldn't understand what they were asking for.

Robb Hankins

When we approach other clients, we can show them we can handle an event of this magnitude. What could be better then being able to highlight working with an organization like the White Sox?

Marco Perez

When I returned to the Orioles as a coach, I turned to Elrod for help and guidance. No one knew more about the organization.

Patrick Dempsey

I know this was a difficult decision for Dave, ... From day one, Dave has been an invaluable and integral member of the Rox organization. He improved our business on a daily basis with his boundless energy and sense of humor. We wish Dave tremendous success in all his future endeavors.

Jim Lucas

It?s good all around. It?s great working with an organization like Goodwill. On a day like today, there?s free ice cream and you can?t beat that.

Jerry Greenfield

The organization is great, I liked the sailing centre but the race conditions were very difficult. I am very happy that I could cope with the wind and win.

Ben Ainslie

The main issue for our organization is what ... is the level of care that can be provided to these horses if this legislation is passed, and it has not been thought through on the front end.

Sally Baker

The only things that evolve by themselves in an organization are disorder, friction and malperformance.

Peter F. Drucker

It was unfortunate, and until I speak with the organization and see what they have in mind, maybe I can comment on it later.

John Tamargo

Last year, we were a start-up organization. Every year, we have to better ? from the very top to the very bottom ? we have to be better than the year before.

John Shishkowsky

They're happy using expensive disk if they don't have to pay for it. The benefits of ILM reside in the IT organization, and those benefits don't necessarily translate to business users.

Jim Damoulakis

One of the biggest mistakes an organization can make is to center the ILM discussion on infrastructure, not business or policy.

Jim Damoulakis

Definitely, to be mentioned in the same bracket as those names is a pretty big deal. It's a bit different here in Columbus, we don't have as much media. So to have that media attention is a great thing for me personally but also a great thing for the team and the organization as well.

Rick Nash

Investors are keen on China enterprises because talks on China's entry to the World Trade Organization are imminent.

Antony Mak

We felt, in our organization, that it was better than to go and knock down trees.

Brandon Murphy

They wanted to do something that would benefit an organization in the community. To help us learn what 4-H is all about.

Deborah Stroud

Quality is the result of a carefully constructed cultural environment. It has to be the fabric of the organization, not part of the fabric.

Philip Crosby

Routine is not organization, any more than paralysis is order.

Sir Arthur Helps

That's something that we believe in our organization. We want every player who ends up with us to be part of us, no matter who it is.

Lou Lamoriello

What's important to new accountants has changed slightly. The No. 1 thing that contributed to, or was important to them, was the ability to advance in an organization. This is the first time that work/life balance was equal to being able to move up.

Leslie Murphy

An organization like this is vital in any academic setting. It only makes sense that the responsibility of hosting an event like this was put in our hands. We were able to do it justice.

Tristan Taylor

All of the money that gets set aside for student allocations must be assigned to some organization. There is not one dollar that gets left unassigned.

Jennifer Murray

I don't think either team should have lost. The Hawks are a great team and the Marines are a great team and I congratulate everyone in the organization.

Bobby Valentine

Artistically, most of her projects include another artistic organization.

Renee Conrad

It's a typically ambitious purchase for a high-profile Dubai organization to make.

Simon Williams

They both have the makeup that you're looking for to be the cornerstones of the organization.

Jim Duquette

It's something he could not rule out in the future, but it's very early days for the organization.

Jennifer Stephens

The facts of this case are still astonishing. Barely a year after Sept. 11 the defendant joined the organization responsible for 3,000 deaths.

David Laufman

[X chromosomes - No Cowboy Artist has two of them, which has led to occasional charges of discrimination.] There are no rules or anything that it's an all-male organization, ... There hasn't been anyone that's been presented to the group that meets all of the qualifications.

Bill Owen

The women in that organization became her best friends. She found that there was a great amount of caring among them. They did a lot of great work for the community.

Kathy Hendricks

By co-locating functions that work closely together we believe ... we will be a more effective organization.

Checky Herrington

They look like they're running a system which has neither law nor order, neither organization nor authority.

Amos Gilad

When an organization is grading itself it often finds a way to spin the statistics most favorably to them.

Andrew Coulson

We don't tell the White House who they should consider, but our organization is close to the White House. Historically, we have been a source of strategic advice to the White House in defending it's nominees.

Sean Rushton

This organization is run differently. There's a lot of stability. I had four or five coaches and coordinators [in Washington], and they tried to make it better. But here, everyone's been here forever. I like it more.

Boss Bailey

The problem with the public-security organization is it's just so incredibly unreliable. There is no way this could happen without someone on the inside giving some assistance.

Jack Cloonan

It became a house museum in the hands of a nonprofit organization without an adequate endowment. And this is unfortunately too common a practice. These houses really need endowments, because visitation alone will never support them.

Richard Moe

They're not your everyday community neighborhood organization.

Bruce Ransom

This was a military organization run on military lines -- the very, very thing that at the time the American military was telling us did not exist. And it was access to this group that told me that this war was going to be a long and very ugly one.

Michael Ware

The risk we saw of an organization being unjustifiably listed is negligible.

John Mogg

Hazing isn't going to be tolerated at the university, and I know that's the mood of the organization at the national level.

Lanedra Carroll

A deal has been reached. Mike is very, very excited. He has a lot of respect for Senator [Herb} Kohl and the Bucks' organization. He's really ready to get it going.

Kevin Poston

Remember, Pfeiffer came from the sales organization in Compaq before he became the CEO and it was hard for him to make a mind shift to a different kind of distribution model.

Lou Mazzucchelli

There aren't any millionaires that I know of in this park, at least not in our organization. We're all pretty ordinary.

Buck Rogers

What kind of thought processes are consumers going through? As an organization, we are able to leverage that information to strategically create marketing programs to address that issue.

Nick Mysore

You try to work through the political stuff to get to the government stuff and get things done. It?s like any other organization where human beings are involved. You come to some consensus.

Donald Mancini

You're appealing to the organization that found against you to begin with.

George Innes

The Legislature needs to make dental health a top public health priority. Our organization is doing all it can to help accomplish that goal, which is why passing AB 1334 is so critical.

Lin Sarfaraz

Dion was a big part of the organization and we thank him for all he did for us. We wish him the best of luck in Fort Worth.

Terry Ruskowski

I will not get involved in anything I perceive to be a conflict of interest to this organization.

John Roark

I've been in a bad accident on I-95, as well as my friend. Having this kind of organization is important so that change can occur. I'll be around whenever they need me.

Jeremy Miller

To achieve that, we knew we needed to bring into our organization someone who would bring that kind of passion for service to Henry Ford Health System - someone who would help us to become known as 'The Ritz-Carlton' of health care.

Nancy Schlichting

It's within (employees') legal rights to do that, but this group is a wolf in sheep's clothing. This is a labor organization attempting to masquerade as something else.

Christi Gallagher

I am acutely aware that this organization needs to demonstrate to all the communities and business in this entire region that this is a Major League Baseball franchise and will be treated as such.

Stuart Sternberg

It's not in the best interest of any of the parties from the Saints' organization or the governor's office to annually have to go through a process of whether an agreement will be honored.

Arnold Fielkow

I am very proud and honored to be given the opportunity to lead the Chicago Fire organization in the future.

John Guppy

It's very hard to run an organization if you have too many satellite offices.

Frederic Coudert

A project manager isn't just interfacing with members of the project. He's also interfacing with the rest of the organization.

Hal Varian

I am very honored to be included in this organization and to be inducted with all these great athletes who have devoted their lives and given so much to the city. I was very surprised and very honored to be nominated and elected on the first try. When you worry about giving, you are surprised when you get something. I'm very flattered.

Joe Gomez

Our sales organization frankly speaks of effectively having lost October and November in those parts of the country in total.

David Mott

It means a great deal because there's a number of guys in the organization that have had outstanding years. For management to recognize some of the things I did is a great honor.

Andy Green

The evidence is fairly convincing that smaller schools are more effective. At the district level there are some modest benefits of having a larger organization, but those are more than offset by the deficits of larger schools.

Paul Peterson

The great thing is that when anyone from MACO, USDA, or an organization helping with disaster relief entered a business asking for donations or assistance, no one asked questions or interviewed us.

Pam Davis

I am thrilled to be joining St. Thomas More and working with them to develop the next chapter in their organization to better serve the community.

Nate Olson

At every family dinner, I talked and talked about Primrose. I was amazed at the dedication of the organization to providing the very best educational child care.

Carmen Caldwell

There is some very impressive individuals, but it's a huge change in tradition. You've got the mindset of the organization - here comes the outsider into our organization.

Jeff Nielsen

We've all got a lot of years in this organization and we all want the best for it. I just don't understand why he's doing this.

Terry Clark

For us as a newsgathering organization, it really gave us the best information we have ever had forecasting. They told us what to expect, what we'd see, and we prepared for that.

David Verdi

I think people see us as more than a business. I feel people just have a good feeling of AAA as an organization.

Brad Roeber

The signing of these two key members of our football team is further evidence of the commitment this organization has to building continuity.

Jim Barker

I just don't see gender as an issue in our organization. I didn't see it when I was with Time Warner, either.

Karen Broach

They fear that, if employees are empowered to make decisions, their roles in the organization will be diminished or eliminated.

John Tschohl

I?m very excited for this opportunity. My agent has been looking for a place for me to play and everything has worked out. I?m very excited to play for a great organization.

Martin Gramatica

She's done a great job, she's been terrific. She's got the whole organization because if it was left up to me, I'd probably be still at home trying to figure it out.

Wendell Davis

The organization has state offices and is also governed by a board of governors made up of teachers and university representatives from around the state.

Ben Yates

The government must be convinced to support the organization and the functioning of an international tribunal to prosecute the Khmer Rouge.

Sam Rainsy

That organization has always played in-your-face. That's the way they play. They come early and try to get some hits. Whether they're legitimate or not, that's their style. We have to be ready for that.

Brad Stuart

She envisioned the whole organization, it's her baby.

Aida Pasternak

It's important that we are dealing with neighbors. So, this organization has been talking to our neighbors and community leaders, like Mary Pat Clarke, to improve this situation.

Robert Doherty

A lot of people ask me if they gave me free tickets to the game. That is not what makes a good organization. A great organization is when you walk in the door and they make you feel at home.

Jerry Olsavsky

We buy planners for their organization because they need them so badly.

Cathy Reed

The report was a very mean act, unworthy of a reputable media organization like the BBC.

Kyaw Hsan

In terms of administration, program and culture, it's just beginning. We're still choosing a name for the merged organization. It could be Acme Arts for all I care, the value is in what we do and, to a certain extent, where we do it.

Charlie Humphrey

As a community they have rallied together. It has not been one church, one organization, but it's been every church represented.

Mike Paxton

There was nothing wrong with this team, we just broke down, ... We had some guys that left early, but the organization fixed it. But we started breaking down.

Lenny Harris

Having a top member of an organization that continues to spew out hate on a regular basis made it impossible for us to continue to serve.

Lonnie Nasatir

The drug trafficking careers of 16 individuals ended today. This organization has completely been dismantled.

Stephen Collins

I had a different business model. I felt that even though I was one of the top producers, I was not appreciated within the organization.

Jim Whitehouse

We know that Iran transferred in the last month $1.8 million to the Islamic Jihad organization in order to carry out terrorist attacks against Israel.

Shaul Mofaz

We have no interest in (leaving). That's one area I can tell you right now that's important all the way up the organization.

Jim Ferraro

It requires getting out of the office and being involved with any organization that has something to do with your field.

Peter Mccarthy

Everything the organization told the fans about is coming true.

Geoff Jenkins

'Pharmacia' captures the focus of the new organization as an exceptionally fast-growing core pharmaceuticals business in the top tier of the industry.

Fred Hassan

I am looking forward to leading this organization, to working with our new board and the staff and ensuring Screen Actors Guild is the great and powerful organization it has been and always will be.

Alan Rosenberg

Latin America is a critical region for our operations, and the new organization in Mexico will allow us to capitalize on existing synergies, increase efficiency and improve our reach and service to our customers.

Thomas Hausch

I know if I was a woman I wouldn't want to be a member of an organization that's mostly men.

Bill Owen

He's looking for an opportunity to speak on campus to allow this organization to grow. Instead of saving one child, you're kind of saving millions this one doctor is helping them all.

Grier Stanley

I'm really proud of the organization, and I'm very confident that's it's been left in good hands. FCEDC should really be able to serve the businesses and the people of this county.

John Ramer

That we have the organization to do it. That's what this tour is about: proving there is no front-runner in this race.

Alberto Martinez

Sam has done a good job for this organization for a long time. He is a solid baseball man. He has a great personality and is a very committed baseball professional.

Peter Angelos

There are optimistic signs in northeast Arkansas. Typically, conservatives [in northeast Arkansas ] carry the Democratic candidates. We need to push a grass-roots organization. We have to do a better job of getting our candidates out.

Clint Reed

I think the issues are there. And I think that right now we're looking at organization, funding and time schedules to see whether or not it's feasible.

Jack Billion

No further action is being considered by the organization at this time.

John Feudo

The emphasis here is on 'unsolicited,' things that come in that you didn't -- you have never made contact with this particular charitable organization.

Chris Swecker

If they had anything in that arena, it would be an honor to work for this organization.

Steve Sparks

[Lewis said the organization will be a benefit to agribusiness.] We know there are a lot of regulations, and those regulations can be pretty complicated, ... To have Asmark to be able to ... provide the information to help retailers get through the maze of regulations is something.

Aaron Lewis

This has been the name of our organization for 70 years. We believe it has taken on a meaning independent of the word itself -- and it's positive.

Karl Swanson

I liked the direction this whole organization is going, and being close to home made it exciting for me. There's a lot of opportunities for young guys here. They didn't guarantee me anything. I'll just work as hard as I can and hopefully the pieces will fall into place.

Dan Cavanaugh

Our organization has displaced more than a billion gallons of gasoline since 1994.

Beverly Miller

It's a big milestone for the organization and I'm hoping it's the real launch into the new building. I hope we'll be moving as soon as possible.

David Ellenstein

I think essentially if you are directing a land use and planning organization it is your job to facilitate the growth.

Rick Gibbons

No resource is more powerful in an organization than a high performance team. What great individuals cannot accomplish on their own can be achieved by a high performance team.

Phil Bryson

I never saw a more effective lobbying organization.

Robert Mccarthy

Helping the client through the implementation and getting it to a comfort level where the organization can evolve -- that is the greatest contribution a channel partner can bring to the table.

Atul Wahi

He and Carl Crawford represent two premier building blocks of the organization.

Matt Silverman

It seemed like the CB and Q copied the B and O as far as organization and how (it) branched out. The people who followed the B and O were quite familiar with the similarities between the B and O and the CB and Q.

Mike Godsil

No one else knew him like the Jets did. And it's important that you hire people you know sometimes because it gives everyone in the organization a level of comfort. You know this person has the level of belief in the things you want carried out.

Phil Simms

This organization embraced the American corporate ideal and would sell any drug that would turn a profit.

Tom Pickard

If it was done in consultation with the WHO [World Health Organization] -- and with other governments that would make contributions, as well -- we would be more likely to consider it.

Bruce Gellin

You know, I had spoke to Pugh earlier about joining the organization. Pugh told me he wasn't going to have anything to do with that mess.

Charles Phillips

I thank this organization for giving me the opportunity to win 13 games. I can't say anything bad about the Devil Rays, but it's great to be here with a winning organization. I'm learning a lot from the veterans.

Jorge Sosa

The American Red Cross is a nonprofit organization, and we greatly appreciate all of the financial assistance we can get from the community. But it must continue so that we can maintain the level of assistance that we are able to provide.

Travis Strack

Customers who complain are not nitpickers or looking for discounts, they're committed to your organization. Someone who isn't committed to your company wouldn't bother complaining.

Craig Cochran

Witt shaped [FEMA] into an organization that was not only to respond to disaster but attempt to mitigate disaster by taking actions before they occurred.

Michael Greenberger

It's nice to come back home. Obviously I grew up following the team and I am glad to be a part of the organization again. I just want to come in and work hard and help out any way I can.

Chris Leitch

They're going to be on the road a fair amount. It's a very staff-intensive organization. A bulk of the funds goes to the staff.

Adrienne Worthy

Anytime you have a change in leadership, there is an opportunity to think about where you go next. We have the challenge of taking a great organization and facility and making it better.

Jim Starkey

We were a little worried at first because everyone wanted to give money instead of a gift but things worked out just fine. This is something that we as an organization love to do, the community really stepped forward and came through.

Freddie Lee

The FOP is a fine fraternal organization, but when it comes to negotiate a contract, we are the Teamsters union, and that is what we are experienced at. They can go there to drink beer and have parties. That's fine.

Jimmy Neal

My reaction? How stupid could somebody be? A lot of people looked up to this guy. . . . I never heard of anything in the organization.

Andre Rabouin

If it wasn't for the ladies, we wouldn't be here, ... That's like any organization.

Tom Wolfe

We will focus our organization around our two most promising opportunities ? flash memory devices and PC processors.

Jerry Sanders