We were appalled by it. Very hurt.

You've got to have it. It's just that simple.

He remains sedated and hooked up to life support at Harrisburg Hospital, and we, Harrisburg police, much to our chagrin, have to provide around-the-clock security until Indianapolis police can take him back there.

We're pleased with the distinction, but we think there's more to do.

There's absolutely no telling what was wrong with her.

They were documenting them as exchanges instead of purchases.

They're different kinds of tickets.

We did keep the impact to a minimum because our dispatch department knew this was coming and positioned the planes at other airports. We didn't leave planes at those airports to get stuck.

Well, my friend, I love you dude. This is great.

We only had a week and a half to advertise and sell those flights.

I've seen Buddy and the way he handles the (father-son) situation, and I think he does an excellent job.

It was an uneventful landing.