The land issue is solved for the time being. We have more camping and parking on the ridge than we've ever had.

Campbell Mercer

We do know that the team will land in an area that has been completely flattened.

John Sanders

The project of dividing the land is going to be Israel's central national enterprise in the coming decade. It will determine whether we have a future here. It will determine whether we will live or die.

Ari Shavit

We think the lake is very special. We are not interested in selling a land pad. We are interested in getting it right.

Randy Levin

Improving a two and three land road to a better three lane road doesn't get you that big capacity improvement. The conclusion is we need a five lane facility and that's what we're going to build.

Craig Quintana

With dramatic construction cost increases and a drying land supply, Apex may finally see some substantial development activity. Time is now on its side.

John Restrepo

Late arrivals are always settling in the most dangerous land.

Janos Bogardi

Just the fact that you're on land, and you know there's somebody out there and you can't do anything.

Michelle Reinig

I think it's the big dollar being offered combined with big families not agreeing about their love of the land.

Cary Lightsey

Our heroes are those... who... act above and beyond the call of duty and in so doing give definition to patriotism and elevate all of us.... America is the land of the free because we are the home of the brave.

David Mahoney

The main economic factor that drives densification is when the cost of the land is higher than the cost of the building on it. Then, the building should be demolished to give way to a new one.

Liz Sibindi

Later, we found out he was the man that died. They were giving him CPR on the landing.

Bruce Hardy

As far as the facility, they have more grass at Bowie because we're land-locked over here. There's more room in the two portables over there.

Bobby Alvarez

The basic result that is expected to come out of the place based process is land use planning.

Gene Brockman

Our (latest) Certificate of Need application is still in development. We're still researching the land.

Phoebe Ochman

When we see interesting and exciting content, we will promote that on our landing page.

John Hanke

The land was given as a trust by the Wilder family. It has to revert back to a park.

Bob Vaughan

Because they could not determine when they were going to be clear to land, it made no sense to continue circling the airport with storms in the area. It wasn't an issue of the fuel being out or low.

Anthony Black

They're a fixture on that land.

Barbara Plumer

Land use regulation does more to explain changes in prices across the country than any other phenomenon.

Richard Greenberg

We can do rescue, fight fires, get out there and do any job we do on land and do it on the water.

Rob Popkin

I would not change my native land, for rich Peru with all her gold.

Isaac Watts

Plattsburgh -- the land battle -- is a place that really grabbed me.

Howard Coffin

With the windows down, we saw improvement on both vehicles but only of 1.6% with the Land Rover, and 4.1% with the Mustang.

Mike Hudson

We want to try to buy the land next year. I want to see if that's a good estimate on our part.

Rex Garrett

This Land Is Your Land.

Robert Greenwald

We are bringing the campaign back to the land... there is no place for whaling in the 21st century.

Shane Rattenbury

Conservation is a state of harmony between men and land.

Aldo Leopold

It came toward us going around in circles and then suddenly just dropped. It didn't look like he was landing.

Jerry Rhodes

My land is bare of chattering folk; the clouds are low along the ridges, and sweet's the air with curly smoke from all my burning bridges.

Dorothy Parker

There were long delays after I got on 18 near Landing Lane and then it just crawled along. It's only for a little bit, but when you add the light on Commercial Avenue, it's a lot.

Brian O'grady

Mill land stocks have gained fresh momentum. It is advisable to go long in them on any decline.

Simi Bhaumik

We can't use public land to just put up anything.

David Finn

It looks like women could buy land back then even if they couldn't vote.

Jane Goblirsch

We're basically a land of immigrants. We are Hispanic, and we wanted to support the Hispanic community.

Benjamin Bequer

We would want to look at the land carefully.

Katherine Anderton

We have a great need for that and great land, ... If we ask the right people to help, I think well get some help.

Tom Atkins

I tried to run the land, spot up and Daniel kept on finding me. We have a lot of good shooters and Daniel has been great at getting us the ball.

Dion Harris

We're seeing properties that go for $20 million or more that don't even have an acre of land.

Joyce Rey

We may never land because of the central core issue that tribes are sovereigns.

Anthony Miranda

But it's not going to threaten any land anywhere over the weekend.

Stacy Stewart

I was so impressed. I still am. Every time I see Sutton land her jump split I'm blown away.

Casey Nicholaw

We are going to set up a committee of three members from the Land and Development Committee and three from the speedway to sit down to try to work out some of the issues. That's where we're at.

Keith Allen

I will tell them how to 'stand for our land' and listen to them even if they do not agree with me.

Clara Chou

They are giving the customer exactly what they want. What we have to do is to become a cruise ship on land.

Judy Randall

The availability of high-density land at an affordable price is hard to find right now.

Patrick Barry

No one here on the Outer Banks has seen a land-falling Category 3 storm that I know of. This is not just another storm.

Sandy Sanderson

The fact that the chief of staff of the land army was so exposed suggests that the command structures must be significantly deteriorated already.

Chris Melville

The capital gains rates are cheap, demand for land is still extremely strong, so that's a definite benefit for landowners.

John Schutte

It brought rain. I thought it was never going to land.

George Perry

Peace is more precious than a piece of land.

Anwar Sadat

We have turned the 'Land of Lincoln' into the land of jackpot-justice.

Ron Gidwitz

Land and Freedom!

Emiliano Zapata

Our sites are cleaner than farm land when they're completed, ... We don't cut corners.

Brian O'neill

Unfortunately this earth is not. . . a fairy-land, but a struggle for life, perfectly natural and therefore extremely harsh.

Martin Bormann

We've had a good century of developing terrestrial protected areas, national parks on land.

Achim Steiner

It comes as a surprise to no one that after decades of internal and international conflict, Iraq is littered with land mines and bombs.

Joe Donahue

A lot of people don't want anyone to know they have anything of importance on their land. That is one of the puzzles we're having to deal with.

Stefanie Joyner

Abbott has purchased this land in anticipation of future growth and expansion.

Dale Johnson

All of the land of Israel is ours.

Yitzhak Shamir

Our goal with (the buffer) is to ensure that we are able to fully use the land we have for training within our existing boundaries.

James Hutton

It's all mental. Our sport is completely mental. My jump is decided by myself before I go. If I don't feel I'm going to land it, I'm not going to land it, bottom line.

Jeret Peterson

We don't plan to force anyone off of their land, but we do want to create an opportunity for development and for them to have a choice.

Bruce Mcmiller

We do not want to be reminded that it is we, the indigenous people, who are poor and exploited in the land of our birth.

Steven Biko

Village cricket spread fast through the land.

G. M. Trevelyan

We're a small group of grumpy old men who simply will not be denied access to public land.

Ron Moody

The right to deny the decision to land remains with the captain. The pilots have the most up-to-date information on board.

John Cox

We are kind of in la-la land here. What are we doing here?

Sen. Joan Bray

It was a beautiful landing. But I asked Kenny, 'Why didn't you land it in that big green area with all the room?' He said to me, 'Bob, that's where I was trying to land it.

Bob Ellis

It's just another land-taking, ... They take it from the black man and give it to the white man. Simple as that.

Bill Holland

The cost of land here is such that developers can buy it at a very reasonable price.

Dave Zollinger

In the six months at sea we never saw a tree or land.

Leo Latlip

FEMA has asked us for temporary housing land that we have available.

Robert Leblanc

Entry, descent and landing are very complex, and a lot of things have to go correctly. That's just part of the risk associated with the mission.

Richard Cook

This was really a tough area to work. We looked around for some land, and I was able to find a two-acre parcel in the area, but it was $750,000. . . . That's why we decided to buy a home.

John Gonsalves

Thank you for being here and supporting la belle terre, this beautiful land.

Michael Doucet

At times we could hear the shell casings from the A-10s land on the buildings we were in.

James Riley

We have to exhaust all the land available in the district before thinking of else where.

Prof. Mondo Kagonyera

This project has just grown and grown. First the land and then the house. There's never a dull moment, we're always learning something new.

Davy Cowie

There is the potential for additional tropical storms and hurricanes to form this season, but it's too early to know exactly where they will develop or if they will affect land.

Scott Kiser

They all said it was a smooth landing, but they could sense a lack of deceleration.

Robert Benzon

We need some green space, we need some agricultural land. To fill it up with hotels is just insanity.

Mark Cunningham

That was a land grant that came from King George and it had the 'h' all over it.

Paul Hoffman

Before we give away our land, we need some clarification so we all know exactly what we're buying.

Michael Tierney

We already own the land. That way, nobody can kick me out.

Richard Kennedy

It's a better way, I think, to go out and preserve land than always asking the government to do it for us.

Tim Hendricks

You will have the largest undeveloped piece of land in your laps.

John Reynolds

The money would have to come from the school board buying the land at the fairgrounds from the county.

Jim Parks

Any land taking has to be approved by Town Meeting.

Jim Macdonald

The primary issue is, can we review this Land Use Planning Area by itself.

Mark Hofman

Lebanon is the true land of consensus par excellence.

Samir Geagea

You can't accommodate millions of people by just coordinating land use. We're not adding transportation capacity.

Bob Chase

From his comments, it is clear that the US Fed will keep raising rates, hoping to bring the housing market to a very soft landing.

Drew Matus

Bringing in a lot of land not currently within the urban-growth area will be difficult, but I can't say it would be illegal per se.

Jim Doherty

We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.

Sir Winston Churchill

Let them look to the past, but let them also look to the future; let them look to the land of their ancestors, but let them look also to the land of their children.

Wilfrid Laurier

We want the fans and teams and officials — when they land in Indianapolis — to know that all attention is on the Final Four.

Bob Schultz

Europe, in legend, has always been the home of subtle philosophical discussion; America was the land of grubby pragmatism.

Daniel Bell

We're going to drive the people off the land who have been living on it and working it for generations. It's going to destroy our No. 1 industry: tourism.

Tom Thomson

Where it actually goes from land into the water.

Jack Horner

He has confessed to setting out these poisons. I told him it was grossly irresponsible and I also told him it was an environmental issue and it's poisoned our land.

Ken Hanks

We said all along: this is a land development.

Jim Mcnamara

The decision speaks for itself and we're moving forward with condemnation. The interpretation is that we have authority with superior eminent domain power and with that we're moving forward to acquire the land.

Bill Stern

I believe it's the right way to farm the land.

Bill Sadler

One of the problems for these young farmers is getting access to land. These bills would really help.

Dan French

You land on these foam squares, it's OK you don't land on your head, you land on your feet.

Bree Cole

It's 150 miles of travesty, where you don't see any land, ... It's a very deep ocean. The water is black.

Francisco Garcia

To spend part of the revenue from land use fees on agriculture is a practical way to increase investment in the countryside.

Han Jun

La La Land -- that's where libraries are supposed to take us.

Drew Perkins

That's what happens when you're lucky enough to land a John Ramistella on your team. He will take it upon himself to get the job done.

Glenn Wilson

It's really about responsible use of the land and water.

Lisa Conley

The promised land guarantees nothing. It is only an opportunity, not a deliverance.

Shelby Steele

They should have enough land to build the headquarters where it is now with what land they have now.

Derrick Harris

New and creative uses for long stretches of land like this and like the Farmington Canal.

Rosa Delauro

We would like to give them more of a reason to come here. We would be willing to lease the land to them free of charge and they would finance the construction.

Jonathan Pulik

The waiver dates back to the earliest date of the current owner. If Farmer Jones buys land in 1950 and creates a trust in 1980 and names his kids as beneficiaries, then he dies in 2000, the kids' interest dates to 1980.

Dave Hunnicutt

It's important to say 'No. You can't let them chop up your land and give it to your enemy.

David Wilder

I think there are huge land mines with wireless ahead.

Alan Davidson

Land that was an asset of racing was taken from racing and given to the state.

Charles Wait

By knowing where we plan to build in the future we'll be able to restrict building on land that will be needed for future roadways.

Clyde Melick

We see it as just any other game. They are just another team trying to get in our way of getting to the promised land.

Tim Crowder

We're expecting a soft landing. There's not going to be the blood bath we saw in the early 1990s.

John Schleimer

We're really looking at what we can do with less land. As growth continues and land remains at a premium, we can't always afford to buy land.

Dianne Kramer

There are a lot of members that do not know what is going on with this land swap deal. We agreed that issue wouldn't be brought up until the new board is seated.

Dennis Derosso

That is an immediate desecration of land.

Jared Leland

Only the foolish visit the land of the cannibals.

Maori Proverb

At this point we are not looking at buying more land. We will work with what we have.

Tim Mcguire

Ideally, we need a flat, empty piece of land and a really clever architect to make it all work. The process has been much, much more difficult than I imagined.

Kate O'connor

It was something he was very proud of, to be able to buy this land.

William Estrada

The big issue is cattle and land control.

Stephany Seay

It's the availability to get the land on good-size parcels. There's a lot of acreage in Lehigh Acres. That's about the only place left.

Dennis Cowan

So much of the land is already publicly-owned, ... so there's very limited opportunity to build on raw land.

James Hughes

This morning's scene is good and fine, Long rain has not harmed the land.

Du Fu

With all the land, all the homes, all the commercial retail, and all the jobs coming to the area, it'd be very irresponsible for us developers to now allow this to happen.

Bob Sanches

We're trying to treat as much public land as we can in and around Forest Lakes.

Beth Jones

Harmony with land is like harmony with a friend; you cannot cherish his right hand and chop off his left.

Aldo Leopold

The land is exceptionally beautiful.

Katherine Anderton

We're trying to find uses for this land that's not useful for anything else.

Max Gates

All I want is for Flying Feather Farm to be able to farm their land. Compliance -- that's all we want.

Pete Clifford

I am always looking for creative land deals, but it is not going to happen at that site.

Kevin Fay

I grew up in Champaign, so this is very near the land of my people, ... Restless.

Alison Krauss

Andy has been very helpful because he has helped me play my game and pinpoint exactly where and where not to land the ball, ... I could rely on the fact that he had 25 years of experience and emotionally that was the biggest factor.

K.j. Choi

The object has not been co-operative at all. It is an incredibly nasty place to land.

Andy Cheng

It just happened to be just the way we wanted -- just the way we pictured that we wanted to do out there. This is a fantastic feeling. As a matter of fact he threw me really, really well so it was a little easier to control up in the air and land.

Rena Inoue

I wanted to be safe and just wanted to land the jump.

Jana Lindsey

I don't know what hitting uninhabited land accomplishes besides scaring the children. But then again, I'm not the defense minister.

Gidi Sabag

I wish I would have invested in land with Stilwell.

Ray Depwe

That's how they became city centers. Both of them can accommodate new commercial and residential development without acquiring more land and spreading out.

Chris Jones

We manage the two (land-based) casinos, the Gold Coast and the Treasury.

Geoff Davis

It was an uneventful landing.

Brandy King

I see these lands as belonging to the people of Nipomo and California, not the Land Conservancy.

Bob Hill

He had about 100 acres of the land listed for sale, but nobody wanted it because Fishers was too far out in the country.

Larry Reynolds

We'll have an acre of land where we can have a vintage market.

Ann Moore

We furnished the farm house and the land. They furnished the labor and the equipment and then we divided the profits. It was a perfect arrangement.

Hayes Harbour

One of the girls' goals was to get a sectional plaque. We had never done it. They accomplished that. They realize they're only one game away from the promised land. It's huge.

Jeff Froelich

Our goal is to see that they are protected on native land.

Karen Sussman

We are talking. Our message remains -- give us our land.

Chenjerai Hunzvi

The economic data fed into the theme that the economy is headed for a soft landing.

Bill Quan

It may limit the ability to develop as much land as proposed.

John Wohlmuth

Some of the most-producing farmland is being changed over from agricultural to residential. We're not always using the land the best way.

David Keuhl

My own recipe for world peace is a little bit of land for everyone.

Gladys Taber

The designation enables us to protect our land, not just for ourselves and our visitors, but for future generations.

Sonja Hunt

It's changing Mother Nature a bit. It depends on how you handle the issues. If you have the right strategy to do it, you can conserve a lot of the land.

Klaus Birkel

In the land of water law in Colorado, the water court is king.

Bob Honts

I can't relax until we give them a safe landing, wherever it is. To me that's more important than crossing the finish line.

Alan Noble

When you land at the airport, you don't get very far before you realize you're in Buckeye country.

Andy Geiger

A lot of guys anticipated a wet year and bought more cattle than their land can hold.

John Wysong

I'm just a teaching coach from Birmingham who had a case that ultimately was decided by the highest court in the land, and if it had not been for that vote by a judge who was a conservative, my girls would have been locked out of an important educational benefit.

Roderick Jackson

When I get information about buying land in the future, I'm going to want to see any and all appraisals that we've had.

Candy Olson

This is unbelievable. We need to have an agreement with them to keep control over the land use there.

Shannon Staub

Back then forecasters didn't have satellites or even land-based radar. All they had were ships at sea.

Chris Landsea

We just have to land a couple punches early when it's our turn.

Jeremy Sheffey

We won't go into the Superdome landing zone until security is restored.

Richard Zuschlag

There is great pressure to develop on the east side, ... We have to give developers something they can hang their hats on, otherwise it will be very costly and very difficult to get that land back.

Tom Hamilton

We hope this deal goes through, because the land we'll be working is much closer to home for us than places farther north. We have long days as it is.

Bill Montgomery

For Congress and states to say maybe there are areas of coastal land where we simply shouldn't build.

Larry Larson

This will be challenging because it's the highest-altitude landing that NASA has ever attempted.

Dwayne Lee

If we defend the title to our land or the sovereignty of our country, we do it for reasons no different, no less innate than do lower animals.

Robert Ardrey

We need to think big about this land. It's the chance to change the way the Valley grows.

Grady Gammage

Their land is their retirement plan. We don't want to pigeon-hole someone.

Pam Kiely

Land banking is a centuries-old practice. In any market where folks smell escalation, they are going to land bank.

David Hardy

People who fly into a rage always make a bad landing.

Will Rogers

We will seek to buy the land — but only from willing owners. We're not going to condemn any property.

David Goad

To build from scratch with the price of land (around Durango), it's a big item. And I think that kind of put people off.

Janey Silver

Of course there are implications, for the death penalty and death row inmates in all states, when the Supreme Court of the land hears such a case.

Jim Morgan

In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is stoned to death.

Joan D. Vinge

It's a very authentic experience. This is the place where Las Vegas began. It started with a land auction at the end of Main Street.

Lisa Robinson

With all the blood newly dried in the desert, can we not fertilize the land with something else?

Indigo Girls

Dave always said, very clearly, that if anything ever happened to him, he wanted the program to go on. So we had to come. This was the landing that Dave did not get to make.

Dorothy Brown

We have to build these schools, so our choice is either to build it at that site ... or to displace thousands of people to find enough land to do it.

Glenn Gritzner

Our attitude has been that, as long as you have the land, you have it and you hold onto it. I wouldn't know what to do without it.

Richard Billingsley

One priority is if the private land is adjacent to forest land, near where a fire occurred. That's where the beetles will be coming from.

Amanda Milburn

This could be built on our land and help our people.

Vera Franklin

We're talking about annexing all this land. It has potential to impact the development.

Mark Wasserman

A certain amount of efficiency is needed in the hunt. We don't want to chase birds off the land.

Dennis Jones

There's this myth of the land being all wetlands. Everyone thinks it's going to be knee-deep in water.

Bayard Dominick

You can imagine how difficult is it to find land this size in this region, especially (land) zoned for industrial use.

William Hansen

If we don't get 100 percent of the land donated for the road by August we'll be in trouble. We have from 55 percent to 70 percent donated.

Joe Mazurkiewicz

That's an awful lot of money, but anytime the town can purchase land, I have to say I'm for it. The town needs to do some land banking.

James O'brien

This constitution is full of land mines that would explode on Iraqis. This constitution will divide the country.

Saleh Al mutlaq