I'm most happy that my property value will go up.

I think the main thing that's going on is people want the experience of living in a multifamily downtown, but they want to bring with them certain aspects of their lives, ... They had dogs in the suburbs, and they want to have dogs in the city.

I've never heard of anything around here. ... I do the blood drive every time it comes around but that's all I know about. I'd definitely would fit helping into my schedule if I knew where to go.

Seems like everyone wanted to use my name to sell this, my face to sell that, ... I made the mistake of listening.

We've never separated two vehicles going Mach 5. That's just never happened. It's a very risky thing.

It is really exciting, we're very pleased. I'm happy to say the process has been respectful and constructive.

I didn't move away from Jack because of money. I moved away from Jacques-Imo's because I wanted to get away from frying, ... I'm going to die. But I'm not going to die over that fryer.

It's hard to say what the future is going to lead to. The [scramjet engines] have been in the wind tunnel for 20 years, but a lot of people will be interested to see if it works in free flight.