215 quotes about died follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Jesus died too soon. If he had lived to my age he would have repudiated his doctrine.

Friedrich Nietzsche

In truth, there was only one Christian, and he died on the cross.

Friedrich Nietzsche

For without belittling the courage with which men have died, we should not forget those acts of courage with which men have lived.

John F. Kennedy

Since Cleopatra died, I have liv'd in such dishonour that the gods Detest my baseness.

William Shakespeare

Never go to a doctor whose office plants have died.

Erma Bombeck

So, after looking at the displays from that particular era, you're able to see what died and why it happened.

Richard Kissel

Asian people believe that it is not auspicious to visit places where there are a number of people who died.

Suwalai Pinpradab

That tells us many have died, they fell through before they could swim.

John Grandy

So I went to the dentist. He said "Say Aaah." I said "Why?" He said "My dog's died.'

Tommy Cooper

Usually if we compost them, we know what they died from.

Jay Daniel

Up until now, 71 have died and rescuers are trying to reach the cut-off areas.

Muhammad Suryadi

Nobody ever died of laughter.

Max Beerbohm

They hit the jackpot when she decided to retire. When Rehnquist died, it was a wash.

Mary Cheh

It wasn't my time, but had I died, I wouldn't have known about it.

Norm Mansfield

It makes me angry. My son did not die in vain. And I don't believe that her son died in vain either.

Janet Norwood

Those (the rescued) children were readily accessible, but the boy that died was further in the room.

Ron Lipps

Mommy! Mommy! She died at the hands of two people she called Mommy and Daddy.

Ama Dwimoh

He thinks he's died and gone to heaven.

Sue O'meara

The victim in this case appears to have died of other causes, but not of the injuries that appeared to be at the scene.

Dwight Mitchell

We're not calling this a drowning. The investigation will continue and we're awaiting autopsy results to determine how the child died.

Sgt. Steve Maynard

And the Sonoma County veterans who have died in war to date have all been men. We didn't pick it, that's the way it is.

Ross Liscum

We all would have died if we stayed in here all day.

Pat O'leary

Christ died for our sins. Dare we make his martyrdom meaningless by not committing them?

Jules Feiffer

Many people died from no water and no food.

Atem Aleu

I come up every year and have since 1981. I have a twin brother. We were 16 when (Dean) died. We were young. We could really relate to him.

Tom Williams

I wish Adam had died with all ribs in his body.

Dion Boucicault

If it wasn't for the other people there, if they hadn't helped, that guy would have died.

Scott Winter

If it wasn't for the resurrection we wouldn't have Christianity. That's the proof that God overcame the power of sin and died for us.

Rev. Bert Cramer

My musical development stopped when Frank Sinatra died.

Alex Trebek

We can confirm that he died from the H5N1 strain of bird flu.

Thawat Suntrajarn

But if they didn't do it, the middle-aged gay men, then how come so many of them died of AIDS in the '80s? How did that happen?

Ron Cowen

I knew, when I was laying in the bunk in the boat, that if I died, it didn't matter. That's the state of being I was in.

Terry Palmer

We simply want to know exactly how she died. I don't think that's too much to ask.

Li Wei

That was taken the day before she died.

Connie Guthrie

It makes us feel better that we can do something for the person who has died.

Jeroen Ranzijn

We say she resisted and that is why she died.

Colin Murray

He told us the boy was an alive and active teen just before he died, so we assume it was an accident.

Sandy Looney

Two thousand years ago somebody died on the cross, can't somebody stand up for him?

William Buckingham

It that hadn't happened, Chinatown would have died.

Aimee Klask

She would have died for sure in the floods.

Jim Casey

It's confirmed positive that she died from bird flu.

Nyoman Kandun

At least 15 people have died and 60 have been injured.

Navneet Sikera

It's tragic Mr. Ash died, but it doesn't mean Tim committed a crime.

Marcus Topel

They are confident they are doing the right thing. They will keep fighting for what his mom died for.

Armando Gutierrez

It's been kind of an odd week. The momentum seems to have died down.

Michael Falbo

Dale Earnhardt was my hero and when he died I started liking his son.

David White

You'd have died of a real bad case of slow.

Michael Landon

As of April 2005, when the process was suspended, we had identified only 1,592 out of the presumed 2,749 who died.

Dr. Robert C. Shaler

Any situation where you could have died and you don't is a lucky situation.

Ashley Lloyd

If we had waited for the government to get us out of there, we would have died. It took the citizens there to get us help.

James Mitchell

Nearly 2,000 years ago someone died on a cross for us. Shouldn't we have the courage to stand up for him?

William Buckingham

The debate has really died down in college football among the people who matter.

Dennis Dodd

This is going to be an enduring mystery. The answer died with Denis Donaldson.

Chris Ryder

He wasn't deceased. When we got him out, he had a shot. He died at the hospital.

Lloyd Ayers

Most of those who were killed died in their homes.

Donnie Smith

He died a hero.

Franco Frattini

We might very well have died if we stayed out there. It was tense.

Larry Csonka

Those who died were not just numbers. They were people with families.

Abraham Scott

If the Confederacy fails, there should be written on its tombstone: Died of a Theory.

Jefferson Davis

If my injuries were a lot worse, I could have died waiting for them.

Scott Bangerter

When Justin died and we got the call offering the carriage, I immediately asked for Mike.

Vicki Bosley

We are observing 11 cases, including the one that died yesterday.

Nyoman Kandun

He died for what he believed in, but his beliefs were different from mine.

Dolores Parker

For most families, I would say truly that is where their loved one died and that's where their loved one remains.

Mary Fetchet

The day [ Darrell died] was the 9/11 of rock. A little of us died that day, too.

David Draiman

I had the right reaction. If I had another reaction maybe I would have crashed with him and someone would have died, maybe.

Michaela Dorfmeister

My grandfather died at 100 and smoked cigars till he was 95.

Walt Balcer

Timmy probably didn't get burned at all, ... He probably died from smoke inhalation.

John Nelson

We found one old black dog on a couch that was near starvation. Another dog died in the bedroom. We were all bawling and crying.

Hilleary Bogley

I think I would have died if there hadn't been the women's movement.

Dorothy Allison

He died in tower two.

Charlie Galvano

According to initial reports, all the passengers and crew who were on board died.

Viktor Beltsov

We finished captioning it five days before he died.

Thomas Lake

Clearly died at the site.

Larry Greer

She was shot five times and died instantly.

Matshube Mfoloe

I told them there were bad people on the airplane, and that those bad people had caused the airplane to crash. When that happened, Daddy and everyone on board died.

Deena Burnett

Autopsies conducted by the NBI on some of the victims did not show that they died of electrocution.

Ruel Lasala

Each one of those pools of blood is where someone's child died or was seriously wounded.

James Rouse

When I saw an article about this Christmas Box Angel, I thought it was quite a beautiful thing to do in memory of anybody who's died.

Sharon Fisher

My mother got to read the book in print ... before she died and she was pleased with it.

Karla Reinhard

I picked up the writing on the very day he died. It was the only consolation I could find.

Wilfrid Sheed

She looked like a skeleton when she died.

John Simmons

This was a massive star that lived fast and died young.

David Burrows

You should have died when I killed you.

John Lecarre

I feel like I have died and been reborn.

Somsak Mudmo

Life is too brief. I had a friend whom I intended to know better. Yesterday he died.

David Grayson

He first deceased, She for a little, tried; To live without him, Liked it not, and died.

Henry Wotton, Sr.

We were approached by one of our concert sponsors who had a good friend that recently died.

Jeff Petersen

There was a proposal in Congress that would raise a point of order against any tax proposal that would not deal with the AMT. It died.

Leonard Burman

The real heroes were my good buddies who died during the battles.

Ira Hayes

It was pretty weird. And it's pretty amazing that no one died in that crash. It's not the best way to start a tour.

Guy Berryman

Shortly after he died, our board decided to name the new trail for him.

David Goldman

Wouldn't it be a coincidence if someone we dug up in Arizona, and who died in 1934 and claimed to be Billy the Kid, bled on that bench? That's like winning the lottery.

Tom Sullivan

I don't care who you bring here. I'm not going to be a fan. I've followed and lived and died with the Dallas Cowboys.

Mark Patterson

Nobody ever died of a hot flush.

Lesley Fallowfield

The prisoner died on his way to the hospital.

Nasser Judeh

The sad thing is so many of the musicians have died.

John Sheppard

The brave men who died in Vietnam, more than 100% of which were black, were the ultimate sacrifice.

Marion Berry

Jesus died for somebody's sins, but not mine - My sins are my own, they belong to me.

Patti Smith

I never even thought about (cause of death). A friend of mine died, and that's all that I've worried about.

Barry Melrose

Otherwise, she would have died in a Florida state prison.

Kepler Funk

There's a part of me that will never be there again. It's like a part of me died.

Patricia Baugh

It's unfortunate that one person died, but it could have been more than that.

John Venditto

Once the Xerox copier was invented, diplomacy died.

Andrew Young

It was super exciting, and the best thing is, no one died. We're in it for the science and the intrigue.

Christian Walls

The picture was laying on his stomach when he died.

John Scully

I cannot stop thinking that I died before I was born and that at my death I will return to the same state.

Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

She was there until the week before she died.

Patricia Bryant

It was really a very peaceful and very calm death. Clearly she died because of her injuries.

Julian Gardner

My sister was 45 - the age I am now - when she died. That's what's weird. She had so much ahead of her.

Margaret Foster

It's important to keep the memories of all these people who died alive.

Lee Ielpi

They said they're getting rid of the dog. He [Walter] said the dog had died and he was disposing of the dog.

Jeffrey Boyette

The three sailors died. One Sea Tiger cadre was injured.

Daya Master

He is absolutely our hero. He always has been and he always will be. He died doing something he strongly believed so strongly in.

Deirdre Ostlund

Those two guys were friends, buddies. Everything they did, they did together. And they died together.

Scott Thomas

Our view would be that the patient died yesterday at midday.

Anthony Parsons

He was black and he was an athlete. That's why my son died. Because of the color of his skin and the achievements that he wanted to do for himself. ... That's not a reason to die.

Michael Shoels

The people who died were hit by shrapnel.

Michael Baden

I bought a cactus. A week later it died. And I got depressed, because I thought, Damn. I am less nurturing than a desert.

Demetri Martin

When you sit up here, it's like you've died and gone to heaven.

Robert Morton

I realized she did not have to die. She died from a decision, not a disease.

Jennifer Berry

In fact, I'm certain that, had it not been for marijuana, I would have died.

Greg Scott

If I could have one wish, it would be to put the clock back and for everything to be like it was before she died.

Paul Burrell

We are simply honoring these men who died there.

James Barr

The seeds germinated, but as it leafed, it died, ... You'd come back a day later, and it would be dead.

Mike Hayes

That's where we're different. It's for the living as well as those that died, those that served in World War II.

Jack Rogers

I believe stone died because there was no ambulance to carry him away.

Abner Haynes

Someone gave it to Aunt Mabel, who died in 1918, and then Grandma got it. She was about 13 years old.

Alene Gentry's

Your downtown died because you can't make a left turn into it.

Stefanos Polyzoides

Both were 23 when they died. You need to talk to your child often.

David Pease

You haven't lived until you've died in California.

Mort Sahl

Two thousand years ago, someone died on a cross. Can't someone take a stand for him?

William Buckingham

Later, we found out he was the man that died. They were giving him CPR on the landing.

Bruce Hardy

As of now, one worker has died from a gunshot in the head.

Consuelo Aguilar

When my wife died in February, the police were the pallbearers.

Murry White

If you lived in the flooded areas, chances are you were black. If you died in the flooded area, chances are you were elderly.

John Mutter

Those who so pointlessly and terribly died were...non-replaceable.

Archbishop Of Canterbury

From the time that he died, something happened a week or so earlier.

Amy Martin

At least he died enjoying what he did best.

Philip Hobbs

They tried to revive him at the hospital, but he died on the street.

David Fulton

I have to update that, ... Jo Jo died. He got hit by a car.

Stephan Pastis

He died preparing to serve others.

James Gaston

I will always remember the day I got old. It was the day my daughter died.

Irv Slosberg

There was a suicide attack this morning. Four people have died.

Yousuf Stanizai

Lloyd was a great friend, and he died too soon.

Tom Foley

We could not find anybody to finance a hospital in the Tri-county area, and that's where it died.

Doug King

They fed them rice with maggots in it. He said the guys who couldn't eat it died.

Phyllis Lehman

She died with a lot of secrets of mine.

Deja Daniels

Tell mother, tell mother, I died for my country... useless... useless.

John Wilkes Booth

My mom told us to be nice to them because their dad had just died.

Nancy Hirshberg

It is a very unfortunate incident. I can confirm that 40 people have died in the bomb blast.

Aftab Khan Sherpao

But the fawn just died.

Mark Andrews

I and we will never forget you and all you stood for, all you worked for and all you died for. I love you son.

Thomas Jensen

Tell my mother I died for my country. I did what I thought was best.

John Wilkes Booth

The death of my friend is on the hands of all of them. This should not have happened. He should not have died.

Stephany Sofos

We had become friends, and when Stew died I told Chris that if he decided to run I would manage his campaign.

Vincent Chase

For 100 years they claimed that 478 people died [in the 1906 earthquake] in San Francisco.

James Dalessandro

To you who have never died, may I say: Welcome to the world!

Clive Barker

Nobody has ever died from CWD.

Terry Kreeger

She was there when her mom died. She saw what happened to her mom.

Colin Anderson

The animal suffered a series of convulsions at around 7 p.m. and died.

Leila Sadler

It is extremely desolating news that he should have died when he was only 68 and always seemed so much younger.

Andrew Motion

Get pleasure out of life...as much as you can. Nobody ever died from pleasure.

Sol Hurok

There is a possibility that the person with the bomb died on the bus, there is a possibility they left the bomb, ... We're not ruling anything out, we're not ruling anything in.

Brian Paddick

If vaudeville had died, television was the box they put it in.

Larry Gelbart

The family does not believe their son died of natural causes.

Ben Crump

I am not a hero but the brave men who died deserved this honor.

Ira Hayes

The suicide bomber died on the spot but the explosion did not cause any damage.

Ian Baxendell

We had to remove 12 bodies. They died from traumatic asphyxia.

Malcolm Midgley

They deserve attention from the world, so they will not have died in vain.

Joseph Wong

Hopefully the emergency situation will have died down some by then.

Michael Bradley

She almost died. She had to wait until they came back to find out if he was OK. I couldn't go through that.

Gladys Bettis

He doesn't know he's died.

Jessica Abney

I think many will come because he was a World War II casualty. He died in the service of his country. He deserves anything we can do or say about him.

Fred Byrd

What millions died that Caesar might be great?

Joseph Campell

He was about 95 percent finished when he died.

Nancy Karl

We haven't got a clue why he died. He'd only been there for two hours.

Ruth Sasser

The game was over because my dad had died and I didn't have to fight him anymore, ... I could go back to my academic roots. The battle with him was over.

Mark Stevens

She died of a broken heart.

Dorothy Lee

The most tragic cases are the ones where you find out someone was desperately trying to get help and didn't, and as a result, someone died.

David Almeida

There has never been a great athlete who died not knowing what pain is.

Bill Bradley

The Day the Music Died.

Don Mclean

We signed to play until the day we died, and we did.

Jimmy Greaves

Residents who have lived on this street -- about 1.5 miles in the area -- have all died.

Carrie Davis

I feel sorry for them, that they died, Thank God I'm alive.

Sebastian Zapata

He died peacefully at home with his family at his bedside.

Tony Ritchie

I was real sick — I almost died.

Daniel Sustaita

He is not being looked at in any particular way, except that he was in contact with the victim before he died.

Margie Long

When I was actually drawing the lethal injection, she died.

Paul Jepson

There are many details about this person and how she died that may be known only to her killer and little by little by us.

David Procopio

I got all her duck clothes when she died.

Penny Larson

When he died he had the body of an 84-year-old man, but a spirit of an 11- or 12-year-old boy.

James Reilly

It sure did jump off the bat. But it died once it got into the outfield. It would have been a big hit for us.

Drew Danner

We calculate that since November 2005 between 1200 and 1300 people have died at sea trying to reach the Canaries.

Ahmedou Ould Haye

I can confirm that 60 people have died and we are afraid that this might not be the final figure.

Jaroslaw Wojtasik

The little boy died while Phil was holding his hand.

Pamela Dixon

We wanted to come here to remember those who died.

Joann Johnson

It looks like they died for $40. It's unpleasant, but sometimes you do crazy things.

Guy Lajeunesse

Mrs. Schiavo died a calm, peaceful and gentle death.

George Felos

When I was larger, people said I was fat. Now that I've lost weight, they say I died.

Luther Vandross