It was an interesting, interesting place for many years. It wasn't nothing to see stars in there. I could go on for 100 hours and not tell you all the things that went on in there.

There's no statute that governs me on how I investigate my cases, ... We're all trained to conduct investigations.

We used master streams to put out the fire and had fire trucks at all four corners of the complex to keep the fire from spreading to other apartment complexes.

We took over a lot of the business that Tootsie's had.

It could have gone either way. It was pretty volatile there for a while. Thank God it didn't turn out to be a free-for-all.

We were speculating that lightning struck the building and now we are sure it was the culprit after talking to the residents.

We have food, ham chips, drinks, anything needed to sustain life. We were here when it hit. We had never been in a hurricane. It was an eye-opening experience. It was a shock.