Michael Jaffe
FameRank: 3

"Michael Jaffe" is an American TV and film producer. He has more than 120 producing credits but ventured into writing and directing only for the A&E (TV channel)/A&E television series A Nero Wolfe Mystery (2001–02), which he called "the love of my life." He started out in the business with his father, producer and former American Federation of Television and Radio Artists/AFTRA lawyer Henry Jaffe (1907–1992). His mother was actress Jean Muir (actress)/Jean Muir.

He is a founding partner of Jaffe/Braunstein Films, which became Jaffe/Braunstein Entertainment in 2007, when ITV plc/ITV bought a controlling share of 51% in the company.

Jaffe holds a BA from Yankton College and an MA in Theater from Cornell University.

[http://eclips.cornell.edu/themes.do?isCUWA=null&type=null&id=845&clipID=13898&tab=TabSpeakersPage Michael Jaffe speaker biography], eClips, Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics & Management, Cornell University. Retrieved 2013-06-21.

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The company has been successful, in our view, in implementing its recently announced turnaround program.

You never love to hear a company say that they're going to knock earnings down.

We think revenues will increase by 6 percent in fiscal year 2006.

They probably made a mistake on this one. This looked a little bit like there would have been some conflict of interest.

For now we're forecasting 30-year mortgage rates of 5.8 percent in 2004, 6.4 percent in 2005 and 6.8 percent in 2006. These are not huge upward moves. We're forecasting a home buyer's market through 2006, ... However, all that can change if mortgage rates get clobbered tomorrow.