"Chester Elton" is an author, motivational speaker, trainer, and employee engagement expert. He is the New York Times best-selling author of several books on leadership and organizational management, including The Carrot Principle (co-written with Adrian Gostick), The 24-Carrot Manager and The Invisible Employee. Elton’s books have been translated into over 20 languages and have sold more than 1,000,000 copies worldwide.

Chester is Senior Vice President of the Carrot Culture division with the O.C. Tanner Recognition Company.

More Chester Elton on Wikipedia.

When you get a good idea, reward it. The odds are you'll get more good ideas from that same employee.

What we do is try to lay out for people that what we find to be fairly common sense in our personal lives -- saying thank you and appreciating people -- somehow gets lost in the course of normal business.