Konstantin Stanislavsky
FameRank: 4

"Konstantin Sergeyevich Stanislavsky" was a Russian actor and theatre director. The Stanislavski's system/Stanislavsky system has had a pervasive influence, especially in the period after World War II.

Stanislavsky treated theatre-making as a serious endeavour requiring dedication, discipline and integrity. Throughout his life, he subjected his own acting to a process of rigorous artistic self-analysis and reflection. His development of a theorized praxis (process)/praxis—in which practice is used as a mode of inquiry and theory as a catalyst for creative development—identifies him as one of the great modern theatre practitioners.

More Konstantin Stanislavsky on Wikipedia.

What is important to me is not the truth outside myself, but the truth within myself.

Success is transient, evanescent. The real passion lies in the poignant acquisition of knowledge about all the shading and subtleties of the creative secrets.

Talent is nothing but a prolonged period of attention and shortened period of mental assimilation.

In the creative process there is the father, the author of the play; the mother, the actor pregnant with the part; and the child, the role to be born.

The greatest wisdom is to realize one's lack of it.

At times of great stress it is especially necessary to achieve a complete freeing of the muscles.

The language of the body is the key that can unlock the soul.

Do not try to push your way through to the front ranks of your profession; do not run after distinctions and rewards; but do your utmost to find an entry into the world of beauty.

Remember: there are no small parts, only small actors.