By no means are we out of it but we've got to turn these games around. This is the playoff mentality; right now, if the season finished now we'd be out of the playoffs. So obviously we're going into every game with that mentality of winning three points.

Look, I have no interest in this, ... I don't know Donovan. What he does doesn't affect me, but as an athlete, I have to say if you need surgery and you don't have this done, you're cheating yourself. Fly over there and be done with it.

It's nice to come back home. Obviously I grew up following the team and I am glad to be a part of the organization again. I just want to come in and work hard and help out any way I can.

But right after we got out of surgery, we walked around Munich. The next day, I was pedaling a stationary bike. By the third day I was jogging and around Day 5, I ran 5 miles.

I was a little sketchy, ... I was the first American to go over and do this and if it's my body having surgery, I'm going to worry. I couldn't understand why in the U.S. it took months to recover and she was telling me I'd be back in days. I thought, 'There's no way. It's not possible.' Even my orthopedic surgeon was like, 'Seven to 10 days? I don't know about that.' .