Third time's a charm. I want to thank all my supporters who came out and supported me. I look forward to the race this fall.

Johnny Weismuller Jr

I want to thank all the pitchers who couldn't go nine innings, and manager Dick Howser who wouldn't let them go.

Dan Quisenberry

I don't know what I could ever possibly say to them, because 'thank you' is not enough... . As far as my husband and I are concerned, they're the heroes. Liam was lucky. He was given a gift by these people who were able to overcome, in a moment, that tragedy that they went through, and make that decision that they made that a lot of people don't.

Lynn Dooley

Thank you to those people who showed visible support to us. It was most appreciated and it helped.

Joseph O'sullivan

Thank God they took me.

De'shawn Singleton

I've had the privilege of flying with two wonderful crews. It was a wonderful experience and a wonderful week. Thank you very much.

Marcos Pontes

I thank God to this day that I didn't hit him. It probably would have broken his jaw.

Dickie Noles

It's a dream come true. I thank God and cry all the time, it's just a wonderful feeling.

Sarah Frazier

We've had so much fun, and we can't thank Santa Barbara enough for welcoming us.

Bonnie Campbell

It was a difficult campaign, with several major disasters happening all over the world, but, at the end, we were able to meet and exceed our campaign goal once again this year. This is our opportunity to thank our many volunteers, donors and others who helped us raise the money needed to help so many in our area.

Carolyn Jackson

Thank you for helping me grow.

Wendy Kaminer

Lord, we thank you in advance for healing the nation.

John Caldwell

Thank heavens the sun has gone in, and I don't have to go out and enjoy it.

Logan Pearsall Smith

What we do is try to lay out for people that what we find to be fairly common sense in our personal lives -- saying thank you and appreciating people -- somehow gets lost in the course of normal business.

Chester Elton

I want to say a big thank you to everyone who came to the game on Saturday and contributed to Grassroot. Grassroot Soccer will benefit by over $7,500, which is a terrific response from the Notre Dame community.

Bobby Clark

These awards provide an opportunity for children to thank the adults that have had a positive impact on their life.

Jacqueline Wilson

Thank you for being here and supporting la belle terre, this beautiful land.

Michael Doucet

Go home and give parents a big hug, and a big thank you for making this building possible.

David Ferguson

I would like to thank the teachers for being spelling team members. Thank goodness they're brave enough to get up there and spell in front of the whole world.

Regina Taylor

We have to thank our host family. The gave us a chance to stay here and have taken us different places and let us into their lives, that really makes a difference to us.

Daniel Meyrick

I want to personally thank all the participants in this outing for providing a record amount of support to benefit children in need.

Bob Kaufman

Thank you, Comrade President.

Andrei A. Gromyko

I'm just glad Chatham was able to make it and I thank them for doing that.

Don Shuler

This support will enable our school to make the kind of quality improvements our children deserve. We can't thank the Anthony Robbins Foundation enough for this opportunity.

Christine Mitchell

It's a lovely way to say thank you for coming.

Christine Ferguson

Thank goodness for the fog. It kept people home.

Marc Ward

She sat there and shook and cried and kept saying, 'Thank you, thank you, thank you,'.

Michael Boyle

I would like to thank George Heller and his team for establishing a great foundation on which we can build a very promising future for HBC.

Jerry Zucker

We've had great response for it. It brings all different schools together at one time, a great uniting event with all administrations of school districts in the county. It's our way of thanking teachers and congratulating students for the job they did.

Donnie Miller

This is such a huge thing for us. Thank God, we're finally getting the services the other quadrants of the city have.

Cindy Taylor

Although the job is far from over, comfort has been given to those in their deepest time of need, ... We want to sincerely thank those who have contributed time and effort to help us to stabilize some of Kennett's newest residents.

Pam Davis

I wanted closure. And for him to thank me for being so loyal to him over the years. Instead he stood up and asked me if I wanted to see his penis.

Lauren Alcorn

I'd like to thank my teammates, my mother and the coaching staff. I couldn't have done this without them. It was a hard decision and I had to go with my heart.

Patrick Beverley

The numbers are down here (in the United States) for HIV and AIDS babies, thank goodness, but it's an epidemic there.

Jim Jenkins

Yours was the 10,000-day war born of the Vietnamese's desire to be free and fueled by communist ideology. You met the call of duty, shouldered your burdens and returned with valor, courage and commitment. We respect, admire and thank you.

Frank Anderson

I am very happy to score two goals in such a big game. I would like to thank my coach for standing by me in such a big game.

Obafemi Martins

Real Madrid has lost a great professional. Real Madrid has been happy with him and we thank him for everything he has done here. He told us that he wanted to leave because it's a World Cup year and here he ran the risk of not always playing. We wanted to loan him and sell him only if it was a big offer. That [offer] arrived and we accepted.

Arrigo Sacchi

This is a disappointing loss because we definitely hoped to play longer, but I have to thank our seniors (Abbey Becca, Meredith Koehler) for helping our program get back on track. They made a positive impact on our younger kids.

Brian Best

What was she thanking her for? Sheehan does a press conference every day.

Michael Goodwin

She stated that she wanted a pastor to pray with her so she could thank God for saving her life, ... She's 8 years old. Isn't that the most beautiful thing you've ever heard?

Lisa Taylor

I really wanted to thank them for their valuable public service, I was really quite surprised. Writing isn't my big skill.

Mary Mcginnis

Thank you for showing me your marvelous guns.

Steve Moss

A woman once drove me to drink, and I never had the decency to thank her.

Sir Winston Churchill

I also want to thank the person who picked up litter and put it in the litter basket. I want to thank the parents who help their children with homework every night and I want to thank the person who goes by to check on a neighbor.

James Perkins

Who would have thought 20, 10, five years ago, that Chile would elect a woman president? ... Thank you for inviting me to lead this voyage.

Michelle Bachelet

I thank God he's our president.

Jim Towey

We want the crowd to come out and prove the banner the Sydney players displayed (thanking the 'best fans') incorrect. If we don't sell out the stadium this week we never will.

Michael Petrillo

I want to say thank you to everybody.

Vado Diomande

We listed the names of all contributors, large and small, in the masthead of our debut issue. We hoped this inclusion would serve as a thank-you.

Jason Binn

I'm sorry for everything. What happened shouldn't have happened. I wish it would have been me that got the bullet. I want to thank her family for watching over the children, not for me, but for Andrea.

Alvin Starks

We believe in eating right and living right and thanking God every day for divine health.

Beulah Derstine

Give it up for Ray Charles and his beautiful legacy. And thank you, Ray Charles for living.

Jamie Foxx

We consider it a public garden, a piece of Uptown. People stop and look and thank us. During the Uptown Art Fair, someone liked our garden so much that he left us a present.

Tom Schmidt

We thank Governor Schwarzenegger for doing the right thing by vetoing 'gay marriage' licenses.

Randy Thomasson

Thank you for the opportunity to serve in such an important role.

Steve Morris

I really hope that this technology will reduce the cost and make it easier for the small communities in New Mexico to deal with the new arsenic regulations. And I thank all the groups that have funded this project in the past and present.

Gregory Miller

Thank goodness for Rachel Ashwell and shabby chic -- that's our inspiration.

Laryl Morrison

We survived this one. We're not clicking yet. We've had spurts and thank goodness we had a spurt at the end of the game.

Jeff Law

And perhaps, posterity will thank me for having shown it that the ancients did not know everything.

Pierre De Fermat

I don't do it for a pat on the back. But every now and then someone sends a card and says, 'Thank you.' That makes the job good.

Doug Barfield

That night was the most terrible night that we guards ever endured... I myself felt as if our government was gone, but thank God it stills exists and we now have another Abraham Lincoln at the helm in the person of President Harding.

Harry Hoover

Thank God for the arts center. But it's a lot harder for people to promote that image of Mesa.

Mike Elliott

That's impressive. Thank goodness we were playing defense and getting rebounds. That kept us in the game.

Amanda Van Voorhis

That was the coaches' idea for us to go up and thank them. It was a great feeling to let them know we appreciate their coming all this way, staying with us during the season.

Marcellus Sommerville

Yes, we really did appreciate that, ... I just thank the Lord for them bringing us up there.

Mary Lee

We need to thank God for dreamers.

Tom Owen

I can only thank our English colleagues for their joint work and the help they gave in order to complete this operation within the time we had available – that is, before the oxygen reserves ran out.

Vladimir Pepelyayev

Somebody broke in my house to warn me. That's why I'm alive now. I don't know where he is to thank him.

Cindy Williams

Thank you for choosing Canada. We're very, very proud of each and every one of our new citizens of Canada.

Robert Morrow

I want to thank all the medical staff and the Valencia supporters, the team, the coach and the president for being there for me. Now I can't wait to get back to training.

Pablo Aimar

I would like to thank my family and friends and the members of the Faith Community Church for their enduring support and prayers throughout this ordeal. I particularly want to thank my wife, Robyn, for being so strong and supportive from the beginning.

Mark Gardner

It's a honor for the athletes and [their] thanking them for all the hard work that they have put in and the competitive nature that each of them have. It's always nice to be on a team.

Dean Hayes

Being a college student has made me see the world differently, inspired me to empower others, and helped me realize my own potential. I would like to thank every single person who has helped me to keep my courage and motivation.

Nancy Hernandez

There was some minor damage. Some shutters and shingles were destroyed. But there was no structural damage or water damage. Thank God there was no water damage. We were just so grateful we actually had a home to go back to.

John Castle

Thank God Mooresville's got that soft rim. I noticed it all night. That thing kind of hit the front and kind of looked like a putt at the end where you think it's dead and then it just kind of drops.

Mike Gurley

It will just be a fun day and celebration from the growth that we've experienced here at the donor center. We can't thank a donor enough, actually, because they're giving something really almost more precious than money, they're giving a part of themselves and without them, what would we do? The patients wouldn't have the blood they need.

Linda Wilson

Glenn occupies a special place at this club. He will always be welcome at White Hart Lane. I should like to personally thank him for his determination and commitment.

Daniel Levy

Just all muscle-related stuff in my neck and back. Nothing was broken, thank God.

Mike Ayers

It could have gone either way. It was pretty volatile there for a while. Thank God it didn't turn out to be a free-for-all.

John Hobbs

Your deeds exceed the power of human imagination. They are without equal in the history of mankind. How can we (the German people) ever thank you?

Leni Riefenstahl

I am very thankful to get out of here with a win tonight and thank god for the roll this team is on right now.

Paul Dudzinski

I would like to thank the press from the heart of my bottom.

Nick Faldo

The first thing that your should do when you win an Oscar is thank God. The second thing you should do is forget it. The third thing you should do is call your agent and tell him you need a job.

Rod Steiger

Essentially we have been going house to house talking with them about the risk, offering the vaccine and attempting to collect specimens to see if the virus has been spreading. Some families have said, 'No, thank you, we do not want to interact with you at all.' Other families have said, 'Sure, we'll get vaccinated. We'll provide specimens.

Harry Hull

I would like to thank my coach for believing in me.

Carlos Tevez

This festival is a great way to say 'thank you' to our most loyal customers and surround ourselves with those who love grits the best.

Robin Winer

We kept coming back. We kept believing. The guys just found me in transition, and I thank God I hit that shot, hit a couple shots.

Bryce Sheldon

We thank that country very much, and their leaders.

Mary Lyons

Their son is a hero. He went to Iraq and thank God he didn't get a bullet, but he comes home and he gets three bullets....

Luis Carrillo

We thank the victims for their patience and dignity throughout this long ordeal. We're obviously very pleased with the result. We've always had confidence in our evidence, and now everyone else can have confidence in this evidence and this verdict.

Joseph Hartzler

To hunt it's God's privilege. Every time I hunt deer or bear, I thank God for bringing me that animal.

Ralph Mazzuca

We're very excited and very lucky. We love these people to death and can't thank them enough.

Felicia Brown

We thank the NFL for giving us a home game in New York and raising all the money they did. But when it comes down to it, we have to play football.

Deuce Mcallister

I want to thank (Director of Schools) Jack Parton for putting up with me since January. He needs a purple heart.

John Wade

We thank and praise God for this, ... for you all opening your hearts and coming in and helping us.

Louise Williams

We certainly consider every request. Without White Sox fans, there would be no White Sox world series championship. This is our way of thanking them.

Katie Kirby

We chose to record The Star-Spangled Banner to show our solidarity with the undocumented immigrants and their quest for basic civil rights, as well as to say thank you for their contribution to our comfort and our dreams.

Adam Kidron

I can't thank enough what the league and the University of Denver has given me.

Matt Carle

I found myself saying, 'Thank you so much for coming.We've been so excited'.

Fern Britton

Your bounty is beyond my speaking; But though my mouth be dumb, my heart shall thank you.

Nicholas Rowe

The Homer Simpson 'Conducting Oneself With Quiet Dignity' award goes to Bruce Dickinson , for not using his acceptance speech as a cheap shot against the Osbournes , but merely thanking his band and fans. Bravo, sir!

Iron Maiden

America has a lot to thank him for.

David Brant

I'd like to thank everyone and anyone from my heart for their donation to the cause.

Brad Ward

Thank goodness we played those series of matches. With conference play beginning this week, the exhibition provided us with a real glimpse of where we have strengths and where we have weaknesses.

Dave Sitton

Whoever finishes third should thank their lucky stars that Mike was not running, because he would have finished fourth if Mike was in the race.

Alan Stein

It was probably one of the best rides I was involved in. They really achieved more than I expected. They did everything I asked them to. I'm so happy for my seniors to get this far. I can't thank them for all they've done.

Terry Mancini

Principals don't like surprises, but I like this one. Thank you for paying attention to those of us who had concerns.

Charlie Scott

Lovely? Well, thank you. That's kind of nice of you to say.

Barry Switzer

I'm getting calls from all over the state. What the public needs to do is simply calm down. Folks need to cut out their unnecessary travel and stay home and thank the good Lord that they have a home to stay in.

Roger Lane

I want to thank Canada for embracing me and making me a Canadian citizen. I want to thank Pierre for all his skill in driving.

Lascelles Brown

At the end of the week the villagers wanted to thank us, so they had a party, the bakery made cakes and the villagers dressed in native costumes and performed traditional dances.

Ann Baker

On behalf of the Grand Prix Foundation, I'd like to congratulate and thank Mr. Naito for stepping up to the plate and winning this auction. As in past years, net proceeds from this year's events, including this auction, will benefit local charities. We are grateful for his participation this year.

Rick Duree

Twenty-one seconds, $70,000. Thank you, NBC. It made us laugh.

Bill Lawrence

Bo opened up a lot of doors for a lot of people. I think he did the show a lot of good by coming on. He did a heck of a job, and so far with his career he's doing a fine job ... and I thank him very much for it.

Bucky Covington

I was more nervous to meet them than I was for my Olympic race. I mean, how do you thank somebody for saving your life at the same time they just endured a horrible family tragedy?

Chris Klug

It has been a pleasure working for the citizens of Rock County, and I really do thank them for the support that they've given in the time that I've been here.

Helen Krause

I've been away for more than 20 years. The day I left was the day I was ready to come back home. I just want to thank Terry for coming back home for this event.

Karl Malone

We just so thank the people of North Dakota for being so generous and supporting the people of Texas and Louisiana.

Dave Peterson

God gives us relatives; thank God we can choose our friends.

Ethel Mumford

Basically we found tonight that our backup system wasn't nearly as fast as our primary system. That caused a slowness at the ticket window. I'm sorry for all of those who were affected, but I thank them all for making the decision to come to the game.

Rick Greenspan

We would like to thank Orrin for his service as interim Chairman. His vast banking experience will continue to be a significant asset to World's Foremost Bank.

Dennis Highby

The Family Tree Award was designed to recognize excellence and leadership on behalf of LGBT parents and their children. Time and time again B.D. has been a tireless and passionate voice and a face for our families and our love. We are honored to have the opportunity to recognize and thank B.D. for his commitment to equality for LGBT parents and their children.

Jennifer Chrisler

I just want to thank Habitat for choosing my family and the First Presbyterian Church for sponsoring.

Renee Williams

I think this is real special that they're doing this for me. We won a lot of games and a lot of those kids turned out to do some darn good things. There were a lot of people to thank for that. I had two great presidents, a great athletic director and great fans. I just never realized how good I had it.

Jerry Stone

We are known for consistently low fares, and the response to our new low- fare service between Missouri and Dallas Love Field has been terrific. We are saying thank you to our Customers for responding to this new freedom in Dallas air travel.

Kevin Krone

We thank the club for being associated with us over the last 19 years. As we have always based our interests in helping promote sports at the grassroots level.

Joe Rodan

In this awful mess of Baghdad thank God there is one bright light anyway.

Bruce Kent

When we came here in 1991, this community embraced me and my family. Everywhere I've gone, people come up and say: 'Thank you for everything you do.' Tonight, I want to tell you it's my turn.

Pat Lafontaine

I thank God I'm finally going to get justice. I'm just praying that everyone else will get this feeling that I got right now.

Kay Pierce

I feel bad I couldn't control it. I feel bad. ... Thank God the man is alive.

Jose Ortiz

I followed all the rules and I still got breast cancer. And I thank God I did. If I wouldn't have I wouldn't have found the lump.

Yuman Donna Phipps

They should thank their lucky stars. If all of a sudden you've made a zillion dollars, and it's all in your company, you should diversify. That zillion all of a sudden can turn into half a zillion.

Bob Doll

I'd also like to thank Samuel for his contributions to the squad last season and wish him the best of luck in the future. Samuel is a player with valuable international experience and is a tremendous professional. As we looked at our overall team needs for 2006, though, we simply decided it was more prudent to invest our financial resources in other players.

John Guppy

To me, it is just freedom for my race and just overall cultural freedom for everyone and liberty. Martin Luther King Jr. was just a brilliant man in my eyes. If he was here, I would want to thank him for everything he did for us.

James Ward

We look forward to the proverbial 'look-'em-in-the-eye' and handshake, and say, 'thank you.

Michael Khayat

I would also like to thank my father who discouraged me from playing the violin at an early age.

Paul Desmond

We thank God for this gift he presented to us on this new year.

Ahmed Jibril

Yes, Daniel Robbins has decided to leave Microsoft to pursue his passion for software development with an independent software vendor where he will be focused on building in .Net on Windows. This move also takes Daniel and his family back to their hometown community of Albuquerque?We thank Daniel for his contribution to Microsoft and wish him the best of luck on his new job.

Bill Hilf

I thank them for doing that. Typically we don't like to win that way, but we'll take it.

Dave Reel

Thank you... I'm so happy right now. I'm so excited, I really am.. thank you.

Sarah Stone

We were all crying. We beat the No. 1 team. As of right now, we are going to do some hard-core celebrating. Thank the fans for being here. They were great. We know the season is not over, but tonight we are going to celebrate.

Sarah Elliott

Thank God for the Coastal Commission.

Councilwoman Shari Mackin

I got to thank God because that's my inspiration for everything that I do.


I just want to thank Chad for building this team the way he has. This job is very hard. Chad has always done a great job and he has trained me very well.

Darian Grubb

We could never thank them enough for what they did.

Lori Cope

It is always great to know that you have your fans there to support you. They bring energy and emotion, and they help us play with emotion. I thank our fans for giving us the support they have all season.

Betty Rogers

A great throw, a perfect throw, ... When I saw the out, I said 'Thank you!'

Armando Benitez

I will miss the community and I thank the community for supporting me over the years.

Helen Krause

Our biggest fear was knowing that they could both die. Thank goodness they're still here.

Bobby Ehasz

I don't know how to thank them, but I want to thank them from the bottom of my heart.

Shirley West

I would like to thank Morgan State University for the opportunity to coach the men's basketball team for the last five years. In addition, I would like to thank all the past and present student athletes for their hard work and dedication.

Butch Beard

Teachers play such an enormous role in forming, not just teaching them, but forming character in our kids. We really have to thank them for what they do. They are really the core that makes our society work.

Jeanine Pirro

We weren't exactly fluent, but it did help in communicating with the patients. Thank goodness we had translators, though.

Kay Scruggs

Thank goodness I was never sent to school; it would have rubbed off some of the originality.

Beatrix Potter

That was something special. Those guys laid a lot on the line. You've got to give them their respect. I just had to tell them, 'Thank you.' They did a lot for us here, protecting us.

Karlos Dansby

When we won the league championship, all the married guys on the club had to thank their wives for putting up with all the stress and strain all season. I had to thank all the single broads in New York.

Joe Namath

I thank the faculty and administration and students for their support over the years. We have super teachers who are quality people to work with.

Ben Borries

It's a big plus for Winona State. It's a recognition that we at the state level thank people that come forward with contributions.

Rep. Gene Pelowski

We feel pretty comfortable. We believe we're in a horse race. I have personally sent a thank-you card to every contributor.

Frank Coccho

I should write a thank-you note to Andre. I got the call about 10 p.m. on Sunday.

Travis Rettenmaier

Thank goodness the system worked like it was supposed to. The sprinklers came on and contained it to a very limited area. It could have been a lot worse.

Joe Kobryner

Pat Dennis' team don't quit and they don't give up. My heart was in my mouth in the first half, when we got in some early foul trouble. Thank goodness our bench was as resilient as it was.

Bob Mckillop

Thank God America is big. There is plenty of room for everybody to make money.

Rafi Maman

Thank you for all the hard work that you have done, ... I have seen the salary sheets so I know that you guys are not doing it for the money. I truly do appreciate that.

Tarik Glenn

I feel sorry for them, that they died, Thank God I'm alive.

Sebastian Zapata

They're so appreciative of the support they've gotten, ... They want to thank everyone.

Richard Gross

They (Americans) gave Iraq to Iran on a gold plate free of charge. They did what Khomeini failed to achieve. He must be celebrating in his grave, thanking the Americans.

Mustafa Alani

I've seen every range of emotion. From being physically threatened when I was in Cleveland, to grown men crying in my office, to people completely understanding it and thanking me, and thanking us for the opportunity. It's the full spectrum.

Scott Pioli

All the people who thanked me for coming and being there, ... I should be thanking them for being able to do what I do.

Ron Barr

This sends support to Boston, the church that has suffered most in the Catholic communion. The pope has decided to honor, thank and express trust in O'Malley.

Alberto Melloni

We like to say thank goodness for that.

John Willard

Our goal was to offer something unprecedented to the greatest baseball fans in America. The people of the state of Wisconsin continue to show tremendous passion for the Brewers, and this is our gesture to thank them for their incredible support in my first year as owner.

Mark Attanasio

I thank my parents and my home area.

Ai Miyazato

I want to thank the voters... for showing their confidence and I will try to live up to that voter confidence. I pledge that we will try to bring justice to every community in this city.

Robert Morgenthau

He was always there for me, and he cared so much about other people. I would thank him for being such a good guy.

Patrick Wang

We would like to thank Jerry for his contributions and wish him the best in his future endeavors.

Bob Ulrich

We thank Senator Danforth for his bold leadership and powerful voice for basic fairness for gay and lesbian families.

Patrick Guerriero

You spoke with passion for the civil rights of all Americans — regardless of if they're gay or straight. Thank you. Fairness is something that we should all agree on so in many ways this was no surprise. One day, I hope you'll even join me on a trip to Capitol Hill to argue for this basic right.

Joe Solmonese

The laughs mean more to me than the adoration. If two girls walk up to me and one says 'you're cute', I'll say thank you, but I appreciate it much more when the other one says 'you make me laugh so much'.

Michael J. Fox

It's a real energy taker. It's not our job to do this. It's not that we don't want to do it, but it's also important to get a thank you back. All it would take would be one thank you.

Haan Phelps

You think as time goes by, it'll get better, ... But it's just emptiness and sadness. Thank God I'm a religious person. And there better be a heaven, because I do a lot of talking to my son up there.

William Shea

Abortion is evil and it is wrong. We must thank God our parents did not allow us to be aborted ... Nothing destroys more life than abortion.

Judy Eagle

It was just awful. It was the bottom of my life. Thank God I didn't do any drugs or drink at the time, because if I did, I would have been a mess.

Alex Saavedra

I want to thank the volunteer firefighters without them things would've been ugly.

Brandon Hamilton

This is what Jason does. He wants to thank everyone else.

Pat Walker

Every player contributed to this victory. We have to thank God because things went well for us, having stayed close in the first.

Michael Hicks

Skip is one of my mentors. I get a lot of my ideas from other teachers, so I have lots of teachers to thank. The thing about teaching is, I constantly get to learn.

Jeffrey Wright

I want to thank all of our sponsors, volunteers, staff and board members as well as the service agencies because they were responsible for selling the tickets to the event.

Tressa Leadford

In the name of the United States and President Bush, I want to thank the Mexican people, President Fox and his government for their friendship.

Tony Garza

She was there every step of the way with me on my biking career. I just want to thank her for that.

Steve Ziemba

Thank God that there's not that many big spills in that area. It's very light compared to here, but we're going to address every one of them.

Roland Guidry

I know how many people have been working very hard for this and I would like to thank all of them. Crossing the finish line was a historic moment for the diesel technology.

Tom Kristensen

If I could do one thing, I'd send him a thank you for making me a better coach. There isn't anything left to chance for him as far as preparation. His physical and mental preparation are second to none.

Mike Hastings

We have so many medical bills and we really appreciate your donations, but most of all we appreciate the prayers. We were told she wouldn't last 24 hours, and she has. We were told she would never breathe on her own, and she is. We were told she would never see and she does. So, we just want to thank all of you for your prayers.

Lisa Wenger

Thank God it took place in a remote area where there appears to be no tremendous damage or personal injuries.

Richard Riordan

You're all very lucky -- thank God. Someone up there loves you.

Debbie Fletcher

It's been amazing. They are saying, 'Thank you.' It's only been positive.

Carol Roegner

Talk to your relatives. Remind them of your son's special needs, such as having a designated 'quiet room' for hectic times. Be firm but polite when asking for special arrangements and thank everyone for their support.

Kristin Stanberry

This is very, very, very good, and I thank Mr. Casey for his support.

Gene Stilp

Thank God, we hope he's going to be OK.

Giovanni Carrara