Harry Wu
FameRank: 4

"Harry Wu" (born 1937) is human rights in the People's Republic of China/Chinese human rights activist. Wu spent 19 years in Chinese labor camps, and is now a resident and citizen of the United States. In 1992, he founded the Laogai Research Foundation.

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If I tried to escape or did anything wrong, they would have killed me and harvested my organs.

[But opponents contend there are other avenues of engagement.] Remember 1936 -- the Olympics held in Berlin, ... a wonderful Games and opportunity over there, but actually encouraged Hitler [and] Nazi Germany. We don't want to repeat that mistake.

It's a dirty business that costs peoples' lives. Their money is built on people's suffering and blood.

That will prop up the corrupted regime. We are rewarding and we are encouraging the government for what they did over the past 20 years.

This human rights violation is very unique. It does not happen in any other country, only in China.

In Russia there were gulags, in Germany they had concentration camps, and because of the silence of the international community a lot of people were killed there. We should realize that we have an obligation to stop such things from happening.

If you dream for freedom, if you dream for love, if you dream for your future, that is not good because that causes pain and suffering.

We never wanted to do any business with the Soviet 'evil empire. We embargo Cuba, we don't trade with North Korea, but with China it's O.K. I just always argue, why is it? Why do we single out China?

He didn't feel any regret or any sorrow. It was just like he was cutting the pig meat at a meat market. He's a butcher, a human beings butcher.