The question becomes, are you going to answer the phone when [a potential acquirer] rings?

It's a natural, undisturbed trail, ... People can enjoy the different kinds of trees, plant and animal life, the stream and the bog it runs by.

If U.S. bonds seem rich to global (mainly Asian) investors in currency terms as the dollar appreciates, they will take profits on the appreciated assets.

The implications are a bit worrying for spreads, particularly for the corporate market. The inversion means the market thinks the Fed has tightened too much and expects short-term rates to be cut by the Fed.

You can literally do anything from any room in the house or any location in the world.

When the yen falls against the dollar it changes the appetite of Japanese investors for U.S. bonds. Recently, as the yen has fallen against the dollar, dollar bonds look more expensive to Japanese investors and they buy fewer of them.

Shortly after he died, our board decided to name the new trail for him.

The entire movement in yield has been accounted for by a change in inflation expectations.

The market thinks the U.S. economy will be stronger than they thought a few months ago. That's been the big surprise.