Right now, we're trying to agree on a process, ... I think everybody is trying to be reasonable there, but we have not started to approach what we think the value is.

William Esrey

I didn't like it, I'm still trying to figure out if I'm the one that ate the salad or the pizza.

Heather Cox

We're trying things out and want to see how they work. We're not opposed to changing things in the future and tweaking things.

Jennifer Lane

Leave your laptop at home. I've spent hours in hotel rooms trying to connect a laptop. It's not a job for anyone [who has] trouble programming a VCR.

David Strom

Just because I won last year doesn't mean anything. You can't overlook anybody at this level because everyone is trying to do what they can to win. That's the only pressure I feel. The only thing that matters at this point of the season is to go out and beat the guy across from you and move on to the next match. I really want to place at states this year, and that's the only way I can do it.

Justin Rivera

The projects we fund are in conjunction with the administration of the two schools, the superintendent and the school board. We're also trying to work with the Parent Teacher Association. It makes no sense to be in competition, and we're much better (now) at doing that.

Doug Edler

Our editors spend their time ... trying to figure out what new allied health-care disciplines are coming into existence. We want to be there first as a publisher of educational materials.

Randy Charles

We're just trying to get these guys to swing the bat. Our pitching will be good. We just don't get guys on base.

Doug Grove

They're trying to come up with a contingency plan to recruit qualified people who are not DMORT members.

Randy Hanzlick

They are trying to slam this through by having a meeting date as soon as possible. They are having a shareholder meeting way before they are ready to close the deal.

Steve Wolitzer

We don't take ourselves too seriously. I don't think we're trying to be anything that we're not. We're not, like, trying to reinvent the wheel or anything.

Nicole Scherzinger

You can only do so much. A lot of land had to be covered and we were trying to focus on obvious places.

Mike Schmitt

We tried to talk about that, we said hey, the big man might sting one sometime during the night and if he does, it's not the end of the world because he has done it a few times against some other people.

Jim Macaluso

We're focusing on trying to have all kids be successful learners and we continue to keep our focus on closing the achievement gap and issues around literacy and math, for kids.

George Russell

It's no good trying to keep up old friendships. It's painful for both sides. The fact is, one grows out of people, and the only thing is to face it.

William Somerset Maugham

Both companies are trying to create a category of ultra mobile PCs. Microsoft is trying to put in the interface, and together we will deliver the products together.

Mooly Eden

I got in a rut and couldn't get out of it. I tried, but it's a case of like being in the opposite of when you are in the zone and can't miss anything to not being able to catch anything.

Todd Watkins

The king is trying to fool the international community through meaningless elections. This will not solve any national problem. It will only deepen them.

Rajendra Dahal

Just his tone of voice, he just sounded dull. Trying to get a smile out of him took an act of Congress.

Bill Berdan

We have borne the brunt again of a dropped catch. The bowlers toiled hard and I can't fault them for that. They tried to take wickets all the time.

Mickey Arthur

He told me and the refs that my players were playing dirty. But I learned that afterwards he was just trying to get into our heads.

Chris Baca

We've got four guys trying to move into whole new roles and that can be frustrating at times. We as coaches had the choice to play in this tournament, to play good teams and test our abilities early on. I think we're learning early what we need to work on later in the season.

Skip Prosser

Both teams are trying to establish themselves as a top team in the country.

Shelden Williams

We're not trying to shut down all hydro operations.

Charles Hudson

The benefits are to people who are trying to use information about the fiscal position and fiscal performance of governments. The primary purpose of this standard is to get better consistency in the way taxes are reported and better quality of reporting, in the sense that they would be reporting more accurately to reflect the real economic resource flows associated with taxes.

Brian Ballard

That's the way the ball bounced. We were trying to get good opportunities. We needed to be patient, but we started hurrying.

Frank Baumholtz

Journalists are trying to make the distinction between leaks that are political and leaks that are whistle-blowing.

Tom Rosenstiel

This is the equivalent of trying to sedate a dinosaur.

Larry Dunn

The first time we lost to Churchill, we shot less than 50 percent from the line. We've tried to put them in pressure situations in practice to simulate the pressure of a game and focus on concentration.

Bill Wagner

[Initially, Tensar believed the system would pay for itself in the first year. It didn't but, says Oliver,] Had we taken it in bite-sized pieces we'd have achieved that. ... We'd probably have benefited if we'd tried to keep it simpler. We tried to bite off more than we could chew to start with.

Steve Butler

I'm not buying as much food as I used to. I am trying to clean out my cupboards more than I ever used to.

Jennifer Young

Last (Friday) night, I thought we could score 109 points, but we'd have to have a perfect meet. These guys have listened to me all year and done everything I've asked. For some of our guys, it wasn't what we wanted, but they tried hard. It just bodes well for next year.

Rob Rooney

We were trying to start (our offense) away from her, but it wasn't as easy as just saying it.

Nina Johnson

We're still trying to figure out the pain-cost trade-off. You can't rely on the entire ANX customer base to be a captive market, and ANX is small relative to the business-service market in general.

John Curran

What I tried to do was to use Jo's words to find the characters.

Joseph Graves

I'm 27, and I didn't know what a shelter looked like. I didn't know what homeless people could do, what they were supposed to do. We were just trying to figure out how to fit in.

Nicole Ladner

I've tried everything. I can say to you with confidence, I know a fair amount about LSD. I've never been a social user of any of these things, but my curiosity has carried me into a lot of interesting areas.

Dan Rather

If I tried to escape or did anything wrong, they would have killed me and harvested my organs.

Harry Wu

It makes sense that some Latin American countries are trying to lead by example. They are hoping the United States will make some sense out these immigration laws.

Josh Bernstein

We're now trying to get these fraternal organizations working together on major projects to benefit people.

Bill Potts

The calls came flooding in. It's not something that we went down and tried to develop.

Chris Taylor

I am trying to end the war. I was here protesting before the war. It didn't do much good then; maybe it will do some good now.

Judy Miller

They're trying to teach the horsemen to be obedient.

Joe Faraldo

We're trying to spread the ball around more. It still would've been nice to have more than two points though.

Stephanie Smith

It's very crucial in a life-saving issue to make sure something as simple as numbers is taken care of, ... If someone's having a heart attack, you're trying to get there in four to six minutes, no more than ten minutes.

David Burnett

Everyone, I think, felt more comfortable staying together and working rather than sitting at home trying to deal with this.

Shawn Ryan

The good thing about HBO is that they have the bigger picture in mind. And Last Chance for Animals has a (free-standing) bill pending in Congress called The Pet Safety and Protection Act. And they have been trying to get this through for many years.... HBO is talking about holding a screening in Washington.

Sarah Teale

We tried to make it as close as we could to how it started in 1974.

David Warren

We've got a lot of depth there which is good. We're still trying to identify our best guys.

James Bell

If she was cornered or if you were trying to grab her collar, she would try to bite you. She was very frightened of new people. Anyone who came to meet her would not be able to get too close, thus she was not very adoptable.

Christine Martin

We know that could have been any of us, and it's just really unfortunate that it happened to him. We just feel really bad for him, and we're going to try to keep in touch with him. You've got to have heart out to that kid, because he was just trying to play hard.

Jack Kramer

I don't care about a 12 inch sea turtle. They seem to be better off that the people [Santa Rosa County] is trying to help.

Susan Roberts

We were playing down to the wire. If people think we were trying to throw games or whatever, they've really got it wrong.

Walter Mccarty

[Greece] is right now in the middle of a tremendous weather situation much worse than we're in right now. So they're trying their best to try to get someone to the family.

Lt. Nancy Gillon

We read the rules and they clearly require the BLM to prepare a full environmental impact statement and include the public in these processes. The BLM is simply trying to intimidate the public and prevent citizens from enforcing the law and protecting their public forest.

Doug Heiken

Happiness just wasn't part of the job description back then. You tried to find a helpmate to keep the cold wind and dogs at bay. Happiness just wasn't part of the equation. Survival was.

Robin Green

He probably shouldn't have tried it, but hey, the guy was trying to do what he could to help his team win.

Travis Johnson

I didn't like the aura of our body language on the court. We seemed that we were getting defeated, and even though the game was a large margin, we didn't play smart basketball. We're just trying to get these guys to understand that's not how you go out.

Curtis Hunter

Many indicators have been winnowed down over the years to those that contribute the most. These are the ones that are tried and proven.

John Crosby

The deceitful proposal that America and its ally Britain are trying to pass in the U.N. Security Council not only targets Iraq, but also other Arab countries and friendly countries that have trade and economic ties with Iraq.

Taha Yassin Ramadan

It strikes me that you are trying to use the newspapers' good name for your own purposes.

Charles Wheeler

It is important to us to say to victims and survivors of gunshots and violence that we are trying to do something.

Shane Price

Progress isn't made by early risers. It's made by lazy men trying to find easier ways to do something.

Robert A. Heinlein

It was kind of what I expected, just little things we didn't do. We were trying to do the right things, but we just didn't connect on them.

Shawn Stenger

What the administrators are trying to achieve is a conference where the same schools are in the conference for all sports, including cheerleading. We will have one set of common bylaws that all schools sports are abiding by.

Jim Spears

We have consensus on a couple of major points. One is the value of early retail contests in Iowa and New Hampshire and secondly, there needs to be a more diverse set of early contests. We're trying to give appropriate weight to both premises.

David Price

We're trying to be very proactive, in the best interest of the shareholders.

Shelly Grice

We're trying our best to persuasively negotiate, and we are not using force at this time.

Sherry Landry

It's more or less just winning games at this point. If you win games, it doesn't matter who you're playing — at least you give yourself a chance. That's all we're trying to do right now.

Michael J. Tucker

I still don't know what it was. I read only in magazines what was going on and I basically tried to break up.

Sergei Fedorov

A lot of times we set ourselves up to fail. It's interesting. A lot of times the resolutions we choose are the ones, like you said in the opening, we keep breaking over and over again. Sometimes it reflects parts of ourselves that we really need to accept instead of trying to change.

Cheryl Richardson

We let a good hockey player go to Atlanta, ... But I just felt it was time for change. We had two runs at the Stanley Cup, one was partially successful, last season we failed. There's a reason when you fail and those reasons have to be looked and tried to be rectified and this is what we're trying to do.

John Muckler

The instruments that are arriving (in 2003) have influenced our selections. We're trying to complement, not duplicate them.

Richard Zurek

Basically, what we are trying to do is help clients that are having a hard time finding these types of loans. I like to give them free consultation before we actually meet, and find out about their income so we can find the right loan program. It just depends on what they want to do.

Katrina Mitchell

We tried to get them to shoot from the outside and we thought that they might not be able to knock the long one down. That was our game plan because we knew how explosive their guards were off the dribble.

Joey David

If the comptroller comes back and adjusts it, we will too. I think we're all impacted by it, so we're trying not to make as many unnecessary trips.

Bobby Burns

If you're planning to tear down a historic home, the city will fight you. We're trying to preserve the charm.

Mark Rakowski

I want Omega Man to be the equivalent of any Caucasian superhero, like a Superman, Batman, a noble righteous character, ... That's what we're trying to do with Omega Man - give you a symbol that is African-American but is 100 percent positive.

Alonzo Washington

We're trying some different things [to] see how they feel.

Gavin Floyd

We have not, as a Department of Defense, in a deliberate way institutionally tried to manage our Senior Executive Service members. We have operated in a very decentralized way.

Patricia Bradshaw

When I talked about my partner, you could see them sort of processing that information and trying to figure out what to do with it. But very soon, you get past any initial sort of hesitation to where you're talking about your kids, and what they're going to wear and what they were like as a toddler, and sharing blankets and doughnuts.

Colleen Gillespie

Most baseball people will tell you that trying a two-out bases-loaded squeeze is not a good baseball play. But I knew after the tough 9-6 loss we had Friday night against Blake, we needed a jump-start to get going, and Ricky placed the bunt perfectly to the right of the mound to leg it out for a hit.

Pat Russo

I feel a lot better as far as feeling more calm and more experienced and seeing things. It's only been like 10 starts in between. I'm definitely trying to be a better quarterback than I was in that game last year. I'll try to be more efficient and controlling of the offense.

Perry Patterson

Welcome back, ... That's got to be at least the fourth time I've seen him do that. They keep trying to sneak a fastball by him, and he keeps hitting it a mile.

Kyle Davies

It's a great deal. A joint venture doesn't cost (AT&T) as much as a merger would and it gets them into homes and businesses. Michael Armstrong is trying to win the battle from a different angle.

Philip Wohl

The first day when I saw the scores I knew I could have the win because only three people shot in the 70s with the wind. It was tough. I tried to play with the wind. I was surprised the scores were that high. So I knew I had a chance.

Alan Lee

I was taught, like I'm trying to teach my kids, to pick up after yourself. If you use something put it away when you're done. Those lessons never stuck when I was a kid. My parents tried to beat it into my head. Somewhere through that process I developed a passion for the environment.

Brad Hauter

It's like I can't let Coach Floyd down. I'm just trying to keep him happy, because he's made me a better person, on and off the court.

Lodrick Stewart

We are trying to find out where they've gone, what their current situation is and what we can do to help them. We have gotten lots of calls in, but there are still a lot more people we need to hear from.

Mickey Driver

They do hear voices underneath the (pea-sized) gravel and they're trying to devote their efforts ... to extricate any persons who may still be alive.

Bill Sadler

They knew the sharks were swimming at the top and they were trying to get them to swim deeper. It would be more stressful to the (remaining eight sharks) to take them out.

Connie George

We are still trying to find people who might have been drinking with him (Mr Arregin) or can tell us what he was doing earlier that night, or afterwards.

John Pierce

We're trying to get everyone to walk around town. That's one of the ideas behind the festival - see the arts and see the town.

Charlie Skelton

In college basketball, you can only go as far as your guard play takes you. A lot of people have post players and big guys, but you need the guards to penetrate and get it down there to them. I just think guards control the tempo of the game. That's what I'm trying to do.

Devan Downey

We tried to get a schedule with teams we could compete with.

Lane Larive

Over time the city's planning affects us a lot. The city is trying to make plans and so are we. There are a lot of moving parts.

Richard Spies

She actually did what she said she was going to do. When you're trying to attract a job creator, it's important that employers see that the city is investing in itself.

Bob Abberger

To a certain extent, I'm not trying to evolve out of this world of physical pain into a world of mental stress and anguish. But I do have a bit of the business bug. I'm aware I have to try to mediate it to a certain point so I don't become soaked down to the point where it's hard to escape.

Danny Way

It's a good feeling to get minutes, and that's why I came here. I was just trying to stop Yao and step in front of him and just couldn't.

Darko Milicic

He is a real energetic player. I just tried to be there when he caught the ball so he wouldn't get a wide-open shot. I think I managed to do a decent job defensively on him.

Bryant Dillon

We tried him in the outfield, but that was a disaster.

Jon Bolin

This isn't a fashion movie where we were trying to show every fabulous shoe in the world. It's a story about two women who happen to be sisters.

Sophie De Rakoff Carbonell

We're trying to rebuild, but so far I've been really happy with the work ethic and dedication from the players. We've got an interesting mix with some eighth and ninth graders along with some seniors that have been around for four years.

Beth Mcnamara

Many people still don't know exactly what Goodwill does for the community. We are trying to pair local faces with our mission.

David W. Cobb

We tried our best to make our marriage work but we are now resigned to the fact that we should part.

Ulrika Jonsson

We were at a boat show at the Qwest Center and I tried it and liked it.

Brad Schaefer

Her blood sugar went really low and she had a diabetic seizure. She ran into a car and then continued for almost a mile. My other daughter was pulling the wheel trying to avoid hitting on coming traffic. The older daughter had to get staples in her head because she hit the windshield and the air bags went off, my other daughter has a concussion and a bump in her head.

Stacy Smith

We're trying to get him in the NFL Hall now and that's going to be tough.

Dorothy Bass Atkins

We tried not to be too crazy when I came in by making a lot of changes all at once. It was just a gradual progression to fit in our style of play and I thought we were pretty successful with that.

Dave Sylvester

We tried to pressure them, but you've always got Young. When she's got the ball in her hands, she can slow the game down.

Mark Senftner

It was a tough day and I didn't play that well. It was always going to be that type of day. I think the best player on the day won the tournament. I was just trying to hang in there for as long as possible.

Paul Broadhurst

In a low-budget, amateur production of one of the most popular and performed plays of all times ... if you're not going to do something different with it, you're not going to do it justice. We're going for a very big, stylized, in-your-face style just to see what people think about it. We're trying to show people a Midsummer they've never seen before.

Katie Mason

Some people were calling me un-American and all that. I know that I'm unified with our country. I feel and I know that my actions are as American as anyone else's. I'm trying to preserve the people's right to have some kind of oversight and some say in the cycle of violence that could occur if we go into war without an end in sight.

Barbara Lee

With the subsurface of Mars, we've literally just scratched the surface and we're trying to probe, now, more than a couple of feet into it.

Richard Zurek

I definitely think it is scary for opposing defenses because we have so many weapons out there. I'd hate to be an opposing coach trying to stop us. These guys are explosive.

Raymond White

We're beginning to get backed into a corner. It's something worth trying.

Terry Chapin

This was tried once before in America, when the liberty and happiness rights of the slaveholder were put over the life and liberty rights of the slave. But unlike abortion today, in most states even the slaveholder did not have unlimited right to kill his slave.

Rick Santorum

We are going to have a party. Setting out back in April and trying to get the $27,000 to pay the balloon payment to save the building, I was really apprehensive about whether I was going to get that. I feel pretty good about the fire company, a lot better than I did earlier in 2005 when we stepped in there.

Lee Pressler

I had no idea that we would pull it out. I was just thinking that we were trying to hold on to third today.

Robby Hirst

We had a meeting Wednesday and we tried to talk about our emotion and our enthusiasm. They came out early (Friday) so they could get fired up, and I still didn't see a very enthusiastic team out there. I don't know if that's just the way they play, but we got two wins.

Pam Stone

I've never tried to hide who I am from anyone, but I'm a very private person and in the past I haven't felt the need to say anything about my sexuality.

Mark Feehily

It's a lot of trust in each other and knowing that your guy next to you is going to be there to help contain or make the play. Everybody has a role. It's a matter of maintaining your zone. You've just got to be smart and know when you can do that kind of stuff, be a kamikaze and know when they're trying to set you up and (not) run yourself out of a play.

Wesly Mallard

There's a perception that British pies suffer from mediocrity, and historically they have. We're trying to re-educate people about what pie is.

James Robertson

Obviously we're going to be trying to do it again. They're running well.

Sandy Hoddinott

But it's a blessing to be so successful within a year; it's the greatest feeling in the world, making money and doing the things that I'm doing, and I definitely trying to continue doing what I'm doing.


We changed defensively a bit. They were trying to waste time a bit, so we needed to change up and get a little bit of pressure. It took them a little by surprise. When we got a turnover, we had to turn it into offense.

Terry Kukesh

We played pretty hard in the first quarter and did some of the things we tried to do in our offense and hit some shots. When they picked up the pressure there in the second quarter we just kind of backed down.

Phil Leonard

Started hitting my brother that's when me and her tried to get the guys off us both ended up getting hit.

Alysa Stewart

It doesn't help to wallow in self-pity. We're trying.

Cindy Salerno

I think investors are still trying to figure out whether this is a fundamental recovery or a short term stabilization, ... I don't think people can tell right now.

Apjit Walia

It's about rehashing old ideas and trying to make some money out of it, basically.

David Gahan

(Adams) was intentionally trying to hurt or kill someone. You don't stab someone repeatedly unless you're trying to kill them.

Ricky Diamond Jr

It's a new year, a new look, a new beginning. We're trying to keep out all the bad news from last year and trying to win a championship. What better way to start out than with new uniforms?

Jermaine Jackson

We had a lot of play calls for Chris and were trying to get him the ball, but they played great defense. Every time Chris got the ball, they were right in his face, so he really couldn't get anything off.

C.j. Watson

I think we have prepared really well. Although this is the toughest conference, there is not much pressure for me. I'm just a freshman, and I'm trying to work on my game. We know we will fight hard.

Bojana Bobusic

The G-8 made a promise this summer that some of the world's poorest nations would see their debts to the IMF and World Bank totally and irrevocably erased. Now some governments and the World Bank are trying to take that promise back. That is unacceptable.

Neil Watkins

Every part of the lives of the family members is sort of geared toward trying to maintain ... the family as opposed to just falling apart in crisis.

Judith Levy

We really wanted to take into account what people needed here. To keep it historically true to Rocky Mount was tough. ... We tried to bring that modern touch.

Andrea Henderson

I feel bad for the kids. There has got to be some kind of leeway. Who are we here for? We've got to be here for the kids. It could have happened to anyone of us. They weren't out trying to cut weight. This was just a miscommunication. We've got to be able to fix it.

Chopper Mello

When you step into an arena like the Civic Center, with so much history that they've made in there, yes you do come in as the underdog because they've done what they've had to do over the years to prove themselves as possibly the greatest program in the country. We're trying to establish ourselves as a powerhouse school as well. It's going to be a tough challenge to see where we are as a team.

Seimone Augustus

You would think that it would be hard to miss someone in the road if you were going back to look for them. Right now it is a shock, and we are trying to deal with everything right now.

Brooke Buetti

Dani made very good step-by-step progress. He tried a qualifying tyre for the first time and he was very good, we are pleased. He also did a longer session and was consistently fast, so we are happy with this too.

Makoto Tanaka

It's unfortunate that the judge failed to truly give her the credit she deserved for trying to put a stop to this.

Chris Flood

I'm trying to feel my way through this area and district. Goochland is a quality team in this area. They have great skill players and a lot of speed. We are going to have to be a very disciplined football team next week if we want to be successful stopping them.

Joel Gray

I'm always looking for something kind of melancholy, ... I guess I was trying to mix these things without really knowing it. I write in a way that's more subconscious, just trying to articulate some mystery that's not obvious.

Chris Whitley

It was one of the biggest musical moments of my life. From then on, Dennis tried to hire us for sessions.

Tom Smith

It's about getting out there and selling it. I've been trying to go to all the parents' meetings.

Jim Ford

We're trying to stay away from the high fastball. All our guys have been concentrating on that since spring. If you miss, miss down.

Tom Hume

She is trying to keep her troops in line and stay on message, so not to let victory slip out of reach.

Chris Burns

When he was little, I made sure my son, Aaron, met James and listened to our conversations. I wanted Aaron to be around James. Personally, I wouldn't be who I am today without James. He elevated himself and everyone around him. Even as coaches, he elevated us. He tried to walk a straight line in a crooked world.

Dale Mays

I can hit a home run. I'm pretty good with a bat. I had to protect myself, and I had to protect my daughter, because I didn't know what this man was trying to do, if he wanted to harm me or rob me.

Charlotte Johnson

They're trying to develop a persecution complex.

Jeremy Gunn

Our history is not a history of the marginalization and exclusion of women. Our history is a history of the empowerment of women. We're not trying to invent something new. We're trying to pick up where we left off.

Ingrid Mattson

I think some of them are still trying to figure out what they want to do. Some are still trying to locate family members.

Joe Leonard

[Illegal immigration] is an issue of growing concern and even anxiety at the grass roots, ... It's one of those issues where politicians of both parties are trying to catch up with the public.

Roberto Suro

They were horrified. They were asking what it was, and we were saying, 'Sadly it's probably ill,' and you're trying to make it as light as you can.

Alison Adams

We have tried to overcome this by installing multiple leased line in our office and inviting select bidders to bid from our office if they so choose.

Minal Vazirani

The fact that we have such a small customer base continues to be our biggest weakness here. Take a place like Richmond, where they've got one treatment plant, and 100,000 customers - and here we're trying to do four treatment plants with 7,000 customers. The cost impact per customer is significantly higher for small facilities.

Ken Fanfoni

I'm very frustrated, trying to figure out what went wrong in that process.

Steve Simpson

We've tried a lot of different things, but with this last CD, we wanted to get back to that front porch approach.

Bruce Roper

[After the show of affection, it was time to break out.] I'm trying to get as far way from this place as possible, ... Let's go.

Beanie Sigel

When we've to take a wild panther out of the wild because it was injured, they've really fought being caged and break their teeth trying to bite at the chain link. We want to make sure we put this one someplace that's not going to happen.

Deborah Jansen

Adrian took off, and it looked like they were little kids trying to hold on to a train. Man, that dude's just dangerous.

Davin Joseph

It all starts with Shaq. We're all so conscious of him, where he is at and trying to double-team him. We're trying to help, we are trying to front him, trying to do everything. It all just rolls off him.

Kyle Korver

We have been trying to call the mayor's office, we have been trying to call the governor's office ... we have tried to use any inside pressure we can. We are turning to you. Please help us.

Norman Mcswain

We're also fairly stubborn, I think, fairly independent. We have our share of difficulties with our federal government, although I've tried to as I am here encourage a better way of discussing those problems.

Dan Miller

The Dolphins are very interested. We're not trying to go on a world-wide tour, we're not going to see every team that is interested. If the right situation is there, there's no reason to go on other visits.

Kevin Poston

For the last year and a half, I'm actually really enjoying myself on stage. Before I was happy we could please the fans, but I was always looking out of the corner of my eye, trying to keep track of Jan - making sure that he wasn't getting up and going someplace that he shouldn't or worrying that he's going to trip over something and hurt himself.

Dean Torrence

Creationism was consciously trying to model the science on a certain interpretation of Genesis. You don't have anything like that in intelligent design.

William Dembski

He's trying to tell the people who he is. He wants to instill confidence in the coming administration, he wants to identify with the people and their concerns, and he's trying to set a tone for the way he will govern and how he will address problems.

Rick Thigpen

That's two months without a win. It was awful. It was hell. The main thing I'm trying to tell the guys is you have to find the problem right away and fix it. Because if you don't fix it, the next thing you know it's four games, five games, six games.

Paul Cabana

We were trying to characterize the lens through which people see the world. A community is a collection of symbols and images. And we wanted our symbols and images to be better than the other guy's.

Brooke Warrick

[So spread your wealth, and you should be fine. If you do, you can rest easy while the market shudders.] Interest rates are cyclical; they go up and they go down, ... Trying to ride that roller coaster is silly.

Ric Edelman

We were just trying to take it to them and make them commit fouls.

Ronnie Brewer

We didn't execute during crunch time. They did a good job of shadowing Will, which everybody is going to do, but my guys stopped trying to get the ball to him. I don't know how many shots he got in the fourth quarter, but I bet he didn't get more than a handful.

Calvin Saunders

What they are doing is putting their best foot forward and trying to convince the SEC that some of the potential allegations don't hold water.

Christopher Bebel

This is early intervention. We're trying to avoid children being classified for special ed, we're trying to avoid children being retained, and we're trying to bolster self-esteem.

Denise Mechan

There is confusion regarding the position of the External Affairs Minister. We are trying for the membership of the Security Council of the United Nation. The UN has set up a high-level enquiry committee, which found the involvement of some companies of Switzerland, Italy and India, and after that Singh gave a statement that he is being implicated for supporting Saddam Hussein's regime.

Amar Singh

The judge is trying to come up with creative ways ... to help the district and the city settle the case.

Jake Moore

Our line has done a great job of protecting me and we've got some really talented receivers on this team. I try not to think much about all of the numbers. I'm just trying to get better every week, and if I can do that everything else will fall in place.

Blake Powers

Alka-Seltzer has some of the most famous advertising of all time and the brand has withstood the test of time. This was a way to tap into the 75th anniversary. Tapping into the familiar, tried and true seemed a very natural place to go.

Jay Kolpon

It kept going through my mind ... I knew I had to keep trying to get it up there. I felt like I had to make a couple of shots to keep us in there mentally.

Dallas Richardson

I got a bloody black eye for it. I couldn't see out of my eye. He's just trying to get his charges dropped. It wasn't a dive or anything like that. He's got a bad record. He shouldn't go around hitting blokes high.

Joel Clinton

He was really into technology and trying to connect homeless people to technology.

Georgine Getty

Good writers are monotonous, like good composers. They keep trying to perfect the one problem they were born to understand.

Alberto Moravia

We were just trying some things out. You never know when you'll need it.

Adanma Ekeledo

I was playing around with different concepts in my mind and came up with trying to use our big men up top because of their quickness and the confusion I thought they could cause.

Derrick Kirce

Shane tried to join the Marines but was turned down for a hearing impairment.

Peggy Cox

Me and Chauncey were talking in the locker room. We are trying to figure out some way to recognize him.

Rasheed Wallace

It's another excellent performance on the gross margin level. That has to imply taking costs out. There's a continuous process of trying to squeeze costs.

Paul Diggle

Number one, I was trying to change our fortune. Number two, we've been preaching a lot about character and showing some class. I just thought it'd be a sign of showing kids that you didn't have to look like a bum all the time to do a job. They got a kick out of it. I think it loosened them up a little bit.

Clay Jordan

He had such huge strengths and huge weaknesses. He practiced journalism like a blue-collar craftsman with a populist point of view. He was practicing a crusading craft rather than a profession, and [investigative reporting] has lost some of its juice, its verve, its gusto, in trying to be objective. Anderson didn't try to hide his politics or his agenda.

Mark Feldstein

I think all the teams have raised the bar. It's a much better game today. If I was the same player who tried out in '98 today, I wouldn't make the team.

Angela Ruggiero

The first thing I did was look at the caller ID and all it said was 'outside call.' I was trying to figure out if it was a joke, when I realized it wasn't I knew we had to evacuate the building.

Sandra Bell

I was telling my mother that this isn't the Olympic dream I planned. We're just trying to get to the Olympics, and if we get to the Olympics then maybe we'll know how to pay for it.

Tim Nardiello

Overall, do we have a good team? Yeah. Are we all on the same page at all times? Absolutely not. It's just a matter of trying to pull it together, trying to get chemistry. That's something that I just really feel that we lack.

Lisa Leslie

We've been trying to bring people in. We're just hoping that we get a little bit of a break.

Tony Pulis

We've tried to build something that will be attractive for everybody from 5 to 95. And folks who are serious racers will have a nice venue. I think the event and party rooms will be popular. It's a great place for office or company outings and graduation parties.

Kris Taylor

This sends a clear message that the people of Paris are not happy with what the city manager and the City Council have been trying to do.

Richard Manning

It's not necessarily inappropriate to build new towns, but it's an issue that requires discussion and thought -- way beyond trying to craft something for an individual development.

Janet Bowman